# # mysqld --help # --source include/not_embedded.inc --source include/have_perfschema.inc --source include/platform.inc # # force lower-case-table-names=1 (linux/macosx have different defaults) # force symbolic-links=0 (valgrind build has a different default) # exec $MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP_CMD --symbolic-links=0 --lower-case-table-names=1 --help --verbose > $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqld--help.txt 2>&1; # The inline perl code below will copy $MYSQL_TMP_DIR/mysqld--help.txt # to output, but filter away some variable stuff (e.g. paths). perl; # Variables which we don't want to display in the result file since # their paths may vary: @skipvars=qw/basedir open-files-limit general-log-file log plugin-dir log-slow-queries pid-file slow-query-log-file log-basename datadir slave-load-tmpdir tmpdir socket thread-pool-size/; # Plugins which may or may not be there: @plugins=qw/innodb ndb archive blackhole federated partition ndbcluster feedback debug temp-pool ssl des-key-file xtradb sequence thread-concurrency super-large-pages mutex-deadlock-detector null-audit aria pbxt oqgraph sphinx thread-handling test-sql-discovery rpl-semi-sync query-cache-info query-response-time locales/; # And substitute the content some environment variables with their # names: @env=qw/MYSQLTEST_VARDIR MYSQL_TEST_DIR MYSQL_CHARSETSDIR MYSQL_SHAREDIR/; $re1=join('|', @skipvars, @plugins); $re2=join('|', @plugins); $skip=0; open(F, '<', "$ENV{MYSQL_TMP_DIR}/mysqld--help.txt") or die; while () { next if 1../The following groups are read/; # formatting, skip line consisting entirely of dashes and blanks next if /^[\- ]+\s?$/; next if /Value \(after reading options\)/; # skip table header next if /^($re1) /; next if /^($re2)-/; $skip=0 if /^ -/ or /^$/; $skip=1 if / --($re2)\b/; y!\\!/!; s/[ ]+/ /; # squeeze spaces to remove table formatting # fixes for 32-bit s/\b4294967295\b/18446744073709551615/; s/\b2146435072\b/9223372036853727232/; s/\b196608\b/262144/; s/\b4294963200\b/18446744073709547520/; foreach $var (@env) { s/$ENV{$var}/$var/ } next if /use --skip-(use-)?symbolic-links to disable/; # for valgrind, again next if $skip; print; } close F; EOF