################# mysql-test\t\log_output_func.test ########################## # # # Variable Name: log_output # # Scope: GLOBAL # # Access Type: Dynamic # # Data Type: enumeration # # Default Value: TABLE # # Range: TABLE, FILE, NONE # # # # # # Creation Date: 2008-03-08 # # Author: Rizwan # # Modified: HHunger 2008-08-29 # # # Description: Test Cases of Dynamic System Variable log_output # # that checks the behavior of this variable # # # # Reference: # # http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/server-system-variables.html # # # ############################################################################### # The access to mysql.general_log delivers different result depending on # ps-protocol. So, it is switched off. --disable_ps_protocol SET @start_value= @@global.log_output; SET @start_general_log= @@global.general_log; SET @start_general_log_file= @@global.general_log_file; --echo '#--------------------FN_DYNVARS_065_01-------------------------#' ################################################################## # Check if setting log_output is changed in every new connection # ################################################################## SET @@global.log_output = 'NONE'; # con1 will be default connection from now on --echo 'connect (con1,localhost,root,,,,)' connect (con1,localhost,root,,,,); SET @@global.log_output = 'TABLE,FILE'; # Test that the effect is global --echo 'connect (con2,localhost,root,,,,)' connect (con2,localhost,root,,,,); SELECT @@global.log_output; --echo '#--------------------FN_DYNVARS_065_02-------------------------#' #################################################### # Begin the functionality Testing of log_output # #################################################### --echo 'connection con1' connection con1; #=============================================================== --echo '---Checking general_log when log_output is NONE---' #=============================================================== SET @@global.log_output = 'NONE'; TRUNCATE TABLE mysql.general_log; --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE t1(a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUE(1); SELECT 'abc'; SELECT count(*) FROM mysql.general_log; #=============================================================== --echo '---Checking general_log when log_output is TABLE---' #=============================================================== SET @@global.log_output = 'TABLE'; TRUNCATE TABLE mysql.general_log; --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE t1(a int); INSERT INTO t1 VALUE(1); SELECT 'abc'; # At least the last 4 statement should be logged. SELECT count(*)>4 FROM mysql.general_log; #=============================================================== # Checking general_log when log_output is FILE #=============================================================== SET @@global.general_log = 'OFF'; FLUSH LOGS; --replace_result $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR MYSQLTEST_VARDIR eval SET @@global.general_log_file = '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/run/mytest.log'; SET @@global.general_log = 'ON'; SET @@global.log_output = 'FILE'; TRUNCATE TABLE mysql.general_log; --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE t1(a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUE(1); SELECT 'abc'; SELECT count(*) FROM mysql.general_log; DROP TABLE t1; file_exists $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/run/mytest.log ; #============================================================== # Clean up #============================================================== --echo connection default; connection default; SET @@global.general_log= 'OFF'; SET @@global.general_log_file= @start_general_log_file; SET @@global.log_output= @start_value; SET @@global.general_log= @start_general_log; SET @@global.general_log= 'ON'; --enable_ps_protocol #################################################### # End of functionality Testing for log_output # ####################################################