# # Check some special create statements. # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1,t2,t3; drop database if exists test_$1; --enable_warnings create table t1 (b char(0)); insert into t1 values (""),(null); select * from t1; drop table if exists t1; create table t1 (b char(0) not null); create table if not exists t1 (b char(0) not null); insert into t1 values (""),(null); select * from t1; drop table t1; create table t1 (a int not null auto_increment,primary key (a)) engine=heap; drop table t1; # # Test of some CREATE TABLE'S that should fail # --error 1146 create table t2 engine=heap select * from t1; --error 1146 create table t2 select auto+1 from t1; drop table if exists t1,t2; --error 1167 create table t1 (b char(0) not null, index(b)); --error 1163 create table t1 (a int not null,b text) engine=heap; drop table if exists t1; --error 1075 create table t1 (ordid int(8) not null auto_increment, ord varchar(50) not null, primary key (ord,ordid)) engine=heap; -- error 1044,1 create table not_existing_database.test (a int); --error 1103 create table `a/a` (a int); --error 1103 create table `aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa` (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa int); --error 1059 create table a (`aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa` int); # # Some wrong defaults, so these creates should fail too # --error 1067 create table test (a datetime default now()); --error 1294 create table test (a datetime on update now()); --error 1067 create table test (a int default 100 auto_increment); # # test of dummy table names # create table 1ea10 (1a20 int,1e int); insert into 1ea10 values(1,1); select 1ea10.1a20,1e+ 1e+10 from 1ea10; drop table 1ea10; create table t1 (t1.index int); drop table t1; # Test that we get warning for this drop database if exists test_$1; create database test_$1; create table test_$1.$test1 (a$1 int, $b int, c$ int); insert into test_$1.$test1 values (1,2,3); select a$1, $b, c$ from test_$1.$test1; create table test_$1.test2$ (a int); drop table test_$1.test2$; drop database test_$1; --error 1103 create table `` (a int); --error 1103 drop table if exists ``; --error 1166 create table t1 (`` int); --error 1280 create table t1 (i int, index `` (i)); # # Test of CREATE ... SELECT with indexes # create table t1 (a int auto_increment not null primary key, B CHAR(20)); insert into t1 (b) values ("hello"),("my"),("world"); create table t2 (key (b)) select * from t1; explain select * from t2 where b="world"; select * from t2 where b="world"; drop table t1,t2; # # Test types after CREATE ... SELECT # create table t1(x varchar(50) ); create table t2 select x from t1 where 1=2; describe t1; describe t2; drop table t2; create table t2 select now() as a , curtime() as b, curdate() as c , 1+1 as d , 1.0 + 1 as e , 33333333333333333 + 3 as f; describe t2; drop table t2; create table t2 select CAST("2001-12-29" AS DATE) as d, CAST("20:45:11" AS TIME) as t, CAST("2001-12-29 20:45:11" AS DATETIME) as dt; describe t2; drop table t1,t2; # # Test of CREATE ... SELECT with duplicate fields # create table t1 (a tinyint); create table t2 (a int) select * from t1; describe t1; describe t2; drop table if exists t2; --error 1060 create table t2 (a int, a float) select * from t1; drop table if exists t2; --error 1060 create table t2 (a int) select a as b, a+1 as b from t1; drop table if exists t2; --error 1060 create table t2 (b int) select a as b, a+1 as b from t1; drop table if exists t1,t2; # # Test CREATE ... SELECT when insert fails # CREATE TABLE t1 (a int not null); INSERT INTO t1 values (1),(2),(1); --error 1062 CREATE TABLE t2 (primary key(a)) SELECT * FROM t1; --error 1146 SELECT * from t2; DROP TABLE t1; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t2; # # Test of primary key with 32 index # create table t1 (a int not null, b int, primary key(a), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b), key (b)); show create table t1; drop table t1; create table t1 select if(1,'1','0'), month("2002-08-02"); drop table t1; create table t1 select if('2002'='2002','Y','N'); select * from t1; drop table if exists t1; # # Test default table type # SET SESSION storage_engine="heap"; SELECT @@storage_engine; CREATE TABLE t1 (a int not null); show create table t1; drop table t1; --error 1286 SET SESSION storage_engine="gemini"; SELECT @@storage_engine; CREATE TABLE t1 (a int not null); show create table t1; SET SESSION storage_engine=default; drop table t1; # # ISO requires that primary keys are implicitly NOT NULL # create table t1 ( k1 varchar(2), k2 int, primary key(k1,k2)); insert into t1 values ("a", 1), ("b", 2); --error 1048 insert into t1 values ("c", NULL); --error 1048 insert into t1 values (NULL, 3); --error 1048 insert into t1 values (NULL, NULL); drop table t1; # # Bug # 801 # create table t1 select x'4132'; drop table t1; # # bug #1434 # create table t1 select 1,2,3; create table if not exists t1 select 1,2; --error 1136 create table if not exists t1 select 1,2,3,4; create table if not exists t1 select 1; select * from t1; drop table t1; create table t1 select 1,2,3; create table if not exists t1 select 1,2; --error 1136 create table if not exists t1 select 1,2,3,4; create table if not exists t1 select 1; select * from t1; drop table t1; # # Test create table if not exists with duplicate key error # create table t1 (a int not null, b int, primary key (a)); insert into t1 values (1,1); create table if not exists t1 select 2; select * from t1; create table if not exists t1 select 3 as 'a',4 as 'b'; --error 1062 create table if not exists t1 select 3 as 'a',3 as 'b'; select * from t1; drop table t1; # # Test for Bug #2985 # "Table truncated when creating another table name with Spaces" # --error 1103 create table `t1 `(a int); --error 1102 create database `db1 `; --error 1166; create table t1(`a ` int); # # Test create with foreign keys # create table t1 (a int, key(a)); create table t2 (b int, foreign key(b) references t1(a), key(b)); drop table if exists t1,t2; # # Test for CREATE TABLE .. LIKE .. # create table t1(id int not null, name char(20)); insert into t1 values(10,'mysql'),(20,'monty- the creator'); create table t2(id int not null); insert into t2 values(10),(20); create table t3 like t1; show create table t3; select * from t3; create table if not exists t3 like t1; select @@warning_count; create temporary table t3 like t2; show create table t3; select * from t3; drop table t3; show create table t3; select * from t3; drop table t2, t3; create database test_$1; create table test_$1.t3 like t1; create temporary table t3 like test_$1.t3; show create table t3; create table t2 like t3; show create table t2; select * from t2; create table t3 like t1; --error 1050 create table t3 like test_$1.t3; --error 1044,1 create table non_existing_database.t1 like t1; --error 1051 create table t3 like non_existing_table; --error 1050 create temporary table t3 like t1; --error 1103 create table t3 like `a/a`; drop table t1, t2, t3; drop table t3; drop database test_$1; # # Test default table type # SET SESSION storage_engine="heap"; SELECT @@storage_engine; CREATE TABLE t1 (a int not null); show create table t1; drop table t1; --error 1286 SET SESSION storage_engine="gemini"; SELECT @@storage_engine; CREATE TABLE t1 (a int not null); show create table t1; SET SESSION storage_engine=default; drop table t1; # # Test types of data for create select with functions # create table t1(a int,b int,c int unsigned,d date,e char,f datetime,g time,h blob); insert into t1(a)values(1); insert into t1(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) values(2,-2,2,'1825-12-14','a','2003-1-1 3:2:1','4:3:2','binary data'); select * from t1; select a, ifnull(b,cast(-7 as signed)) as b, ifnull(c,cast(7 as unsigned)) as c, ifnull(d,cast('2000-01-01' as date)) as d, ifnull(e,cast('b' as char)) as e, ifnull(f,cast('2000-01-01' as datetime)) as f, ifnull(g,cast('5:4:3' as time)) as g, ifnull(h,cast('yet another binary data' as binary)) as h, addtime(cast('1:0:0' as time),cast('1:0:0' as time)) as dd from t1; create table t2 select a, ifnull(b,cast(-7 as signed)) as b, ifnull(c,cast(7 as unsigned)) as c, ifnull(d,cast('2000-01-01' as date)) as d, ifnull(e,cast('b' as char)) as e, ifnull(f,cast('2000-01-01' as datetime)) as f, ifnull(g,cast('5:4:3' as time)) as g, ifnull(h,cast('yet another binary data' as binary)) as h, addtime(cast('1:0:0' as time),cast('1:0:0' as time)) as dd from t1; explain t2; select * from t2; drop table t1, t2; create table t1 (a tinyint, b smallint, c mediumint, d int, e bigint, f float(3,2), g double(4,3), h decimal(5,4), i year, j date, k timestamp, l datetime, m enum('a','b'), n set('a','b'), o char(10)); create table t2 select ifnull(a,a), ifnull(b,b), ifnull(c,c), ifnull(d,d), ifnull(e,e), ifnull(f,f), ifnull(g,g), ifnull(h,h), ifnull(i,i), ifnull(j,j), ifnull(k,k), ifnull(l,l), ifnull(m,m), ifnull(n,n), ifnull(o,o) from t1; show create table t2; drop table t1,t2; # # Test of default() # create table t1(str varchar(10) default 'def',strnull varchar(10),intg int default '10',rel double default '3.14'); insert into t1 values ('','',0,0.0); describe t1; create table t2 select default(str) as str, default(strnull) as strnull, default(intg) as intg, default(rel) as rel from t1; describe t2; drop table t1, t2; # # Bug #2075 # create table t1(name varchar(10), age smallint default -1); describe t1; create table t2(name varchar(10), age smallint default - 1); describe t2; drop table t1, t2; # # test for bug #1427 "enum allows duplicate values in the list" # create table t1(cenum enum('a'), cset set('b')); create table t2(cenum enum('a','a'), cset set('b','b')); create table t3(cenum enum('a','A','a','c','c'), cset set('b','B','b','d','d')); drop table t1, t2, t3; # # Bug #1209 # create database test_$1; use test_$1; select database(); drop database test_$1; select database(); # Connect without a database connect (user4,localhost,mysqltest_1,,*NO-ONE*); select database(); # # Test for Bug 856 'Naming a key "Primary" causes trouble' # use test; --error 1280 create table t1 (a int, index `primary` (a)); --error 1280 create table t1 (a int, index `PRIMARY` (a)); create table t1 (`primary` int, index(`primary`)); show create table t1; create table t2 (`PRIMARY` int, index(`PRIMARY`)); show create table t2; create table t3 (a int); --error 1280 alter table t3 add index `primary` (a); --error 1280 alter table t3 add index `PRIMARY` (a); create table t4 (`primary` int); alter table t4 add index(`primary`); show create table t4; create table t5 (`PRIMARY` int); alter table t5 add index(`PRIMARY`); show create table t5; drop table t1, t2, t3, t4, t5; # # bug #3266 TEXT in CREATE TABLE SELECT # CREATE TABLE t1(id varchar(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, dsc longtext); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('5000000001', NULL),('5000000003', 'Test'),('5000000004', NULL); CREATE TABLE t2(id varchar(15) NOT NULL, proc varchar(100) NOT NULL, runID varchar(16) NOT NULL, start datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id,proc,runID,start)); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('5000000001', 'proc01', '20031029090650', '2003-10-29 13:38:40'),('5000000001', 'proc02', '20031029090650', '2003-10-29 13:38:51'),('5000000001', 'proc03', '20031029090650', '2003-10-29 13:38:11'),('5000000002', 'proc09', '20031024013310', '2003-10-24 01:33:11'),('5000000002', 'proc09', '20031024153537', '2003-10-24 15:36:04'),('5000000004', 'proc01', '20031024013641', '2003-10-24 01:37:29'),('5000000004', 'proc02', '20031024013641', '2003-10-24 01:37:39'); CREATE TABLE t3 SELECT t1.dsc,COUNT(DISTINCT t2.id) AS countOfRuns FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON (t1.id=t2.id) GROUP BY t1.id; SELECT * FROM t3; drop table t1, t2, t3;