include/ [connection master] CREATE TABLE t1_11753004 (c1 INT); CREATE TABLE t2_11753004 (c1 INT); INSERT INTO t1_11753004 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO t2_11753004 VALUES (2); call mtr.add_suppression(".*Found table map event mapping table id 0 which was already mapped but with different settings.*"); include/ SET @save_debug= @@global.debug; SET GLOBAL debug_dbug="+d,inject_tblmap_same_id_maps_diff_table"; include/ UPDATE t1_11753004, t2_11753004 SET t1_11753004.c1=3, t2_11753004.c1=4 WHERE t1_11753004.c1=1 OR t2_11753004.c1=2; include/ [errno=1593 ] include/ SET GLOBAL debug_dbug="-d,inject_tblmap_same_id_maps_diff_table"; include/ include/ DROP TABLE t1_11753004, t2_11753004; include/ SET GLOBAL debug_dbug="+d,inject_tblmap_same_id_maps_diff_table"; include/ include/ CREATE TABLE t1_11753004 (c1 INT); CREATE TABLE t2_11753004_ign (c1 INT); INSERT INTO t1_11753004 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO t2_11753004_ign VALUES (2); UPDATE t1_11753004, t2_11753004_ign SET t1_11753004.c1=3, t2_11753004_ign.c1=4 WHERE t1_11753004.c1=1 OR t2_11753004_ign.c1=2; CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 INT); CREATE TABLE t2 (c1 INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1); BINLOG ' SOgWTg8BAAAAbgAAAHIAAAAAAAQANS42LjMtbTUtZGVidWctbG9nAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABI6BZOEzgNAAgAEgAEBAQEEgAAVgAEGggAAAAICAgCAAAAAAVAYI8= '/*!*/; SET GLOBAL debug_dbug="+d,inject_tblmap_same_id_maps_diff_table"; BINLOG ' SOgWThMBAAAAKQAAAAYDAAAAAEIAAAAAAAEABHRlc3QAAnQxAAEDAAE= SOgWThMBAAAAKQAAAC8DAAAAAEMAAAAAAAEABHRlc3QAAnQyAAEDAAE= SOgWThgBAAAAKAAAAFcDAAAAAEIAAAAAAAAAAf///gEAAAD+AwAAAA== SOgWThgBAAAAKAAAAH8DAAAAAEMAAAAAAAEAAf///gEAAAD+BAAAAA== '/*!*/; ERROR HY000: Fatal error: Found table map event mapping table id 0 which was already mapped but with different settings. DROP TABLE t1,t2; SET GLOBAL debug_dbug="-d,inject_tblmap_same_id_maps_diff_table"; DROP TABLE t1_11753004; DROP TABLE t2_11753004_ign; SET GLOBAL debug_dbug= @save_debug; include/