# This test doesn't work with the embedded version as this code # assumes that one query is running while we are doing queries on # a second connection. # This would work if mysqltest run would be threaded and handle each # connection in a separate thread. # -- source include/not_embedded.inc connect (con1, localhost, root,,); connect (con2, localhost, root,,); #remember id of con1 connection con1; drop table if exists t1; create table t1 (kill_id int); insert into t1 values(connection_id()); #kill con1 connection con2; select ((@id := kill_id) - kill_id) from t1; kill @id; # Wait for thread to do. --sleep 5 # verify that con1 is doning a reconnect connection con1; ping ping select @id != connection_id(); #make sure the server is still alive connection con2; select 4; drop table t1;