# # This include file prints a standard message about possibly unsupported functionality # when a statement finished not as expected. # Usage: # --let $functionality = Foreign keys # optional # --let $my_last_stmt = INSERT INTO t VALUES (1) # optional --let $versions = if (!$functionality) { --let $functionality = Functionality } if ($mysql_errname) { --let $result = finished with $mysql_errname if ($mysql_errname == ER_SYNTAX_ERROR) { --let $functionality = $functionality or the syntax } if ($mysql_errname == ER_ILLEGAL_HA) { --let $functionality = $functionality or the syntax --let $versions = unsupported } } if (!$mysql_errname) { --let $result = succeeded unexpectedly } if (!$versions) { --let $versions = unsupported|malfunctioning, or the problem was caused by previous errors } --echo # ------------ UNEXPECTED RESULT ------------ if ($my_last_stmt) { --echo # [ $my_last_stmt ] } --echo # The statement|command $result. --echo # $functionality or the mix could be $versions. --echo # You can change the engine code, or create an rdiff, or disable the test by adding it to disabled.def. --echo # Further in this test, the message might sometimes be suppressed; a part of the test might be skipped. --echo # Also, this problem may cause a chain effect (more errors of different kinds in the test). --echo # ------------------------------------------- --let $my_last_stmt = --let $functionality =