1) Receive from client (sequence of DICTTABINFO) 2) CREATE_FRAGMENTATION_REQ -> local DIH Returns all fragments for table + some other stuff NOTE without side effects in DIH 3) Pack table description 4) CREATE_TAB -> all DICTs (including table data) 1) Write schema file (ADD_STARTED) 2) Write table descriptor to file 3) CREATE_TAB (DIADDTABREQ) -> local DIH (including fragment info) 4) DIH 1) write table descriptor 2) For each local fragment ADD_FRAG -> local DICT LQHFRAGREQ -> local LQH LQHADDATTREQ -> local LQH 5) TAB_COMMITREQ -> local LQH 5) WAIT_GCP 6) ALTER_TAB (activate) -> all DICTs 1) Write schema file (CREATED) 2) TAB_COMMITREQ -> local DIH 3) TC_SCHVERREQ -> local TC