include/ [connection master] ## case #1 - last_null_bit_pos==0 in record_compare without X bit include/ CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 bigint(20) DEFAULT 0, c2 bigint(20) DEFAULT 0, c3 bigint(20) DEFAULT 0, c4 varchar(1) DEFAULT '', c5 bigint(20) DEFAULT 0, c6 bigint(20) DEFAULT 0, c7 bigint(20) DEFAULT 0, c8 bigint(20) DEFAULT 0) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO t1 ( c5, c6 ) VALUES ( 1 , 35 ); INSERT INTO t1 ( c5, c6 ) VALUES ( NULL, 35 ); UPDATE t1 SET c5 = 'a'; include/ [master:t1, slave:t1] DROP TABLE t1; ## case #1.1 - last_null_bit_pos==0 in record_compare with X bit ## (1 column less and no varchar) include/ CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 bigint(20) DEFAULT 0, c2 bigint(20) DEFAULT 0, c3 bigint(20) DEFAULT 0, c4 bigint(20) DEFAULT 0, c5 bigint(20) DEFAULT 0, c6 bigint(20) DEFAULT 0, c7 bigint(20) DEFAULT 0) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO t1 ( c5, c6 ) VALUES ( 1 , 35 ); INSERT INTO t1 ( c5, c6 ) VALUES ( NULL, 35 ); UPDATE t1 SET c5 = 'a'; include/ [master:t1, slave:t1] DROP TABLE t1; ## case #2 - X bit is wrongly set. include/ CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 int, c2 varchar(1) default '') ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET= latin1; INSERT INTO t1(c1) VALUES (10); INSERT INTO t1(c1) VALUES (NULL); UPDATE t1 SET c1= 0; include/ [master:t1, slave:t1] DROP TABLE t1; include/ CREATE TABLE t1 (c1 int(11) NOT NULL, c2 int(11) NOT NULL, c3 int(11) DEFAULT '-1') ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,2,NULL); UPDATE t1 SET c1=1, c2=2, c3=-1 WHERE c1=1 AND c2=2 AND ISNULL(c3); include/ [master:test.t1, slave:test.t1] DROP TABLE t1; include/