# Initialize tables for the test --disable_warnings drop table if exists x1; drop table if exists x2; --enable_warnings create table x1(k int primary key, d1 int, d2 int); create table x2(k int primary key, d1 int, d2 int); insert into x1 values (10, 10, 10), (20, 20, 20), (21, 20, null), (30, null, 30), (40, 40, 40); insert into x2 values (10, 10, 10), (20, 20, 20), (21, 20, null), (30, null, 30); # Test various IN and EXISTS queries with NULL values and UNKNOWN # Q1 T=(10, 20) U=(21,30) F=(40) select * from x1 where (d1, d2) in (select d1, d2 from x2); select * from x1 where (d1, d2) in (select d1, d2 from x2) is true; select * from x1 where (d1, d2) in (select d1, d2 from x2) is false; select * from x1 where (d1, d2) in (select d1, d2 from x2) is unknown; # Q2 T=(10, 20) U=(30) F=(21, 40) select * from x1 where d1 in (select d1 from x2 where x1.d2=x2.d2); select * from x1 where d1 in (select d1 from x2 where x1.d2=x2.d2) is true; select * from x1 where d1 in (select d1 from x2 where x1.d2=x2.d2) is false; select * from x1 where d1 in (select d1 from x2 where x1.d2=x2.d2) is unknown; # Q3 T=(10, 20) U=() F=(21, 30, 40) select * from x1 where 1 in (select 1 from x2 where x1.d1=x2.d1 and x1.d2=x2.d2); select * from x1 where 1 in (select 1 from x2 where x1.d1=x2.d1 and x1.d2=x2.d2) is true; select * from x1 where 1 in (select 1 from x2 where x1.d1=x2.d1 and x1.d2=x2.d2) is false; select * from x1 where 1 in (select 1 from x2 where x1.d1=x2.d1 and x1.d2=x2.d2) is unknown; # Q4 T=(10, 20) F=(21, 30, 40) select * from x1 where exists (select * from x2 where x1.d1=x2.d1 and x1.d2=x2.d2); drop table x1; drop table x2;