# # Testing of NULL in a lot of different places # select null,\N,isnull(null),isnull(1/0),isnull(1/0 = null),ifnull(null,1),ifnull(null,"TRUE"),ifnull("TRUE","ERROR"),1/0 is null,1 is not null; select 1 | NULL,1 & NULL,1+NULL,1-NULL; select NULL=NULL,NULL<>NULL,IFNULL(NULL,1.1)+0,IFNULL(NULL,1) | 0; select strcmp("a",NULL),(1<NULL)+0.0,NULL regexp "a",null like "a%","a%" like null; select concat("a",NULL),replace(NULL,"a","b"),replace("string","i",NULL),replace("string",NULL,"i"),insert("abc",1,1,NULL),left(NULL,1); select repeat("a",0),repeat("ab",5+5),repeat("ab",-1),reverse(NULL); select field(NULL,"a","b","c"); select 2 between null and 1,2 between 3 AND NULL,NULL between 1 and 2,2 between NULL and 3, 2 between 1 AND null; SELECT NULL AND NULL, 1 AND NULL, NULL AND 1, NULL OR NULL, 0 OR NULL, NULL OR 0; SELECT (NULL OR NULL) IS NULL; select NULL AND 0, 0 and NULL; select inet_ntoa(null),inet_aton(null),inet_aton("122.256"),inet_aton("122.226."),inet_aton(""); drop table if exists t1; create table t1 (x int); insert into t1 values (null); select * from t1 where x != 0; drop table t1; # # Test problem med index on NULL columns and testing with =NULL; # CREATE TABLE t1 ( indexed_field int default NULL, KEY indexed_field (indexed_field) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL),(NULL); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE indexed_field=NULL; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE indexed_field IS NULL; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE indexed_field<=>NULL; DROP TABLE t1; # # Testing of IFNULL # create table t1 (a int, b int) type=myisam; insert into t1 values(20,null); select t2.b, ifnull(t2.b,"this is null") from t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 on t2.b=t3.a; select t2.b, ifnull(t2.b,"this is null") from t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 on t2.b=t3.a order by 1; insert into t1 values(10,null); select t2.b, ifnull(t2.b,"this is null") from t1 as t2 left join t1 as t3 on t2.b=t3.a order by 1; drop table t1; # # Test inserting and updating with NULL # CREATE TABLE t1 (a varchar(16) NOT NULL, b smallint(6) NOT NULL, c datetime NOT NULL, d smallint(6) NOT NULL); INSERT INTO t1 SET a = "", d= "2003-01-14 03:54:55"; UPDATE t1 SET d=1/NULL; UPDATE t1 SET d=NULL; --error 1048 INSERT INTO t1 (a) values (null); --error 1048 INSERT INTO t1 (a) values (1/null); INSERT INTO t1 (a) values (null),(null); --error 1048 INSERT INTO t1 (b) values (null); --error 1048 INSERT INTO t1 (b) values (1/null); INSERT INTO t1 (b) values (null),(null); --error 1048 INSERT INTO t1 (c) values (null); --error 1048 INSERT INTO t1 (c) values (1/null); INSERT INTO t1 (c) values (null),(null); --error 1048 INSERT INTO t1 (d) values (null); --error 1048 INSERT INTO t1 (d) values (1/null); INSERT INTO t1 (d) values (null),(null); select * from t1; drop table t1;