-- source include/have_sjis.inc # # Tests with the sjis character set # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings set names sjis; select 'a' like 'a'; select 'A' like 'a'; select 'A' like 'a' collate sjis_bin; set @sjis1= _sjis 0xa1a2a3a4a5a6a7a8a9aaabacadaeaf; set @sjis2= _sjis 0xb0b1b2b3b4b5b6b7b8b9babbbcbdbebf; set @sjis3= _sjis 0xc0c1c2c3c4c5c6c7c8c9cacbcccdcecf; set @sjis4= _sjis 0xd0d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dadbdcdddedf; set @utf81= CONVERT(@sjis1 USING utf8); set @utf82= CONVERT(@sjis2 USING utf8); set @utf83= CONVERT(@sjis3 USING utf8); set @utf84= CONVERT(@sjis4 USING utf8); select hex(@utf81); select hex(@utf82); select hex(@utf83); select hex(@utf84); select hex(CONVERT(@utf81 USING sjis)); select hex(CONVERT(@utf82 USING sjis)); select hex(CONVERT(@utf83 USING sjis)); select hex(CONVERT(@utf84 USING sjis)); # # Allow to insert extra CP932 characters # into a SJIS column # create table t1 (a char(10) character set sjis); insert into t1 values (0x878A); select hex(a) from t1; drop table t1; # # Bug #6206 ENUMs are not case sensitive even if declared BINARY # create table t1(c enum(0x9353,0x9373) character set sjis); show create table t1; insert into t1 values (0x9353); insert into t1 values (0x9373); select hex(c) from t1; drop table t1; # # Bug #6223 Japanese half-width kana characters get truncated # SET NAMES sjis; CREATE TABLE t1 ( c char(16) default NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=sjis; insert into t1 values(0xb1),(0xb2),(0xb3); select hex(c) from t1; drop table t1; SET collation_connection='sjis_japanese_ci'; -- source include/ctype_filesort.inc -- source include/ctype_innodb_like.inc -- source include/ctype_like_escape.inc -- source include/ctype_like_range_f1f2.inc SET collation_connection='sjis_bin'; -- source include/ctype_filesort.inc -- source include/ctype_innodb_like.inc -- source include/ctype_like_escape.inc -- source include/ctype_like_range_f1f2.inc # Check parsing of string literals in SJIS with multibyte characters that # have an embedded \ in them. (Bug #8303) --character_set sjis SET NAMES sjis; SELECT HEX('@\') FROM DUAL; # End of 4.1 tests --echo # Start of 5.1 tests --echo Bug#44352 UPPER/LOWER function doesn't work correctly on cp932 and sjis environment. CREATE TABLE t1 (a varchar(16)) character set sjis; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x8372835E),(0x8352835E); SELECT hex(a), hex(lower(a)), hex(upper(a)) FROM t1 ORDER BY binary(a); DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # Bug#11766519 - Bug#59648: MY_STRTOLL10_MB2: ASSERTION `(*ENDPTR - S) % 2 == 0' FAILED. --echo # # In the below string backslash (0x5C) is a part of a multi-byte # character, so it should not be quoted. SELECT QUOTE('\'); --echo # End of 5.1 tests