# # Tests with the latin1 character set # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings # # WL 1494: Treat latin1 as cp1252 for unicode conversion # SET NAMES latin1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a char(1) character set latin1); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x00),(0x01),(0x02),(0x03),(0x04),(0x05),(0x06),(0x07); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x08),(0x09),(0x0A),(0x0B),(0x0C),(0x0D),(0x0E),(0x0F); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x10),(0x11),(0x12),(0x13),(0x14),(0x15),(0x16),(0x17); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x18),(0x19),(0x1A),(0x1B),(0x1C),(0x1D),(0x1E),(0x1F); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x20),(0x21),(0x22),(0x23),(0x24),(0x25),(0x26),(0x27); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x28),(0x29),(0x2A),(0x2B),(0x2C),(0x2D),(0x2E),(0x2F); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x30),(0x31),(0x32),(0x33),(0x34),(0x35),(0x36),(0x37); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x38),(0x39),(0x3A),(0x3B),(0x3C),(0x3D),(0x3E),(0x3F); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x40),(0x41),(0x42),(0x43),(0x44),(0x45),(0x46),(0x47); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x48),(0x49),(0x4A),(0x4B),(0x4C),(0x4D),(0x4E),(0x4F); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x50),(0x51),(0x52),(0x53),(0x54),(0x55),(0x56),(0x57); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x58),(0x59),(0x5A),(0x5B),(0x5C),(0x5D),(0x5E),(0x5F); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x60),(0x61),(0x62),(0x63),(0x64),(0x65),(0x66),(0x67); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x68),(0x69),(0x6A),(0x6B),(0x6C),(0x6D),(0x6E),(0x6F); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x70),(0x71),(0x72),(0x73),(0x74),(0x75),(0x76),(0x77); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x78),(0x79),(0x7A),(0x7B),(0x7C),(0x7D),(0x7E),(0x7F); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x80),(0x81),(0x82),(0x83),(0x84),(0x85),(0x86),(0x87); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x88),(0x89),(0x8A),(0x8B),(0x8C),(0x8D),(0x8E),(0x8F); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x90),(0x91),(0x92),(0x93),(0x94),(0x95),(0x96),(0x97); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x98),(0x99),(0x9A),(0x9B),(0x9C),(0x9D),(0x9E),(0x9F); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0xA0),(0xA1),(0xA2),(0xA3),(0xA4),(0xA5),(0xA6),(0xA7); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0xA8),(0xA9),(0xAA),(0xAB),(0xAC),(0xAD),(0xAE),(0xAF); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0xB0),(0xB1),(0xB2),(0xB3),(0xB4),(0xB5),(0xB6),(0xB7); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0xB8),(0xB9),(0xBA),(0xBB),(0xBC),(0xBD),(0xBE),(0xBF); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0xC0),(0xC1),(0xC2),(0xC3),(0xC4),(0xC5),(0xC6),(0xC7); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0xC8),(0xC9),(0xCA),(0xCB),(0xCC),(0xCD),(0xCE),(0xCF); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0xD0),(0xD1),(0xD2),(0xD3),(0xD4),(0xD5),(0xD6),(0xD7); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0xD8),(0xD9),(0xDA),(0xDB),(0xDC),(0xDD),(0xDE),(0xDF); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0xE0),(0xE1),(0xE2),(0xE3),(0xE4),(0xE5),(0xE6),(0xE7); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0xE8),(0xE9),(0xEA),(0xEB),(0xEC),(0xED),(0xEE),(0xEF); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0xF0),(0xF1),(0xF2),(0xF3),(0xF4),(0xF5),(0xF6),(0xF7); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0xF8),(0xF9),(0xFA),(0xFB),(0xFC),(0xFD),(0xFE),(0xFF); # # 0x81 0x8D 0x8F 0x90 0x9D are undefined in cp1252 # SELECT hex(a), hex(@u:=convert(a using utf8)), hex(@l:=convert(@u using latin1)), a=@l FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug#13145: A table named "C-cedilla" can't be dropped. # Accept extended cp1252 letters as valid identifiers. # This test partially checks that "ctype" array is correct # for cp1252 extended characters 0x80-0x9F. # # 0x83 0x0192 #LATIN SMALL LETTER F WITH HOOK # 0x8A 0x0160 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON # 0x8C 0x0152 #LATIN CAPITAL LIGATURE OE # 0x8E 0x017D #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON # 0x9A 0x0161 #LATIN SMALL LETTER S WITH CARON # 0x9C 0x0153 #LATIN SMALL LIGATURE OE # 0x9E 0x017E #LATIN SMALL LETTER Z WITH CARON # 0x9F 0x0178 #LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS # SELECT 1 as ƒ, 2 as Š, 3 as Œ, 4 as Ž, 5 as š, 6 as œ, 7 as ž, 8 as Ÿ; # # Bug #6737: REGEXP gives wrong result with case sensitive collation # select 'a' regexp 'A' collate latin1_general_ci; select 'a' regexp 'A' collate latin1_general_cs; select 'a' regexp 'A' collate latin1_bin; SET collation_connection='latin1_swedish_ci'; -- source include/ctype_filesort.inc -- source include/ctype_like_escape.inc SET collation_connection='latin1_bin'; -- source include/ctype_filesort.inc -- source include/ctype_like_escape.inc # # Bug#8041 # An unknown character (e.g. 0x84) should result in ERROR, # It was treated like a space character earlier. # Howerver, it should still work fine as a string part. --error 1064 CREATE TABLE „a (a int); SELECT '„a' as str; # # Bug#18321: Can't store EuroSign with latin1_german1_ci and latin1_general_ci # The problem was in latin1->utf8->latin1 round trip. # set @str= _latin1 'ABC €°§ß²³µ~ äöüÄÖÜ áéíóú ÀÈÌÒÙ @ abc'; SELECT convert(@str collate latin1_bin using utf8); SELECT convert(@str collate latin1_general_ci using utf8); SELECT convert(@str collate latin1_german1_ci using utf8); SELECT convert(@str collate latin1_danish_ci using utf8); SELECT convert(@str collate latin1_spanish_ci using utf8); SELECT convert(@str collate latin1_german2_ci using utf8); SELECT convert(@str collate latin1_swedish_ci using utf8); # End of 4.1 tests SET NAMES latin1; --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `abcÿdef`; --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE `abcÿdef` (i int); INSERT INTO `abcÿdef` VALUES (1); INSERT INTO abcÿdef VALUES (2); SELECT * FROM `abcÿdef`; SELECT * FROM abcÿdef; DROP TABLE `abcÿdef`; # # Bug#29499 Converting 'del' from ascii to Unicode results in 'question mark' # select hex(cast(_ascii 0x7f as char(1) character set latin1)); --echo End of 5.0 tests