# # MDEV-4578 information_schema.processlist reports incorrect value for Time (2147483647) # source include/have_debug_sync.inc; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'dispatch_command_before_set_time WAIT_FOR do_set_time'; send SELECT 1; connect (con1,localhost,root,,); SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'fill_schema_processlist_after_unow SIGNAL do_set_time WAIT_FOR fill_schema_proceed'; send SELECT INFO,TIME,TIME_MS FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST WHERE INFO IS NULL; connection default; reap; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now SIGNAL fill_schema_proceed'; connection con1; reap; connection default; # # MDEV-4683 query start_time not reset when going to sleep # connection con1; select sleep(5); #run a query that will take some time connection default; # verify that the time in COM_SLEEP doesn't include the query run time select command, time < 5 from information_schema.processlist where id != connection_id(); disconnect con1;