/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef TransporterInternalDefinitions_H #define TransporterInternalDefinitions_H #if defined DEBUG_TRANSPORTER || defined VM_TRACE #include #endif #define NDB_TCP_TRANSPORTER #ifdef HAVE_NDB_SHM #define NDB_SHM_TRANSPORTER #endif #ifdef HAVE_NDB_SCI #define NDB_SCI_TRANSPORTER #endif #ifdef HAVE_NDB_OSE #define NDB_OSE_TRANSPORTER #endif #ifdef DEBUG_TRANSPORTER #define DEBUG(x) ndbout << x << endl #else #define DEBUG(x) #endif #if defined VM_TRACE || defined DEBUG_TRANSPORTER #define WARNING(X) ndbout << X << endl; #else #define WARNING(X) #endif // Calculate a checksum inline Uint32 computeChecksum(const Uint32 * const startOfData, int nWords) { Uint32 chksum = startOfData[0]; for (int i=1; i < nWords; i++) chksum ^= startOfData[i]; return chksum; } struct Protocol6 { Uint32 word1; Uint32 word2; Uint32 word3; /** * * b = Byte order - 4 Bits (Note 1 significant bit) * g = GSN - 16 Bits * p = Prio - 2 Bits * c = Checksum included - 1 Bit * z = Compression - 1 Bit * v = Version id - 4 Bits * i = Signal id included - 1 Bit * m = Message length - 16 Bits (0-65536) (In word -> 0-256k bytes) * d = Signal data length - 5 Bits (0-31) * t = trace - 6 Bits (0-63) * r = Recievers block no - 16 Bits * s = Senders block no - 16 Bits * u = Unused - 7 Bits * f = FragmentInfo1 - 1 Bit * h = FragmentInfo2 - 1 bit * n = No of segments - 2 Bits * Word 1 * * * 1111111111222222222233 * 01234567890123456789012345678901 * bfizcppbmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmbhdddddb ** * Word 2 * * 1111111111222222222233 * 01234567890123456789012345678901 * ggggggggggggggggvvvvttttttnn ** * Word 3 * * 1111111111222222222233 * 01234567890123456789012345678901 * rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrssssssssssssssss ** * Word 4 (Optional Signal Id) */ /** * 0 = Big endian (Sparc), 1 = Little endian (Intel) */ static Uint32 getByteOrder (const Uint32 & word1); static Uint32 getCompressed (const Uint32 & word1); static Uint32 getSignalIdIncluded(const Uint32 & word1); static Uint32 getCheckSumIncluded(const Uint32 & word1); static Uint32 getPrio (const Uint32 & word1); static Uint32 getMessageLength (const Uint32 & word1); static void setByteOrder (Uint32 & word1, Uint32 byteOrder); static void setCompressed (Uint32 & word1, Uint32 compressed); static void setSignalIdIncluded(Uint32 & word1, Uint32 signalId); static void setCheckSumIncluded(Uint32 & word1, Uint32 checkSum); static void setPrio (Uint32 & word1, Uint32 prio); static void setMessageLength (Uint32 & word1, Uint32 messageLen); static void createSignalHeader(SignalHeader * const dst, const Uint32 & word1, const Uint32 & word2, const Uint32 & word3); static void createProtocol6Header(Uint32 & word1, Uint32 & word2, Uint32 & word3, const SignalHeader * const src); }; #define WORD1_BYTEORDER_MASK (0x81000081) #define WORD1_SIGNALID_MASK (0x00000004) #define WORD1_COMPRESSED_MASK (0x00000008) #define WORD1_CHECKSUM_MASK (0x00000010) #define WORD1_PRIO_MASK (0x00000060) #define WORD1_MESSAGELEN_MASK (0x00FFFF00) #define WORD1_SIGNAL_LEN_MASK (0x7C000000) #define WORD1_FRAG_INF_MASK (0x00000002) #define WORD1_FRAG_INF2_MASK (0x02000000) #define WORD1_FRAG_INF_SHIFT (1) #define WORD1_SIGNALID_SHIFT (2) #define WORD1_COMPRESSED_SHIFT (3) #define WORD1_CHECKSUM_SHIFT (4) #define WORD1_PRIO_SHIFT (5) #define WORD1_MESSAGELEN_SHIFT (8) #define WORD1_FRAG_INF2_SHIFT (25) #define WORD1_SIGNAL_LEN_SHIFT (26) #define WORD2_VERID_GSN_MASK (0x000FFFFF) #define WORD2_TRACE_MASK (0x03f00000) #define WORD2_SEC_COUNT_MASK (0x0c000000) #define WORD2_TRACE_SHIFT (20) #define WORD2_SEC_COUNT_SHIFT (26) #define WORD3_SENDER_MASK (0x0000FFFF) #define WORD3_RECEIVER_MASK (0xFFFF0000) #define WORD3_RECEIVER_SHIFT (16) inline Uint32 Protocol6::getByteOrder(const Uint32 & word1){ return word1 & 1; } inline Uint32 Protocol6::getCompressed(const Uint32 & word1){ return (word1 & WORD1_COMPRESSED_MASK) >> WORD1_COMPRESSED_SHIFT; } inline Uint32 Protocol6::getSignalIdIncluded(const Uint32 & word1){ return (word1 & WORD1_SIGNALID_MASK) >> WORD1_SIGNALID_SHIFT; } inline Uint32 Protocol6::getCheckSumIncluded(const Uint32 & word1){ return (word1 & WORD1_CHECKSUM_MASK) >> WORD1_CHECKSUM_SHIFT; } inline Uint32 Protocol6::getMessageLength(const Uint32 & word1){ return (word1 & WORD1_MESSAGELEN_MASK) >> WORD1_MESSAGELEN_SHIFT; } inline Uint32 Protocol6::getPrio(const Uint32 & word1){ return (word1 & WORD1_PRIO_MASK) >> WORD1_PRIO_SHIFT; } inline void Protocol6::setByteOrder(Uint32 & word1, Uint32 byteOrder){ Uint32 tmp = byteOrder; tmp |= (tmp << 7); tmp |= (tmp << 24); word1 |= (tmp & WORD1_BYTEORDER_MASK); } inline void Protocol6::setCompressed(Uint32 & word1, Uint32 compressed){ word1 |= ((compressed << WORD1_COMPRESSED_SHIFT) & WORD1_COMPRESSED_MASK); } inline void Protocol6::setSignalIdIncluded(Uint32 & word1, Uint32 signalId){ word1 |= ((signalId << WORD1_SIGNALID_SHIFT) & WORD1_SIGNALID_MASK); } inline void Protocol6::setCheckSumIncluded(Uint32 & word1, Uint32 checkSum){ word1 |= ((checkSum << WORD1_CHECKSUM_SHIFT) & WORD1_CHECKSUM_MASK); } inline void Protocol6::setMessageLength(Uint32 & word1, Uint32 messageLen){ word1 |= ((messageLen << WORD1_MESSAGELEN_SHIFT) & WORD1_MESSAGELEN_MASK); } inline void Protocol6::setPrio(Uint32 & word1, Uint32 prio){ word1 |= ((prio << WORD1_PRIO_SHIFT) & WORD1_PRIO_MASK); } inline void Protocol6::createSignalHeader(SignalHeader * const dst, const Uint32 & word1, const Uint32 & word2, const Uint32 & word3){ Uint32 signal_len = (word1 & WORD1_SIGNAL_LEN_MASK)>> WORD1_SIGNAL_LEN_SHIFT; Uint32 fragInfo1 = (word1 & WORD1_FRAG_INF_MASK) >> (WORD1_FRAG_INF_SHIFT-1); Uint32 fragInfo2 = (word1 & WORD1_FRAG_INF2_MASK) >> (WORD1_FRAG_INF2_SHIFT); Uint32 trace = (word2 & WORD2_TRACE_MASK) >> WORD2_TRACE_SHIFT; Uint32 verid_gsn = (word2 & WORD2_VERID_GSN_MASK); Uint32 secCount = (word2 & WORD2_SEC_COUNT_MASK) >> WORD2_SEC_COUNT_SHIFT; dst->theTrace = trace; dst->m_noOfSections = secCount; dst->m_fragmentInfo = fragInfo1 | fragInfo2; dst->theLength = signal_len; dst->theVerId_signalNumber = verid_gsn; Uint32 sBlockNum = (word3 & WORD3_SENDER_MASK); Uint32 rBlockNum = (word3 & WORD3_RECEIVER_MASK) >> WORD3_RECEIVER_SHIFT; dst->theSendersBlockRef = sBlockNum; dst->theReceiversBlockNumber = rBlockNum; } inline void Protocol6::createProtocol6Header(Uint32 & word1, Uint32 & word2, Uint32 & word3, const SignalHeader * const src){ const Uint32 signal_len = src->theLength; const Uint32 fragInfo = src->m_fragmentInfo; const Uint32 fragInfo1 = (fragInfo & 2); const Uint32 fragInfo2 = (fragInfo & 1); const Uint32 trace = src->theTrace; const Uint32 verid_gsn = src->theVerId_signalNumber; const Uint32 secCount = src->m_noOfSections; word1 |= ((signal_len << WORD1_SIGNAL_LEN_SHIFT) & WORD1_SIGNAL_LEN_MASK); word1 |= ((fragInfo1 << (WORD1_FRAG_INF_SHIFT-1)) & WORD1_FRAG_INF_MASK); word1 |= ((fragInfo2 << WORD1_FRAG_INF2_SHIFT) & WORD1_FRAG_INF2_MASK); word2 |= ((trace << WORD2_TRACE_SHIFT) & WORD2_TRACE_MASK); word2 |= (verid_gsn & WORD2_VERID_GSN_MASK); word2 |= ((secCount << WORD2_SEC_COUNT_SHIFT) & WORD2_SEC_COUNT_MASK); Uint32 sBlockNum = src->theSendersBlockRef ; Uint32 rBlockNum = src->theReceiversBlockNumber ; word3 |= (sBlockNum & WORD3_SENDER_MASK); word3 |= ((rBlockNum << WORD3_RECEIVER_SHIFT) & WORD3_RECEIVER_MASK); } // Define of TransporterInternalDefinitions_H #endif