-- source include/have_cp1250_ch.inc --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; --enable_warnings SHOW COLLATION LIKE 'cp1250_czech_cs'; SET @test_character_set= 'cp1250'; SET @test_collation= 'cp1250_general_ci'; -- source include/ctype_common.inc -- source include/ctype_like_cond_propagation.inc SET @test_character_set= 'cp1250'; SET @test_collation= 'cp1250_czech_cs'; -- source include/ctype_common.inc # # Bugs: #8840: Empty string comparison and character set 'cp1250' # CREATE TABLE t1 (a char(16)) character set cp1250 collate cp1250_czech_cs; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (''); SELECT a, length(a), a='', a=' ', a=' ' FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug#9759 Empty result with 'LIKE' and cp1250_czech_cs # CREATE TABLE t1 ( popisek varchar(30) collate cp1250_general_ci NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`popisek`) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('2005-01-1'); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE popisek = '2005-01-1'; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE popisek LIKE '2005-01-1'; drop table t1; # # Bug#13347: empty result from query with like and cp1250 charset # set names cp1250; CREATE TABLE t1 ( id INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, str VARCHAR(32) CHARACTER SET cp1250 COLLATE cp1250_czech_cs NOT NULL default '', UNIQUE KEY (str) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL, 'a'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL, 'aa'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL, 'aaa'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL, 'aaaa'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL, 'aaaaa'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL, 'aaaaaa'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL, 'aaaaaaa'); select * from t1 where str like 'aa%'; drop table t1; # # Bug#19741 segfault with cp1250 charset + like + primary key + 64bit os # set names cp1250; create table t1 (a varchar(15) collate cp1250_czech_cs NOT NULL, primary key(a)); insert into t1 values("abcdefghá"); insert into t1 values("ááèè"); select a from t1 where a like "abcdefghá"; drop table t1; set names cp1250 collate cp1250_czech_cs; --source include/ctype_pad_space.inc --source include/ctype_filesort.inc # End of 4.1 tests # # Bug #48053 String::c_ptr has a race and/or does an invalid # memory reference # (triggered by Valgrind tests) # (see also ctype_eucjpms.test, ctype_cp1250.test, ctype_cp1251.test) # --error 1649 set global LC_MESSAGES=convert((@@global.log_bin_trust_function_creators) using cp1250); --echo # --echo # Start of 5.6 tests --echo # --echo # --echo # WL#3664 WEIGHT_STRING --echo # --echo # --echo # Note: --echo # cp1250_czech_cs does not support WEIGHT_STRING in full extent --echo # set names cp1250 collate cp1250_czech_cs; --source include/weight_string.inc --source include/weight_string_euro.inc --source include/weight_string_chde.inc --source include/weight_string_l1.inc --source include/weight_string_l2.inc --source include/weight_string_l12.inc --echo # --echo # End of 5.6 tests --echo #