--source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/have_partition.inc CREATE TABLE `test_data` ( `hid` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `itid` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL, `clocktime` timestamp NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, `values` double(16,4) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`hid`,`itid`,`clocktime`) ) ; INSERT INTO `test_data` (`hid`, `itid`, `clocktime`, `values`) VALUES (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:25:16', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:26:24', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:27:32', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:28:40', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:29:49', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:30:57', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:32:05', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:33:14', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:34:22', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:35:30', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:36:39', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:37:47', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:38:55', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:40:03', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:41:09', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:42:21', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:43:29', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:44:37', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:45:46', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:47:05', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:48:21', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:49:41', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:50:58', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:52:08', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:53:17', 0.0000), (1, 1, '2015-03-10 06:54:25', 0.0000), (563, 1, '2015-03-17 14:28:28', 0.3125), (563, 1, '2015-03-17 14:29:39', 0.2775), (563, 1, '2015-03-17 14:30:49', 0.2675); CREATE PROCEDURE `create_part_max`() alter table `test_data` partition by range(unix_timestamp(clocktime)) ( partition partMAX values less than MAXVALUE ); call create_part_max(); call create_part_max(); drop procedure create_part_max; prepare stmt from "alter table `test_data` partition by range(unix_timestamp(clocktime)) ( partition partMAX values less than MAXVALUE )"; execute stmt; execute stmt; deallocate prepare stmt; drop table test_data; # # MDEV-12389 ADD CHECK leaves an orphaned .par file # --let $datadir=`SELECT @@datadir` # InnoDB create table t1(id int, d date not null, b bool not null default 0, primary key(id,d)) engine=innodb partition by range columns (d) ( partition p1 values less than ('2016-10-18'), partition p2 values less than ('2020-10-19')); insert t1 values (0, '2000-01-02', 0); insert t1 values (1, '2020-01-02', 10); --error ER_CONSTRAINT_FAILED alter table t1 add check (b in (0, 1)); alter table t1 add check (b in (0, 10)); show create table t1; --error ER_CONSTRAINT_FAILED insert t1 values (2, '2020-01-03', 20); drop table t1; --list_files $datadir/test # MyISAM, different execution path create table t1(id int, d date not null, b bool not null default 0, primary key(id,d)) partition by range columns (d) ( partition p1 values less than ('2016-10-18'), partition p2 values less than ('2020-10-19')); insert t1 values (0, '2000-01-02', 0); insert t1 values (1, '2020-01-02', 10); --error ER_CONSTRAINT_FAILED alter table t1 add check (b in (0, 1)); alter table t1 add check (b in (0, 10)); show create table t1; --error ER_CONSTRAINT_FAILED insert t1 values (2, '2020-01-03', 20); drop table t1; --list_files $datadir/test # # MDEV-13097 Online alter of a partitioned MyISAM table with auto_increment # create table t1 (id_1 int auto_increment, id_2 int, id_3 int, d1 date, dt1 datetime default current_timestamp, dt2 datetime default current_timestamp on update current_timestamp, primary key (id_2, id_3), key(id_1)) partition by hash(id_2) partitions 3 (partition p01, partition p02, partition p03); insert into t1 values(0, 1, 1, NULL, now(), now()); alter online table t1 delay_key_write=1; show create table t1; drop table t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-19751 Wrong partitioning by KEY() after key dropped --echo # create or replace table t1 (pk int, x timestamp(6), primary key (pk, x)) engine innodb partition by key() partitions 2; insert into t1 (pk, x) values (1, '2000-01-01 00:00'), (2, '2000-01-01 00:01'); --echo # Inplace for DROP PRIMARY KEY when partitioned by default field list is denied --error ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED alter table t1 drop primary key, drop column x, add primary key (pk), algorithm=inplace; alter table t1 drop primary key, drop column x, add primary key (pk); select * from t1 partition (p0); drop table t1; create or replace table t1 (pk int not null, x timestamp(6), unique u(pk, x)) engine innodb partition by key() partitions 2; insert into t1 (pk, x) values (1, '2000-01-01 00:00'), (2, '2000-01-01 00:01'); --echo # Same for NOT NULL UNIQUE KEY as this is actually primary key --error ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED alter table t1 drop key u, drop column x, add unique (pk), algorithm=inplace; alter table t1 drop key u, drop column x, add unique (pk); select * from t1 partition (p0); drop table t1; create or replace table t1 (pk int, x timestamp(6), primary key (pk)) engine innodb partition by key(pk) partitions 2; insert into t1 (pk, x) values (1, '2000-01-01 00:00'), (2, '2000-01-01 00:01'); --echo # Inplace for DROP PRIMARY KEY when partitioned by explicit field list is allowed alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key (pk, x), algorithm=inplace; select * from t1 partition (p0); drop table t1; create or replace table t1 (k int, x timestamp(6), unique key u (x, k)) engine innodb partition by key(k) partitions 2; insert into t1 (k, x) values (1, '2000-01-01 00:00'), (2, '2000-01-01 00:01'); --echo # Inplace for DROP KEY is allowed alter table t1 drop key u, algorithm=inplace; select * from t1 partition (p0); drop table t1; --echo # End of 10.2 tests