# # Basic stored PROCEDURE tests # # Please keep this file free of --error cases and other # things that will not run in a single debugged mysqld # process (e.g. master-slave things). # # Test cases for bugs are added at the end. See template there. # # Tests that require --error go into sp-error.test # Tests that require inndb go into sp_trans.test # Tests that check privilege and security issues go to sp-security.test. # Tests that require multiple connections, except security/privilege tests, # go to sp-thread. # Tests that uses 'goto' to into sp-goto.test (currently disabled) # Tests that destroys system tables (e.g. mysql.proc) for error testing # go to sp-destruct. use test; # Test tables # # t1 and t2 are reused throughout the file, and dropped at the end. # t3 and up are created and dropped when needed. # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4; --enable_warnings create table t1 ( id char(16) not null default '', data int not null ); create table t2 ( s char(16), i int, d double ); # Single statement, no params. --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists foo42; --enable_warnings create procedure foo42() insert into test.t1 values ("foo", 42); call foo42(); select * from t1; delete from t1; drop procedure foo42; # Single statement, two IN params. --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bar; --enable_warnings create procedure bar(x char(16), y int) insert into test.t1 values (x, y); call bar("bar", 666); select * from t1; delete from t1; # Don't drop procedure yet... # Now for multiple statements... delimiter |; # Empty statement --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists empty| --enable_warnings create procedure empty() begin end| call empty()| drop procedure empty| # Scope test. This is legal (warnings might be possible in the future, # but for the time being, we just accept it). --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists scope| --enable_warnings create procedure scope(a int, b float) begin declare b int; declare c float; begin declare c int; end; end| drop procedure scope| # Two statements. --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists two| --enable_warnings create procedure two(x1 char(16), x2 char(16), y int) begin insert into test.t1 values (x1, y); insert into test.t1 values (x2, y); end| call two("one", "two", 3)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure two| # Simple test of local variables and SET. --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists locset| --enable_warnings create procedure locset(x char(16), y int) begin declare z1, z2 int; set z1 = y; set z2 = z1+2; insert into test.t1 values (x, z2); end| call locset("locset", 19)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure locset| # In some contexts local variables are not recognized # (and in some, you have to qualify the identifier). --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists setcontext| --enable_warnings create procedure setcontext() begin declare data int default 2; insert into t1 (id, data) values ("foo", 1); replace t1 set data = data, id = "bar"; update t1 set id = "kaka", data = 3 where t1.data = data; end| call setcontext()| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure setcontext| # Set things to null create table t3 ( d date, i int, f double, s varchar(32) )| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists nullset| --enable_warnings create procedure nullset() begin declare ld date; declare li int; declare lf double; declare ls varchar(32); set ld = null, li = null, lf = null, ls = null; insert into t3 values (ld, li, lf, ls); insert into t3 (i, f, s) values ((ld is null), 1, "ld is null"), ((li is null), 1, "li is null"), ((li = 0), null, "li = 0"), ((lf is null), 1, "lf is null"), ((lf = 0), null, "lf = 0"), ((ls is null), 1, "ls is null"); end| call nullset()| select * from t3| drop table t3| drop procedure nullset| # The peculiar (non-standard) mixture of variables types in SET. --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists mixset| --enable_warnings create procedure mixset(x char(16), y int) begin declare z int; set @z = y, z = 666, max_join_size = 100; insert into test.t1 values (x, z); end| call mixset("mixset", 19)| show variables like 'max_join_size'| select id,data,@z from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure mixset| # Multiple CALL statements, one with OUT parameter. --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists zip| --enable_warnings create procedure zip(x char(16), y int) begin declare z int; call zap(y, z); call bar(x, z); end| # SET local variables and OUT parameter. --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists zap| --enable_warnings create procedure zap(x int, out y int) begin declare z int; set z = x+1, y = z; end| call zip("zip", 99)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure zip| drop procedure bar| # Top-level OUT parameter call zap(7, @zap)| select @zap| drop procedure zap| # "Deep" calls... --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists c1| --enable_warnings create procedure c1(x int) call c2("c", x)| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists c2| --enable_warnings create procedure c2(s char(16), x int) call c3(x, s)| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists c3| --enable_warnings create procedure c3(x int, s char(16)) call c4("level", x, s)| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists c4| --enable_warnings create procedure c4(l char(8), x int, s char(16)) insert into t1 values (concat(l,s), x)| call c1(42)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure c1| drop procedure c2| drop procedure c3| drop procedure c4| # INOUT test --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists iotest| --enable_warnings create procedure iotest(x1 char(16), x2 char(16), y int) begin call inc2(x2, y); insert into test.t1 values (x1, y); end| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists inc2| --enable_warnings create procedure inc2(x char(16), y int) begin call inc(y); insert into test.t1 values (x, y); end| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists inc| --enable_warnings create procedure inc(inout io int) set io = io + 1| call iotest("io1", "io2", 1)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure iotest| drop procedure inc2| # Propagating top-level @-vars --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists incr| --enable_warnings create procedure incr(inout x int) call inc(x)| # Before select @zap| call incr(@zap)| # After select @zap| drop procedure inc| drop procedure incr| # Call-by-value test # The expected result is: # ("cbv2", 4) # ("cbv1", 4711) --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists cbv1| --enable_warnings create procedure cbv1() begin declare y int default 3; call cbv2(y+1, y); insert into test.t1 values ("cbv1", y); end| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists cbv2| --enable_warnings create procedure cbv2(y1 int, inout y2 int) begin set y2 = 4711; insert into test.t1 values ("cbv2", y1); end| call cbv1()| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure cbv1| drop procedure cbv2| # Subselect arguments insert into t2 values ("a", 1, 1.1), ("b", 2, 1.2), ("c", 3, 1.3)| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists sub1| --enable_warnings create procedure sub1(id char(16), x int) insert into test.t1 values (id, x)| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists sub2| --enable_warnings create procedure sub2(id char(16)) begin declare x int; set x = (select sum(t.i) from test.t2 t); insert into test.t1 values (id, x); end| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists sub3| --enable_warnings create function sub3(i int) returns int return i+1| call sub1("sub1a", (select 7))| call sub1("sub1b", (select max(i) from t2))| --error ER_OPERAND_COLUMNS call sub1("sub1c", (select i,d from t2 limit 1))| call sub1("sub1d", (select 1 from (select 1) a))| call sub2("sub2")| select * from t1| select sub3((select max(i) from t2))| drop procedure sub1| drop procedure sub2| drop function sub3| delete from t1| delete from t2| # Basic tests of the flow control constructs # Just test on 'x'... --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists a0| --enable_warnings create procedure a0(x int) while x do set x = x-1; insert into test.t1 values ("a0", x); end while| call a0(3)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure a0| # The same, but with a more traditional test. --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists a| --enable_warnings create procedure a(x int) while x > 0 do set x = x-1; insert into test.t1 values ("a", x); end while| call a(3)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure a| # REPEAT --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists b| --enable_warnings create procedure b(x int) repeat insert into test.t1 values (repeat("b",3), x); set x = x-1; until x = 0 end repeat| call b(3)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure b| # Check that repeat isn't parsed the wrong way --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists b2| --enable_warnings create procedure b2(x int) repeat(select 1 into outfile 'b2'); insert into test.t1 values (repeat("b2",3), x); set x = x-1; until x = 0 end repeat| # We don't actually want to call it. drop procedure b2| # Labelled WHILE with ITERATE (pointless really) --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists c| --enable_warnings create procedure c(x int) hmm: while x > 0 do insert into test.t1 values ("c", x); set x = x-1; iterate hmm; insert into test.t1 values ("x", x); end while hmm| call c(3)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure c| # Labelled WHILE with LEAVE --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists d| --enable_warnings create procedure d(x int) hmm: while x > 0 do insert into test.t1 values ("d", x); set x = x-1; leave hmm; insert into test.t1 values ("x", x); end while| call d(3)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure d| # LOOP, with simple IF statement --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists e| --enable_warnings create procedure e(x int) foo: loop if x = 0 then leave foo; end if; insert into test.t1 values ("e", x); set x = x-1; end loop foo| call e(3)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure e| # A full IF statement --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists f| --enable_warnings create procedure f(x int) if x < 0 then insert into test.t1 values ("f", 0); elseif x = 0 then insert into test.t1 values ("f", 1); else insert into test.t1 values ("f", 2); end if| call f(-2)| call f(0)| call f(4)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure f| # This form of CASE is really just syntactic sugar for IF-ELSEIF-... --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists g| --enable_warnings create procedure g(x int) case when x < 0 then insert into test.t1 values ("g", 0); when x = 0 then insert into test.t1 values ("g", 1); else insert into test.t1 values ("g", 2); end case| call g(-42)| call g(0)| call g(1)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure g| # The "simple CASE" --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists h| --enable_warnings create procedure h(x int) case x when 0 then insert into test.t1 values ("h0", x); when 1 then insert into test.t1 values ("h1", x); else insert into test.t1 values ("h?", x); end case| call h(0)| call h(1)| call h(17)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure h| # It's actually possible to LEAVE a BEGIN-END block --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists i| --enable_warnings create procedure i(x int) foo: begin if x = 0 then leave foo; end if; insert into test.t1 values ("i", x); end foo| call i(0)| call i(3)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure i| # SELECT with one of more result set sent back to the clinet insert into t1 values ("foo", 3), ("bar", 19)| insert into t2 values ("x", 9, 4.1), ("y", -1, 19.2), ("z", 3, 2.2)| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists sel1| --enable_warnings create procedure sel1() begin select * from t1; end| call sel1()| drop procedure sel1| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists sel2| --enable_warnings create procedure sel2() begin select * from t1; select * from t2; end| call sel2()| drop procedure sel2| delete from t1| delete from t2| # SELECT INTO local variables --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists into_test| --enable_warnings create procedure into_test(x char(16), y int) begin insert into test.t1 values (x, y); select id,data into x,y from test.t1 limit 1; insert into test.t1 values (concat(x, "2"), y+2); end| call into_test("into", 100)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure into_test| # SELECT INTO with a mix of local and global variables --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists into_tes2| --enable_warnings create procedure into_test2(x char(16), y int) begin insert into test.t1 values (x, y); select id,data into x,@z from test.t1 limit 1; insert into test.t1 values (concat(x, "2"), y+2); end| call into_test2("into", 100)| select id,data,@z from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure into_test2| # SELECT * INTO ... (bug test) --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists into_test3| --enable_warnings create procedure into_test3() begin declare x char(16); declare y int; select * into x,y from test.t1 limit 1; insert into test.t2 values (x, y, 0.0); end| insert into t1 values ("into3", 19)| # Two call needed for bug test call into_test3()| call into_test3()| select * from t2| delete from t1| delete from t2| drop procedure into_test3| # SELECT INTO with no data is a warning ("no data", which we will # not see normally). When not caught, execution proceeds. --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists into_test4| --enable_warnings create procedure into_test4() begin declare x int; select data into x from test.t1 limit 1; insert into test.t3 values ("into4", x); end| delete from t1| create table t3 ( s char(16), d int)| call into_test4()| select * from t3| insert into t1 values ("i4", 77)| call into_test4()| select * from t3| delete from t1| drop table t3| drop procedure into_test4| # These two (and the two procedures above) caused an assert() to fail in # sql_base.cc:lock_tables() at some point. --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists into_outfile| --enable_warnings --replace_result $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR .. eval create procedure into_outfile(x char(16), y int) begin insert into test.t1 values (x, y); select * into outfile "$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/spout" from test.t1; insert into test.t1 values (concat(x, "2"), y+2); end| --system rm -f $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/spout call into_outfile("ofile", 1)| --system rm -f $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/spout delete from t1| drop procedure into_outfile| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists into_dumpfile| --enable_warnings --replace_result $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR .. eval create procedure into_dumpfile(x char(16), y int) begin insert into test.t1 values (x, y); select * into dumpfile "$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/spdump" from test.t1 limit 1; insert into test.t1 values (concat(x, "2"), y+2); end| --system rm -f $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/spdump call into_dumpfile("dfile", 1)| --system rm -f $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/spdump delete from t1| drop procedure into_dumpfile| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists create_select| --enable_warnings create procedure create_select(x char(16), y int) begin insert into test.t1 values (x, y); create temporary table test.t3 select * from test.t1; insert into test.t3 values (concat(x, "2"), y+2); end| call create_select("cs", 90)| select * from t1, t3| drop table t3| delete from t1| drop procedure create_select| # A minimal, constant FUNCTION. --disable_warnings drop function if exists e| --enable_warnings create function e() returns double return 2.7182818284590452354| set @e = e()| select e(), @e| # A minimal function with one argument --disable_warnings drop function if exists inc| --enable_warnings create function inc(i int) returns int return i+1| select inc(1), inc(99), inc(-71)| # A minimal function with two arguments --disable_warnings drop function if exists mul| --enable_warnings create function mul(x int, y int) returns int return x*y| select mul(1,1), mul(3,5), mul(4711, 666)| # A minimal string function --disable_warnings drop function if exists append| --enable_warnings create function append(s1 char(8), s2 char(8)) returns char(16) return concat(s1, s2)| select append("foo", "bar")| # A function with flow control --disable_warnings drop function if exists fac| --enable_warnings create function fac(n int unsigned) returns bigint unsigned begin declare f bigint unsigned default 1; while n > 1 do set f = f * n; set n = n - 1; end while; return f; end| select fac(1), fac(2), fac(5), fac(10)| # Nested calls --disable_warnings drop function if exists fun| --enable_warnings create function fun(d double, i int, u int unsigned) returns double return mul(inc(i), fac(u)) / e()| select fun(2.3, 3, 5)| # Various function calls in differen statements insert into t2 values (append("xxx", "yyy"), mul(4,3), e())| insert into t2 values (append("a", "b"), mul(2,mul(3,4)), fun(1.7, 4, 6))| # Disable PS because double's give a bit different values --disable_ps_protocol select * from t2 where s = append("a", "b")| select * from t2 where i = mul(4,3) or i = mul(mul(3,4),2)| select * from t2 where d = e()| select * from t2| --enable_ps_protocol delete from t2| drop function e| drop function inc| drop function mul| drop function append| drop function fun| # # CONDITIONs and HANDLERs # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists hndlr1| --enable_warnings create procedure hndlr1(val int) begin declare x int default 0; declare foo condition for 1136; declare bar condition for sqlstate '42S98'; # Just for testing syntax declare zip condition for sqlstate value '42S99'; # Just for testing syntax declare continue handler for foo set x = 1; insert into test.t1 values ("hndlr1", val, 2); # Too many values if (x) then insert into test.t1 values ("hndlr1", val); # This instead then end if; end| call hndlr1(42)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure hndlr1| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists hndlr2| --enable_warnings create procedure hndlr2(val int) begin declare x int default 0; begin declare exit handler for sqlstate '21S01' set x = 1; insert into test.t1 values ("hndlr2", val, 2); # Too many values end; insert into test.t1 values ("hndlr2", x); end| call hndlr2(42)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure hndlr2| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists hndlr3| --enable_warnings create procedure hndlr3(val int) begin declare x int default 0; declare continue handler for sqlexception # Any error begin declare z int; set z = 2 * val; set x = 1; end; if val < 10 then begin declare y int; set y = val + 10; insert into test.t1 values ("hndlr3", y, 2); # Too many values if x then insert into test.t1 values ("hndlr3", y); end if; end; end if; end| call hndlr3(3)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure hndlr3| # Variables might be uninitialized when using handlers # (Otherwise the compiler can detect if a variable is not set, but # not in this case.) create table t3 ( id char(16), data int )| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists hndlr4| --enable_warnings create procedure hndlr4() begin declare x int default 0; declare val int; # No default declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set x=1; select data into val from test.t3 where id='z' limit 1; # No hits insert into test.t3 values ('z', val); end| call hndlr4()| select * from t3| drop table t3| drop procedure hndlr4| # # Cursors # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists cur1| --enable_warnings create procedure cur1() begin declare a char(16); declare b int; declare c double; declare done int default 0; declare c cursor for select * from test.t2; declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set done = 1; open c; repeat fetch c into a, b, c; if not done then insert into test.t1 values (a, b+c); end if; until done end repeat; close c; end| insert into t2 values ("foo", 42, -1.9), ("bar", 3, 12.1), ("zap", 666, -3.14)| call cur1()| select * from t1| drop procedure cur1| create table t3 ( s char(16), i int )| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists cur2| --enable_warnings create procedure cur2() begin declare done int default 0; declare c1 cursor for select id,data from test.t1; declare c2 cursor for select i from test.t2; declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set done = 1; open c1; open c2; repeat begin declare a char(16); declare b,c int; fetch from c1 into a, b; fetch next from c2 into c; if not done then if b < c then insert into test.t3 values (a, b); else insert into test.t3 values (a, c); end if; end if; end; until done end repeat; close c1; close c2; end| call cur2()| select * from t3| delete from t1| delete from t2| drop table t3| drop procedure cur2| # The few characteristics we parse --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists chistics| --enable_warnings create procedure chistics() language sql modifies sql data not deterministic sql security definer comment 'Characteristics procedure test' insert into t1 values ("chistics", 1)| show create procedure chistics| # Call it, just to make sure. call chistics()| select * from t1| delete from t1| alter procedure chistics sql security invoker| show create procedure chistics| drop procedure chistics| --disable_warnings drop function if exists chistics| --enable_warnings create function chistics() returns int language sql deterministic sql security invoker comment 'Characteristics procedure test' return 42| show create function chistics| # Call it, just to make sure. select chistics()| alter function chistics no sql comment 'Characteristics function test'| show create function chistics| drop function chistics| # Check mode settings insert into t1 values ("foo", 1), ("bar", 2), ("zip", 3)| set @@sql_mode = 'ANSI'| delimiter $| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists modes$ --enable_warnings create procedure modes(out c1 int, out c2 int) begin declare done int default 0; declare x int; declare c cursor for select data from t1; declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set done = 1; select 1 || 2 into c1; set c2 = 0; open c; repeat fetch c into x; if not done then set c2 = c2 + 1; end if; until done end repeat; close c; end$ delimiter |$ set @@sql_mode = ''| set sql_select_limit = 1| call modes(@c1, @c2)| set sql_select_limit = default| select @c1, @c2| delete from t1| drop procedure modes| # Check that dropping a database without routines works. # (Dropping with routines is tested in sp-security.test) # First an empty db. create database sp_db1| drop database sp_db1| # Again, with a table. create database sp_db2| use sp_db2| # Just put something in here... create table t3 ( s char(4), t int )| insert into t3 values ("abcd", 42), ("dcba", 666)| use test| drop database sp_db2| # And yet again, with just a procedure. create database sp_db3| use sp_db3| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists dummy| --enable_warnings create procedure dummy(out x int) set x = 42| use test| drop database sp_db3| # Check that it's gone select type,db,name from mysql.proc where db = 'sp_db3'| # ROW_COUNT() function after a CALL # We test the other cases here too, although it's not strictly SP specific --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists rc| --enable_warnings create procedure rc() begin delete from t1; insert into t1 values ("a", 1), ("b", 2), ("c", 3); end| call rc()| select row_count()| --disable_ps_protocol update t1 set data=42 where id = "b"; select row_count()| --enable_ps_protocol delete from t1| select row_count()| delete from t1| select row_count()| select * from t1| select row_count()| drop procedure rc| # # Let us test how well new locking scheme works. # # Let us prepare playground --disable_warnings drop function if exists f0| drop function if exists f1| drop function if exists f2| drop function if exists f3| drop function if exists f4| drop function if exists f5| drop function if exists f6| drop function if exists f7| drop function if exists f8| drop function if exists f9| drop function if exists f10| drop function if exists f11| drop function if exists f12_1| drop function if exists f12_2| drop view if exists v0| drop view if exists v1| drop view if exists v2| --enable_warnings delete from t1| delete from t2| insert into t1 values ("a", 1), ("b", 2) | insert into t2 values ("a", 1, 1.0), ("b", 2, 2.0), ("c", 3, 3.0) | # Test the simplest function using tables create function f1() returns int return (select sum(data) from t1)| select f1()| # This should work too (and give 2 rows as result) select id, f1() from t1| # Function which uses two instances of table simultaneously create function f2() returns int return (select data from t1 where data <= (select sum(data) from t1) limit 1)| select f2()| select id, f2() from t1| # Function which uses the same table twice in different queries create function f3() returns int begin declare n int; declare m int; set n:= (select min(data) from t1); set m:= (select max(data) from t1); return n < m; end| select f3()| select id, f3() from t1| # Calling two functions using same table select f1(), f3()| select id, f1(), f3() from t1| # Function which uses two different tables create function f4() returns double return (select d from t1, t2 where t1.data = t2.i and t1.id= "b")| select f4()| select s, f4() from t2| # Recursive functions which due to this recursion require simultaneous # access to several instance of the same table won't work create function f5(i int) returns int begin if i <= 0 then return 0; elseif i = 1 then return (select count(*) from t1 where data = i); else return (select count(*) + f5( i - 1) from t1 where data = i); end if; end| select f5(1)| # Since currently recursive functions are disallowed ER_SP_NO_RECURSION # error will be returned, once we will allow them error about # insufficient number of locked tables will be returned instead. --error ER_SP_NO_RECURSION select f5(2)| --error ER_SP_NO_RECURSION select f5(3)| # OTOH this should work create function f6() returns int begin declare n int; set n:= f1(); return (select count(*) from t1 where data <= f7() and data <= n); end| create function f7() returns int return (select sum(data) from t1 where data <= f1())| select f6()| select id, f6() from t1| # # Let us test how new locking work with views # # The most trivial view create view v1 (a) as select f1()| select * from v1| select id, a from t1, v1| select * from v1, v1 as v| # A bit more complex construction create view v2 (a) as select a*10 from v1| select * from v2| select id, a from t1, v2| select * from v1, v2| # Nice example where the same view is used on # on different expression levels create function f8 () returns int return (select count(*) from v2)| select *, f8() from v1| # Let us test what will happen if function is missing drop function f1| --error 1356 select * from v1| # And what will happen if we have recursion which involves # views and functions ? create function f1() returns int return (select sum(data) from t1) + (select sum(data) from v1)| --error ER_SP_NO_RECURSION select f1()| --error ER_SP_NO_RECURSION select * from v1| --error ER_SP_NO_RECURSION select * from v2| # Back to the normal cases drop function f1| create function f1() returns int return (select sum(data) from t1)| # Let us also test some weird cases where no real tables is used create function f0() returns int return (select * from (select 100) as r)| select f0()| select *, f0() from (select 1) as t| create view v0 as select f0()| select * from v0| select *, f0() from v0| # # Let us test how well prelocking works with explicit LOCK TABLES. # lock tables t1 read, t1 as t11 read| # These should work well select f3()| select id, f3() from t1 as t11| # Degenerate cases work too :) select f0()| select * from v0| select *, f0() from v0, (select 123) as d1| # But these should not ! --error 1100 select id, f3() from t1| --error 1100 select f4()| unlock tables| # Let us test how LOCK TABLES which implicitly depends on functions # works lock tables v2 read, mysql.proc read| select * from v2| select * from v1| # These should not work as we have too little instances of tables locked --error 1100 select * from v1, t1| --error 1100 select f4()| unlock tables| # Tests for handling of temporary tables in functions. # # Unlike for permanent tables we should be able to create, use # and drop such tables in functions. # # Simplest function using temporary table. It is also test case for bug # #12198 "Temporary table aliasing does not work inside stored functions" create function f9() returns int begin declare a, b int; drop temporary table if exists t3; create temporary table t3 (id int); insert into t3 values (1), (2), (3); set a:= (select count(*) from t3); set b:= (select count(*) from t3 t3_alias); return a + b; end| # This will emit warning as t3 was not existing before. select f9()| select f9() from t1 limit 1| # Function which uses both temporary and permanent tables. create function f10() returns int begin drop temporary table if exists t3; create temporary table t3 (id int); insert into t3 select id from t4; return (select count(*) from t3); end| # Check that we don't ignore completely tables used in function --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE select f10()| create table t4 as select 1 as id| select f10()| # Practical cases which we don't handle well (yet) # # Function which does not work because of well-known and documented # limitation of MySQL. We can't use the several instances of the # same temporary table in statement. create function f11() returns int begin drop temporary table if exists t3; create temporary table t3 (id int); insert into t3 values (1), (2), (3); return (select count(*) from t3 as a, t3 as b); end| --error ER_CANT_REOPEN_TABLE select f11()| --error ER_CANT_REOPEN_TABLE select f11() from t1| # We don't handle temporary tables used by nested functions well create function f12_1() returns int begin drop temporary table if exists t3; create temporary table t3 (id int); insert into t3 values (1), (2), (3); return f12_2(); end| create function f12_2() returns int return (select count(*) from t3)| # We need clean start to get error drop temporary table t3| --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE select f12_1()| --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE select f12_1() from t1 limit 1| # Cleanup drop function f0| drop function f1| drop function f2| drop function f3| drop function f4| drop function f5| drop function f6| drop function f7| drop function f8| drop function f9| drop function f10| drop function f11| drop function f12_1| drop function f12_2| drop view v0| drop view v1| drop view v2| delete from t1 | delete from t2 | drop table t4| # End of non-bug tests # # Some "real" examples # # fac --disable_warnings drop table if exists t3| --enable_warnings create table t3 (n int unsigned not null primary key, f bigint unsigned)| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists ifac| --enable_warnings create procedure ifac(n int unsigned) begin declare i int unsigned default 1; if n > 20 then set n = 20; # bigint overflow otherwise end if; while i <= n do begin insert into test.t3 values (i, fac(i)); set i = i + 1; end; end while; end| call ifac(20)| select * from t3| drop table t3| --replace_column 4 'root@localhost' 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' show function status like '%f%'| drop procedure ifac| drop function fac| --replace_column 4 'root@localhost' 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' show function status like '%f%'| # primes --disable_warnings drop table if exists t3| --enable_warnings create table t3 ( i int unsigned not null primary key, p bigint unsigned not null )| insert into t3 values ( 0, 3), ( 1, 5), ( 2, 7), ( 3, 11), ( 4, 13), ( 5, 17), ( 6, 19), ( 7, 23), ( 8, 29), ( 9, 31), (10, 37), (11, 41), (12, 43), (13, 47), (14, 53), (15, 59), (16, 61), (17, 67), (18, 71), (19, 73), (20, 79), (21, 83), (22, 89), (23, 97), (24, 101), (25, 103), (26, 107), (27, 109), (28, 113), (29, 127), (30, 131), (31, 137), (32, 139), (33, 149), (34, 151), (35, 157), (36, 163), (37, 167), (38, 173), (39, 179), (40, 181), (41, 191), (42, 193), (43, 197), (44, 199)| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists opp| --enable_warnings create procedure opp(n bigint unsigned, out pp bool) begin declare r double; declare b, s bigint unsigned default 0; set r = sqrt(n); again: loop if s = 45 then set b = b+200, s = 0; else begin declare p bigint unsigned; select t.p into p from test.t3 t where t.i = s; if b+p > r then set pp = 1; leave again; end if; if mod(n, b+p) = 0 then set pp = 0; leave again; end if; set s = s+1; end; end if; end loop; end| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists ip| --enable_warnings create procedure ip(m int unsigned) begin declare p bigint unsigned; declare i int unsigned; set i=45, p=201; while i < m do begin declare pp bool default 0; call opp(p, pp); if pp then insert into test.t3 values (i, p); set i = i+1; end if; set p = p+2; end; end while; end| show create procedure opp| --replace_column 4 'root@localhost' 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' show procedure status like '%p%'| # This isn't the fastest way in the world to compute prime numbers, so # don't be too ambitious. ;-) call ip(200)| # We don't want to select the entire table here, just pick a few # examples. # The expected result is: # i p # --- ---- # 45 211 # 100 557 # 199 1229 select * from t3 where i=45 or i=100 or i=199| drop table t3| drop procedure opp| drop procedure ip| --replace_column 4 'root@localhost' 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' show procedure status like '%p%'| # Fibonacci, for recursion test. (Yet Another Numerical series :) # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t3| --enable_warnings create table t3 ( f bigint unsigned not null )| # We deliberately do it the awkward way, fetching the last two # values from the table, in order to exercise various statements # and table accesses at each turn. --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists fib| --enable_warnings create procedure fib(n int unsigned) begin if n > 1 then begin declare x, y bigint unsigned; declare c cursor for select f from t3 order by f desc limit 2; open c; fetch c into y; fetch c into x; close c; insert into t3 values (x+y); call fib(n-1); end; end if; end| # Enable recursion set @@max_sp_recursion_depth= 20| # Minimum test: recursion of 3 levels insert into t3 values (0), (1)| call fib(3)| select * from t3 order by f asc| delete from t3| # The original test, 20 levels, ran into memory limits on some machines # and builds. Try 10 instead... insert into t3 values (0), (1)| call fib(10)| select * from t3 order by f asc| drop table t3| drop procedure fib| set @@max_sp_recursion_depth= 0| # # Comment & suid # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bar| --enable_warnings create procedure bar(x char(16), y int) comment "111111111111" sql security invoker insert into test.t1 values (x, y)| --replace_column 4 'root@localhost' 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' show procedure status like 'bar'| alter procedure bar comment "2222222222" sql security definer| alter procedure bar comment "3333333333"| alter procedure bar| show create procedure bar| --replace_column 4 'root@localhost' 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' show procedure status like 'bar'| drop procedure bar| # # rexecution # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists p1| --enable_warnings create procedure p1 () select (select s1 from t3) from t3| create table t3 (s1 int)| call p1()| insert into t3 values (1)| call p1()| drop procedure p1| drop table t3| # # backticks # --disable_warnings drop function if exists foo| --enable_warnings create function `foo` () returns int return 5| select `foo` ()| drop function `foo`| # # Implicit LOCK/UNLOCK TABLES for table access in functions # --disable_warnings drop function if exists t1max| --enable_warnings create function t1max() returns int begin declare x int; select max(data) into x from t1; return x; end| insert into t1 values ("foo", 3), ("bar", 2), ("zip", 5), ("zap", 1)| select t1max()| drop function t1max| create table t3 ( v char(16) not null primary key, c int unsigned not null )| create function getcount(s char(16)) returns int begin declare x int; select count(*) into x from t3 where v = s; if x = 0 then insert into t3 values (s, 1); else update t3 set c = c+1 where v = s; end if; return x; end| select * from t1 where data = getcount("bar")| select * from t3| select getcount("zip")| select getcount("zip")| select * from t3| select getcount(id) from t1 where data = 3| select getcount(id) from t1 where data = 5| select * from t3| drop table t3| drop function getcount| # Test cases for different combinations of condition handlers in nested # begin-end blocks in stored procedures. # # Note that the standard specifies that the most specific handler should # be triggered even if it's an outer handler masked by a less specific # handler in an inner block. # Note also that '02000' is more specific than NOT FOUND; there might be # other '02xxx' states, even if we currently do not issue them in any # situation (e.g. '02001'). # # The combinations we test are these: # # Inner # errcode sqlstate not found sqlwarning sqlexception # Outer +------------+------------+------------+------------+------------+ #errcode | h_ee (i) | h_es (o) | h_en (o) | h_ew (o) | h_ex (o) | #sqlstate | h_se (i) | h_ss (i) | h_sn (o) | h_sw (o) | h_sx (o) | #not found | h_ne (i) | h_ns (i) | h_nn (i) | | | #sqlwarning | h_we (i) | h_ws (i) | | h_ww (i) | | #sqlexception | h_xe (i) | h_xs (i) | | | h_xx (i) | # +------------+---------------------------------------------------+ # # (i) means that the inner handler is the one that should be invoked, # (o) means that the outer handler should be invoked. # # ('not found', 'sqlwarning' and 'sqlexception' are mutually exclusive, hence # no tests for those combinations.) # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t3| drop procedure if exists h_ee| drop procedure if exists h_es| drop procedure if exists h_en| drop procedure if exists h_ew| drop procedure if exists h_ex| drop procedure if exists h_se| drop procedure if exists h_ss| drop procedure if exists h_sn| drop procedure if exists h_sw| drop procedure if exists h_sx| drop procedure if exists h_ne| drop procedure if exists h_ns| drop procedure if exists h_nn| drop procedure if exists h_we| drop procedure if exists h_ws| drop procedure if exists h_ww| drop procedure if exists h_xe| drop procedure if exists h_xs| drop procedure if exists h_xx| --enable_warnings # smallint - to get out of range warnings # primary key - to get constraint errors create table t3 (a smallint primary key)| insert into t3 (a) values (1)| create procedure h_ee() deterministic begin declare continue handler for 1062 -- ER_DUP_ENTRY select 'Outer (bad)' as 'h_ee'; begin declare continue handler for 1062 -- ER_DUP_ENTRY select 'Inner (good)' as 'h_ee'; insert into t3 values (1); end; end| create procedure h_es() deterministic begin declare continue handler for 1062 -- ER_DUP_ENTRY select 'Outer (good)' as 'h_es'; begin -- integrity constraint violation declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' select 'Inner (bad)' as 'h_es'; insert into t3 values (1); end; end| create procedure h_en() deterministic begin declare continue handler for 1329 -- ER_SP_FETCH_NO_DATA select 'Outer (good)' as 'h_en'; begin declare x int; declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' -- no data select 'Inner (bad)' as 'h_en'; select a into x from t3 where a = 42; end; end| create procedure h_ew() deterministic begin declare continue handler for 1264 -- ER_WARN_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE select 'Outer (good)' as 'h_ew'; begin declare continue handler for sqlwarning select 'Inner (bad)' as 'h_ew'; insert into t3 values (123456789012); end; delete from t3; insert into t3 values (1); end| create procedure h_ex() deterministic begin declare continue handler for 1062 -- ER_DUP_ENTRY select 'Outer (good)' as 'h_ex'; begin declare continue handler for sqlexception select 'Inner (bad)' as 'h_ex'; insert into t3 values (1); end; end| create procedure h_se() deterministic begin -- integrity constraint violation declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' select 'Outer (bad)' as 'h_se'; begin declare continue handler for 1062 -- ER_DUP_ENTRY select 'Inner (good)' as 'h_se'; insert into t3 values (1); end; end| create procedure h_ss() deterministic begin -- integrity constraint violation declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' select 'Outer (bad)' as 'h_ss'; begin -- integrity constraint violation declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' select 'Inner (good)' as 'h_ss'; insert into t3 values (1); end; end| create procedure h_sn() deterministic begin -- Note: '02000' is more specific than NOT FOUND ; -- there might be other not found states declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' -- no data select 'Outer (good)' as 'h_sn'; begin declare x int; declare continue handler for not found select 'Inner (bad)' as 'h_sn'; select a into x from t3 where a = 42; end; end| create procedure h_sw() deterministic begin -- data exception - numeric value out of range declare continue handler for sqlstate '22003' select 'Outer (good)' as 'h_sw'; begin declare continue handler for sqlwarning select 'Inner (bad)' as 'h_sw'; insert into t3 values (123456789012); end; delete from t3; insert into t3 values (1); end| create procedure h_sx() deterministic begin -- integrity constraint violation declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' select 'Outer (good)' as 'h_sx'; begin declare continue handler for sqlexception select 'Inner (bad)' as 'h_sx'; insert into t3 values (1); end; end| create procedure h_ne() deterministic begin declare continue handler for not found select 'Outer (bad)' as 'h_ne'; begin declare x int; declare continue handler for 1329 -- ER_SP_FETCH_NO_DATA select 'Inner (good)' as 'h_ne'; select a into x from t3 where a = 42; end; end| create procedure h_ns() deterministic begin declare continue handler for not found select 'Outer (bad)' as 'h_ns'; begin declare x int; declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' -- no data select 'Inner (good)' as 'h_ns'; select a into x from t3 where a = 42; end; end| create procedure h_nn() deterministic begin declare continue handler for not found select 'Outer (bad)' as 'h_nn'; begin declare x int; declare continue handler for not found select 'Inner (good)' as 'h_nn'; select a into x from t3 where a = 42; end; end| create procedure h_we() deterministic begin declare continue handler for sqlwarning select 'Outer (bad)' as 'h_we'; begin declare continue handler for 1264 -- ER_WARN_DATA_OUT_OF_RANGE select 'Inner (good)' as 'h_we'; insert into t3 values (123456789012); end; delete from t3; insert into t3 values (1); end| create procedure h_ws() deterministic begin declare continue handler for sqlwarning select 'Outer (bad)' as 'h_ws'; begin -- data exception - numeric value out of range declare continue handler for sqlstate '22003' select 'Inner (good)' as 'h_ws'; insert into t3 values (123456789012); end; delete from t3; insert into t3 values (1); end| create procedure h_ww() deterministic begin declare continue handler for sqlwarning select 'Outer (bad)' as 'h_ww'; begin declare continue handler for sqlwarning select 'Inner (good)' as 'h_ww'; insert into t3 values (123456789012); end; delete from t3; insert into t3 values (1); end| create procedure h_xe() deterministic begin declare continue handler for sqlexception select 'Outer (bad)' as 'h_xe'; begin declare continue handler for 1062 -- ER_DUP_ENTRY select 'Inner (good)' as 'h_xe'; insert into t3 values (1); end; end| create procedure h_xs() deterministic begin declare continue handler for sqlexception select 'Outer (bad)' as 'h_xs'; begin -- integrity constraint violation declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' select 'Inner (good)' as 'h_xs'; insert into t3 values (1); end; end| create procedure h_xx() deterministic begin declare continue handler for sqlexception select 'Outer (bad)' as 'h_xx'; begin declare continue handler for sqlexception select 'Inner (good)' as 'h_xx'; insert into t3 values (1); end; end| call h_ee()| call h_es()| call h_en()| call h_ew()| call h_ex()| call h_se()| call h_ss()| call h_sn()| call h_sw()| call h_sx()| call h_ne()| call h_ns()| call h_nn()| call h_we()| call h_ws()| call h_ww()| call h_xe()| call h_xs()| call h_xx()| drop table t3| drop procedure h_ee| drop procedure h_es| drop procedure h_en| drop procedure h_ew| drop procedure h_ex| drop procedure h_se| drop procedure h_ss| drop procedure h_sn| drop procedure h_sw| drop procedure h_sx| drop procedure h_ne| drop procedure h_ns| drop procedure h_nn| drop procedure h_we| drop procedure h_ws| drop procedure h_ww| drop procedure h_xe| drop procedure h_xs| drop procedure h_xx| # # Test cases for old bugs # # # BUG#822 # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug822| --enable_warnings create procedure bug822(a_id char(16), a_data int) begin declare n int; select count(*) into n from t1 where id = a_id and data = a_data; if n = 0 then insert into t1 (id, data) values (a_id, a_data); end if; end| delete from t1| call bug822('foo', 42)| call bug822('foo', 42)| call bug822('bar', 666)| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure bug822| # # BUG#1495 # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug1495| --enable_warnings create procedure bug1495() begin declare x int; select data into x from t1 order by id limit 1; if x > 10 then insert into t1 values ("less", x-10); else insert into t1 values ("more", x+10); end if; end| insert into t1 values ('foo', 12)| call bug1495()| delete from t1 where id='foo'| insert into t1 values ('bar', 7)| call bug1495()| delete from t1 where id='bar'| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure bug1495| # # BUG#1547 # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug1547| --enable_warnings create procedure bug1547(s char(16)) begin declare x int; select data into x from t1 where s = id limit 1; if x > 10 then insert into t1 values ("less", x-10); else insert into t1 values ("more", x+10); end if; end| insert into t1 values ("foo", 12), ("bar", 7)| call bug1547("foo")| call bug1547("bar")| select * from t1| delete from t1| drop procedure bug1547| # # BUG#1656 # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t70| --enable_warnings create table t70 (s1 int,s2 int)| insert into t70 values (1,2)| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug1656| --enable_warnings create procedure bug1656(out p1 int, out p2 int) select * into p1, p1 from t70| call bug1656(@1, @2)| select @1, @2| drop table t70| drop procedure bug1656| # # BUG#1862 # create table t3(a int)| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug1862| --enable_warnings create procedure bug1862() begin insert into t3 values(2); flush tables; end| call bug1862()| # the second call caused a segmentation call bug1862()| select * from t3| drop table t3| drop procedure bug1862| # # BUG#1874 # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug1874| --enable_warnings create procedure bug1874() begin declare x int; declare y double; select max(data) into x from t1; insert into t2 values ("max", x, 0); select min(data) into x from t1; insert into t2 values ("min", x, 0); select sum(data) into x from t1; insert into t2 values ("sum", x, 0); select avg(data) into y from t1; insert into t2 values ("avg", 0, y); end| insert into t1 (data) values (3), (1), (5), (9), (4)| call bug1874()| select * from t2| delete from t1| delete from t2| drop procedure bug1874| # # BUG#2260 # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug2260| --enable_warnings create procedure bug2260() begin declare v1 int; declare c1 cursor for select data from t1; declare continue handler for not found set @x2 = 1; open c1; fetch c1 into v1; set @x2 = 2; close c1; end| call bug2260()| select @x2| drop procedure bug2260| # # BUG#2267 "Lost connect if stored procedure has SHOW FUNCTION STATUS" # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug2267_1| --enable_warnings create procedure bug2267_1() begin show procedure status; end| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug2267_2| --enable_warnings create procedure bug2267_2() begin show function status; end| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug2267_3| --enable_warnings create procedure bug2267_3() begin show create procedure bug2267_1; end| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug2267_4| drop function if exists bug2267_4| --enable_warnings create procedure bug2267_4() begin show create function bug2267_4; end| create function bug2267_4() returns int return 100| --replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' call bug2267_1()| --replace_column 5 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' 6 '0000-00-00 00:00:00' call bug2267_2()| call bug2267_3()| call bug2267_4()| drop procedure bug2267_1| drop procedure bug2267_2| drop procedure bug2267_3| drop procedure bug2267_4| drop function bug2267_4| # # BUG#2227 # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug2227| --enable_warnings create procedure bug2227(x int) begin declare y float default 2.6; declare z char(16) default "zzz"; select 1.3, x, y, 42, z; end| call bug2227(9)| drop procedure bug2227| # # BUG#2614 "Stored procedure with INSERT ... SELECT that does not # contain any tables crashes server" # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug2614| --enable_warnings create procedure bug2614() begin drop table if exists t3; create table t3 (id int default '0' not null); insert into t3 select 12; insert into t3 select * from t3; end| --disable_warnings call bug2614()| --enable_warnings call bug2614()| drop table t3| drop procedure bug2614| # # BUG#2674 # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug2674| --enable_warnings create function bug2674() returns int return @@sort_buffer_size| set @osbs = @@sort_buffer_size| set @@sort_buffer_size = 262000| select bug2674()| drop function bug2674| set @@sort_buffer_size = @osbs| # # BUG#3259 # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug3259_1 | --enable_warnings create procedure bug3259_1 () begin end| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists BUG3259_2 | --enable_warnings create procedure BUG3259_2 () begin end| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists Bug3259_3 | --enable_warnings create procedure Bug3259_3 () begin end| call BUG3259_1()| call BUG3259_1()| call bug3259_2()| call Bug3259_2()| call bug3259_3()| call bUG3259_3()| drop procedure bUg3259_1| drop procedure BuG3259_2| drop procedure BUG3259_3| # # BUG#2772 # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug2772| --enable_warnings create function bug2772() returns char(10) character set latin2 return 'a'| select bug2772()| drop function bug2772| # # BUG#2776 # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug2776_1| --enable_warnings create procedure bug2776_1(out x int) begin declare v int; set v = default; set x = v; end| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug2776_2| --enable_warnings create procedure bug2776_2(out x int) begin declare v int default 42; set v = default; set x = v; end| set @x = 1| call bug2776_1(@x)| select @x| call bug2776_2(@x)| select @x| drop procedure bug2776_1| drop procedure bug2776_2| # # BUG#2780 # create table t3 (s1 smallint)| insert into t3 values (123456789012)| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug2780| --enable_warnings create procedure bug2780() begin declare exit handler for sqlwarning set @x = 1; set @x = 0; insert into t3 values (123456789012); insert into t3 values (0); end| call bug2780()| select @x| select * from t3| drop procedure bug2780| drop table t3| # # BUG#1863 # create table t3 (content varchar(10) )| insert into t3 values ("test1")| insert into t3 values ("test2")| create table t4 (f1 int, rc int, t3 int)| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug1863| --enable_warnings create procedure bug1863(in1 int) begin declare ind int default 0; declare t1 int; declare t2 int; declare t3 int; declare rc int default 0; declare continue handler for 1065 set rc = 1; drop temporary table if exists temp_t1; create temporary table temp_t1 ( f1 int auto_increment, f2 varchar(20), primary key (f1) ); insert into temp_t1 (f2) select content from t3; select f2 into t3 from temp_t1 where f1 = 10; if (rc) then insert into t4 values (1, rc, t3); end if; insert into t4 values (2, rc, t3); end| call bug1863(10)| call bug1863(10)| select * from t4| drop procedure bug1863| drop temporary table temp_t1; drop table t3, t4| # # BUG#2656 # create table t3 ( OrderID int not null, MarketID int, primary key (OrderID) )| create table t4 ( MarketID int not null, Market varchar(60), Status char(1), primary key (MarketID) )| insert t3 (OrderID,MarketID) values (1,1)| insert t3 (OrderID,MarketID) values (2,2)| insert t4 (MarketID,Market,Status) values (1,"MarketID One","A")| insert t4 (MarketID,Market,Status) values (2,"MarketID Two","A")| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug2656_1| --enable_warnings create procedure bug2656_1() begin select m.Market from t4 m JOIN t3 o ON o.MarketID != 1 and o.MarketID = m.MarketID; end | --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug2656_2| --enable_warnings create procedure bug2656_2() begin select m.Market from t4 m, t3 o where m.MarketID != 1 and m.MarketID = o.MarketID; end | call bug2656_1()| call bug2656_1()| call bug2656_2()| call bug2656_2()| drop procedure bug2656_1| drop procedure bug2656_2| drop table t3, t4| # # BUG#3426 # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug3426| --enable_warnings create procedure bug3426(in_time int unsigned, out x int) begin if in_time is null then set @stamped_time=10; set x=1; else set @stamped_time=in_time; set x=2; end if; end| call bug3426(1000, @i)| select @i, from_unixtime(@stamped_time, '%d-%m-%Y %h:%i:%s') as time| call bug3426(NULL, @i)| select @i, from_unixtime(@stamped_time, '%d-%m-%Y %h:%i:%s') as time| # Clear SP cache alter procedure bug3426 sql security invoker| call bug3426(NULL, @i)| select @i, from_unixtime(@stamped_time, '%d-%m-%Y %h:%i:%s') as time| call bug3426(1000, @i)| select @i, from_unixtime(@stamped_time, '%d-%m-%Y %h:%i:%s') as time| drop procedure bug3426| # # BUG#3734 # create table t3 ( id int unsigned auto_increment not null primary key, title VARCHAR(200), body text, fulltext (title,body) )| insert into t3 (title,body) values ('MySQL Tutorial','DBMS stands for DataBase ...'), ('How To Use MySQL Well','After you went through a ...'), ('Optimizing MySQL','In this tutorial we will show ...'), ('1001 MySQL Tricks','1. Never run mysqld as root. 2. ...'), ('MySQL vs. YourSQL','In the following database comparison ...'), ('MySQL Security','When configured properly, MySQL ...')| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug3734 | --enable_warnings create procedure bug3734 (param1 varchar(100)) select * from t3 where match (title,body) against (param1)| call bug3734('database')| call bug3734('Security')| drop procedure bug3734| drop table t3| # # BUG#3863 # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug3863| --enable_warnings create procedure bug3863() begin set @a = 0; while @a < 5 do set @a = @a + 1; end while; end| call bug3863()| select @a| call bug3863()| select @a| drop procedure bug3863| # # BUG#2460 # create table t3 ( id int(10) unsigned not null default 0, rid int(10) unsigned not null default 0, msg text not null, primary key (id), unique key rid (rid, id) )| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug2460_1| --enable_warnings create procedure bug2460_1(in v int) begin ( select n0.id from t3 as n0 where n0.id = v ) union ( select n0.id from t3 as n0, t3 as n1 where n0.id = n1.rid and n1.id = v ) union ( select n0.id from t3 as n0, t3 as n1, t3 as n2 where n0.id = n1.rid and n1.id = n2.rid and n2.id = v ); end| call bug2460_1(2)| call bug2460_1(2)| insert into t3 values (1, 1, 'foo'), (2, 1, 'bar'), (3, 1, 'zip zap')| call bug2460_1(2)| call bug2460_1(2)| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug2460_2| --enable_warnings create procedure bug2460_2() begin drop table if exists t3; create temporary table t3 (s1 int); insert into t3 select 1 union select 1; end| call bug2460_2()| call bug2460_2()| select * from t3| drop procedure bug2460_1| drop procedure bug2460_2| drop table t3| # # BUG#2564 # set @@sql_mode = ''| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug2564_1| --enable_warnings create procedure bug2564_1() comment 'Joe''s procedure' insert into `t1` values ("foo", 1)| set @@sql_mode = 'ANSI_QUOTES'| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug2564_2| --enable_warnings create procedure bug2564_2() insert into "t1" values ('foo', 1)| delimiter $| set @@sql_mode = ''$ --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug2564_3$ --enable_warnings create function bug2564_3(x int, y int) returns int return x || y$ set @@sql_mode = 'ANSI'$ --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug2564_4$ --enable_warnings create function bug2564_4(x int, y int) returns int return x || y$ delimiter |$ set @@sql_mode = ''| show create procedure bug2564_1| show create procedure bug2564_2| show create function bug2564_3| show create function bug2564_4| drop procedure bug2564_1| drop procedure bug2564_2| drop function bug2564_3| drop function bug2564_4| # # BUG#3132 # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug3132| --enable_warnings create function bug3132(s char(20)) returns char(50) return concat('Hello, ', s, '!')| select bug3132('Bob') union all select bug3132('Judy')| drop function bug3132| # # BUG#3843 # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug3843| --enable_warnings create procedure bug3843() analyze table t1| # Testing for packets out of order call bug3843()| call bug3843()| select 1+2| drop procedure bug3843| # # BUG#3368 # create table t3 ( s1 char(10) )| insert into t3 values ('a'), ('b')| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug3368| --enable_warnings create procedure bug3368(v char(10)) begin select group_concat(v) from t3; end| call bug3368('x')| call bug3368('yz')| drop procedure bug3368| drop table t3| # # BUG#4579 # create table t3 (f1 int, f2 int)| insert into t3 values (1,1)| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug4579_1| --enable_warnings create procedure bug4579_1 () begin declare sf1 int; select f1 into sf1 from t3 where f1=1 and f2=1; update t3 set f2 = f2 + 1 where f1=1 and f2=1; call bug4579_2(); end| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug4579_2| --enable_warnings create procedure bug4579_2 () begin end| call bug4579_1()| call bug4579_1()| call bug4579_1()| drop procedure bug4579_1| drop procedure bug4579_2| drop table t3| # # BUG#2773: Function's data type ignored in stored procedures # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug2773| --enable_warnings create function bug2773() returns int return null| create table t3 as select bug2773()| show create table t3| drop table t3| drop function bug2773| # # BUG#3788: Stored procedure packet error # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug3788| --enable_warnings create function bug3788() returns date return cast("2005-03-04" as date)| select bug3788()| drop function bug3788| create function bug3788() returns binary(1) return 5| select bug3788()| drop function bug3788| # # BUG#4726 # create table t3 (f1 int, f2 int, f3 int)| insert into t3 values (1,1,1)| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug4726| --enable_warnings create procedure bug4726() begin declare tmp_o_id INT; declare tmp_d_id INT default 1; while tmp_d_id <= 2 do begin select f1 into tmp_o_id from t3 where f2=1 and f3=1; set tmp_d_id = tmp_d_id + 1; end; end while; end| call bug4726()| call bug4726()| call bug4726()| drop procedure bug4726| drop table t3| # # BUG#4318 # --disable_parsing # Don't know if HANDLER commands can work with SPs, or at all.. create table t3 (s1 int)| insert into t3 values (3), (4)| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug4318| --enable_warnings create procedure bug4318() handler t3 read next| handler t3 open| # Expect no results, as tables are closed, but there shouldn't be any errors call bug4318()| call bug4318()| handler t3 close| drop procedure bug4318| drop table t3| --enable_parsing # # BUG#4902: Stored procedure with SHOW WARNINGS leads to packet error # # Added tests for most other show commands we could find too. # (Skipping those already tested, and the ones depending on optional handlers.) # # Note: This will return a large number of results of different formats, # which makes it impossible to filter with --replace_column. # It's possible that some of these are not deterministic across # platforms. If so, just remove the offending command. # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug4902| --enable_warnings create procedure bug4902() begin show charset like 'foo'; show collation like 'foo'; show column types; show create table t1; show create database test; show databases like 'foo'; show errors; show columns from t1; show keys from t1; show open tables like 'foo'; show privileges; show status like 'foo'; show tables like 'foo'; show variables like 'foo'; show warnings; end| --disable_parsing --replace_regex /table_id: [0-9]+/table_id: #/ show binlog events; show storage engines; show master status; show slave hosts; show slave status; --enable_parsing call bug4902()| call bug4902()| drop procedure bug4902| # # BUG#4904 # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug4904| --enable_warnings create procedure bug4904() begin declare continue handler for sqlstate 'HY000' begin end; create table t2 as select * from t3; end| -- error 1146 call bug4904()| drop procedure bug4904| create table t3 (s1 char character set latin1, s2 char character set latin2)| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug4904| --enable_warnings create procedure bug4904 () begin declare continue handler for sqlstate 'HY000' begin end; select s1 from t3 union select s2 from t3; end| call bug4904()| drop procedure bug4904| drop table t3| # # BUG#336 # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug336| --enable_warnings create procedure bug336(out y int) begin declare x int; set x = (select sum(t.data) from test.t1 t); set y = x; end| insert into t1 values ("a", 2), ("b", 3)| call bug336(@y)| select @y| delete from t1| drop procedure bug336| # # BUG#3157 # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug3157| --enable_warnings create procedure bug3157() begin if exists(select * from t1) then set @n= @n + 1; end if; if (select count(*) from t1) then set @n= @n + 1; end if; end| set @n = 0| insert into t1 values ("a", 1)| call bug3157()| select @n| delete from t1| drop procedure bug3157| # # BUG#5251: mysql changes creation time of a procedure/function when altering # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug5251| --enable_warnings create procedure bug5251() begin end| select created into @c1 from mysql.proc where db='test' and name='bug5251'| --sleep 2 alter procedure bug5251 comment 'foobar'| select count(*) from mysql.proc where db='test' and name='bug5251' and created = @c1| drop procedure bug5251| # # BUG#5279: Stored procedure packets out of order if CHECKSUM TABLE # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug5251| --enable_warnings create procedure bug5251() checksum table t1| call bug5251()| call bug5251()| drop procedure bug5251| # # BUG#5287: Stored procedure crash if leave outside loop # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug5287| --enable_warnings create procedure bug5287(param1 int) label1: begin declare c cursor for select 5; loop if param1 >= 0 then leave label1; end if; end loop; end| call bug5287(1)| drop procedure bug5287| # # BUG#5307: Stored procedure allows statement after BEGIN ... END # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug5307| --enable_warnings create procedure bug5307() begin end; set @x = 3| call bug5307()| select @x| drop procedure bug5307| # # BUG#5258: Stored procedure modified date is 0000-00-00 # (This was a design flaw) --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug5258| --enable_warnings create procedure bug5258() begin end| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug5258_aux| --enable_warnings create procedure bug5258_aux() begin declare c, m char(19); select created,modified into c,m from mysql.proc where name = 'bug5258'; if c = m then select 'Ok'; else select c, m; end if; end| call bug5258_aux()| drop procedure bug5258| drop procedure bug5258_aux| # # BUG#4487: Stored procedure connection aborted if uninitialized char # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug4487| --enable_warnings create function bug4487() returns char begin declare v char; return v; end| select bug4487()| drop function bug4487| # # BUG#4941: Stored procedure crash fetching null value into variable. # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug4941| --enable_warnings --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug4941| --enable_warnings create procedure bug4941(out x int) begin declare c cursor for select i from t2 limit 1; open c; fetch c into x; close c; end| insert into t2 values (null, null, null)| set @x = 42| call bug4941(@x)| select @x| delete from t1| drop procedure bug4941| # # BUG#4905: Stored procedure doesn't clear for "Rows affected" # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug4905| --enable_warnings create table t3 (s1 int,primary key (s1))| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug4905| --enable_warnings create procedure bug4905() begin declare v int; declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' set v = 5; insert into t3 values (1); end| call bug4905()| select row_count()| call bug4905()| select row_count()| call bug4905()| select row_count()| select * from t3| drop procedure bug4905| drop table t3| # # BUG#6022: Stored procedure shutdown problem with self-calling function. # --disable_parsing # until we implement support for recursive stored functions. --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug6022| --enable_warnings --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug6022| --enable_warnings create function bug6022(x int) returns int begin if x < 0 then return 0; else return bug6022(x-1); end if; end| select bug6022(5)| drop function bug6022| --enable_parsing # # BUG#6029: Stored procedure specific handlers should have priority # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug6029| --enable_warnings --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug6029| --enable_warnings create procedure bug6029() begin declare exit handler for 1136 select '1136'; declare exit handler for sqlstate '23000' select 'sqlstate 23000'; declare continue handler for sqlexception select 'sqlexception'; insert into t3 values (1); insert into t3 values (1,2); end| create table t3 (s1 int, primary key (s1))| insert into t3 values (1)| call bug6029()| delete from t3| call bug6029()| drop procedure bug6029| drop table t3| # # BUG#8540: Local variable overrides an alias # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug8540| --enable_warnings create procedure bug8540() begin declare x int default 1; select x as y, x+0 as z; end| call bug8540()| drop procedure bug8540| # # BUG#6642: Stored procedure crash if expression with set function # create table t3 (s1 int)| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug6642| --enable_warnings create procedure bug6642() select abs(count(s1)) from t3| call bug6642()| call bug6642()| drop procedure bug6642| # # BUG#7013: Stored procedure crash if group by ... with rollup # insert into t3 values (0),(1)| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug7013| --enable_warnings create procedure bug7013() select s1,count(s1) from t3 group by s1 with rollup| call bug7013()| call bug7013()| drop procedure bug7013| # # BUG#7743: 'Lost connection to MySQL server during query' on Stored Procedure # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t4| --enable_warnings create table t4 ( a mediumint(8) unsigned not null auto_increment, b smallint(5) unsigned not null, c char(32) not null, primary key (a) ) engine=myisam default charset=latin1| insert into t4 values (1, 2, 'oneword')| insert into t4 values (2, 2, 'anotherword')| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug7743| --enable_warnings create procedure bug7743 ( searchstring char(28) ) begin declare var mediumint(8) unsigned; select a into var from t4 where b = 2 and c = binary searchstring limit 1; select var; end| call bug7743("oneword")| call bug7743("OneWord")| call bug7743("anotherword")| call bug7743("AnotherWord")| drop procedure bug7743| drop table t4| # # BUG#7992: SELECT .. INTO variable .. within Stored Procedure crashes # the server # delete from t3| insert into t3 values(1)| drop procedure if exists bug7992_1| drop procedure if exists bug7992_2| create procedure bug7992_1() begin declare i int; select max(s1)+1 into i from t3; end| create procedure bug7992_2() insert into t3 (s1) select max(t4.s1)+1 from t3 as t4| call bug7992_1()| call bug7992_1()| call bug7992_2()| call bug7992_2()| drop procedure bug7992_1| drop procedure bug7992_2| drop table t3| # # BUG#8116: calling simple stored procedure twice in a row results # in server crash # create table t3 ( userid bigint(20) not null default 0 )| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug8116| --enable_warnings create procedure bug8116(in _userid int) select * from t3 where userid = _userid| call bug8116(42)| call bug8116(42)| drop procedure bug8116| drop table t3| # # BUG#6857: current_time() in STORED PROCEDURES # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug6857| --enable_warnings create procedure bug6857(counter int) begin declare t0, t1 int; declare plus bool default 0; set t0 = current_time(); while counter > 0 do set counter = counter - 1; end while; set t1 = current_time(); if t1 > t0 then set plus = 1; end if; select plus; end| # QQ: This is currently disabled. Not only does it slow down a normal test # run, it makes running with valgrind (or similar tools) extremely # painful. # Make sure this takes at least one second on all machines in all builds. # 30000 makes it about 3 seconds on an old 1.1GHz linux. #call bug6857(300000)| drop procedure bug6857| # # BUG#8757: Stored Procedures: Scope of Begin and End Statements do not # work properly. --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug8757| --enable_warnings create procedure bug8757() begin declare x int; declare c1 cursor for select data from t1 limit 1; begin declare y int; declare c2 cursor for select i from t2 limit 1; open c2; fetch c2 into y; close c2; select 2,y; end; open c1; fetch c1 into x; close c1; select 1,x; end| delete from t1| delete from t2| insert into t1 values ("x", 1)| insert into t2 values ("y", 2, 0.0)| call bug8757()| delete from t1| delete from t2| drop procedure bug8757| # # BUG#8762: Stored Procedures: Inconsistent behavior # of DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS statement. --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug8762| --enable_warnings # Doesn't exist drop procedure if exists bug8762; create procedure bug8762() begin end| # Does exist drop procedure if exists bug8762; create procedure bug8762() begin end| drop procedure bug8762| # # BUG#5240: Stored procedure crash if function has cursor declaration # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug5240| --enable_warnings create function bug5240 () returns int begin declare x int; declare c cursor for select data from t1 limit 1; open c; fetch c into x; close c; return x; end| delete from t1| insert into t1 values ("answer", 42)| select id, bug5240() from t1| drop function bug5240| # # BUG#7992: rolling back temporary Item tree changes in SP # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists p1| --enable_warnings create table t3(id int)| insert into t3 values(1)| create procedure bug7992() begin declare i int; select max(id)+1 into i from t3; end| call bug7992()| call bug7992()| drop procedure bug7992| drop table t3| delimiter ;| # # BUG#8849: problem with insert statement with table alias's # # Rolling back changes to AND/OR structure of ON and WHERE clauses in SP # delimiter |; create table t3 ( lpitnumber int(11) default null, lrecordtype int(11) default null )| create table t4 ( lbsiid int(11) not null default '0', ltradingmodeid int(11) not null default '0', ltradingareaid int(11) not null default '0', csellingprice decimal(19,4) default null, primary key (lbsiid,ltradingmodeid,ltradingareaid) )| create table t5 ( lbsiid int(11) not null default '0', ltradingareaid int(11) not null default '0', primary key (lbsiid,ltradingareaid) )| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug8849| --enable_warnings create procedure bug8849() begin insert into t5 ( t5.lbsiid, t5.ltradingareaid ) select distinct t3.lpitnumber, t4.ltradingareaid from t4 join t3 on t3.lpitnumber = t4.lbsiid and t3.lrecordtype = 1 left join t4 as price01 on price01.lbsiid = t4.lbsiid and price01.ltradingmodeid = 1 and t4.ltradingareaid = price01.ltradingareaid; end| call bug8849()| call bug8849()| call bug8849()| drop procedure bug8849| drop tables t3,t4,t5| # # BUG#8937: Stored Procedure: AVG() works as SUM() in SELECT ... INTO statement # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug8937| --enable_warnings create procedure bug8937() begin declare s,x,y,z int; declare a float; select sum(data),avg(data),min(data),max(data) into s,x,y,z from t1; select s,x,y,z; select avg(data) into a from t1; select a; end| delete from t1| insert into t1 (data) values (1), (2), (3), (4), (6)| call bug8937()| drop procedure bug8937| delete from t1| # # BUG#6900: Stored procedure inner handler ignored # BUG#9074: STORED PROC: The scope of every handler declared is not # properly applied # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug6900| drop procedure if exists bug9074| drop procedure if exists bug6900_9074| --enable_warnings create table t3 (w char unique, x char)| insert into t3 values ('a', 'b')| create procedure bug6900() begin declare exit handler for sqlexception select '1'; begin declare exit handler for sqlexception select '2'; insert into t3 values ('x', 'y', 'z'); end; end| create procedure bug9074() begin declare x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 int default 0; begin declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' set x5 = 1; insert into t3 values ('a', 'b'); set x6 = 1; end; begin1_label: begin declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' set x1 = 1; insert into t3 values ('a', 'b'); set x2 = 1; begin2_label: begin declare exit handler for sqlstate '23000' set x3 = 1; set x4= 1; insert into t3 values ('a','b'); set x4= 0; end begin2_label; end begin1_label; select x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6; end| create procedure bug6900_9074(z int) begin declare exit handler for sqlstate '23000' select '23000'; begin declare exit handler for sqlexception select 'sqlexception'; if z = 1 then insert into t3 values ('a', 'b'); else insert into t3 values ('x', 'y', 'z'); end if; end; end| call bug6900()| call bug9074()| call bug6900_9074(0)| call bug6900_9074(1)| drop procedure bug6900| drop procedure bug9074| drop procedure bug6900_9074| drop table t3| # # BUG#7185: Stored procedure crash if identifier is AVG # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists avg| --enable_warnings create procedure avg () begin end| call avg ()| drop procedure avg| # # BUG#6129: Stored procedure won't display @@sql_mode value # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug6129| --enable_warnings set @old_mode= @@sql_mode; set @@sql_mode= "ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO"; create procedure bug6129() select @@sql_mode| call bug6129()| set @@sql_mode= "NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO"| call bug6129()| set @@sql_mode= "NO_ZERO_IN_DATE"| call bug6129()| set @@sql_mode=@old_mode; drop procedure bug6129| # # BUG#9856: Stored procedures: crash if handler for sqlexception, not found # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug9856| --enable_warnings create procedure bug9856() begin declare v int; declare c cursor for select data from t1; declare exit handler for sqlexception, not found select '16'; open c; fetch c into v; select v; end| delete from t1| call bug9856()| call bug9856()| drop procedure bug9856| # # BUG##9674: Stored Procs: Using declared vars in algebric operation causes # system crash. # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug9674_1| drop procedure if exists bug9674_2| --enable_warnings create procedure bug9674_1(out arg int) begin declare temp_in1 int default 0; declare temp_fl1 int default 0; set temp_in1 = 100; set temp_fl1 = temp_in1/10; set arg = temp_fl1; end| create procedure bug9674_2() begin declare v int default 100; select v/10; end| call bug9674_1(@sptmp)| call bug9674_1(@sptmp)| select @sptmp| call bug9674_2()| call bug9674_2()| drop procedure bug9674_1| drop procedure bug9674_2| # # BUG#9598: stored procedure call within stored procedure overwrites IN variable # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug9598_1| drop procedure if exists bug9598_2| --enable_warnings create procedure bug9598_1(in var_1 char(16), out var_2 integer, out var_3 integer) begin set var_2 = 50; set var_3 = 60; end| create procedure bug9598_2(in v1 char(16), in v2 integer, in v3 integer, in v4 integer, in v5 integer) begin select v1,v2,v3,v4,v5; call bug9598_1(v1,@tmp1,@tmp2); select v1,v2,v3,v4,v5; end| call bug9598_2('Test',2,3,4,5)| select @tmp1, @tmp2| drop procedure bug9598_1| drop procedure bug9598_2| # # BUG#9902: Crash with simple stored function using user defined variables # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug9902| --enable_warnings create function bug9902() returns int(11) begin set @x = @x + 1; return @x; end| set @qcs1 = @@query_cache_size| set global query_cache_size = 100000| set @x = 1| insert into t1 values ("qc", 42)| select bug9902() from t1| select bug9902() from t1| select @x| set global query_cache_size = @qcs1| delete from t1| drop function bug9902| # # BUG#9102: Stored proccedures: function which returns blob causes crash # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug9102| --enable_warnings create function bug9102() returns blob return 'a'| select bug9102()| drop function bug9102| # # BUG#7648: Stored procedure crash when invoking a function that returns a bit # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug7648| --enable_warnings create function bug7648() returns bit(8) return 'a'| select bug7648()| drop function bug7648| # # BUG#9775: crash if create function that returns enum or set # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug9775| --enable_warnings create function bug9775(v1 char(1)) returns enum('a','b') return v1| select bug9775('a'),bug9775('b'),bug9775('c')| drop function bug9775| create function bug9775(v1 int) returns enum('a','b') return v1| select bug9775(1),bug9775(2),bug9775(3)| drop function bug9775| create function bug9775(v1 char(1)) returns set('a','b') return v1| select bug9775('a'),bug9775('b'),bug9775('a,b'),bug9775('c')| drop function bug9775| create function bug9775(v1 int) returns set('a','b') return v1| select bug9775(1),bug9775(2),bug9775(3),bug9775(4)| drop function bug9775| # # BUG#8861: If Return is a YEAR data type, value is not shown in year format # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug8861| --enable_warnings create function bug8861(v1 int) returns year return v1| select bug8861(05)| set @x = bug8861(05)| select @x| drop function bug8861| # # BUG#9004: Inconsistent behaviour of SP re. warnings # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug9004_1| drop procedure if exists bug9004_2| --enable_warnings create procedure bug9004_1(x char(16)) begin insert into t1 values (x, 42); insert into t1 values (x, 17); end| create procedure bug9004_2(x char(16)) call bug9004_1(x)| # Truncation warnings expected... call bug9004_1('12345678901234567')| call bug9004_2('12345678901234567890')| delete from t1| drop procedure bug9004_1| drop procedure bug9004_2| # # BUG#7293: Stored procedure crash with soundex # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug7293| --enable_warnings insert into t1 values ('secret', 0)| create procedure bug7293(p1 varchar(100)) begin if exists (select id from t1 where soundex(p1)=soundex(id)) then select 'yes'; end if; end;| call bug7293('secret')| call bug7293 ('secrete')| drop procedure bug7293| delete from t1| # # BUG#9841: Unexpected read lock when trying to update a view in a # stored procedure # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug9841| drop view if exists v1| --enable_warnings create view v1 as select * from t1, t2 where id = s| create procedure bug9841 () update v1 set data = 10| call bug9841()| drop view v1| drop procedure bug9841| # # BUG#5963 subqueries in SET/IF # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug5963| --enable_warnings create procedure bug5963_1 () begin declare v int; set v = (select s1 from t3); select v; end;| create table t3 (s1 int)| insert into t3 values (5)| call bug5963_1()| call bug5963_1()| drop procedure bug5963_1| drop table t3| create procedure bug5963_2 (cfk_value int) begin if cfk_value in (select cpk from t3) then set @x = 5; end if; end; | create table t3 (cpk int)| insert into t3 values (1)| call bug5963_2(1)| call bug5963_2(1)| drop procedure bug5963_2| drop table t3| # # BUG#9559: Functions: Numeric Operations using -ve value gives incorrect # results. # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug9559| --enable_warnings create function bug9559() returns int begin set @y = -6/2; return @y; end| select bug9559()| drop function bug9559| # # BUG#10961: Stored procedures: crash if select * from dual # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug10961| --enable_warnings # "select * from dual" results in an error, so the cursor will not open create procedure bug10961() begin declare v char; declare x int; declare c cursor for select * from dual; declare continue handler for sqlexception select x; set x = 1; open c; set x = 2; fetch c into v; set x = 3; close c; end| call bug10961()| call bug10961()| drop procedure bug10961| # # BUG #6866: Second call of a stored procedure using a view with on expressions # --disable_warnings DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS bug6866| --enable_warnings DROP VIEW IF EXISTS tv| DROP TABLE IF EXISTS tt1,tt2,tt3| CREATE TABLE tt1 (a1 int, a2 int, a3 int, data varchar(10))| CREATE TABLE tt2 (a2 int, data2 varchar(10))| CREATE TABLE tt3 (a3 int, data3 varchar(10))| INSERT INTO tt1 VALUES (1, 1, 4, 'xx')| INSERT INTO tt2 VALUES (1, 'a')| INSERT INTO tt2 VALUES (2, 'b')| INSERT INTO tt2 VALUES (3, 'c')| INSERT INTO tt3 VALUES (4, 'd')| INSERT INTO tt3 VALUES (5, 'e')| INSERT INTO tt3 VALUES (6, 'f')| CREATE VIEW tv AS SELECT tt1.*, tt2.data2, tt3.data3 FROM tt1 INNER JOIN tt2 ON tt1.a2 = tt2.a2 LEFT JOIN tt3 ON tt1.a3 = tt3.a3 ORDER BY tt1.a1, tt2.a2, tt3.a3| CREATE PROCEDURE bug6866 (_a1 int) BEGIN SELECT * FROM tv WHERE a1 = _a1; END| CALL bug6866(1)| CALL bug6866(1)| CALL bug6866(1)| DROP PROCEDURE bug6866; DROP VIEW tv| DROP TABLE tt1, tt2, tt3| # # BUG#10136: items cleunup # --disable_warnings DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS bug10136| --enable_warnings create table t3 ( name char(5) not null primary key, val float not null)| insert into t3 values ('aaaaa', 1), ('bbbbb', 2), ('ccccc', 3)| create procedure bug10136() begin declare done int default 3; repeat select * from t3; set done = done - 1; until done <= 0 end repeat; end| call bug10136()| call bug10136()| call bug10136()| drop procedure bug10136| drop table t3| # # BUG#11529: crash server after use stored procedure # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug11529| --enable_warnings create procedure bug11529() begin declare c cursor for select id, data from t1 where data in (10,13); open c; begin declare vid char(16); declare vdata int; declare exit handler for not found begin end; while true do fetch c into vid, vdata; end while; end; close c; end| insert into t1 values ('Name1', 10), ('Name2', 11), ('Name3', 12), ('Name4', 13), ('Name5', 14)| call bug11529()| call bug11529()| delete from t1| drop procedure bug11529| # # BUG#6063: Stored procedure labels are subject to restrictions (partial) # BUG#7088: Stored procedures: labels won't work if character set is utf8 # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug6063| drop procedure if exists bug7088_1| drop procedure if exists bug7088_2| --enable_warnings --disable_parsing # temporarily disabled until Bar fixes BUG#11986 create procedure bug6063() lâbel: begin end| call bug6063()| # QQ Known bug: this will not show the label correctly. show create procedure bug6063| set character set utf8| create procedure bug7088_1() label1: begin end label1| create procedure bug7088_2() läbel1: begin end| call bug7088_1()| call bug7088_2()| set character set default| show create procedure bug7088_1| show create procedure bug7088_2| drop procedure bug6063| drop procedure bug7088_1| drop procedure bug7088_2| --enable_parsing # # BUG#9565: "Wrong locking in stored procedure if a sub-sequent procedure # is called". # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug9565_sub| drop procedure if exists bug9565| --enable_warnings create procedure bug9565_sub() begin select * from t1; end| create procedure bug9565() begin insert into t1 values ("one", 1); call bug9565_sub(); end| call bug9565()| delete from t1| drop procedure bug9565_sub| drop procedure bug9565| # # BUG#9538: SProc: Creation fails if we try to SET system variable # using @@var_name in proc # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug9538| --enable_warnings create procedure bug9538() set @@sort_buffer_size = 1000000| set @x = @@sort_buffer_size| set @@sort_buffer_size = 2000000| select @@sort_buffer_size| call bug9538()| select @@sort_buffer_size| set @@sort_buffer_size = @x| drop procedure bug9538| # # BUG#8692: Cursor fetch of empty string # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug8692| --enable_warnings create table t3 (c1 varchar(5), c2 char(5), c3 enum('one','two'), c4 text, c5 blob, c6 char(5), c7 varchar(5))| insert into t3 values ('', '', '', '', '', '', NULL)| create procedure bug8692() begin declare v1 VARCHAR(10); declare v2 VARCHAR(10); declare v3 VARCHAR(10); declare v4 VARCHAR(10); declare v5 VARCHAR(10); declare v6 VARCHAR(10); declare v7 VARCHAR(10); declare c8692 cursor for select c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7 from t3; open c8692; fetch c8692 into v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7; select v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7; end| call bug8692()| drop procedure bug8692| drop table t3| # # Bug#10055 "Using stored function with information_schema causes empty # result set" # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug10055| --enable_warnings create function bug10055(v char(255)) returns char(255) return lower(v)| # This select should not crash server and should return all fields in t1 select t.column_name, bug10055(t.column_name) from information_schema.columns as t where t.table_schema = 'test' and t.table_name = 't1'| drop function bug10055| # # Bug #12297 "SP crashes the server if data inserted inside a lon loop" # The test for memleak bug, so actually there is no way to test it # from the suite. The test below could be used to check SP memory # consumption by passing large input parameter. # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug12297| --enable_warnings create procedure bug12297(lim int) begin set @x = 0; repeat insert into t1(id,data) values('aa', @x); set @x = @x + 1; until @x >= lim end repeat; end| call bug12297(10)| drop procedure bug12297| # # Bug #11247 "Stored procedures: Function calls in long loops leak memory" # One more memleak bug test. One could use this test to check that the memory # isn't leaking by increasing the input value for p_bug11247. # --disable_warnings drop function if exists f_bug11247| drop procedure if exists p_bug11247| --enable_warnings create function f_bug11247(param int) returns int return param + 1| create procedure p_bug11247(lim int) begin declare v int default 0; while v < lim do set v= f_bug11247(v); end while; end| call p_bug11247(10)| drop function f_bug11247| drop procedure p_bug11247| # # BUG#12168: "'DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND ...' in conditional # handled incorrectly" # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug12168| drop table if exists t3, t4| --enable_warnings create table t3 (a int)| insert into t3 values (1),(2),(3),(4)| create table t4 (a int)| create procedure bug12168(arg1 char(1)) begin declare b, c integer; if arg1 = 'a' then begin declare c1 cursor for select a from t3 where a % 2; declare continue handler for not found set b = 1; set b = 0; open c1; c1_repeat: repeat fetch c1 into c; if (b = 1) then leave c1_repeat; end if; insert into t4 values (c); until b = 1 end repeat; end; end if; if arg1 = 'b' then begin declare c2 cursor for select a from t3 where not a % 2; declare continue handler for not found set b = 1; set b = 0; open c2; c2_repeat: repeat fetch c2 into c; if (b = 1) then leave c2_repeat; end if; insert into t4 values (c); until b = 1 end repeat; end; end if; end| call bug12168('a')| select * from t4| truncate t4| call bug12168('b')| select * from t4| truncate t4| call bug12168('a')| select * from t4| truncate t4| call bug12168('b')| select * from t4| truncate t4| drop table t3, t4| drop procedure if exists bug12168| # # Bug #11333 "Stored Procedure: Memory blow up on repeated SELECT ... INTO # query" # One more memleak bug. Use the test to check memory consumption. # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t3| drop procedure if exists bug11333| --enable_warnings create table t3 (c1 char(128))| insert into t3 values ('AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA')| create procedure bug11333(i int) begin declare tmp varchar(128); set @x = 0; repeat select c1 into tmp from t3 where c1 = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'; set @x = @x + 1; until @x >= i end repeat; end| call bug11333(10)| drop procedure bug11333| drop table t3| # # BUG#9048: Creating a function with char binary IN parameter fails # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug9048| --enable_warnings create function bug9048(f1 char binary) returns char binary begin set f1= concat( 'hello', f1 ); return f1; end| drop function bug9048| # Bug #12849 Stored Procedure: Crash on procedure call with CHAR type # 'INOUT' parameter # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug12849_1| --enable_warnings create procedure bug12849_1(inout x char) select x into x| set @var='a'| call bug12849_1(@var)| select @var| drop procedure bug12849_1| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug12849_2| --enable_warnings create procedure bug12849_2(inout foo varchar(15)) begin select concat(foo, foo) INTO foo; end| set @var='abcd'| call bug12849_2(@var)| select @var| drop procedure bug12849_2| # # BUG#13133: Local variables in stored procedures are not initialized correctly. # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug131333| drop function if exists bug131333| --enable_warnings create procedure bug131333() begin begin declare a int; select a; set a = 1; select a; end; begin declare b int; select b; end; end| create function bug131333() returns int begin begin declare a int; set a = 1; end; begin declare b int; return b; end; end| call bug131333()| select bug131333()| drop procedure bug131333| drop function bug131333| # # BUG#12379: PROCEDURE with HANDLER calling FUNCTION with error get # strange result # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug12379| drop procedure if exists bug12379_1| drop procedure if exists bug12379_2| drop procedure if exists bug12379_3| drop table if exists t3| --enable_warnings create table t3 (c1 char(1) primary key not null)| create function bug12379() returns integer begin insert into t3 values('X'); insert into t3 values('X'); return 0; end| create procedure bug12379_1() begin declare exit handler for sqlexception select 42; select bug12379(); END| create procedure bug12379_2() begin declare exit handler for sqlexception begin end; select bug12379(); end| create procedure bug12379_3() begin select bug12379(); end| --error 1062 select bug12379()| select 1| # statement-based binlogging will show warning which row-based won't; # so we hide it (this warning is already tested in rpl_stm_sp.test) --disable_warnings call bug12379_1()| select 2| call bug12379_2()| --enable_warnings select 3| --error 1062 call bug12379_3()| select 4| drop function bug12379| drop procedure bug12379_1| drop procedure bug12379_2| drop procedure bug12379_3| drop table t3| # # Bug #13124 Stored Procedure using SELECT INTO crashes server # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug13124| --enable_warnings create procedure bug13124() begin declare y integer; set @x=y; end| call bug13124()| drop procedure bug13124| # # Bug #12979 Stored procedures: crash if inout decimal parameter # # check NULL inout parameters processing --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug12979_1| --enable_warnings create procedure bug12979_1(inout d decimal(5)) set d = d / 2| set @bug12979_user_var = NULL| call bug12979_1(@bug12979_user_var)| drop procedure bug12979_1| # check NULL local variables processing --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug12979_2| --enable_warnings create procedure bug12979_2() begin declare internal_var decimal(5); set internal_var= internal_var / 2; select internal_var; end| call bug12979_2()| drop procedure bug12979_2| # # BUG#6127: Stored procedure handlers within handlers don't work # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t3| drop procedure if exists bug6127| --enable_warnings create table t3 (s1 int unique)| set @sm=@@sql_mode| set sql_mode='traditional'| create procedure bug6127() begin declare continue handler for sqlstate '23000' begin declare continue handler for sqlstate '22003' insert into t3 values (0); insert into t3 values (1000000000000000); end; insert into t3 values (1); insert into t3 values (1); end| call bug6127()| select * from t3| --error ER_DUP_ENTRY call bug6127()| select * from t3| set sql_mode=@sm| drop table t3| drop procedure bug6127| # # BUG#12589: Assert when creating temp. table from decimal stored procedure # variable # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug12589_1| drop procedure if exists bug12589_2| drop procedure if exists bug12589_3| --enable_warnings create procedure bug12589_1() begin declare spv1 decimal(3,3); set spv1= 123.456; set spv1 = 'test'; create temporary table tm1 as select spv1; show create table tm1; drop temporary table tm1; end| create procedure bug12589_2() begin declare spv1 decimal(6,3); set spv1= 123.456; create temporary table tm1 as select spv1; show create table tm1; drop temporary table tm1; end| create procedure bug12589_3() begin declare spv1 decimal(6,3); set spv1= -123.456; create temporary table tm1 as select spv1; show create table tm1; drop temporary table tm1; end| # Note: The type of the field will match the value, not the declared # type of the variable. (This is a type checking issue which # might be changed later.) # Warning expected from "set spv1 = 'test'", the value is set to decimal "0". call bug12589_1()| # No warnings here call bug12589_2()| call bug12589_3()| drop procedure bug12589_1| drop procedure bug12589_2| drop procedure bug12589_3| # # BUG#7049: Stored procedure CALL errors are ignored # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t3| drop procedure if exists bug7049_1| drop procedure if exists bug7049_2| drop procedure if exists bug7049_3| drop procedure if exists bug7049_4| drop function if exists bug7049_1| drop function if exists bug7049_2| --enable_warnings create table t3 ( x int unique )| create procedure bug7049_1() begin insert into t3 values (42); insert into t3 values (42); end| create procedure bug7049_2() begin declare exit handler for sqlexception select 'Caught it' as 'Result'; call bug7049_1(); select 'Missed it' as 'Result'; end| create procedure bug7049_3() call bug7049_1()| create procedure bug7049_4() begin declare exit handler for sqlexception select 'Caught it' as 'Result'; call bug7049_3(); select 'Missed it' as 'Result'; end| create function bug7049_1() returns int begin insert into t3 values (42); insert into t3 values (42); return 42; end| create function bug7049_2() returns int begin declare x int default 0; declare continue handler for sqlexception set x = 1; set x = bug7049_1(); return x; end| call bug7049_2()| select * from t3| delete from t3| call bug7049_4()| select * from t3| select bug7049_2()| drop table t3| drop procedure bug7049_1| drop procedure bug7049_2| drop procedure bug7049_3| drop procedure bug7049_4| drop function bug7049_1| drop function bug7049_2| # # BUG#13941: replace() string fuction behaves badly inside stored procedure # (BUG#13914: IFNULL is returning garbage in stored procedure) # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug13941| drop procedure if exists bug13941| --enable_warnings create function bug13941(p_input_str text) returns text begin declare p_output_str text; set p_output_str = p_input_str; set p_output_str = replace(p_output_str, 'xyzzy', 'plugh'); set p_output_str = replace(p_output_str, 'test', 'prova'); set p_output_str = replace(p_output_str, 'this', 'questo'); set p_output_str = replace(p_output_str, ' a ', 'una '); set p_output_str = replace(p_output_str, 'is', ''); return p_output_str; end| create procedure bug13941(out sout varchar(128)) begin set sout = 'Local'; set sout = ifnull(sout, 'DEF'); end| # Note: The bug showed different behaviour in different types of builds, # giving garbage results in some, and seemingly working in others. # Running with valgrind (or purify) is the safe way to check that it's # really working correctly. select bug13941('this is a test')| call bug13941(@a)| select @a| drop function bug13941| drop procedure bug13941| # # BUG#13095: Cannot create VIEWs in prepared statements # delimiter ;| --disable_warnings DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS bug13095; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bug13095_t1; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS bug13095_v1; --enable_warnings delimiter |; CREATE PROCEDURE bug13095(tbl_name varchar(32)) BEGIN SET @str = CONCAT("CREATE TABLE ", tbl_name, "(stuff char(15))"); SELECT @str; PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; SET @str = CONCAT("INSERT INTO ", tbl_name, " VALUES('row1'),('row2'),('row3')" ); SELECT @str; PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; SET @str = CONCAT("CREATE VIEW bug13095_v1(c1) AS SELECT stuff FROM ", tbl_name); SELECT @str; PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; SELECT * FROM bug13095_v1; SET @str = "DROP VIEW bug13095_v1"; SELECT @str; PREPARE stmt FROM @str; EXECUTE stmt; END| delimiter ;| CALL bug13095('bug13095_t1'); --disable_warnings DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS bug13095; DROP VIEW IF EXISTS bug13095_v1; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS bug13095_t1; --enable_warnings delimiter |; # # BUG#1473: Dumping of stored functions seems to cause corruption in # the function body # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug14723| drop procedure if exists bug14723| --enable_warnings delimiter ;;| /*!50003 create function bug14723() returns bigint(20) main_loop: begin return 42; end */;; show create function bug14723;; select bug14723();; /*!50003 create procedure bug14723() main_loop: begin select 42; end */;; show create procedure bug14723;; call bug14723();; delimiter |;; drop function bug14723| drop procedure bug14723| # # Bug#14845 "mysql_stmt_fetch returns MYSQL_NO_DATA when COUNT(*) is 0" # Check that when fetching from a cursor, COUNT(*) works properly. # create procedure bug14845() begin declare a char(255); declare done int default 0; declare c cursor for select count(*) from t1 where 1 = 0; declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set done = 1; open c; repeat fetch c into a; if not done then select a; end if; until done end repeat; close c; end| call bug14845()| drop procedure bug14845| # # BUG#13549 "Server crash with nested stored procedures". # Server should not crash when during execution of stored procedure # we have to parse trigger/function definition and this new trigger/ # function has more local variables declared than invoking stored # procedure and last of these variables is used in argument of NOT # operator. # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug13549_1| drop procedure if exists bug13549_2| --enable_warnings CREATE PROCEDURE `bug13549_2`() begin call bug13549_1(); end| CREATE PROCEDURE `bug13549_1`() begin declare done int default 0; set done= not done; end| CALL bug13549_2()| drop procedure bug13549_2| drop procedure bug13549_1| # # BUG#10100: function (and stored procedure?) recursivity problem # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug10100f| drop procedure if exists bug10100p| drop procedure if exists bug10100t| drop procedure if exists bug10100pt| drop procedure if exists bug10100pv| drop procedure if exists bug10100pd| drop procedure if exists bug10100pc| --enable_warnings # routines with simple recursion create function bug10100f(prm int) returns int begin if prm > 1 then return prm * bug10100f(prm - 1); end if; return 1; end| create procedure bug10100p(prm int, inout res int) begin set res = res * prm; if prm > 1 then call bug10100p(prm - 1, res); end if; end| create procedure bug10100t(prm int) begin declare res int; set res = 1; call bug10100p(prm, res); select res; end| # a procedure which use tables and recursion create table t3 (a int)| insert into t3 values (0)| create view v1 as select a from t3; create procedure bug10100pt(level int, lim int) begin if level < lim then update t3 set a=level; FLUSH TABLES; call bug10100pt(level+1, lim); else select * from t3; end if; end| # view & recursion create procedure bug10100pv(level int, lim int) begin if level < lim then update v1 set a=level; FLUSH TABLES; call bug10100pv(level+1, lim); else select * from v1; end if; end| # dynamic sql & recursion prepare stmt2 from "select * from t3;"; create procedure bug10100pd(level int, lim int) begin if level < lim then select level; prepare stmt1 from "update t3 set a=a+2"; execute stmt1; FLUSH TABLES; execute stmt1; FLUSH TABLES; execute stmt1; FLUSH TABLES; deallocate prepare stmt1; execute stmt2; select * from t3; call bug10100pd(level+1, lim); else execute stmt2; end if; end| # cursor & recursion create procedure bug10100pc(level int, lim int) begin declare lv int; declare c cursor for select a from t3; open c; if level < lim then select level; fetch c into lv; select lv; update t3 set a=level+lv; FLUSH TABLES; call bug10100pc(level+1, lim); else select * from t3; end if; close c; end| set @@max_sp_recursion_depth=4| select @@max_sp_recursion_depth| -- error ER_SP_NO_RECURSION select bug10100f(3)| -- error ER_SP_NO_RECURSION select bug10100f(6)| call bug10100t(5)| call bug10100pt(1,5)| call bug10100pv(1,5)| update t3 set a=1| call bug10100pd(1,5)| select * from t3| update t3 set a=1| call bug10100pc(1,5)| select * from t3| set @@max_sp_recursion_depth=0| select @@max_sp_recursion_depth| -- error ER_SP_NO_RECURSION select bug10100f(5)| -- error ER_SP_RECURSION_LIMIT call bug10100t(5)| #end of the stack checking deallocate prepare stmt2| drop function bug10100f| drop procedure bug10100p| drop procedure bug10100t| drop procedure bug10100pt| drop procedure bug10100pv| drop procedure bug10100pd| drop procedure bug10100pc| drop view v1| # # BUG#13729: Stored procedures: packet error after exception handled # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug13729| drop table if exists t3| --enable_warnings create table t3 (s1 int, primary key (s1))| insert into t3 values (1),(2)| create procedure bug13729() begin declare continue handler for sqlexception select 55; update t3 set s1 = 1; end| call bug13729()| # Used to cause Packets out of order select * from t3| drop procedure bug13729| drop table t3| # # BUG#14643: Stored Procedure: Continuing after failed var. initialization # crashes server. # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug14643_1| drop procedure if exists bug14643_2| --enable_warnings create procedure bug14643_1() begin declare continue handler for sqlexception select 'boo' as 'Handler'; begin declare v int default undefined_var; if v = 1 then select 1; else select v, isnull(v); end if; end; end| create procedure bug14643_2() begin declare continue handler for sqlexception select 'boo' as 'Handler'; case undefined_var when 1 then select 1; else select 2; end case; select undefined_var; end| call bug14643_1()| call bug14643_2()| drop procedure bug14643_1| drop procedure bug14643_2| # # BUG#14304: auto_increment field incorrect set in SP # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug14304| drop table if exists t3, t4| --enable_warnings create table t3(a int primary key auto_increment)| create table t4(a int primary key auto_increment)| create procedure bug14304() begin insert into t3 set a=null; insert into t4 set a=null; insert into t4 set a=null; insert into t4 set a=null; insert into t4 set a=null; insert into t4 set a=null; insert into t4 select null as a; insert into t3 set a=null; insert into t3 set a=null; select * from t3; end| call bug14304()| drop procedure bug14304| drop table t3, t4| # # BUG#14376: MySQL crash on scoped variable (re)initialization # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug14376| --enable_warnings create procedure bug14376() begin declare x int default x; end| # Not the error we want, but that's what we got for now... --error ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR call bug14376()| drop procedure bug14376| create procedure bug14376() begin declare x int default 42; begin declare x int default x; select x; end; end| call bug14376()| drop procedure bug14376| create procedure bug14376(x int) begin declare x int default x; select x; end| call bug14376(4711)| drop procedure bug14376| # # Bug#5967 "Stored procedure declared variable used instead of column" # The bug should be fixed later. # Test precedence of names of parameters, variable declarations, # variable declarations in nested compound statements, table columns, # table columns in cursor declarations. # According to the standard, table columns take precedence over # variable declarations. In MySQL 5.0 it's vice versa. # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug5967| drop table if exists t3| --enable_warnings create table t3 (a varchar(255))| insert into t3 (a) values ("a - table column")| create procedure bug5967(a varchar(255)) begin declare i varchar(255); declare c cursor for select a from t3; select a; select a from t3 into i; select i as 'Parameter takes precedence over table column'; open c; fetch c into i; close c; select i as 'Parameter takes precedence over table column in cursors'; begin declare a varchar(255) default 'a - local variable'; declare c1 cursor for select a from t3; select a as 'A local variable takes precedence over parameter'; open c1; fetch c1 into i; close c1; select i as 'A local variable takes precedence over parameter in cursors'; begin declare a varchar(255) default 'a - local variable in a nested compound statement'; declare c2 cursor for select a from t3; select a as 'A local variable in a nested compound statement takes precedence over a local variable in the outer statement'; select a from t3 into i; select i as 'A local variable in a nested compound statement takes precedence over table column'; open c2; fetch c2 into i; close c2; select i as 'A local variable in a nested compound statement takes precedence over table column in cursors'; end; end; end| call bug5967("a - stored procedure parameter")| drop procedure bug5967| # # Bug#13012 "SP: REPAIR/BACKUP/RESTORE TABLE crashes the server" # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug13012| # Disable warnings also for BACKUP/RESTORE: they are deprecated. create procedure bug13012() BEGIN REPAIR TABLE t1; BACKUP TABLE t1 to '../tmp'; DROP TABLE t1; RESTORE TABLE t1 FROM '../tmp'; END| call bug13012()| --enable_warnings drop procedure bug13012| create view v1 as select * from t1| create procedure bug13012() BEGIN REPAIR TABLE t1,t2,t3,v1; OPTIMIZE TABLE t1,t2,t3,v1; ANALYZE TABLE t1,t2,t3,v1; END| call bug13012()| call bug13012()| call bug13012()| drop procedure bug13012| drop view v1; select * from t1| # # A test case for Bug#15392 "Server crashes during prepared statement # execute": make sure that stored procedure check for error conditions # properly and do not continue execution if an error has been set. # # It's necessary to use several DBs because in the original code # the successful return of mysql_change_db overrode the error from # execution. drop schema if exists mysqltest1| drop schema if exists mysqltest2| drop schema if exists mysqltest3| create schema mysqltest1| create schema mysqltest2| create schema mysqltest3| use mysqltest3| create procedure mysqltest1.p1 (out prequestid varchar(100)) begin call mysqltest2.p2('call mysqltest3.p3(1, 2)'); end| create procedure mysqltest2.p2(in psql text) begin declare lsql text; set @lsql= psql; prepare lstatement from @lsql; execute lstatement; deallocate prepare lstatement; end| create procedure mysqltest3.p3(in p1 int) begin select p1; end| --error ER_SP_WRONG_NO_OF_ARGS call mysqltest1.p1(@rs)| --error ER_SP_WRONG_NO_OF_ARGS call mysqltest1.p1(@rs)| --error ER_SP_WRONG_NO_OF_ARGS call mysqltest1.p1(@rs)| drop schema if exists mysqltest1| drop schema if exists mysqltest2| drop schema if exists mysqltest3| use test| # # Bug#15441 "Running SP causes Server to Crash": check that an SP variable # can not be used in VALUES() function. # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t3| drop procedure if exists bug15441| --enable_warnings create table t3 (id int not null primary key, county varchar(25))| insert into t3 (id, county) values (1, 'York')| # First check that a stored procedure that refers to a parameter in VALUES() # function won't parse. create procedure bug15441(c varchar(25)) begin update t3 set id=2, county=values(c); end| --error ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR call bug15441('county')| drop procedure bug15441| # Now check the case when there is an ambiguity between column names # and stored procedure parameters: the parser shall resolve the argument # of VALUES() function to the column name. # It's hard to deduce what county refers to in every case (INSERT statement): # 1st county refers to the column # 2nd county refers to the procedure parameter # 3d and 4th county refers to the column, again, but # for 4th county it has the value of SP parameter # In UPDATE statement, just check that values() function returns NULL for # non- INSERT...UPDATE statements, as stated in the manual. create procedure bug15441(county varchar(25)) begin declare c varchar(25) default "hello"; insert into t3 (id, county) values (1, county) on duplicate key update county= values(county); select * from t3; update t3 set id=2, county=values(id); select * from t3; end| call bug15441('Yale')| drop table t3| drop procedure bug15441| # # BUG#14498: Stored procedures: hang if undefined variable and exception # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug14498_1| drop procedure if exists bug14498_2| drop procedure if exists bug14498_3| drop procedure if exists bug14498_4| drop procedure if exists bug14498_5| --enable_warnings create procedure bug14498_1() begin declare continue handler for sqlexception select 'error' as 'Handler'; if v then select 'yes' as 'v'; else select 'no' as 'v'; end if; select 'done' as 'End'; end| create procedure bug14498_2() begin declare continue handler for sqlexception select 'error' as 'Handler'; while v do select 'yes' as 'v'; end while; select 'done' as 'End'; end| create procedure bug14498_3() begin declare continue handler for sqlexception select 'error' as 'Handler'; repeat select 'maybe' as 'v'; until v end repeat; select 'done' as 'End'; end| create procedure bug14498_4() begin declare continue handler for sqlexception select 'error' as 'Handler'; case v when 1 then select '1' as 'v'; when 2 then select '2' as 'v'; else select '?' as 'v'; end case; select 'done' as 'End'; end| create procedure bug14498_5() begin declare continue handler for sqlexception select 'error' as 'Handler'; case when v = 1 then select '1' as 'v'; when v = 2 then select '2' as 'v'; else select '?' as 'v'; end case; select 'done' as 'End'; end| call bug14498_1()| call bug14498_2()| call bug14498_3()| call bug14498_4()| call bug14498_5()| drop procedure bug14498_1| drop procedure bug14498_2| drop procedure bug14498_3| drop procedure bug14498_4| drop procedure bug14498_5| # # BUG#15231: Stored procedure bug with not found condition handler # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t3| drop procedure if exists bug15231_1| drop procedure if exists bug15231_2| drop procedure if exists bug15231_3| drop procedure if exists bug15231_4| --enable_warnings create table t3 (id int not null)| create procedure bug15231_1() begin declare xid integer; declare xdone integer default 0; declare continue handler for not found set xdone = 1; set xid=null; call bug15231_2(xid); select xid, xdone; end| create procedure bug15231_2(inout ioid integer) begin select "Before NOT FOUND condition is triggered" as '1'; select id into ioid from t3 where id=ioid; select "After NOT FOUND condtition is triggered" as '2'; if ioid is null then set ioid=1; end if; end| create procedure bug15231_3() begin declare exit handler for sqlwarning select 'Caught it (wrong)' as 'Result'; call bug15231_4(); end| create procedure bug15231_4() begin declare x decimal(2,1); set x = 'zap'; select 'Missed it (correct)' as 'Result'; end| call bug15231_1()| call bug15231_3()| drop table if exists t3| drop procedure if exists bug15231_1| drop procedure if exists bug15231_2| drop procedure if exists bug15231_3| drop procedure if exists bug15231_4| # # BUG#15011: error handler in nested block not activated # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug15011| --enable_warnings create table t3 (c1 int primary key)| insert into t3 values (1)| create procedure bug15011() deterministic begin declare continue handler for 1062 select 'Outer' as 'Handler'; begin declare continue handler for 1062 select 'Inner' as 'Handler'; insert into t3 values (1); end; end| call bug15011()| drop procedure bug15011| drop table t3| # # BUG#17615: problem with character set # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug17615| --enable_warnings create table t3 (a varchar(256) unicode)| create function bug17615() returns varchar(256) unicode begin declare tmp_res varchar(256) unicode; set tmp_res= 'foo string'; return tmp_res; end| insert into t3 values(bug17615())| select * from t3| drop function bug17615| drop table t3| # # BUG#17476: Stored procedure not returning data when it is called first # time per connection # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug17476| --enable_warnings create table t3 ( d date )| insert into t3 values ( '2005-01-01' ), ( '2005-01-02' ), ( '2005-01-03' ), ( '2005-01-04' ), ( '2005-02-01' ), ( '2005-02-02' )| create procedure bug17476(pDateFormat varchar(10)) select date_format(t3.d, pDateFormat), count(*) from t3 group by date_format(t3.d, pDateFormat)| call bug17476('%Y-%m')| call bug17476('%Y-%m')| drop table t3| drop procedure bug17476| # # BUG#16887: Cursor causes server segfault # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t3| drop procedure if exists bug16887| --enable_warnings create table t3 ( c varchar(1) )| insert into t3 values (' '),('.'),(';'),(','),('-'),('_'),('('),(')'),('/'),('\\')| create procedure bug16887() begin declare i int default 10; again: while i > 0 do begin declare breakchar varchar(1); declare done int default 0; declare t3_cursor cursor for select c from t3; declare continue handler for not found set done = 1; set i = i - 1; select i; if i = 3 then iterate again; end if; open t3_cursor; loop fetch t3_cursor into breakchar; if done = 1 then begin close t3_cursor; iterate again; end; end if; end loop; end; end while; end| call bug16887()| drop table t3| drop procedure bug16887| # # Bug#13575 SP funcs in select with distinct/group and order by can # produce bad data # create table t3 (f1 int, f2 varchar(3), primary key(f1)) engine=innodb| insert into t3 values (1,'aaa'),(2,'bbb'),(3,'ccc')| CREATE FUNCTION bug13575 ( p1 integer ) returns varchar(3) BEGIN DECLARE v1 VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT null; SELECT f2 INTO v1 FROM t3 WHERE f1 = p1; RETURN v1; END| select distinct f1, bug13575(f1) from t3 order by f1| drop function bug13575; drop table t3| # # BUG#16474: SP crashed MySQL # (when using "order by localvar", where 'localvar' is just that. # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug16474_1| drop procedure if exists bug16474_2| --enable_warnings delete from t1| insert into t1 values ('c', 2), ('b', 3), ('a', 1)| create procedure bug16474_1() begin declare x int; select id from t1 order by x; end| # # BUG#14945: Truncate table doesn't reset the auto_increment counter # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug14945| --enable_warnings create table t3 (id int not null auto_increment primary key)| create procedure bug14945() deterministic truncate t3| insert into t3 values (null)| call bug14945()| insert into t3 values (null)| select * from t3| drop table t3| drop procedure bug14945| # This does NOT order by column index; variable is an expression. create procedure bug16474_2(x int) select id from t1 order by x| call bug16474_1()| call bug16474_2(1)| call bug16474_2(2)| drop procedure bug16474_1| drop procedure bug16474_2| # For reference: user variables are expressions too and do not affect ordering. set @x = 2| select * from t1 order by @x| delete from t1| # # BUG#15728: LAST_INSERT_ID function inside a stored function returns 0 # # The solution is not to reset last_insert_id on enter to sub-statement. # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug15728| drop table if exists t3| --enable_warnings create table t3 ( id int not null auto_increment, primary key (id) )| create function bug15728() returns int(11) return last_insert_id()| insert into t3 values (0)| select last_insert_id()| select bug15728()| drop function bug15728| drop table t3| # # BUG#18787: Server crashed when calling a stored procedure containing # a misnamed function # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug18787| --enable_warnings create procedure bug18787() begin declare continue handler for sqlexception begin end; select no_such_function(); end| call bug18787()| drop procedure bug18787| # # BUG#18344: DROP DATABASE does not drop associated routines # (... if the database name is longer than 21 characters) # # 1234567890123456789012 create database bug18344_012345678901| use bug18344_012345678901| create procedure bug18344() begin end| create procedure bug18344_2() begin end| create database bug18344_0123456789012| use bug18344_0123456789012| create procedure bug18344() begin end| create procedure bug18344_2() begin end| use test| select schema_name from information_schema.schemata where schema_name like 'bug18344%'| select routine_name,routine_schema from information_schema.routines where routine_schema like 'bug18344%'| drop database bug18344_012345678901| drop database bug18344_0123456789012| # Should be nothing left. select schema_name from information_schema.schemata where schema_name like 'bug18344%'| select routine_name,routine_schema from information_schema.routines where routine_schema like 'bug18344%'| # # BUG#12472/BUG#15137 'CREATE TABLE ... SELECT ... which explicitly or # implicitly uses stored function gives "Table not locked" error'. # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug12472| --enable_warnings create function bug12472() returns int return (select count(*) from t1)| # Check case when function is used directly create table t3 as select bug12472() as i| show create table t3| select * from t3| drop table t3| # Check case when function is used indirectly through view create view v1 as select bug12472() as j| create table t3 as select * from v1| show create table t3| select * from t3| drop table t3| drop view v1| drop function bug12472| # # BUG#18587: Function that accepts and returns TEXT garbles data if longer than # 766 chars # # Prepare. --disable_warnings DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS bug18589_f1| DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS bug18589_p1| DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS bug18589_p2| --enable_warnings CREATE FUNCTION bug18589_f1(arg TEXT) RETURNS TEXT BEGIN RETURN CONCAT(arg, ""); END| CREATE PROCEDURE bug18589_p1(arg TEXT, OUT ret TEXT) BEGIN SET ret = CONCAT(arg, ""); END| CREATE PROCEDURE bug18589_p2(arg TEXT) BEGIN DECLARE v TEXT; CALL bug18589_p1(arg, v); SELECT v; END| # Test case. SELECT bug18589_f1(REPEAT("a", 767))| SET @bug18589_v1 = ""| CALL bug18589_p1(REPEAT("a", 767), @bug18589_v1)| SELECT @bug18589_v1| CALL bug18589_p2(REPEAT("a", 767))| # Cleanup. DROP FUNCTION bug18589_f1| DROP PROCEDURE bug18589_p1| DROP PROCEDURE bug18589_p2| # # BUG#18037: Server crash when returning system variable in stored procedures # BUG#19633: Stack corruption in fix_fields()/THD::rollback_item_tree_changes() # # Prepare. --disable_warnings DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS bug18037_f1| DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS bug18037_p1| DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS bug18037_p2| --enable_warnings # Test case. CREATE FUNCTION bug18037_f1() RETURNS INT BEGIN RETURN @@server_id; END| CREATE PROCEDURE bug18037_p1() BEGIN DECLARE v INT DEFAULT @@server_id; END| CREATE PROCEDURE bug18037_p2() BEGIN CASE @@server_id WHEN -1 THEN SELECT 0; ELSE SELECT 1; END CASE; END| SELECT bug18037_f1()| CALL bug18037_p1()| CALL bug18037_p2()| # Cleanup. DROP FUNCTION bug18037_f1| DROP PROCEDURE bug18037_p1| DROP PROCEDURE bug18037_p2| # # BUG#NNNN: New bug synopsis # #--disable_warnings #drop procedure if exists bugNNNN| #--enable_warnings #create procedure bugNNNN... # Add bugs above this line. Use existing tables t1 and t2 when # practical, or create table t3, t4 etc temporarily (and drop them). delimiter ;| drop table t1,t2;