-- source include/have_query_cache.inc -- source include/have_ndb.inc -- source include/not_embedded.inc --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1, t2, t3, t4, t5; --enable_warnings # Turn on and reset query cache set GLOBAL query_cache_type=on; set GLOBAL query_cache_size=1355776; # Turn on thread that will fetch commit count for open tables set GLOBAL ndb_cache_check_time=100; reset query cache; flush status; # Create test tables in NDB CREATE TABLE t1 ( pk int not null primary key, a1 int, b1 int not null, c1 varchar(20) ) ENGINE=ndb; CREATE TABLE t2 ( pk int not null primary key, a2 int, b2 int not null ) ENGINE=ndb; CREATE TABLE t3 ( pk int not null primary key, a3 int, b3 int not null, c3 int not null, d3 varchar(20) ) ENGINE=ndb; CREATE TABLE t4 ( a4 int, b4 int not null, c4 char(20) ) ENGINE=ndbcluster; CREATE TABLE t5 ( pk int not null primary key, a5 int, b5 int not null, c5 varchar(255) ) ENGINE=ndbcluster; insert into t1 value (1, 2, 3, 'First row'); insert into t2 value (1, 2, 3); insert into t3 value (1, 2, 3, 4, '3 - First row'); insert into t4 value (2, 3, '4 - First row'); insert into t5 value (1, 2, 3, '5 - First row'); # Perform one query which should be inserted in query cache select * from t1; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; # Perform the same query and make sure the query cache is hit select * from t1; show status like "Qcache_hits"; # Update the table and make sure the correct data is returned update t1 set a1=3 where pk=1; select * from t1; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; # Insert a new record and make sure the correct data is returned insert into t1 value (2, 7, 8, 'Second row'); insert into t1 value (4, 5, 6, 'Fourth row'); select * from t1 order by pk desc; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; select * from t1 order by pk desc; show status like "Qcache_hits"; # Perform a "new" query and make sure the query cache is not hit select * from t1 where b1=3; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; # Same query again... select * from t1 where b1=3; show status like "Qcache_hits"; # Delete from the table delete from t1 where c1='Fourth row'; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; select * from t1 where b1=3; show status like "Qcache_hits"; # Start another connection and check that the query cache is hit connect (con1,localhost,root,,); connection con1; use test; select * from t1 order by pk desc; select * from t1 where b1=3; show status like "Qcache_hits"; # Update the table and switch to other connection update t1 set a1=4 where b1=3; connect (con2,localhost,root,,); connection con2; use test; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; select * from t1 order by pk desc; select * from t1 order by pk desc; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; connection con1; select * from t1 order by pk desc; select * from t1 order by pk desc; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; # Load all tables into cache select * from t2; select * from t3; select * from t4; select * from t5; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; ##################################################################### # Start transaction and perform update # Switch to other transaction and check that update does not show up # Switch back and commit transaction # Switch to other transaction and check that update shows up ##################################################################### connection con1; flush status; begin; update t1 set a1=5 where pk=1; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; connection con2; select * from t1 order by pk desc; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; connection con1; commit; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; connection con2; select * from t1 order by pk desc; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; connection con1; select * from t1 order by pk desc; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; ##################################################################### # Start transaction and perform update # Switch to other transaction and check that update does not show up # Switch back, perform selects and commit transaction # Switch to other transaction and check that update shows up ##################################################################### connection con1; flush status; begin; update t1 set a1=6 where pk=1; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; connection con2; select * from t1 order by pk desc; select * from t1 order by pk desc; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; connection con1; # The two queries below will not hit cache since transaction is ongoing select * from t1 order by pk desc; select * from t1 order by pk desc; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; commit; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; connection con2; select * from t1 order by pk desc; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; connection con1; select * from t1 order by pk desc; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; ##################################################################### # Start transaction and perform insert # Switch to other transaction and check that insert does not show up # Switch back, perform selects and commit transaction # Switch to other transaction and check that update shows up ##################################################################### connection con1; flush status; begin; insert into t1 set pk=5, a1=6, b1=3, c1="New row"; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; connection con2; select * from t1 where pk=5; select * from t1 order by pk desc; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; connection con1; # The below four queries will not be cached, trans is ongoing select * from t1 where pk=5; select * from t1 where pk=5; select * from t1 order by pk desc; select * from t1 order by pk desc; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; commit; connection con2; select * from t1 order by pk desc; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; connection con1; ##################################################################### # Start transaction and perform delete # Switch to other transaction and check that delete does not show up # Switch back, perform selects and commit transaction # Switch to other transaction and check that update shows up ##################################################################### connection con1; flush status; begin; delete from t1 where pk=2; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; connection con2; select * from t1 where pk=2; select * from t1 order by pk desc; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; connection con1; # The below four queries will not be cached, trans is ongoing select * from t1 where pk=2; select * from t1 order by pk desc; select * from t1 order by pk desc; select * from t1 where pk=2; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; commit; connection con2; select * from t1 order by pk desc; select * from t1 where pk=2; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; connection con1; ##################################################################### # Start a transaction which updates all tables # Switch to other transaction and check updates does not show up # Switch back, perform selects and commit transaction # Switch to other transaction and check that update shows up ##################################################################### flush status; begin; update t1 set a1=9 where pk=1; update t2 set a2=9 where pk=1; update t3 set a3=9 where pk=1; update t4 set a4=9 where a4=2; update t5 set a5=9 where pk=1; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; connection con2; select * from t1 order by pk desc; select * from t2; select * from t3; select * from t4; select * from t5; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; connection con1; # The below five queries will not be cached, trans is ongoing select * from t1 order by pk desc; select * from t1 order by pk desc; select * from t2; select * from t3; select * from t4; select * from t5; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; commit; connection con2; select * from t1 order by pk desc; select * from t2; select * from t3; select * from t4; select * from t5; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; connection con1; select * from t1 order by pk desc; select * from t2; select * from t3; select * from t4; select * from t5; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; select * from t1 order by pk desc; select * from t2; select * from t3; select * from t4; select * from t5; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; connection con2; select * from t1 order by pk desc; select * from t2; select * from t3; select * from t4; select * from t5; show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; show status like "Qcache_inserts"; show status like "Qcache_hits"; drop table t1, t2, t3, t4, t5; # There should be no queries in cache, when tables have been dropped show status like "Qcache_queries_in_cache"; SET GLOBAL query_cache_size=0; SET GLOBAL ndb_cache_check_time=0;