--disable_warnings drop table if exists t1,t2; --enable_warnings # # Testing of comparison functions # select 0=0,1>0,1>=1,1<0,1<=0,1!=0,strcmp("abc","abcd"),strcmp("b","a"),strcmp("a","a") ; select "a"<"b","a"<="b","b">="a","b">"a","a"="A","a"<>"b"; select "a "="A", "A "="a", "a " <= "A b"; select "abc" like "a%", "abc" not like "%d%", "a%" like "a\%","abc%" like "a%\%","abcd" like "a%b_%d", "a" like "%%a","abcde" like "a%_e","abc" like "abc%"; select "a" like "%%b","a" like "%%ab","ab" like "a\%", "ab" like "_", "ab" like "ab_", "abc" like "%_d", "abc" like "abc%d"; select '?' like '|%', '?' like '|%' ESCAPE '|', '%' like '|%', '%' like '|%' ESCAPE '|', '%' like '%'; select 'abc' like '%c','abcabc' like '%c', "ab" like "", "ab" like "a", "ab" like "ab"; select "Det här är svenska" regexp "h[[:alpha:]]+r", "aba" regexp "^(a|b)*$"; select "aba" regexp concat("^","a"); select !0,NOT 0=1,!(0=0),1 AND 1,1 && 0,0 OR 1,1 || NULL, 1=1 or 1=1 and 1=0; select 2 between 1 and 3, "monty" between "max" and "my",2=2 and "monty" between "max" and "my" and 3=3; select 'b' between 'a' and 'c', 'B' between 'a' and 'c'; select 2 in (3,2,5,9,5,1),"monty" in ("david","monty","allan"), 1.2 in (1.4,1.2,1.0); select -1.49 or -1.49,0.6 or 0.6; select 3 ^ 11, 1 ^ 1, 1 ^ 0, 1 ^ NULL, NULL ^ 1; explain extended select 3 ^ 11, 1 ^ 1, 1 ^ 0, 1 ^ NULL, NULL ^ 1; select 1 XOR 1, 1 XOR 0, 0 XOR 1, 0 XOR 0, NULL XOR 1, 1 XOR NULL, 0 XOR NULL; select 1 like 2 xor 2 like 1; select 10 % 7, 10 mod 7, 10 div 3; explain extended select 10 % 7, 10 mod 7, 10 div 3; select 18446744073709551615, 18446744073709551615 DIV 1, 18446744073709551615 DIV 2; explain extended select (1 << 64)-1, ((1 << 64)-1) DIV 1, ((1 << 64)-1) DIV 2; create table t1 (a int); insert t1 values (1); select * from t1 where 1 xor 1; explain extended select * from t1 where 1 xor 1; select - a from t1; explain extended select - a from t1; drop table t1; # # Wrong usage of functions # select 5 between 0 and 10 between 0 and 1,(5 between 0 and 10) between 0 and 1; select 1 and 2 between 2 and 10, 2 between 2 and 10 and 1; select 1 and 0 or 2, 2 or 1 and 0; # # Coercibility # select _koi8r'a' = _koi8r'A'; select _koi8r'a' = _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci; explain extended select _koi8r'a' = _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci; select _koi8r'a' = _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_bin; select _koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci = _koi8r'A'; select _koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_bin = _koi8r'A'; --error 1267 select _koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_bin = _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci; --error 1267 select _koi8r'a' = _latin1'A'; select strcmp(_koi8r'a', _koi8r'A'); select strcmp(_koi8r'a', _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci); select strcmp(_koi8r'a', _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_bin); select strcmp(_koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci, _koi8r'A'); select strcmp(_koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_bin, _koi8r'A'); --error 1267 select strcmp(_koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci, _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_bin); --error 1267 select strcmp(_koi8r'a', _latin1'A'); select _koi8r'a' LIKE _koi8r'A'; select _koi8r'a' LIKE _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci; select _koi8r'a' LIKE _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_bin; select _koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci LIKE _koi8r'A'; select _koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_bin LIKE _koi8r'A'; --error 1267 select _koi8r'a' COLLATE koi8r_general_ci LIKE _koi8r'A' COLLATE koi8r_bin; --error 1267 select _koi8r'a' LIKE _latin1'A'; # # Test for LEAST() BUG in LEFT JOIN # CREATE TABLE t1 ( faq_group_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', faq_id int(11) NOT NULL default '0', title varchar(240) default NULL, keywords text, description longblob, solution longblob, status tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '0', access_id smallint(6) default NULL, lang_id smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', created datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00', updated datetime default NULL, last_access datetime default NULL, last_notify datetime default NULL, solved_count int(11) NOT NULL default '0', static_solved int(11) default NULL, solved_1 int(11) default NULL, solved_2 int(11) default NULL, solved_3 int(11) default NULL, solved_4 int(11) default NULL, solved_5 int(11) default NULL, expires datetime default NULL, notes text, assigned_to smallint(6) default NULL, assigned_group smallint(6) default NULL, last_edited_by smallint(6) default NULL, orig_ref_no varchar(15) binary default NULL, c$fundstate smallint(6) default NULL, c$contributor smallint(6) default NULL, UNIQUE KEY t1$faq_id (faq_id), KEY t1$group_id$faq_id (faq_group_id,faq_id), KEY t1$c$fundstate (c$fundstate) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (82,82,'How to use the DynaVox Usage Counts Feature','usages count, number, corner, white, box, button','\r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n

How \r\n To: \r\n Display or Hide the Usage Counts to find out how many times each button is being selected.

','\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n \r\n
  \r\n \r\n

1. Select \r\n the On/Setup button to access the DynaVox Setup Menu.
\r\n 2. Select Button Features.
\r\n 3. Below the OK button is the Usage Counts button.
\r\n a. If it says \"Hidden\" then the Usage Counts will not be displayed.
\r\n b. If it says \"Displayed\" then the Usage Counts will be shown.
\r\n c. Select the Usage Counts Option Ring once and it will toggle \r\n to the alternative option.
\r\n 4. Once the correct setting has been chosen, select OK to leave the Button \r\n Features menu.
\r\n 5. Select OK out of the Setup menu and return to the communication \r\n page.


For \r\n further information on Usage Counts, see the Button Features \r\n Menu Entry in the DynaVox/DynaMyte Reference Manual.

',4,1,1,'2001-11-16 16:43:34','2002-11-25 12:09:43','2003-07-24 01:04:48',NULL,11,NULL,0,0,0,0,0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,11,NULL,NULL,NULL); CREATE TABLE t2 ( access_id smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', name varchar(20) binary default NULL, rank smallint(6) NOT NULL default '0', KEY t2$access_id (access_id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,'Everyone',2),(2,'Help',3),(3,'Customer Support',1); SELECT f_acc.rank, a1.rank, a2.rank FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t1 f1 ON (f1.access_id=1 AND f1.faq_group_id = t1.faq_group_id) LEFT JOIN t2 a1 ON (a1.access_id = f1.access_id) LEFT JOIN t1 f2 ON (f2.access_id=3 AND f2.faq_group_id = t1.faq_group_id) LEFT JOIN t2 a2 ON (a2.access_id = f2.access_id), t2 f_acc WHERE LEAST(a1.rank,a2.rank) = f_acc.rank; DROP TABLE t1,t2; # # Test for GREATEST() and LEAST() bug, which segfaulted 4.1.1 server # CREATE TABLE t1 (d varchar(6), k int); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL, 2); SELECT GREATEST(d,d) FROM t1 WHERE k=2; DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug #6138: mod and doubles # select 1197.90 mod 50; select 5.1 mod 3, 5.1 mod -3, -5.1 mod 3, -5.1 mod -3; # # Test for mod and signed integers # select 5 mod 3, 5 mod -3, -5 mod 3, -5 mod -3; # # Bug#23411: The "%" (MOD) operator is not documented; MOD-ing zero returns strange result # Manual: "Division by zero produces a NULL result" # select (12%0) <=> null as '1'; select (12%0) is null as '1'; select 12%0 as 'NULL'; select 12%2 as '0'; select 12%NULL as 'NULL'; select 12 % null as 'NULL'; select null % 12 as 'NULL'; select null % 0 as 'NULL'; select 0 % null as 'NULL'; select null % null as 'NULL'; select (12 mod 0) <=> null as '1'; select (12 mod 0) is null as '1'; select 12 mod 0 as 'NULL'; select 12 mod 2 as '0'; select 12 mod null as 'NULL'; select null mod 12 as 'NULL'; select null mod 0 as 'NULL'; select 0 mod null as 'NULL'; select null mod null as 'NULL'; select mod(12.0, 0) as 'NULL'; select mod(12, 0.0) as 'NULL'; select mod(12, NULL) as 'NULL'; select mod(12.0, NULL) as 'NULL'; select mod(NULL, 2) as 'NULL'; select mod(NULL, 2.0) as 'NULL'; # # Bug#6726: NOT BETWEEN parse failure # create table t1 (a int, b int); insert into t1 values (1,2), (2,3), (3,4), (4,5); select * from t1 where a not between 1 and 2; select * from t1 where a not between 1 and 2 and b not between 3 and 4; drop table t1; # # Test for bug #12791: one of the arguments of LEAST/GREATEST is NULL # SELECT GREATEST(1,NULL) FROM DUAL; SELECT LEAST('xxx','aaa',NULL,'yyy') FROM DUAL; SELECT LEAST(1.1,1.2,NULL,1.0) FROM DUAL; SELECT GREATEST(1.5E+2,1.3E+2,NULL) FROM DUAL; # End of 4.1 tests # # test of replacing NOT # create table t1 (a int); insert into t1 values (1), (100), (0), (NULL); select not a from t1; explain extended select not a from t1; select * from t1 where not a; explain extended select * from t1 where not a; select not (a+0) from t1; explain extended select not (a+0) from t1; select * from t1 where not (a+0); explain extended select * from t1 where not (a+0); drop table t1;