# # Problem with range optimizer # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1, t2; --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE t1 ( event_date date DEFAULT '0000-00-00' NOT NULL, type int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, event_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (event_date,type,event_id) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('1999-07-10',100100,24), ('1999-07-11',100100,25), ('1999-07-13',100600,0), ('1999-07-13',100600,4), ('1999-07-13',100600,26), ('1999-07-14',100600,10), ('1999-07-15',100600,16), ('1999-07-15',100800,45), ('1999-07-15',101000,47), ('1999-07-16',100800,46), ('1999-07-20',100600,5), ('1999-07-20',100600,27), ('1999-07-21',100600,11), ('1999-07-22',100600,17), ('1999-07-23',100100,39), ('1999-07-24',100100,39), ('1999-07-24',100500,40), ('1999-07-25',100100,39), ('1999-07-27',100600,1), ('1999-07-27',100600,6), ('1999-07-27',100600,28), ('1999-07-28',100600,12), ('1999-07-29',100500,41), ('1999-07-29',100600,18), ('1999-07-30',100500,41), ('1999-07-31',100500,41), ('1999-08-01',100700,34), ('1999-08-03',100600,7), ('1999-08-03',100600,29), ('1999-08-04',100600,13), ('1999-08-05',100500,42), ('1999-08-05',100600,19), ('1999-08-06',100500,42), ('1999-08-07',100500,42), ('1999-08-08',100500,42), ('1999-08-10',100600,2), ('1999-08-10',100600,9), ('1999-08-10',100600,30), ('1999-08-11',100600,14), ('1999-08-12',100600,20), ('1999-08-17',100500,8), ('1999-08-17',100600,31), ('1999-08-18',100600,15), ('1999-08-19',100600,22), ('1999-08-24',100600,3), ('1999-08-24',100600,32), ('1999-08-27',100500,43), ('1999-08-31',100600,33), ('1999-09-17',100100,37), ('1999-09-18',100100,37), ('1999-09-19',100100,37), ('2000-12-18',100700,38); select event_date,type,event_id from t1 WHERE event_date >= "1999-07-01" AND event_date < "1999-07-15" AND (type=100600 OR type=100100) ORDER BY event_date; explain select event_date,type,event_id from t1 WHERE type = 100601 and event_date >= "1999-07-01" AND event_date < "1999-07-15" AND (type=100600 OR type=100100) ORDER BY event_date; select event_date,type,event_id from t1 WHERE event_date >= "1999-07-01" AND event_date <= "1999-07-15" AND (type=100600 OR type=100100) or event_date >= "1999-07-01" AND event_date <= "1999-07-15" AND type=100099; drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( PAPER_ID smallint(6) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, YEAR smallint(6) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, ISSUE smallint(6) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, CLOSED tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, ISS_DATE date DEFAULT '0000-00-00' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (PAPER_ID,YEAR,ISSUE) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3,1999,34,0,'1999-07-12'), (1,1999,111,0,'1999-03-23'), (1,1999,222,0,'1999-03-23'), (3,1999,33,0,'1999-07-12'), (3,1999,32,0,'1999-07-12'), (3,1999,31,0,'1999-07-12'), (3,1999,30,0,'1999-07-12'), (3,1999,29,0,'1999-07-12'), (3,1999,28,0,'1999-07-12'), (1,1999,40,1,'1999-05-01'), (1,1999,41,1,'1999-05-01'), (1,1999,42,1,'1999-05-01'), (1,1999,46,1,'1999-05-01'), (1,1999,47,1,'1999-05-01'), (1,1999,48,1,'1999-05-01'), (1,1999,49,1,'1999-05-01'), (1,1999,50,0,'1999-05-01'), (1,1999,51,0,'1999-05-01'), (1,1999,200,0,'1999-06-28'), (1,1999,52,0,'1999-06-28'), (1,1999,53,0,'1999-06-28'), (1,1999,54,0,'1999-06-28'), (1,1999,55,0,'1999-06-28'), (1,1999,56,0,'1999-07-01'), (1,1999,57,0,'1999-07-01'), (1,1999,58,0,'1999-07-01'), (1,1999,59,0,'1999-07-01'), (1,1999,60,0,'1999-07-01'), (3,1999,35,0,'1999-07-12'); select YEAR,ISSUE from t1 where PAPER_ID=3 and (YEAR>1999 or (YEAR=1999 and ISSUE>28)) order by YEAR,ISSUE; check table t1; repair table t1; drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, parent_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, level tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY parent_id (parent_id), KEY level (level) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,0,0), (3,1,1), (4,1,1), (8,2,2), (9,2,2), (17,3,2), (22,4,2), (24,4,2), (28,5,2), (29,5,2), (30,5,2), (31,6,2), (32,6,2), (33,6,2), (203,7,2), (202,7,2), (20,3,2), (157,0,0), (193,5,2), (40,7,2), (2,1,1), (15,2,2), (6,1,1), (34,6,2), (35,6,2), (16,3,2), (7,1,1), (36,7,2), (18,3,2), (26,5,2), (27,5,2), (183,4,2), (38,7,2), (25,5,2), (37,7,2), (21,4,2), (19,3,2), (5,1,1), (179,5,2); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE level = 1 AND parent_id = 1; # The following select returned 0 rows in 3.23.8 SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE level = 1 AND parent_id = 1 order by id; drop table t1; # # Testing of bug in range optimizer with many key parts and > and < # create table t1( Satellite varchar(25) not null, SensorMode varchar(25) not null, FullImageCornersUpperLeftLongitude double not null, FullImageCornersUpperRightLongitude double not null, FullImageCornersUpperRightLatitude double not null, FullImageCornersLowerRightLatitude double not null, index two (Satellite, SensorMode, FullImageCornersUpperLeftLongitude, FullImageCornersUpperRightLongitude, FullImageCornersUpperRightLatitude, FullImageCornersLowerRightLatitude)); insert into t1 values("OV-3","PAN1",91,-92,40,50); insert into t1 values("OV-4","PAN1",91,-92,40,50); select * from t1 where t1.Satellite = "OV-3" and t1.SensorMode = "PAN1" and t1.FullImageCornersUpperLeftLongitude > -90.000000 and t1.FullImageCornersUpperRightLongitude < -82.000000; drop table t1; create table t1 ( aString char(100) not null default "", key aString (aString(10)) ); insert t1 (aString) values ( "believe in myself" ), ( "believe" ), ("baaa" ), ( "believe in love"); select * from t1 where aString < "believe in myself" order by aString; select * from t1 where aString > "believe in love" order by aString; alter table t1 drop key aString; select * from t1 where aString < "believe in myself" order by aString; select * from t1 where aString > "believe in love" order by aString; drop table t1; # # Problem with binary strings # CREATE TABLE t1 ( t1ID int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, art binary(1) NOT NULL default '', KNR char(5) NOT NULL default '', RECHNR char(6) NOT NULL default '', POSNR char(2) NOT NULL default '', ARTNR char(10) NOT NULL default '', TEX char(70) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (t1ID), KEY IdxArt (art), KEY IdxKnr (KNR), KEY IdxArtnr (ARTNR) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO t1 (art) VALUES ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'),('j'),('J'), ('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'), ('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'), ('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'), ('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'), ('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'), ('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'), ('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'), ('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'), ('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'), ('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'), ('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'),('j'); select count(*) from t1 where upper(art) = 'J'; select count(*) from t1 where art = 'J' or art = 'j'; select count(*) from t1 where art = 'j' or art = 'J'; select count(*) from t1 where art = 'j'; select count(*) from t1 where art = 'J'; drop table t1; # # BETWEEN problems # create table t1 (x int, y int, index(x), index(y)); insert into t1 (x) values (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9); update t1 set y=x; # between with only one end fixed explain select * from t1, t1 t2 where t1.y = 2 and t2.x between 7 and t1.y+0; explain select * from t1, t1 t2 where t1.y = 2 and t2.x >= 7 and t2.x <= t1.y+0; # between with both expressions on both ends explain select * from t1, t1 t2 where t1.y = 2 and t2.x between t1.y-1 and t1.y+1; explain select * from t1, t1 t2 where t1.y = 2 and t2.x >= t1.y-1 and t2.x <= t1.y+1; # equation propagation explain select * from t1, t1 t2 where t1.y = 2 and t2.x between 0 and t1.y; explain select * from t1, t1 t2 where t1.y = 2 and t2.x >= 0 and t2.x <= t1.y; # testing IN explain select count(*) from t1 where x in (1); explain select count(*) from t1 where x in (1,2); drop table t1; # # bug #1172 # CREATE TABLE t1 (key1 int(11) NOT NULL default '0', KEY i1 (key1)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0),(0),(1),(1); CREATE TABLE t2 (keya int(11) NOT NULL default '0', KEY j1 (keya)); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (0),(0),(1),(1),(2),(2); explain select * from t1, t2 where (t1.key1 0; explain select * from t1, t2 where t1.uid=t2.uid AND t1.uid != 0; select * from t1, t2 where t1.uid=t2.uid AND t1.uid > 0; select * from t1, t2 where t1.uid=t2.uid AND t1.uid != 0; drop table t1,t2; # Fix for bug#4488 # create table t1 (x bigint unsigned not null); insert into t1(x) values (0xfffffffffffffff0); insert into t1(x) values (0xfffffffffffffff1); select * from t1; select count(*) from t1 where x>0; select count(*) from t1 where x=0; select count(*) from t1 where x<0; select count(*) from t1 where x < -16; select count(*) from t1 where x = -16; select count(*) from t1 where x > -16; select count(*) from t1 where x = 18446744073709551601; create table t2 (x bigint not null); insert into t2(x) values (0xfffffffffffffff0); insert into t2(x) values (0xfffffffffffffff1); select * from t2; select count(*) from t2 where x>0; select count(*) from t2 where x=0; select count(*) from t2 where x<0; select count(*) from t2 where x < -16; select count(*) from t2 where x = -16; select count(*) from t2 where x > -16; select count(*) from t2 where x = 18446744073709551601; drop table t1; --disable_warnings create table t1 (x bigint unsigned not null primary key) engine=innodb; --enable_warnings insert into t1(x) values (0xfffffffffffffff0); insert into t1(x) values (0xfffffffffffffff1); select * from t1; select count(*) from t1 where x>0; select count(*) from t1 where x=0; select count(*) from t1 where x<0; select count(*) from t1 where x < -16; select count(*) from t1 where x = -16; select count(*) from t1 where x > -16; select count(*) from t1 where x = 18446744073709551601; drop table t1; # # Bug #11185 incorrect comparison of unsigned int to signed constant # create table t1 (a bigint unsigned); create index t1i on t1(a); insert into t1 select 18446744073709551615; insert into t1 select 18446744073709551614; explain select * from t1 where a <> -1; select * from t1 where a <> -1; explain select * from t1 where a > -1 or a < -1; select * from t1 where a > -1 or a < -1; explain select * from t1 where a > -1; select * from t1 where a > -1; explain select * from t1 where a < -1; select * from t1 where a < -1; drop table t1; # # Bug #6045: Binary Comparison regression in MySQL 4.1 # Binary searches didn't use a case insensitive index. # set names latin1; create table t1 (a char(10), b text, key (a)) character set latin1; INSERT INTO t1 (a) VALUES ('111'),('222'),('222'),('222'),('222'),('444'),('aaa'),('AAA'),('bbb'); # all these three can be optimized explain select * from t1 where a='aaa'; explain select * from t1 where a=binary 'aaa'; explain select * from t1 where a='aaa' collate latin1_bin; # this one cannot: explain select * from t1 where a='aaa' collate latin1_german1_ci; drop table t1; # Test for BUG#9348 "result for WHERE A AND (B OR C) differs from WHERE a AND (C OR B)" --disable_warnings CREATE TABLE t1 ( `CLIENT` char(3) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL default '000', `ARG1` char(3) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL default '', `ARG2` char(3) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL default '', `FUNCTION` varchar(10) character set latin1 collate latin1_bin NOT NULL default '', `FUNCTINT` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', KEY `VERI_CLNT~2` (`ARG1`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; --enable_warnings INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('000',' 0',' 0','Text 001',0), ('000',' 0',' 1','Text 002',0), ('000',' 1',' 2','Text 003',0), ('000',' 2',' 3','Text 004',0), ('001',' 3',' 0','Text 017',0); SELECT count(*) FROM t1 WHERE CLIENT='000' AND (ARG1 != ' 1' OR ARG1 != ' 2'); SELECT count(*) FROM t1 WHERE CLIENT='000' AND (ARG1 != ' 2' OR ARG1 != ' 1'); drop table t1; # BUG#16168: Wrong range optimizer results, "Use_count: Wrong count ..." # warnings in server stderr. create table t1 (a int); insert into t1 values (0),(1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9); DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t2; CREATE TABLE t2 ( pk1 int(11) NOT NULL, pk2 int(11) NOT NULL, pk3 int(11) NOT NULL, pk4 int(11) NOT NULL, filler char(82), PRIMARY KEY (pk1,pk2,pk3,pk4) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; insert into t2 select 1, A.a+10*B.a, 432, 44, 'fillerZ' from t1 A, t1 B; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (2621, 2635, 0, 0,'filler'), (2621, 2635, 1, 0,'filler'), (2621, 2635, 10, 0,'filler'), (2621, 2635, 11, 0,'filler'), (2621, 2635, 14, 0,'filler'), (2621, 2635, 1000015, 0,'filler'); SELECT * FROM t2 WHERE ((((pk4 =0) AND (pk1 =2621) AND (pk2 =2635))) OR ((pk4 =1) AND (((pk1 IN ( 7, 2, 1 ))) OR (pk1 =522)) AND ((pk2 IN ( 0, 2635)))) ) AND (pk3 >=1000000); drop table t1, t2; # # Bug #20732: Partial index and long sjis search with '>' fails sometimes # create table t1(a char(2), key(a(1))); insert into t1 values ('x'), ('xx'); explain select a from t1 where a > 'x'; select a from t1 where a > 'x'; drop table t1; # # Bug #24776: assertion abort for 'range checked for each record' # CREATE TABLE t1 ( OXID varchar(32) COLLATE latin1_german2_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', OXPARENTID varchar(32) COLLATE latin1_german2_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'oxrootid', OXLEFT int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', OXRIGHT int NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', OXROOTID varchar(32) COLLATE latin1_german2_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (OXID), KEY OXNID (OXID), KEY OXLEFT (OXLEFT), KEY OXRIGHT (OXRIGHT), KEY OXROOTID (OXROOTID) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 COLLATE=latin1_german2_ci; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('d8c4177d09f8b11f5.52725521','oxrootid',1,40,'d8c4177d09f8b11f5.52725521'), ('d8c4177d151affab2.81582770','d8c4177d09f8b11f5.52725521',2,3, 'd8c4177d09f8b11f5.52725521'), ('d8c4177d206a333d2.74422679','d8c4177d09f8b11f5.52725521',4,5, 'd8c4177d09f8b11f5.52725521'), ('d8c4177d225791924.30714720','d8c4177d09f8b11f5.52725521',6,7, 'd8c4177d09f8b11f5.52725521'), ('d8c4177d2380fc201.39666693','d8c4177d09f8b11f5.52725521',8,9, 'd8c4177d09f8b11f5.52725521'), ('d8c4177d24ccef970.14957924','d8c4177d09f8b11f5.52725521',10,11, 'd8c4177d09f8b11f5.52725521'); EXPLAIN SELECT s.oxid FROM t1 v, t1 s WHERE s.oxrootid = 'd8c4177d09f8b11f5.52725521' AND v.oxrootid ='d8c4177d09f8b11f5.52725521' AND s.oxleft > v.oxleft AND s.oxleft < v.oxright; SELECT s.oxid FROM t1 v, t1 s WHERE s.oxrootid = 'd8c4177d09f8b11f5.52725521' AND v.oxrootid ='d8c4177d09f8b11f5.52725521' AND s.oxleft > v.oxleft AND s.oxleft < v.oxright; DROP TABLE t1; --echo End of 4.1 tests