--disable_warnings drop table if exists t1,t2,t3; --enable_warnings SET SQL_WARNINGS=1; # # This failed for Elizabeth Mattijsen # CREATE TABLE t1 ( ID CHAR(32) NOT NULL, name CHAR(32) NOT NULL, value CHAR(255), INDEX indexIDname (ID(8),name(8)) ) ; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('keyword','indexdir','/export/home/local/www/database/indexes/keyword'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('keyword','urlprefix','text/ /text'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('keyword','urlmap','/text/ /'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('keyword','attr','personal employee company'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('emailgids','indexdir','/export/home/local/www/database/indexes/emailgids'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('emailgids','urlprefix','text/ /text'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('emailgids','urlmap','/text/ /'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('emailgids','attr','personal employee company'); SELECT value FROM t1 WHERE ID='emailgids' AND name='attr'; drop table t1; # # Problem with many key parts and many or # CREATE TABLE t1 ( price int(5) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, area varchar(40) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, type varchar(40) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, transityes enum('Y','N') DEFAULT 'Y' NOT NULL, shopsyes enum('Y','N') DEFAULT 'Y' NOT NULL, schoolsyes enum('Y','N') DEFAULT 'Y' NOT NULL, petsyes enum('Y','N') DEFAULT 'Y' NOT NULL, KEY price (price,area,type,transityes,shopsyes,schoolsyes,petsyes) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (900,'Vancouver','Shared/Roomate','N','N','N','N'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (900,'Vancouver','Shared/Roomate','N','N','N','N'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (900,'Vancouver','Shared/Roomate','','','',''); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (900,'Vancouver','Shared/Roomate','Y','Y','Y','Y'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (900,'Vancouver','Shared/Roomate','Y','Y','Y','Y'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (900,'Vancouver','Shared/Roomate','Y','Y','Y','Y'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (900,'Vancouver','Shared/Roomate','Y','Y','Y','Y'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (900,'Vancouver','Shared/Roomate','Y','Y','Y','Y'); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE area='Vancouver' and transityes='y' and schoolsyes='y' and ( ((type='1 Bedroom' or type='Studio/Bach') and (price<=500)) or ((type='2 Bedroom') and (price<=550)) or ((type='Shared/Roomate') and (price<=300)) or ((type='Room and Board') and (price<=500)) ) and price <= 400; drop table t1; # # No longer a problem with primary key # CREATE TABLE t1 (program enum('signup','unique','sliding') not null, type enum('basic','sliding','signup'), sites set('mt'), PRIMARY KEY (program)); # This no longer give an error for wrong primary key ALTER TABLE t1 modify program enum('signup','unique','sliding'); drop table t1; # # Test of compressed decimal index. # CREATE TABLE t1 ( name varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, author varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, category decimal(10,0) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, email varchar(50), password varchar(50), proxy varchar(50), bitmap varchar(20), msg varchar(255), urlscol varchar(127), urlhttp varchar(127), timeout decimal(10,0), nbcnx decimal(10,0), creation decimal(10,0), livinguntil decimal(10,0), lang decimal(10,0), type decimal(10,0), subcat decimal(10,0), subtype decimal(10,0), reg char(1), scs varchar(255), capacity decimal(10,0), userISP varchar(50), CCident varchar(50) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (name,author,category) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('patnom','patauteur',0,'p.favre@cryo-networks.fr',NULL,NULL,'#p2sndnq6ae5g1u6t','essai\nsalut','scol://',NULL,NULL,NULL,950036174,-882087474,NULL,3,0,3,'1','Pub/patnom/futur_divers.scs',NULL,'pat','CC1'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('LeNomDeMonSite','Marc',0,'m.barilley@cryo-networks.fr',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'scol://',NULL,NULL,NULL,950560434,-881563214,NULL,3,0,3,'1','Pub/LeNomDeMonSite/domus_hibere.scs',NULL,'Marq','CC1'); select * from t1 where name='patnom' and author='patauteur' and category=0; drop table t1; # # Problem with search on partial index # create table t1 ( name_id int not null auto_increment, name blob, INDEX name_idx (name(5)), primary key (name_id) ); INSERT t1 VALUES(NULL,'/'); INSERT t1 VALUES(NULL,'[T,U]_axpby'); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE name='[T,U]_axpy'; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE name='[T,U]_axpby'; create table t2 ( name_id int not null auto_increment, name char(255) binary, INDEX name_idx (name(5)), primary key (name_id) ); INSERT t2 select * from t1; SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE name='[T,U]_axpy'; SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE name='[T,U]_axpby'; drop table t1,t2; # # Test bug with long primary key # create table t1 ( SEQNO numeric(12 ) not null, MOTYPEID numeric(12 ) not null, MOINSTANCEID numeric(12 ) not null, ATTRID numeric(12 ) not null, VALUE varchar(120) not null, primary key (SEQNO, MOTYPEID, MOINSTANCEID, ATTRID, VALUE ) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 1, 1, 1, 'a'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 1, 1, 1, 'b'); !$1062 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 1, 1, 1, 'a'); drop table t1; # # Test with blob + tinyint key # (Failed for Greg Valure) # CREATE TABLE t1 ( a tinytext NOT NULL, b tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0', PRIMARY KEY (a(32),b) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('a',1),('a',2); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a='a' AND b=2; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a='a' AND b in (2); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a='a' AND b in (1,2); drop table t1; # # Test of create key order # create table t1 (a int not null unique, b int unique, c int, d int not null primary key, key(c), e int not null unique); show keys from t1; drop table t1; # # Problem with UNIQUE() with NULL parts and auto increment # CREATE TABLE t1 (c CHAR(10) NOT NULL,i INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, UNIQUE (c,i)); INSERT INTO t1 (c) VALUES (NULL),(NULL); SELECT * FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1 (c) VALUES ('a'),('a'); SELECT * FROM t1; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (c CHAR(10) NULL, i INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, UNIQUE (c,i)); INSERT INTO t1 (c) VALUES (NULL),(NULL); SELECT * FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1 (c) VALUES ('a'),('a'); SELECT * FROM t1; drop table t1; # # longer keys # create table t1 (i int, a char(200), b text, unique (a), unique (b(300))) charset utf8; insert t1 values (1, repeat('a',210), repeat('b', 310)); insert t1 values (2, repeat(0xD0B1,215), repeat(0xD0B1, 310)); select i, length(a), length(b), char_length(a), char_length(b) from t1; select i from t1 where a=repeat(_utf8 'a',200); select i from t1 where a=repeat(_utf8 0xD0B1,200); select i from t1 where b=repeat(_utf8 'b',310); drop table t1;