drop table if exists t1; ## Creating new table ## CREATE TABLE t1 ( id INT NOT NULL auto_increment, PRIMARY KEY (id), name VARCHAR(30) ); '#--------------------FN_DYNVARS_018_01-------------------------#' ## Setting initial value of variable to OFF ## SET @@global.general_log = OFF; SELECT @@general_log; @@general_log 0 flush logs; SET @@global.general_log = ON; flush logs; SET @@global.general_log = OFF; ## Inserting some Records & Verifying output in log ## INSERT into t1(name) values('Record_1'); INSERT into t1(name) values('Record_2'); ## There should be no difference, case should pass ## '#--------------------FN_DYNVARS_018_01-------------------------#' ## Setting initial value of variable to OFF ## SET @@global.general_log = ON; SELECT @@general_log; @@general_log 1 ## Inserting some Records & Verifying output in log ## INSERT into t1(name) values('Record_3'); INSERT into t1(name) values('Record_4'); ## old log is a proper prefix of the new log ## SET @orig_file= load_file('MYSQLD_LOGFILE.orig'); SET @copy_file= load_file('MYSQLD_LOGFILE.copy'); SELECT @orig_file > @copy_file, left(@orig_file, length(@copy_file)) = @copy_file; @orig_file > @copy_file left(@orig_file, length(@copy_file)) = @copy_file 1 1 ## Dropping tables ## DROP TABLE t1;