########### mysql-test\t\slow_query_log_file_func.test ######################### # # # Variable Name: slow_query_log_file # # Scope: GLOBAL # # Access Type: Dynamic # # Data Type: Boolean # # Default Value: OFF # # Valid Values: ON, OFF # # # # # # Creation Date: 2008-03-17 # # Author: Salman Rawala # # # # Description: Test Cases of Dynamic System Variable "slow_query_log_file" # # that checks functionality of this variable # # # # Reference: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/ # # server-system-variables.html#option_mysqld_slow_query_log_file # # # ################################################################################ --echo '#--------------------FN_DYNVARS_018_01-------------------------#' #################################################################### # Verifying log file after setting it in opt file # #################################################################### let $MYSQLD_DATADIR= `select @@datadir`; --echo ## Checking if my_slow_test.log exists in servers datadir ## --replace_result $MYSQLD_DATADIR MYSQLD_DATADIR --file_exists $MYSQLD_DATADIR/my_slow_test.log --echo ## This case should pass because we have set this filename in opt file ##