# Can't test with embedded server -- source include/not_embedded.inc --sleep 2 --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1,t3; --enable_warnings delimiter |; # # BUG#4902: Stored procedure with SHOW WARNINGS leads to packet error # # Added tests for show grants command --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug4902| --enable_warnings create procedure bug4902() begin show grants for 'root'@'localhost'; end| --disable_parsing show binlog events| show storage engines| show master status| show slave hosts| show slave status| --enable_parsing call bug4902()| call bug4902()| drop procedure bug4902| # We need separate SP for SHOW PROCESSLIST since we want use replace_column --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug4902_2| --enable_warnings create procedure bug4902_2() begin show processlist; end| --replace_column 1 # 6 # 3 localhost call bug4902_2()| --replace_column 1 # 6 # 3 localhost call bug4902_2()| drop procedure bug4902_2| # Disable until bug#17244 is fixed --disable_parsing # # BUG#5278: Stored procedure packets out of order if SET PASSWORD. # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug5278| --enable_warnings create function bug5278 () returns char begin SET PASSWORD FOR 'bob'@'%.loc.gov' = PASSWORD('newpass'); return 'okay'; end| --error 1133 select bug5278()| --error 1133 select bug5278()| drop function bug5278| --enable_parsing --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1| --enable_warnings create table t1 ( id char(16) not null default '', data int not null )| # # BUG#3583: query cache doesn't work for stored procedures # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug3583| --enable_warnings --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug3583| --enable_warnings create procedure bug3583() begin declare c int; select * from t1; select count(*) into c from t1; select c; end| insert into t1 values ("x", 3), ("y", 5)| set @x = @@query_cache_size| set global query_cache_size = 10*1024*1024| flush status| flush query cache| show status like 'Qcache_hits'| call bug3583()| show status like 'Qcache_hits'| call bug3583()| call bug3583()| show status like 'Qcache_hits'| set global query_cache_size = @x| flush status| flush query cache| delete from t1| drop procedure bug3583| drop table t1| # # BUG#6807: Stored procedure crash if CREATE PROCEDURE ... KILL QUERY # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug6807| --enable_warnings create procedure bug6807() begin declare id int; set id = connection_id(); kill query id; select 'Not reached'; end| --error 1317 call bug6807()| --error 1317 call bug6807()| drop procedure bug6807| # # BUG#10100: function (and stored procedure?) recursivity problem # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug10100f| drop procedure if exists bug10100p| drop procedure if exists bug10100t| drop procedure if exists bug10100pt| drop procedure if exists bug10100pv| drop procedure if exists bug10100pd| drop procedure if exists bug10100pc| --enable_warnings # routines with simple recursion create function bug10100f(prm int) returns int begin if prm > 1 then return prm * bug10100f(prm - 1); end if; return 1; end| create procedure bug10100p(prm int, inout res int) begin set res = res * prm; if prm > 1 then call bug10100p(prm - 1, res); end if; end| create procedure bug10100t(prm int) begin declare res int; set res = 1; call bug10100p(prm, res); select res; end| # a procedure which use tables and recursion create table t3 (a int)| insert into t3 values (0)| create view v1 as select a from t3; create procedure bug10100pt(level int, lim int) begin if level < lim then update t3 set a=level; FLUSH TABLES; call bug10100pt(level+1, lim); else select * from t3; end if; end| # view & recursion create procedure bug10100pv(level int, lim int) begin if level < lim then update v1 set a=level; FLUSH TABLES; call bug10100pv(level+1, lim); else select * from v1; end if; end| # dynamic sql & recursion prepare stmt2 from "select * from t3;"; create procedure bug10100pd(level int, lim int) begin if level < lim then select level; prepare stmt1 from "update t3 set a=a+2"; execute stmt1; FLUSH TABLES; execute stmt1; FLUSH TABLES; execute stmt1; FLUSH TABLES; deallocate prepare stmt1; execute stmt2; select * from t3; call bug10100pd(level+1, lim); else execute stmt2; end if; end| # cursor & recursion create procedure bug10100pc(level int, lim int) begin declare lv int; declare c cursor for select a from t3; open c; if level < lim then select level; fetch c into lv; select lv; update t3 set a=level+lv; FLUSH TABLES; call bug10100pc(level+1, lim); else select * from t3; end if; close c; end| #end of the stack checking set @@max_sp_recursion_depth=255| set @var=1| #disable log because error about stack overrun contains numbers which #depend on a system -- disable_result_log -- error ER_STACK_OVERRUN_NEED_MORE call bug10100p(255, @var)| -- error ER_STACK_OVERRUN_NEED_MORE call bug10100pt(1,255)| -- error ER_STACK_OVERRUN_NEED_MORE call bug10100pv(1,255)| -- error ER_STACK_OVERRUN_NEED_MORE call bug10100pd(1,255)| -- error ER_STACK_OVERRUN_NEED_MORE call bug10100pc(1,255)| -- enable_result_log set @@max_sp_recursion_depth=0| deallocate prepare stmt2| drop function bug10100f| drop procedure bug10100p| drop procedure bug10100t| drop procedure bug10100pt| drop procedure bug10100pv| drop procedure bug10100pd| drop procedure bug10100pc| drop view v1| drop table t3| delimiter ;| # # Bug#15298 SHOW GRANTS FOR CURRENT_USER: Incorrect output in DEFINER context # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug15298_1; drop procedure if exists bug15298_2; --enable_warnings grant all privileges on test.* to 'mysqltest_1'@'localhost'; create procedure 15298_1 () sql security definer show grants for current_user; create procedure 15298_2 () sql security definer show grants; connect (con1,localhost,mysqltest_1,,test); call 15298_1(); call 15298_2(); connection default; drop user mysqltest_1@localhost; drop procedure 15298_1; drop procedure 15298_2; # # Bug#29936 Stored Procedure DML ignores low_priority_updates setting # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; drop procedure if exists p1; --enable_warnings create table t1 (value varchar(15)); create procedure p1() update t1 set value='updated' where value='old'; # load the procedure into sp cache and execute once call p1(); insert into t1 (value) values ("old"); connect (rl_holder, localhost, root,,); connect (rl_acquirer, localhost, root,,); connect (rl_contender, localhost, root,,); connect (rl_wait, localhost, root,,); connection rl_holder; select get_lock('b26162',120); connection rl_acquirer; --send select 'rl_acquirer', value from t1 where get_lock('b26162',120); # we must wait till this select opens and locks the tables connection rl_wait; let $wait_condition= select count(*) = 1 from information_schema.processlist where state = "User lock" and info = "select 'rl_acquirer', value from t1 where get_lock('b26162',120)"; --source include/wait_condition.inc connection default; set session low_priority_updates=on; --send call p1(); connection rl_wait; let $wait_condition= select count(*) = 1 from information_schema.processlist where state = "Locked" and info = "update t1 set value='updated' where value='old'"; --source include/wait_condition.inc connection rl_contender; select 'rl_contender', value from t1; connection rl_holder; select release_lock('b26162'); connection rl_acquirer; --reap connection default; --reap disconnect rl_holder; disconnect rl_acquirer; disconnect rl_wait; drop procedure p1; drop table t1; set session low_priority_updates=default;