/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Functions to convert to lover_case and to upper_case in scandinavia. case_sort converts a character string to a representaion that can be compared by strcmp to find with is alfabetical bigger. (lower- and uppercase letters is compared as the same) */ #include "mysys_priv.h" #include <m_ctype.h> #ifndef SCO #include <m_string.h> #endif /* Upcase string SYNOPSIS str IN/OUT String to upcase RETURN VALUE none DESCRIPTION Function changes input parameter so all chars it consist from are replaced with matching one in upper case. String should be writable with exception read-only empty string constant is handled correctly. */ void caseup_str(my_string str) { #ifdef USE_MB if (use_mb(default_charset_info)) { register uint32 l; register char *end=str+strlen(str); while (*str) { if ((l=my_ismbchar(default_charset_info, str,end))) str+=l; else *str=toupper(*str),++str; } } else #endif while (*str!=0) /* iterate till the end of string */ { *str= toupper(*str); str++; } } /* caseup_str */ /* Downcase string SYNOPSIS str IN/OUT String to downcase RETURN VALUE none DESCRIPTION Function changes input parameter so all chars it consist from are replaced with matching one in lower case. String should be writable with exception read-only empty string constant is handled correctly. */ void casedn_str(my_string str) { #ifdef USE_MB if (use_mb(default_charset_info)) { register uint32 l; register char *end=str+strlen(str); while (*str) { if ((l=my_ismbchar(default_charset_info, str,end))) str+=l; else *str=tolower(*str),++str; } } else #endif while (*str!=0) /* iterate till the end of string */ { *str= tolower(*str); str++; } } /* casedn_str */ /* to uppercase */ void caseup(my_string str, uint length) { #ifdef USE_MB if (use_mb(default_charset_info)) { register uint32 l; register char *end=str+length; while (str<end) { if ((l=my_ismbchar(default_charset_info, str,end))) str+=l; else *str=toupper(*str),++str; } } else #endif for ( ; length>0 ; length--, str++) *str= toupper(*str); } /* caseup */ /* to lowercase */ void casedn(my_string str, uint length) { #ifdef USE_MB if (use_mb(default_charset_info)) { register uint32 l; register char *end=str+length; while (str<end) { if ((l=my_ismbchar(default_charset_info, str,end))) str+=l; else *str=tolower(*str),++str; } } else #endif for ( ; length>0 ; length--, str++) *str= tolower(*str); } /* casedn */ /* to sort-string that can be compared to get text in order */ void case_sort(my_string str, uint length) { for ( ; length>0 ; length--, str++) *str= (char) my_sort_order[(uchar) *str]; } /* case_sort */ /* find string in another with no case_sensivity */ /* ToDo: This function should be modified to support multibyte charset. However it is not used untill 3.23.5. Wei He (hewei@mail.ied.ac.cn) */ my_string my_strcasestr(const char *str, const char *search) { uchar *i,*j,*pos; pos=(uchar*) str; skipp: while (*pos != '\0') { if (toupper((uchar) *pos++) == toupper((uchar) *search)) { i=(uchar*) pos; j=(uchar*) search+1; while (*j) if (toupper(*i++) != toupper(*j++)) goto skipp; return ((char*) pos-1); } } return ((my_string) 0); } /* strcstr */ /* compare strings without regarding to case */ int my_strcasecmp(const char *s, const char *t) { #ifdef USE_MB if (use_mb(default_charset_info)) { register uint32 l; register const char *end=s+strlen(s); while (s<end) { if ((l=my_ismbchar(default_charset_info, s,end))) { while (l--) if (*s++ != *t++) return 1; } else if (my_ismbhead(default_charset_info, *t)) return 1; else if (toupper((uchar) *s++) != toupper((uchar) *t++)) return 1; } return *t; } else #endif { while (toupper((uchar) *s) == toupper((uchar) *t++)) if (!*s++) return 0; return ((int) toupper((uchar) s[0]) - (int) toupper((uchar) t[-1])); } } int my_casecmp(const char *s, const char *t, uint len) { #ifdef USE_MB if (use_mb(default_charset_info)) { register uint32 l; register const char *end=s+len; while (s<end) { if ((l=my_ismbchar(default_charset_info, s,end))) { while (l--) if (*s++ != *t++) return 1; } else if (my_ismbhead(default_charset_info, *t)) return 1; else if (toupper((uchar) *s++) != toupper((uchar) *t++)) return 1; } return 0; } else #endif { while (len-- != 0 && toupper(*s++) == toupper(*t++)) ; return (int) len+1; } } int my_strsortcmp(const char *s, const char *t) { #ifdef USE_STRCOLL if (use_strcoll(default_charset_info)) return my_strcoll(default_charset_info, (uchar *)s, (uchar *)t); else #endif { while (my_sort_order[(uchar) *s] == my_sort_order[(uchar) *t++]) if (!*s++) return 0; return ((int) my_sort_order[(uchar) s[0]] - (int) my_sort_order[(uchar) t[-1]]); } } int my_sortcmp(const char *s, const char *t, uint len) { #ifdef USE_STRCOLL if (use_strcoll(default_charset_info)) return my_strnncoll(default_charset_info, (uchar *)s, len, (uchar *)t, len); else #endif { while (len--) { if (my_sort_order[(uchar) *s++] != my_sort_order[(uchar) *t++]) return ((int) my_sort_order[(uchar) s[-1]] - (int) my_sort_order[(uchar) t[-1]]); } return 0; } } int my_sortncmp(const char *s, uint s_len, const char *t, uint t_len) { #ifdef USE_STRCOLL if (use_strcoll(default_charset_info)) return my_strnncoll(default_charset_info, (uchar *)s, s_len, (uchar *)t, t_len); else #endif { uint len= min(s_len,t_len); while (len--) { if (my_sort_order[(uchar) *s++] != my_sort_order[(uchar) *t++]) return ((int) my_sort_order[(uchar) s[-1]] - (int) my_sort_order[(uchar) t[-1]]); } return (int) (s_len - t_len); } }