# ==== Purpose ==== # # check replication of load data with the server parameters subjected to # read_buffer_size > max_allowed_packet # # ==== Implementation ==== # # Insert many rows into t1, write t1 to file. # Load the file into t2. # See that t2 came out as expected on slave. # # ==== Related Bugs ==== # # BUG#30435 loading large LOAD DATA INFILE breaks slave with # read_buffer_size set on master # BUG#33413 show binlog events fails if binlog has event size of close # to max_allowed_packet source include/have_binlog_format_statement.inc; source include/master-slave.inc; --echo ==== Create a big file ==== # We turn off binlogging to avoid too much noise in the binlog. t1 is # just an auxiliary construction anyways, it is not needed on the # slave. --disable_query_log SET @@sql_log_bin= 0; let $rows= 5000; create table t1 (id int not null primary key auto_increment); while($rows) { eval insert into t1 values (null); dec $rows; } eval select * into outfile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug30435_5k.txt' from t1; DROP TABLE t1; SET @@sql_log_bin= 1; --enable_query_log --echo ==== Load our big file into a table ==== create table t2 (id int not null primary key auto_increment); select @@session.read_buffer_size - @@session.max_allowed_packet > 0 ; --replace_result $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR MYSQLTEST_VARDIR eval load data infile '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug30435_5k.txt' into table t2; select count(*) from t2 /* 5 000 */; # the binlog will show fragmented Append_block events source include/show_binlog_events.inc; --echo ==== Verify results on slave ==== sync_slave_with_master; select count(*) from t2 /* 5 000 */; --echo ==== Clean up ==== connection master; drop table t2; sync_slave_with_master; remove_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug30435_5k.txt; --source include/rpl_end.inc