/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef NDBD_EXIT_CODES_H #define NDBD_EXIT_CODES_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_INTERNAL /** * Exit error codes for NDBD * * These errorcodes should be used whenever a condition * is detected where it's necesssary to shutdown NDB. * * Example: When another node fails while a NDB node are performing * a system restart the node should be shutdown. This * is kind of an error but the cause of the error is known * and a proper errormessage describing the problem should * be printed in error.log. It's therefore important to use * the proper errorcode. * */ typedef enum { ndbd_exit_st_success = 0, ndbd_exit_st_unknown = 1, ndbd_exit_st_permanent = 2, ndbd_exit_st_temporary = 3, ndbd_exit_st_filesystem_error = 4 } ndbd_exit_status_enum; typedef enum { ndbd_exit_cl_none = 0, ndbd_exit_cl_unknown = 1, ndbd_exit_cl_internal_error = 2, ndbd_exit_cl_configuration_error = 3, ndbd_exit_cl_arbitration_error = 4, ndbd_exit_cl_restart_error = 5, ndbd_exit_cl_resource_configuration_error = 6, ndbd_exit_cl_filesystem_full_error = 7, ndbd_exit_cl_filesystem_inconsistency_error = 8, ndbd_exit_cl_filesystem_limit = 9 } ndbd_exit_classification_enum; typedef ndbd_exit_status_enum ndbd_exit_status; typedef ndbd_exit_classification_enum ndbd_exit_classification; /* Errorcodes before block division was used */ #define NDBD_EXIT_GENERIC 2300 #define NDBD_EXIT_PRGERR 2301 #define NDBD_EXIT_NODE_NOT_IN_CONFIG 2302 #define NDBD_EXIT_SYSTEM_ERROR 2303 #define NDBD_EXIT_INDEX_NOTINRANGE 2304 #define NDBD_EXIT_ARBIT_SHUTDOWN 2305 #define NDBD_EXIT_POINTER_NOTINRANGE 2306 #define NDBD_EXIT_PARTITIONED_SHUTDOWN 2307 #define NDBD_EXIT_SR_OTHERNODEFAILED 2308 #define NDBD_EXIT_NODE_NOT_DEAD 2309 #define NDBD_EXIT_SR_REDOLOG 2310 #define NDBD_EXIT_SR_RESTARTCONFLICT 2311 #define NDBD_EXIT_NO_MORE_UNDOLOG 2312 #define NDBD_EXIT_SR_UNDOLOG 2313 #define NDBD_EXIT_SINGLE_USER_MODE 2314 #define NDBD_EXIT_MEMALLOC 2327 #define NDBD_EXIT_BLOCK_JBUFCONGESTION 2334 #define NDBD_EXIT_TIME_QUEUE_SHORT 2335 #define NDBD_EXIT_TIME_QUEUE_LONG 2336 #define NDBD_EXIT_TIME_QUEUE_DELAY 2337 #define NDBD_EXIT_TIME_QUEUE_INDEX 2338 #define NDBD_EXIT_BLOCK_BNR_ZERO 2339 #define NDBD_EXIT_WRONG_PRIO_LEVEL 2340 #define NDBD_EXIT_NDBREQUIRE 2341 #define NDBD_EXIT_ERROR_INSERT 2342 #define NDBD_EXIT_NDBASSERT 2343 #define NDBD_EXIT_INVALID_CONFIG 2350 #define NDBD_EXIT_OUT_OF_LONG_SIGNAL_MEMORY 2351 #define NDBD_EXIT_OS_SIGNAL_RECEIVED 6000 /* VM 6050-> */ #define NDBD_EXIT_WATCHDOG_TERMINATE 6050 #define NDBD_EXIT_SIGNAL_LOST 6051 #define NDBD_EXIT_SIGNAL_LOST_SEND_BUFFER_FULL 6052 #define NDBD_EXIT_ILLEGAL_SIGNAL 6053 #define NDBD_EXIT_CONNECTION_SETUP_FAILED 6054 /* NDBCNTR 6100-> */ #define NDBD_EXIT_RESTART_TIMEOUT 6100 #define NDBD_EXIT_RESTART_DURING_SHUTDOWN 6101 /* TC 6200-> */ /* DIH 6300-> */ #define NDBD_EXIT_MAX_CRASHED_REPLICAS 6300 #define NDBD_EXIT_MASTER_FAILURE_DURING_NR 6301 #define NDBD_EXIT_LOST_NODE_GROUP 6302 #define NDBD_EXIT_NO_RESTORABLE_REPLICA 6303 /* ACC 6600-> */ #define NDBD_EXIT_SR_OUT_OF_INDEXMEMORY 6600 /* TUP 6800-> */ #define NDBD_EXIT_SR_OUT_OF_DATAMEMORY 6800 /* LQH 7200-> */ /* Errorcodes for NDB filesystem */ #define NDBD_EXIT_AFS_NOPATH 2801 /* #define NDBD_EXIT_AFS_CHANNALFULL 2802 #define NDBD_EXIT_AFS_NOMORETHREADS 2803 */ #define NDBD_EXIT_AFS_PARAMETER 2804 #define NDBD_EXIT_AFS_INVALIDPATH 2805 #define NDBD_EXIT_AFS_MAXOPEN 2806 #define NDBD_EXIT_AFS_ALREADY_OPEN 2807 #define NDBD_EXIT_AFS_ENVIRONMENT 2808 #define NDBD_EXIT_AFS_TEMP_NO_ACCESS 2809 #define NDBD_EXIT_AFS_DISK_FULL 2810 #define NDBD_EXIT_AFS_PERMISSION_DENIED 2811 #define NDBD_EXIT_AFS_INVALID_PARAM 2812 #define NDBD_EXIT_AFS_UNKNOWN 2813 #define NDBD_EXIT_AFS_NO_MORE_RESOURCES 2814 #define NDBD_EXIT_AFS_NO_SUCH_FILE 2815 #define NDBD_EXIT_AFS_READ_UNDERFLOW 2816 const char * ndbd_exit_message(int faultId, ndbd_exit_classification *cl); const char * ndbd_exit_classification_message(ndbd_exit_classification classification, ndbd_exit_status *status); const char * ndbd_exit_status_message(ndbd_exit_status status); #endif #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* NDBD_EXIT_CODES_H */