# # Test of fulltext index # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1,t2,t3; --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE t1 (a VARCHAR(200), b TEXT, FULLTEXT (a,b)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES('MySQL has now support', 'for full-text search'), ('Full-text indexes', 'are called collections'), ('Only MyISAM tables','support collections'), ('Function MATCH ... AGAINST()','is used to do a search'), ('Full-text search in MySQL', 'implements vector space model'); # nl search select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("collections"); explain extended select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("collections"); select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("indexes"); select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("indexes collections"); select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("only"); # query expansion select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("collections" WITH QUERY EXPANSION); select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("indexes" WITH QUERY EXPANSION); select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("indexes collections" WITH QUERY EXPANSION); # add_ft_keys() tests explain select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("collections"); explain select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("collections")>0; explain select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("collections")>1; explain select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("collections")>=0; explain select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("collections")>=1; explain select * from t1 where 00 and a like '%ll%'; # boolean search select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("support -collections" IN BOOLEAN MODE); explain extended select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("support -collections" IN BOOLEAN MODE); select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("support collections" IN BOOLEAN MODE); select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("support +collections" IN BOOLEAN MODE); select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("sear*" IN BOOLEAN MODE); select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("+support +collections" IN BOOLEAN MODE); select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("+search" IN BOOLEAN MODE); select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("+search +(support vector)" IN BOOLEAN MODE); select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("+search -(support vector)" IN BOOLEAN MODE); select *, MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("support collections" IN BOOLEAN MODE) as x from t1; select *, MATCH(a,b) AGAINST("collections support" IN BOOLEAN MODE) as x from t1; select * from t1 where MATCH a,b AGAINST ("+call* +coll*" IN BOOLEAN MODE); select * from t1 where MATCH a,b AGAINST ('"support now"' IN BOOLEAN MODE); select * from t1 where MATCH a,b AGAINST ('"Now sUPPort"' IN BOOLEAN MODE); select * from t1 where MATCH a,b AGAINST ('"text search" "now support"' IN BOOLEAN MODE); select * from t1 where MATCH a,b AGAINST ('"text search" -"now support"' IN BOOLEAN MODE); select * from t1 where MATCH a,b AGAINST ('"text search" +"now support"' IN BOOLEAN MODE); select * from t1 where MATCH a,b AGAINST ('"text i"' IN BOOLEAN MODE); select * from t1 where MATCH a,b AGAINST ('"xt indexes"' IN BOOLEAN MODE); # boolean w/o index: select * from t1 where MATCH a AGAINST ("search" IN BOOLEAN MODE); select * from t1 where MATCH b AGAINST ("sear*" IN BOOLEAN MODE); # UNION of fulltext's select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("collections") UNION ALL select * from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("indexes"); #update/delete with fulltext index delete from t1 where a like "MySQL%"; update t1 set a='some test foobar' where MATCH a,b AGAINST ('model'); delete from t1 where MATCH(a,b) AGAINST ("indexes"); select * from t1; drop table t1; # # Check bug reported by Matthias Urlichs # CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int(11), ticket int(11), KEY ti (id), KEY tit (ticket) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2,3),(1,2); CREATE TABLE t2 ( ticket int(11), inhalt text, KEY tig (ticket), fulltext index tix (inhalt) ); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,'foo'),(2,'bar'),(3,'foobar'); select t1.id FROM t2 as ttxt,t1,t1 as ticket2 WHERE ticket2.id = ttxt.ticket AND t1.id = ticket2.ticket and match(ttxt.inhalt) against ('foobar'); # In the following query MySQL didn't use the fulltext index select t1.id FROM t2 as ttxt,t1 INNER JOIN t1 as ticket2 ON ticket2.id = ttxt.ticket WHERE t1.id = ticket2.ticket and match(ttxt.inhalt) against ('foobar'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3,3); select t1.id FROM t2 as ttxt,t1 INNER JOIN t1 as ticket2 ON ticket2.id = ttxt.ticket WHERE t1.id = ticket2.ticket and match(ttxt.inhalt) against ('foobar'); # Check that we get 'fulltext' index in SHOW CREATE show keys from t2; show create table t2; # check for bug reported by Stephan Skusa select * from t2 where MATCH inhalt AGAINST (NULL); # MATCH in HAVING (pretty useless, but still it should work) select * from t2 where MATCH inhalt AGAINST ('foobar'); select * from t2 having MATCH inhalt AGAINST ('foobar'); # # check of fulltext errors # --error 1286 CREATE TABLE t3 (t int(11),i text,fulltext tix (t,i)); --error 1286 CREATE TABLE t3 (t int(11),i text, j varchar(200) CHARACTER SET latin2, fulltext tix (i,j)); CREATE TABLE t3 ( ticket int(11), inhalt text, KEY tig (ticket), fulltext index tix (inhalt) ); --error 1210 select * from t2 where MATCH inhalt AGAINST (t2.inhalt); --error 1191 select * from t2 where MATCH ticket AGAINST ('foobar'); --error 1210 select * from t2,t3 where MATCH (t2.inhalt,t3.inhalt) AGAINST ('foobar'); drop table t1,t2,t3; # # three more bugtests # CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int(11) auto_increment, title varchar(100) default '', PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY ind5 (title) ) TYPE=MyISAM; CREATE FULLTEXT INDEX ft1 ON t1(title); insert into t1 (title) values ('this is a test'); select * from t1 where match title against ('test' in boolean mode); update t1 set title='this is A test' where id=1; check table t1; update t1 set title='this test once revealed a bug' where id=1; select * from t1; update t1 set title=NULL where id=1; drop table t1; # one more bug - const_table related CREATE TABLE t1 (a int(11), b text, FULLTEXT KEY (b)) TYPE=MyISAM; insert into t1 values (1,"I wonder why the fulltext index doesnt work?"); SELECT * from t1 where MATCH (b) AGAINST ('apples'); insert into t1 values (2,"fullaaa fullzzz"); select * from t1 where match b against ('full*' in boolean mode); drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment primary key, mytext text NOT NULL, FULLTEXT KEY mytext (mytext)) TYPE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,'my small mouse'),(2,'la-la-la'),(3,'It is so funny'),(4,'MySQL Tutorial'); select 8 from t1; drop table t1; # # Check bug reported by Julian Ladisch # ERROR 1030: Got error 127 from table handler # create table t1 (a text, fulltext key (a)); insert into t1 values ('aaaa'); repair table t1; select * from t1 where match (a) against ('aaaa'); drop table t1; # # bug #283 by jocelyn fournier # FULLTEXT index on a TEXT filed converted to a CHAR field doesn't work anymore # create table t1 ( ref_mag text not null, fulltext (ref_mag)); insert into t1 values ('test'); select ref_mag from t1 where match ref_mag against ('+test' in boolean mode); alter table t1 change ref_mag ref_mag char (255) not null; select ref_mag from t1 where match ref_mag against ('+test' in boolean mode); drop table t1; # # bug #942: JOIN # create table t1 (t1_id int(11) primary key, name varchar(32)); insert into t1 values (1, 'data1'); insert into t1 values (2, 'data2'); create table t2 (t2_id int(11) primary key, t1_id int(11), name varchar(32)); insert into t2 values (1, 1, 'xxfoo'); insert into t2 values (2, 1, 'xxbar'); insert into t2 values (3, 1, 'xxbuz'); select * from t1 join t2 using(`t1_id`) where match (t1.name, t2.name) against('xxfoo' in boolean mode); # # bug with many short (< ft_min_word_len) words in boolean search # select * from t2 where match name against ('a* b* c* d* e* f*' in boolean mode); drop table t1,t2; # # UTF8 # SET NAMES latin1; CREATE TABLE t1 (t text character set utf8 not null, fulltext(t)); INSERT t1 VALUES ('Mit freundlichem Grüß'), ('aus Osnabrück'); SET NAMES koi8r; INSERT t1 VALUES ("üÔÏ ÍÙ - ÏÐÉÌËÉ"),("ïÔÌÅÚØ, ÇÎÉÄÁ!"), ("îÅ ×ÌÅÚÁÊ, ÕÂØÅÔ!"),("É ÂÕÄÅÔ ÐÒÁ×!"); SELECT t, charset(t) FROM t1 WHERE MATCH t AGAINST ('ïðéìëé'); SELECT t, charset(t) FROM t1 WHERE MATCH t AGAINST ('ðÒá*' IN BOOLEAN MODE); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE MATCH t AGAINST ('ÜÔÏ' IN BOOLEAN MODE); SELECT t, charset(t) FROM t1 WHERE MATCH t AGAINST ('Osnabrück'); SET NAMES latin1; SELECT t, charset(t) FROM t1 WHERE MATCH t AGAINST ('Osnabrück'); DROP TABLE t1;