# # tests that require InnoDB... # -- source include/have_log_bin.inc -- source include/have_innodb.inc disable_query_log; call mtr.add_suppression("Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT"); enable_query_log; --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1, t2, t3; --enable_warnings delimiter |; # # BUG#8850: Truncate table in a stored procedure locks the tables # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug8850| --enable_warnings create table t1 (a int) engine=innodb| create procedure bug8850() begin truncate table t1; insert t1 values (1); rollback; end| set autocommit=0| insert t1 values (2)| call bug8850()| commit| select * from t1| call bug8850()| set autocommit=1| select * from t1| drop table t1| drop procedure bug8850| # # BUG#10015: Crash in InnoDB if stored routines are used # (crash happens in auto-commit mode) # --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug10015_1| drop function if exists bug10015_2| drop function if exists bug10015_3| drop function if exists bug10015_4| drop function if exists bug10015_5| drop function if exists bug10015_6| drop function if exists bug10015_7| drop procedure if exists bug10015_8| --enable_warnings create table t1 (id int) engine=innodb| create table t2 (id int primary key, j int) engine=innodb| insert into t1 values (1),(2),(3)| create function bug10015_1() returns int return (select count(*) from t1)| select *, bug10015_1() from t1| drop function bug10015_1| # Test couple of a bit more complex cases create function bug10015_2() returns int begin declare i, s int; set i:= (select min(id) from t1); set s:= (select max(id) from t1); return (s - i); end| select *, bug10015_2() from t1| drop function bug10015_2| create function bug10015_3() returns int return (select max(a.id - b.id) from t1 as a, t1 as b where a.id >= b.id)| select *, bug10015_3() from t1| drop function bug10015_3| create function bug10015_4(i int) returns int begin declare m int; set m:= (select max(id) from t2); insert into t2 values (i, m); return m; end| select *, bug10015_4(id) from t1| select * from t2| drop function bug10015_4| # Now let us test how statement rollback works # This function will cause the whole stmt to be rolled back, # there should not be any traces left. create function bug10015_5(i int) returns int begin if (i = 5) then insert into t2 values (1, 0); end if; return i; end| --error ER_DUP_ENTRY insert into t1 values (bug10015_5(4)), (bug10015_5(5))| select * from t1| drop function bug10015_5| # Thanks to error-handler this function should not cause rollback # of statement calling it. But insert statement in it should be # rolled back completely and don't leave any traces in t2. # Unfortunately we can't implement such behavior in 5.0, so it # is something to be fixed in later 5.* releases (TODO). create function bug10015_6(i int) returns int begin declare continue handler for sqlexception set @error_in_func:= 1; if (i = 5) then insert into t2 values (4, 0), (1, 0); end if; return i; end| set @error_in_func:= 0| insert into t1 values (bug10015_6(5)), (bug10015_6(6))| select @error_in_func| select * from t1| select * from t2| drop function bug10015_6| # Let us test that we don't allow any statements causing transaction # commit in stored functions (we test only most interesting cases here). # Cases which can be caught at creation time: --error 1422 create function bug10015_7() returns int begin alter table t1 add k int; return 1; end| --error 1422 create function bug10015_7() returns int begin start transaction; return 1; end| --error 1422 create function bug10015_7() returns int begin drop table t1; return 1; end| # It should be OK to drop temporary table. create function bug10015_7() returns int begin drop temporary table t1; return 1; end| drop function bug10015_7| --error 1422 create function bug10015_7() returns int begin commit; return 1; end| # Now let us test cases which we can catch only at run-time: create function bug10015_7() returns int begin call bug10015_8(); return 1; end| create procedure bug10015_8() alter table t1 add k int| --error 1422 select *, bug10015_7() from t1| drop procedure bug10015_8| create procedure bug10015_8() start transaction| --error 1422 select *, bug10015_7() from t1| drop procedure bug10015_8| # Again it is OK to drop temporary table # We are surpressing warnings since they are not essential create procedure bug10015_8() drop temporary table if exists t1_temp| --disable_warnings select *, bug10015_7() from t1| --enable_warnings drop procedure bug10015_8| create procedure bug10015_8() commit| --error 1422 select *, bug10015_7() from t1| drop procedure bug10015_8| drop function bug10015_7| drop table t1, t2| # # BUG#13825 "Triggers: crash if release savepoint". # Also general test for handling of savepoints in stored routines. # # According to SQL standard we should establish new savepoint # level before executing stored function/trigger and destroy # this savepoint level after execution. Stored procedures by # default should be executed using the same savepoint level # as their caller (to execute stored procedure using new # savepoint level one should explicitly specify NEW SAVEPOINT # LEVEL clause in procedure creation statement which MySQL # does not support yet). --disable_warnings drop function if exists bug13825_0| drop function if exists bug13825_1| drop function if exists bug13825_2| drop function if exists bug13825_3| drop function if exists bug13825_4| drop function if exists bug13825_5| drop procedure if exists bug13825_0| drop procedure if exists bug13825_1| drop procedure if exists bug13825_2| drop table if exists t1| --enable_warnings create table t1 (i int) engine=innodb| create table t2 (i int) engine=innodb| create function bug13825_0() returns int begin rollback to savepoint x; return 1; end| create function bug13825_1() returns int begin release savepoint x; return 1; end| create function bug13825_2() returns int begin insert into t1 values (2); savepoint x; insert into t1 values (3); rollback to savepoint x; insert into t1 values (4); return 1; end| create procedure bug13825_0() begin rollback to savepoint x; end| create procedure bug13825_1() begin release savepoint x; end| create procedure bug13825_2() begin savepoint x; end| insert into t2 values (1)| create trigger t2_bi before insert on t2 for each row rollback to savepoint x| create trigger t2_bu before update on t2 for each row release savepoint x| create trigger t2_bd before delete on t2 for each row begin insert into t1 values (2); savepoint x; insert into t1 values (3); rollback to savepoint x; insert into t1 values (4); end| create function bug13825_3(rb int) returns int begin insert into t1 values(1); savepoint x; insert into t1 values(2); if rb then rollback to savepoint x; end if; insert into t1 values(3); return rb; end| create function bug13825_4() returns int begin savepoint x; insert into t1 values(2); rollback to savepoint x; return 0; end| create function bug13825_5(p int) returns int begin savepoint x; insert into t2 values(p); rollback to savepoint x; insert into t2 values(p+1); return p; end| set autocommit= 0| # Test of savepoint level handling for stored functions and triggers begin | insert into t1 values (1)| savepoint x| --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST set @a:= bug13825_0()| --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST insert into t2 values (2)| --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST set @a:= bug13825_1()| --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST update t2 set i = 2| set @a:= bug13825_2()| select * from t1| rollback to savepoint x| select * from t1| delete from t2| select * from t1| rollback to savepoint x| select * from t1| # Of course savepoints set in function should not be visible from its caller release savepoint x| set @a:= bug13825_2()| select * from t1| --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST rollback to savepoint x| delete from t1| commit| # Test of savepoint level handling for stored procedures begin| insert into t1 values (5)| savepoint x| insert into t1 values (6)| call bug13825_0()| select * from t1| call bug13825_1()| --error ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST rollback to savepoint x| savepoint x| insert into t1 values (7)| call bug13825_2()| rollback to savepoint x| select * from t1| delete from t1| commit| set autocommit= 1| # Let us test that savepoints work inside of functions # even in auto-commit mode select bug13825_3(0)| select * from t1| delete from t1| select bug13825_3(1)| select * from t1| delete from t1| # Curious case: rolling back to savepoint which is set by first # statement in function should not rollback whole transaction. set autocommit= 0| begin| insert into t1 values (1)| set @a:= bug13825_4()| select * from t1| delete from t1| commit| set autocommit= 1| # Other curious case: savepoint in the middle of statement drop table t2| create table t2 (i int) engine=innodb| insert into t1 values (1), (bug13825_5(2)), (3)| select * from t1| select * from t2| # Cleanup drop function bug13825_0| drop function bug13825_1| drop function bug13825_2| drop function bug13825_3| drop function bug13825_4| drop function bug13825_5| drop procedure bug13825_0| drop procedure bug13825_1| drop procedure bug13825_2| drop table t1, t2| # # BUG#14840: CONTINUE handler problem # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t3| drop procedure if exists bug14840_1| drop procedure if exists bug14840_2| --enable_warnings create table t3 ( x int, y int, primary key (x) ) engine=InnoDB| # This used to hang the client since the insert returned with an # error status (left over from the update) even though it succeeded, # which caused the execution to end at that point. create procedure bug14840_1() begin declare err int default 0; declare continue handler for sqlexception set err = err + 1; start transaction; update t3 set x = 1, y = 42 where x = 2; insert into t3 values (3, 4711); if err > 0 then rollback; else commit; end if; select * from t3; end| # A simpler (non-transactional) case: insert at select should be done create procedure bug14840_2() begin declare err int default 0; declare continue handler for sqlexception begin set err = err + 1; select err as 'Ping'; end; update t3 set x = 1, y = 42 where x = 2; update t3 set x = 1, y = 42 where x = 2; insert into t3 values (3, 4711); select * from t3; end| insert into t3 values (1, 3), (2, 5)| call bug14840_1()| delete from t3| insert into t3 values (1, 3), (2, 5)| call bug14840_2()| drop procedure bug14840_1| drop procedure bug14840_2| drop table t3| # # BUG#10656: Stored Procedure - Create index and Truncate table command error # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug10656_create_index| drop procedure if exists bug10656_myjoin| drop procedure if exists bug10656_truncate_table| --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE t3 ( `ID` int(11) default NULL, `txt` char(5) default NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1| INSERT INTO t3 (`ID`,`txt`) VALUES (1,'a'), (2,'b'), (3,'c'), (4,'d')| CREATE TABLE t4 ( `ID` int(11) default NULL, `txt` char(5) default NULL ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1| INSERT INTO t4 (`ID`,`txt`) VALUES (1,'a'), (2,'b'), (3,'c'), (4,'d')| create procedure bug10656_create_index() begin create index bug10656_my_index on t3 (ID); end| call bug10656_create_index()| create procedure bug10656_myjoin() begin update t3, t4 set t3.txt = t4.txt where t3.id = t4.id; end| call bug10656_myjoin()| create procedure bug10656_truncate_table() begin truncate table t3; end| call bug10656_truncate_table()| drop procedure bug10656_create_index| drop procedure bug10656_myjoin| drop procedure bug10656_truncate_table| drop table t3, t4| # # BUG#3448 # --disable_warnings create table t3 ( a int primary key, ach char(1) ) engine = innodb| create table t4 ( b int primary key, bch char(1) ) engine = innodb| --enable_warnings insert into t3 values (1 , 'aCh1' ) , ('2' , 'aCh2')| insert into t4 values (1 , 'bCh1' )| --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug3448| --enable_warnings create procedure bug3448() select * from t3 inner join t4 on t3.a = t4.b| select * from t3 inner join t4 on t3.a = t4.b| call bug3448()| call bug3448()| drop procedure bug3448| drop table t3, t4| # # BUG#14210: "Simple query with > operator on large table gives server # crash" # Check that cursors work in case when HEAP tables are converted to # MyISAM # --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists bug14210| --enable_warnings set @@session.max_heap_table_size=16384| select @@session.max_heap_table_size| # To trigger the memory corruption the original table must be InnoDB. # No harm if it's not, so don't warn if the suite is run with --skip-innodb --disable_warnings create table t3 (a char(255)) engine=InnoDB| --enable_warnings create procedure bug14210_fill_table() begin declare table_size, max_table_size int default 0; select @@session.max_heap_table_size into max_table_size; delete from t3; insert into t3 (a) values (repeat('a', 255)); repeat insert into t3 select a from t3; select count(*)*255 from t3 into table_size; until table_size > max_table_size*2 end repeat; end| --disable_warnings call bug14210_fill_table()| --enable_warnings drop procedure bug14210_fill_table| create table t4 like t3| create procedure bug14210() begin declare a char(255); declare done int default 0; declare c cursor for select * from t3; declare continue handler for sqlstate '02000' set done = 1; open c; repeat fetch c into a; if not done then insert into t4 values (upper(a)); end if; until done end repeat; close c; end| call bug14210()| select count(*) from t4| drop table t3, t4| drop procedure bug14210| set @@session.max_heap_table_size=default| # # BUG#7787: Stored procedures: improper warning for "grant execute" statement # # Prepare. CREATE DATABASE db_bug7787| use db_bug7787| # Test. CREATE PROCEDURE p1() SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS; | GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE p1 TO user_bug7787@localhost| # Cleanup. DROP DATABASE db_bug7787| drop user user_bug7787@localhost| use test| # # Bug#13575 SP funcs in select with distinct/group and order by can # produce bad data # create table t3 (f1 int, f2 varchar(3), primary key(f1)) engine=innodb| insert into t3 values (1,'aaa'),(2,'bbb'),(3,'ccc')| CREATE FUNCTION bug13575 ( p1 integer ) returns varchar(3) BEGIN DECLARE v1 VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT null; SELECT f2 INTO v1 FROM t3 WHERE f1 = p1; RETURN v1; END| select distinct f1, bug13575(f1) from t3 order by f1| drop function bug13575| drop table t3| --echo # --echo # End of 5.1 tests --echo # --echo # --echo # Bug #35877 Update .. WHERE with function, constraint violation, crash --echo # --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1_aux| DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1_not_null| DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS f1_two_inserts| --enable_warnings -- echo # MyISAM test CREATE TABLE t1_not_null (f1 BIGINT, f2 BIGINT NOT NULL)| CREATE TABLE t1_aux (f1 BIGINT, f2 BIGINT)| INSERT INTO t1_aux VALUES (1,1)| CREATE FUNCTION f1_two_inserts() returns INTEGER BEGIN INSERT INTO t1_not_null SET f1 = 10, f2 = NULL; RETURN 1; END| -- error ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR UPDATE t1_aux SET f2 = 2 WHERE f1 = f1_two_inserts()| -- echo # InnoDB test ALTER TABLE t1_not_null ENGINE = InnoDB| ALTER TABLE t1_aux ENGINE = InnoDB| -- error ER_BAD_NULL_ERROR UPDATE t1_aux SET f2 = 2 WHERE f1 = f1_two_inserts()| DROP TABLE t1_aux, t1_not_null| DROP FUNCTION f1_two_inserts| --echo # --echo # Bug#49938: Failing assertion: inode or deadlock in fsp/fsp0fsp.c --echo # --disable_warnings DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS p1| DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1| --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT) ENGINE=INNODB| CREATE PROCEDURE p1() BEGIN TRUNCATE TABLE t1; END| LOCK TABLES t1 WRITE| CALL p1()| FLUSH TABLES; UNLOCK TABLES| CALL p1()| DROP PROCEDURE p1| DROP TABLE t1| # # BUG#NNNN: New bug synopsis # #--disable_warnings #drop procedure if exists bugNNNN| #--enable_warnings #create procedure bugNNNN... delimiter ;|