# # Test of DATE_ADD # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE t1 ( visitor_id int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, group_id int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, hits int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, sessions int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, ts timestamp, PRIMARY KEY (visitor_id,group_id) )/*! engine=MyISAM */; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (465931136,7,2,2,20000318160952); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (173865424,2,2,2,20000318233615); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (173865424,8,2,2,20000318233615); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (173865424,39,2,2,20000318233615); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (173865424,7,2,2,20000318233615); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (173865424,3,2,2,20000318233615); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (173865424,6,2,2,20000318233615); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (173865424,60,2,2,20000318233615); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (173865424,1502,2,2,20000318233615); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (48985536,2,2,2,20000319013932); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (48985536,8,2,2,20000319013932); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (48985536,39,2,2,20000319013932); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (48985536,7,2,2,20000319013932); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (465931136,3,2,2,20000318160951); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (465931136,119,1,1,20000318160953); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (465931136,2,1,1,20000318160950); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (465931136,8,1,1,20000318160950); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (465931136,39,1,1,20000318160950); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1092858576,14,1,1,20000319013445); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (357917728,3,2,2,20000319145026); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (357917728,7,2,2,20000319145027); select visitor_id,max(ts) as mts from t1 group by visitor_id having mts < DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 3 MONTH); select visitor_id,max(ts) as mts from t1 group by visitor_id having DATE_ADD(mts,INTERVAL 3 MONTH) < NOW(); drop table t1; # # Bug #10627: Invalid date turned to NULL from date_sub/date_add in # traditional mode # set sql_mode='traditional'; create table t1 (d date); --error S22008 insert into t1 (d) select date_sub('2000-01-01', INTERVAL 2001 YEAR); --error S22008 insert into t1 (d) select date_add('2000-01-01',interval 8000 year); # No warnings/errors from the next two insert into t1 values (date_add(NULL, INTERVAL 1 DAY)); insert into t1 values (date_add('2000-01-04', INTERVAL NULL DAY)); set sql_mode=''; # These will all work now, and we'll end up with some NULL entries in the # table and some warnings. insert into t1 (d) select date_sub('2000-01-01', INTERVAL 2001 YEAR); insert into t1 (d) select date_add('2000-01-01',interval 8000 year); insert into t1 values (date_add(NULL, INTERVAL 1 DAY)); insert into t1 values (date_add('2000-01-04', INTERVAL NULL DAY)); select * from t1; drop table t1; --echo End of 4.1 tests # # Bug#21811 # # Make sure we end up with an appropriate # date format (DATE) after addition operation # SELECT CAST('2006-09-26' AS DATE) + INTERVAL 1 DAY; SELECT CAST('2006-09-26' AS DATE) + INTERVAL 1 MONTH; SELECT CAST('2006-09-26' AS DATE) + INTERVAL 1 YEAR; SELECT CAST('2006-09-26' AS DATE) + INTERVAL 1 WEEK; # # Bug#28450: The Item_date_add_interval in select list may fail the field # type assertion. # create table t1 (a int, b varchar(10)); insert into t1 values (1, '2001-01-01'),(2, '2002-02-02'); select '2007-01-01' + interval a day from t1; select b + interval a day from t1; drop table t1; --echo End of 5.0 tests # # MDEV-4284 Assertion `cmp_items[(uint)cmp_type]' fails in sql/item_cmpfunc.cc # create table t1 (a varchar(10)); insert t1 values ('2000-12-03'),('2008-05-03'); select * from t1 where case a when adddate( '2012-12-12', 7 ) then true end; drop table t1; --echo End of 5.5 tests