--source include/not_embedded.inc # Setup database, tables and user accounts --disable_warnings drop database if exists mysqltest_db1; --enable_warnings create database mysqltest_db1; use mysqltest_db1; create table t_column_priv_only (a int, b int); create table t_select_priv like t_column_priv_only; create table t_no_priv like t_column_priv_only; grant all privileges on test.* to mysqltest_u1@localhost; grant insert (a) on mysqltest_db1.t_column_priv_only to mysqltest_u1@localhost; grant select on mysqltest_db1.t_select_priv to mysqltest_u1@localhost; --echo ** Connect as restricted user mysqltest_u1. --echo connect (con1,localhost,mysqltest_u1,,); connection con1; ######################################################################## --echo ** Test column level privileges only. No SELECT privileges on the table. --echo ** INSERT INTO ... VALUES ... --echo ** Attempting to insert values to a table with only column privileges --echo ** should work. insert into mysqltest_db1.t_column_priv_only (a) VALUES (1); --echo ######################################################################### --echo ** SHOW COLUMNS --echo ** Should succeed because we have privileges (any) on at least one of the columns. select column_name as 'Field',column_type as 'Type',is_nullable as 'Null',column_key as 'Key',column_default as 'Default',extra as 'Extra' from information_schema.columns where table_schema='mysqltest_db1' and table_name='t_column_priv_only'; show columns from mysqltest_db1.t_column_priv_only; ######################################################################### --echo ** SHOW COLUMNS --echo ** Should fail because there are no privileges on any column combination. --error 1142 show columns from mysqltest_db1.t_no_priv; --echo ** However, select from I_S.COLUMNS will succeed but not show anything: select column_name as 'Field',column_type as 'Type',is_nullable as 'Null',column_key as 'Key',column_default as 'Default',extra as 'Extra' from information_schema.columns where table_schema='mysqltest_db1' and table_name='t_no_priv'; --echo ######################################################################### --echo ** CREATE TABLE ... LIKE ... require SELECT privleges and will fail. --error 1142 create table test.t_no_priv like mysqltest_db1.column_priv_only; --echo ######################################################################### --echo ** Just to be sure... SELECT also fails. --error 1142 select * from mysqltest_db1.t_column_priv_only; --echo ######################################################################### --echo ** SHOW CREATE TABLE ... require any privileges on all columns (the entire table). --echo ** First we try and fail on a table with only one column privilege. --error 1142 show create table mysqltest_db1.t_column_priv_only; --echo ######################################################################### --echo ** Now we do the same on a table with SELECT privileges. --echo ######################################################################### --echo ** SHOW COLUMNS --echo ** Success because we got some privileges on the table (SELECT_ACL) show columns from mysqltest_db1.t_select_priv; --echo ######################################################################### --echo ** CREATE TABLE ... LIKE ... require SELECT privleges and will SUCCEED. --disable_warnings drop table if exists test.t_duplicated; --enable_warnings create table test.t_duplicated like mysqltest_db1.t_select_priv; drop table test.t_duplicated; --echo ######################################################################### --echo ** SHOW CREATE TABLE will succeed because we have a privilege on all columns in the table (table-level privilege). show create table mysqltest_db1.t_select_priv; --echo ######################################################################### --echo ** SHOW CREATE TABLE will fail if there is no grants at all: --error 1142 show create table mysqltest_db1.t_no_priv; --echo connection default; # # SHOW INDEX # use mysqltest_db1; CREATE TABLE t5 (s1 INT); CREATE INDEX i ON t5 (s1); CREATE TABLE t6 (s1 INT, s2 INT); CREATE VIEW v5 AS SELECT * FROM t5; CREATE VIEW v6 AS SELECT * FROM t6; CREATE VIEW v2 AS SELECT * FROM t_select_priv; CREATE VIEW v3 AS SELECT * FROM t_select_priv; CREATE INDEX i ON t6 (s1); GRANT UPDATE (s2) ON t6 to mysqltest_u1@localhost; GRANT UPDATE (s2) ON v6 to mysqltest_u1@localhost; GRANT SHOW VIEW ON v2 to mysqltest_u1@localhost; GRANT SHOW VIEW, SELECT ON v3 to mysqltest_u1@localhost; connection con1; use mysqltest_db1; --echo ** Connect as restricted user mysqltest_u1. --echo ** SELECT FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS will succeed because any privileges will do (authentication is enough). --echo ** but will return no rows SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS WHERE table_name='t5'; # # Bug27145 EXTRA_ACL trouble # --echo ** SHOW INDEX FROM t5 will fail because we don't have any privileges on any column combination. --error 1142 SHOW INDEX FROM t5; --echo ** SHOW INDEX FROM t6 will succeed because there exist a privilege on a column combination on t6. SHOW INDEX FROM t6; # CHECK TABLE --echo ** CHECK TABLE requires any privilege on any column combination and should succeed for t6: CHECK TABLE t6; --echo ** With no privileges access is naturally denied: --error 1142 CHECK TABLE t5; # CHECKSUM --echo ** CHECKSUM TABLE requires SELECT privileges on the table. The following should fail: --error 1142 CHECKSUM TABLE t6; --echo ** And this should work: CHECKSUM TABLE t_select_priv; # SHOW CREATE VIEW --error 1142 SHOW CREATE VIEW v5; --error 1142 SHOW CREATE VIEW v6; --error 1142 SHOW CREATE VIEW v2; SHOW CREATE VIEW v3; connection default; disconnect con1; drop database mysqltest_db1; drop user mysqltest_u1@localhost;