--source include/have_innodb.inc --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1,t2; drop procedure if exists p1; --enable_warnings --echo # --echo #MDEV-6985: MariaDB crashes on stored procedure call --echo # CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `ID` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE `t2` ( `ID` int(11) NOT NULL, `DATE` datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`ID`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB; --delimiter ;; CREATE PROCEDURE `p1`() BEGIN DECLARE _mySelect CURSOR FOR SELECT DISTINCT t1.ID FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 AS t2 ON t2.ID = t1.ID AND t2.DATE = ( SELECT MAX(T3.DATE) FROM t2 AS T3 WHERE T3.ID = t2.ID AND T3.DATE<=NOW() ) WHERE t1.ID = 1; OPEN _mySelect; CLOSE _mySelect; END ;; --delimiter ; CALL p1(); CALL p1(); drop procedure p1; drop table t1,t2; # Save the initial number of concurrent sessions --source include/count_sessions.inc --echo --echo # --echo # BUG 16041903: CONTINUE HANDLER NOT INVOKED --echo # IN A STORED FUNCTION AFTER A LOCK WAIT TIMEOUT --echo # --echo --echo # Save and set lock wait timeout SET @lock_wait_timeout_saved= @@lock_wait_timeout; SET @innodb_lock_wait_timeout_saved= @@innodb_lock_wait_timeout; SET @@lock_wait_timeout= 1; SET @@innodb_lock_wait_timeout= 1; --echo --echo # Create a function with exit handler: DELIMITER //; CREATE FUNCTION f1() RETURNS VARCHAR(20) BEGIN DECLARE EXIT HANDLER FOR SQLSTATE '42S02' RETURN 'No such table'; INSERT INTO no_such_table VALUES (1); END// --echo --echo # Create a function calling f1(): CREATE FUNCTION f2() RETURNS VARCHAR(20) BEGIN RETURN f1(); END// --echo --echo # Create a function provoking deadlock: CREATE FUNCTION f3() RETURNS VARCHAR(20) BEGIN UPDATE t1 SET i= 1 WHERE i= 1; RETURN 'Will never get here'; END// --echo --echo # Create a function calling f3, to create --echo # a deadlock indirectly: CREATE FUNCTION f4() RETURNS VARCHAR(20) BEGIN RETURN f3(); END// DELIMITER ;// --echo --echo # Open another connection, create and initialize a table --echo # to be used for provoking deadlock, put a lock on the table: connect (con1,localhost,root,,); CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); SET AUTOCOMMIT= 0; UPDATE t1 SET i=1 WHERE i=1; --echo --echo # On the default connection, do an update to provoke a --echo # deadlock, then call the function with handler. This case --echo # fails without the patch (with error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE): --connection default SET AUTOCOMMIT= 0; --error ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT UPDATE t1 SET i=1 WHERE i=1; SELECT f1() AS 'f1():'; --echo --echo # Provoke another deadlock, then call the function with --echo # handler indirectly. This case fails without the patch --echo # (with error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE): --error ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT UPDATE t1 SET i= 1 WHERE i= 1; SELECT f2() AS 'f2():'; --echo --echo # Provoke yet another deadlock, but now from within a function, --echo # then call the function with handler. This succeeds even --echo # without the patch because is_fatal_sub_stmt_error is reset --echo # in restore_sub_stmt after the failing function has been --echo # executed. The test case is included anyway for better coverage: --error ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT SELECT f3() AS 'f3():'; SELECT f1() AS 'f1():'; --echo # Provoke yet another deadlock, but now from within a function, --echo # calling another function, then call the function with handler. --echo # This succeeds even without the patch because --echo # is_fatal_sub_stmt_error is reset in restore_sub_stmt after --echo # the failing function has been executed. The test case is --echo # included anyway for better coverage: --error ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT SELECT f4() AS 'f4():'; SELECT f1() AS 'f1():'; --echo --echo # Disconnect, drop functions and table: --disconnect con1 DROP FUNCTION f4; DROP FUNCTION f3; DROP FUNCTION f2; DROP FUNCTION f1; DROP TABLE t1; --echo --echo # Reset lock wait timeouts SET @@lock_wait_timeout= @lock_wait_timeout_saved; SET @@innodb_lock_wait_timeout= @innodb_lock_wait_timeout_saved; --echo # --echo # BUG 16041903: End of test case --echo # # Wait till we reached the initial number of concurrent sessions --source include/wait_until_count_sessions.inc