-- source include/have_isam.inc # # Test of REPLACE with ISAM and MyISAM and HEAP # drop table if exists t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( gesuchnr int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, benutzer_id int(11) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (gesuchnr,benutzer_id) ) type=ISAM; replace into t1 (gesuchnr,benutzer_id) values (2,1); replace into t1 (gesuchnr,benutzer_id) values (1,1); replace into t1 (gesuchnr,benutzer_id) values (1,1); alter table t1 type=myisam; replace into t1 (gesuchnr,benutzer_id) values (1,1); alter table t1 type=heap; replace into t1 (gesuchnr,benutzer_id) values (1,1); drop table t1; # # Test when using replace on a key that has used up it's whole range # create table t1 (a tinyint not null auto_increment primary key, b char(20)); insert into t1 values (126,"first"),(0,"last"); --error 1062 insert into t1 values (0,"error"); --error 1062 replace into t1 values (0,"error"); replace into t1 values (126,"first updated"); select * from t1; drop table t1;