# Initialise --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1,t2; --enable_warnings --error 1054 set @a := foo; set @a := connection_id() + 3; select @a - connection_id(); set @b := 1; select @b; # Check using and setting variables with SELECT DISTINCT CREATE TABLE t1 ( i int not null, v int not null,index (i)); insert into t1 values (1,1),(1,3),(2,1); create table t2 (i int not null, unique (i)); insert into t2 select distinct i from t1; select * from t2; select distinct t2.i,@vv1:=if(sv1.i,1,0),@vv2:=if(sv2.i,1,0),@vv3:=if(sv3.i,1,0), @vv1+@vv2+@vv3 from t2 left join t1 as sv1 on sv1.i=t2.i and sv1.v=1 left join t1 as sv2 on sv2.i=t2.i and sv2.v=2 left join t1 as sv3 on sv3.i=t2.i and sv3.v=3; explain select * from t1 where i=@vv1; explain select * from t1 where @vv1:=@vv1+1 and i=@vv1; explain select @vv1:=i from t1 where i=@vv1; explain select * from t1 where i=@vv1; drop table t1,t2; # Check types of variables set @a=0,@b=0; select @a:=10, @b:=1, @a > @b, @a < @b; # Note that here a and b will be avaluated as number select @a:="10", @b:="1", @a > @b, @a < @b; # Note that here a and b will be avaluated as strings select @a:=10, @b:=2, @a > @b, @a < @b; select @a:="10", @b:="2", @a > @b, @a < @b; # Fixed bug #1194 select @a:=1; select @a, @a:=1; create table t1 (id int, d double, c char(10)); insert into t1 values (1,2.0, "test"); select @c:=0; update t1 SET id=(@c:=@c+1); select @c; select @c:=0; update t1 set id=(@c:=@c+1); select @c; select @c:=0; select @c:=@c+1; select @d,(@d:=id),@d from t1; select @e,(@e:=d),@e from t1; select @f,(@f:=c),@f from t1; set @g=1; select @g,(@g:=c),@g from t1; select @c, @d, @e, @f; select @d:=id, @e:=id, @f:=id, @g:=@id from t1; select @c, @d, @e, @f, @g; drop table t1; # just for fun :) select @a:=10, @b:=2, @a>@b, @a:="10", @b:="2", @a>@b, @a:=10, @b:=2, @a>@b, @a:="10", @b:="2", @a>@b;