# This is a wrapper for binlog.test so that the same test case can be used # For both statement and row based bin logs 11/07/2005 [jbm] -- source include/have_binlog_format_mixed_or_statement.inc -- source extra/binlog_tests/ctype_cp932_binlog.test # # Bug#18293: Values in stored procedure written to binlog unescaped # delimiter |; CREATE TABLE t4 (s1 CHAR(50) CHARACTER SET latin1, s2 CHAR(50) CHARACTER SET cp932, d DECIMAL(10,2))| CREATE PROCEDURE bug18293 (IN ins1 CHAR(50), IN ins2 CHAR(50) CHARACTER SET cp932, IN ind DECIMAL(10,2)) BEGIN INSERT INTO t4 VALUES (ins1, ins2, ind); END| CALL bug18293("Foo's a Bar", _cp932 0xED40ED41ED42, 47.93)| SELECT HEX(s1),HEX(s2),d FROM t4| DROP PROCEDURE bug18293| DROP TABLE t4| SHOW BINLOG EVENTS FROM 371| delimiter ;| --echo End of 5.0 tests # # #28436: Incorrect position in SHOW BINLOG EVENTS causes server coredump # Note: 365 is a magic position (found experimentally, depends on # the log's contents) that caused the server crash. --error 1220 SHOW BINLOG EVENTS FROM 366; --echo Bug#44352 UPPER/LOWER function doesn't work correctly on cp932 and sjis environment. CREATE TABLE t1 (a varchar(16)) character set cp932; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x8372835E),(0x8352835E); SELECT hex(a), hex(lower(a)), hex(upper(a)) FROM t1 ORDER BY binary(a); DROP TABLE t1; --echo End of 5.1 tests