/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include "MgmtSrvr.hpp" #include "MgmtErrorReporter.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "NodeLogLevel.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include //#define MGM_SRV_DEBUG #ifdef MGM_SRV_DEBUG #define DEBUG(x) do ndbout << x << endl; while(0) #else #define DEBUG(x) #endif static void CmdBackupCallback(const MgmtSrvr::BackupEvent & event) { char str[255]; ndbout << endl; bool ok = false; switch(event.Event){ case MgmtSrvr::BackupEvent::BackupStarted: ok = true; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Backup %d started", event.Started.BackupId); break; case MgmtSrvr::BackupEvent::BackupFailedToStart: ok = true; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Backup failed to start (Error %d)", event.FailedToStart.ErrorCode); break; case MgmtSrvr::BackupEvent::BackupCompleted: ok = true; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Backup %d completed", event.Completed.BackupId); ndbout << str << endl; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " StartGCP: %d StopGCP: %d", event.Completed.startGCP, event.Completed.stopGCP); ndbout << str << endl; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " #Records: %d #LogRecords: %d", event.Completed.NoOfRecords, event.Completed.NoOfLogRecords); ndbout << str << endl; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " Data: %d bytes Log: %d bytes", event.Completed.NoOfBytes, event.Completed.NoOfLogBytes); break; case MgmtSrvr::BackupEvent::BackupAborted: ok = true; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Backup %d has been aborted reason %d", event.Aborted.BackupId, event.Aborted.Reason); break; } if(!ok){ snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Unknown backup event: %d", event.Event); } ndbout << str << endl; } void * MgmtSrvr::logLevelThread_C(void* m) { MgmtSrvr *mgm = (MgmtSrvr*)m; mgm->logLevelThreadRun(); NdbThread_Exit(0); /* NOTREACHED */ return 0; } void * MgmtSrvr::signalRecvThread_C(void *m) { MgmtSrvr *mgm = (MgmtSrvr*)m; mgm->signalRecvThreadRun(); NdbThread_Exit(0); /* NOTREACHED */ return 0; } class SigMatch { public: int gsn; void (MgmtSrvr::* function)(NdbApiSignal *signal); SigMatch() { gsn = 0; function = NULL; }; SigMatch(int _gsn, void (MgmtSrvr::* _function)(NdbApiSignal *signal)) { gsn = _gsn; function = _function; }; bool check(NdbApiSignal *signal) { if(signal->readSignalNumber() == gsn) return true; return false; }; }; void MgmtSrvr::signalRecvThreadRun() { Vector siglist; siglist.push_back(SigMatch(GSN_MGM_LOCK_CONFIG_REQ, &MgmtSrvr::handle_MGM_LOCK_CONFIG_REQ)); siglist.push_back(SigMatch(GSN_MGM_UNLOCK_CONFIG_REQ, &MgmtSrvr::handle_MGM_UNLOCK_CONFIG_REQ)); while(!_isStopThread) { SigMatch *handler = NULL; NdbApiSignal *signal = NULL; if(m_signalRecvQueue.waitFor(siglist, handler, signal)) { if(handler->function != 0) (this->*handler->function)(signal); } } }; EventLogger g_EventLogger; void MgmtSrvr::logLevelThreadRun() { NdbMutex* threadMutex = NdbMutex_Create(); while (!_isStopThread) { if (_startedNodeId != 0) { NdbMutex_Lock(threadMutex); // Local node NodeLogLevel* n = NULL; while ((n = _nodeLogLevelList->next()) != NULL) { if (n->getNodeId() == _startedNodeId) { setNodeLogLevel(_startedNodeId, n->getLogLevelOrd(), true); } } // Cluster log while ((n = _clusterLogLevelList->next()) != NULL) { if (n->getNodeId() == _startedNodeId) { setEventReportingLevel(_startedNodeId, n->getLogLevelOrd(), true); } } _startedNodeId = 0; NdbMutex_Unlock(threadMutex); } // if (_startedNodeId != 0) { NdbSleep_MilliSleep(_logLevelThreadSleep); } // while (!_isStopThread) NdbMutex_Destroy(threadMutex); } void MgmtSrvr::setStatisticsListner(StatisticsListner* listner) { m_statisticsListner = listner; } void MgmtSrvr::startEventLog() { g_EventLogger.setCategory("MgmSrvr"); ndb_mgm_configuration_iterator * iter = ndb_mgm_create_configuration_iterator ((ndb_mgm_configuration*)_config->m_configValues, CFG_SECTION_NODE); if(iter == 0) return ; if(ndb_mgm_find(iter, CFG_NODE_ID, _ownNodeId) != 0){ ndb_mgm_destroy_iterator(iter); return ; } const char * tmp; BaseString logdest; char *clusterLog= NdbConfig_ClusterLogFileName(_ownNodeId); NdbAutoPtr tmp_aptr(clusterLog); if(ndb_mgm_get_string_parameter(iter, CFG_LOG_DESTINATION, &tmp) == 0){ logdest.assign(tmp); } ndb_mgm_destroy_iterator(iter); if(logdest.length() == 0 || logdest == "") { logdest.assfmt("FILE:filename=%s,maxsize=1000000,maxfiles=6", clusterLog); } if(!g_EventLogger.addHandler(logdest)) { ndbout << "Warning: could not add log destination \"" << logdest.c_str() << "\"" << endl; } } void MgmtSrvr::stopEventLog() { // Nothing yet } class ErrorItem { public: int _errorCode; const BaseString _errorText; }; bool MgmtSrvr::setEventLogFilter(int severity) { bool enabled = true; Logger::LoggerLevel level = (Logger::LoggerLevel)severity; if (g_EventLogger.isEnable(level)) { g_EventLogger.disable(level); enabled = false; } else { g_EventLogger.enable(level); } return enabled; } bool MgmtSrvr::isEventLogFilterEnabled(int severity) { return g_EventLogger.isEnable((Logger::LoggerLevel)severity); } static ErrorItem errorTable[] = { {200, "Backup undefined error"}, {202, "Backup failed to allocate buffers (check configuration)"}, {203, "Backup failed to setup fs buffers (check configuration)"}, {204, "Backup failed to allocate tables (check configuration)"}, {205, "Backup failed to insert file header (check configuration)"}, {206, "Backup failed to insert table list (check configuration)"}, {207, "Backup failed to allocate table memory (check configuration)"}, {208, "Backup failed to allocate file record (check configuration)"}, {209, "Backup failed to allocate attribute record (check configuration)"}, {MgmtSrvr::NO_CONTACT_WITH_PROCESS, "No contact with the process (dead ?)."}, {MgmtSrvr::PROCESS_NOT_CONFIGURED, "The process is not configured."}, {MgmtSrvr::WRONG_PROCESS_TYPE, "The process has wrong type. Expected a DB process."}, {MgmtSrvr::COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY, "Could not allocate memory."}, {MgmtSrvr::SEND_OR_RECEIVE_FAILED, "Send to process or receive failed."}, {MgmtSrvr::INVALID_LEVEL, "Invalid level. Should be between 1 and 30."}, {MgmtSrvr::INVALID_ERROR_NUMBER, "Invalid error number. Should be >= 0."}, {MgmtSrvr::INVALID_TRACE_NUMBER, "Invalid trace number."}, {MgmtSrvr::NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Not implemented."}, {MgmtSrvr::INVALID_BLOCK_NAME, "Invalid block name"}, {MgmtSrvr::CONFIG_PARAM_NOT_EXIST, "The configuration parameter does not exist for the process type."}, {MgmtSrvr::CONFIG_PARAM_NOT_UPDATEABLE, "The configuration parameter is not possible to update."}, {MgmtSrvr::VALUE_WRONG_FORMAT_INT_EXPECTED, "Incorrect value. Expected integer."}, {MgmtSrvr::VALUE_TOO_LOW, "Value is too low."}, {MgmtSrvr::VALUE_TOO_HIGH, "Value is too high."}, {MgmtSrvr::VALUE_WRONG_FORMAT_BOOL_EXPECTED, "Incorrect value. Expected TRUE or FALSE."}, {MgmtSrvr::CONFIG_FILE_OPEN_WRITE_ERROR, "Could not open configuration file for writing."}, {MgmtSrvr::CONFIG_FILE_OPEN_READ_ERROR, "Could not open configuration file for reading."}, {MgmtSrvr::CONFIG_FILE_WRITE_ERROR, "Write error when writing configuration file."}, {MgmtSrvr::CONFIG_FILE_READ_ERROR, "Read error when reading configuration file."}, {MgmtSrvr::CONFIG_FILE_CLOSE_ERROR, "Could not close configuration file."}, {MgmtSrvr::CONFIG_CHANGE_REFUSED_BY_RECEIVER, "The change was refused by the receiving process."}, {MgmtSrvr::COULD_NOT_SYNC_CONFIG_CHANGE_AGAINST_PHYSICAL_MEDIUM, "The change could not be synced against physical medium."}, {MgmtSrvr::CONFIG_FILE_CHECKSUM_ERROR, "The config file is corrupt. Checksum error."}, {MgmtSrvr::NOT_POSSIBLE_TO_SEND_CONFIG_UPDATE_TO_PROCESS_TYPE, "It is not possible to send an update of a configuration variable " "to this kind of process."}, {5026, "Node shutdown in progress" }, {5027, "System shutdown in progress" }, {5028, "Node shutdown would cause system crash" }, {5029, "Only one shutdown at a time is possible via mgm server" }, {5060, "Operation not allowed in single user mode." }, {5061, "DB is not in single user mode." }, {5062, "The specified node is not an API node." }, {5063, "Cannot enter single user mode. DB nodes in inconsistent startlevel."}, {MgmtSrvr::NO_CONTACT_WITH_DB_NODES, "No contact with database nodes" } }; int MgmtSrvr::translateStopRef(Uint32 errCode) { switch(errCode){ case StopRef::NodeShutdownInProgress: return 5026; break; case StopRef::SystemShutdownInProgress: return 5027; break; case StopRef::NodeShutdownWouldCauseSystemCrash: return 5028; break; } return 4999; } static int noOfErrorCodes = sizeof(errorTable) / sizeof(ErrorItem); int MgmtSrvr::getNodeCount(enum ndb_mgm_node_type type) const { int count = 0; NodeId nodeId = 0; while (getNextNodeId(&nodeId, type)) { count++; } return count; } int MgmtSrvr::getPort() const { const Properties *mgmProps; ndb_mgm_configuration_iterator * iter = ndb_mgm_create_configuration_iterator(_config->m_configValues, CFG_SECTION_NODE); if(iter == 0) return 0; if(ndb_mgm_find(iter, CFG_NODE_ID, getOwnNodeId()) != 0){ ndbout << "Could not retrieve configuration for Node " << getOwnNodeId() << " in config file." << endl << "Have you set correct NodeId for this node?" << endl; ndb_mgm_destroy_iterator(iter); return 0; } unsigned type; if(ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(iter, CFG_TYPE_OF_SECTION, &type) != 0 || type != NODE_TYPE_MGM){ ndbout << "Local node id " << getOwnNodeId() << " is not defined as management server" << endl << "Have you set correct NodeId for this node?" << endl; ndb_mgm_destroy_iterator(iter); return 0; } Uint32 port = 0; if(ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(iter, CFG_MGM_PORT, &port) != 0){ ndbout << "Could not find PortNumber in the configuration file." << endl; ndb_mgm_destroy_iterator(iter); return 0; } ndb_mgm_destroy_iterator(iter); /***************** * Set Stat Port * *****************/ #if 0 if (!mgmProps->get("PortNumberStats", &tmp)){ ndbout << "Could not find PortNumberStats in the configuration file." << endl; return false; } glob.port_stats = tmp; #endif #if 0 const char * host; if(ndb_mgm_get_string_parameter(iter, mgmProps->get("ExecuteOnComputer", host)){ ndbout << "Failed to find \"ExecuteOnComputer\" for my node" << endl; ndbout << "Unable to verify own hostname" << endl; return false; } const char * hostname; { const Properties * p; char buf[255]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Computer_%s", host.c_str()); if(!glob.cluster_config->get(buf, &p)){ ndbout << "Failed to find computer " << host << " in config" << endl; ndbout << "Unable to verify own hostname" << endl; return false; } if(!p->get("HostName", &hostname)){ ndbout << "Failed to find \"HostName\" for computer " << host << " in config" << endl; ndbout << "Unable to verify own hostname" << endl; return false; } if(NdbHost_GetHostName(buf) != 0){ ndbout << "Unable to get own hostname" << endl; ndbout << "Unable to verify own hostname" << endl; return false; } } const char * ip_address; if(mgmProps->get("IpAddress", &ip_address)){ glob.use_specific_ip = true; glob.interface_name = strdup(ip_address); return true; } glob.interface_name = strdup(hostname); #endif return port; } int MgmtSrvr::getStatPort() const { #if 0 const Properties *mgmProps; if(!getConfig()->get("Node", _ownNodeId, &mgmProps)) return -1; int tmp = -1; if(!mgmProps->get("PortNumberStats", (Uint32 *)&tmp)) return -1; return tmp; #else return -1; #endif } /* Constructor */ MgmtSrvr::MgmtSrvr(NodeId nodeId, const BaseString &configFilename, const BaseString &ndb_config_filename, Config * config): _blockNumber(1), // Hard coded block number since it makes it easy to send // signals to other management servers. _ownReference(0), theSignalIdleList(NULL), theWaitState(WAIT_SUBSCRIBE_CONF), theConfCount(0), m_allocated_resources(*this) { _config = NULL; _isStatPortActive = false; _isClusterLogStatActive = false; _isStopThread = false; _logLevelThread = NULL; _logLevelThreadSleep = 500; m_signalRecvThread = NULL; _startedNodeId = 0; theFacade = 0; m_newConfig = NULL; m_configFilename = configFilename; setCallback(CmdBackupCallback); m_localNdbConfigFilename = ndb_config_filename; m_nextConfigGenerationNumber = 0; _config = (config == 0 ? readConfig() : config); theMgmtWaitForResponseCondPtr = NdbCondition_Create(); m_configMutex = NdbMutex_Create(); /** * Fill the nodeTypes array */ for(Uint32 i = 0; im_configValues, CFG_SECTION_NODE); for(ndb_mgm_first(iter); ndb_mgm_valid(iter); ndb_mgm_next(iter)){ unsigned type, id; if(ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(iter, CFG_TYPE_OF_SECTION, &type) != 0) continue; if(ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(iter, CFG_NODE_ID, &id) != 0) continue; MGM_REQUIRE(id < MAX_NODES); switch(type){ case NODE_TYPE_DB: nodeTypes[id] = NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_NDB; break; case NODE_TYPE_API: nodeTypes[id] = NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_API; break; case NODE_TYPE_MGM: nodeTypes[id] = NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_MGM; break; case NODE_TYPE_REP: nodeTypes[id] = NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_REP; break; case NODE_TYPE_EXT_REP: default: break; } } ndb_mgm_destroy_iterator(iter); m_statisticsListner = NULL; _nodeLogLevelList = new NodeLogLevelList(); _clusterLogLevelList = new NodeLogLevelList(); _props = NULL; _ownNodeId= 0; NodeId tmp= nodeId; if (!alloc_node_id(&tmp, NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_MGM, 0, 0)){ ndbout << "Unable to obtain requested nodeid " << nodeId; exit(-1); } _ownNodeId = tmp; } //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** bool MgmtSrvr::check_start() { if (_config == 0) { DEBUG("MgmtSrvr.cpp: _config is NULL."); return false; } return true; } bool MgmtSrvr::start() { if (_props == NULL) { if (!check_start()) return false; } theFacade = TransporterFacade::start_instance (_ownNodeId,(ndb_mgm_configuration*)_config->m_configValues); if(theFacade == 0) { DEBUG("MgmtSrvr.cpp: theFacade is NULL."); return false; } MGM_REQUIRE(_blockNumber == 1); // Register ourself at TransporterFacade to be able to receive signals // and to be notified when a database process has died. _blockNumber = theFacade->open(this, signalReceivedNotification, nodeStatusNotification); if(_blockNumber == -1){ DEBUG("MgmtSrvr.cpp: _blockNumber is -1."); theFacade->stop_instance(); theFacade = 0; return false; } _ownReference = numberToRef(_blockNumber, _ownNodeId); startEventLog(); // Set the initial confirmation count for subscribe requests confirm // from NDB nodes in the cluster. // theConfCount = getNodeCount(NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_NDB); // Loglevel thread _logLevelThread = NdbThread_Create(logLevelThread_C, (void**)this, 32768, "MgmtSrvr_Loglevel", NDB_THREAD_PRIO_LOW); m_signalRecvThread = NdbThread_Create(signalRecvThread_C, (void **)this, 32768, "MgmtSrvr_Service", NDB_THREAD_PRIO_LOW); return true; } //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** MgmtSrvr::~MgmtSrvr() { while (theSignalIdleList != NULL) { freeSignal(); } if(theFacade != 0){ theFacade->stop_instance(); theFacade = 0; } stopEventLog(); NdbCondition_Destroy(theMgmtWaitForResponseCondPtr); NdbMutex_Destroy(m_configMutex); if(m_newConfig != NULL) free(m_newConfig); if(_config != NULL) delete _config; delete _nodeLogLevelList; delete _clusterLogLevelList; // End set log level thread void* res = 0; _isStopThread = true; if (_logLevelThread != NULL) { NdbThread_WaitFor(_logLevelThread, &res); NdbThread_Destroy(&_logLevelThread); } if (m_signalRecvThread != NULL) { NdbThread_WaitFor(m_signalRecvThread, &res); NdbThread_Destroy(&m_signalRecvThread); } } //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** int MgmtSrvr::okToSendTo(NodeId processId, bool unCond) { if (getNodeType(processId) != NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_NDB) return WRONG_PROCESS_TYPE; // Check if we have contact with it if(unCond){ if(theFacade->theClusterMgr->getNodeInfo(processId).connected) return 0; return NO_CONTACT_WITH_PROCESS; } if (theFacade->get_node_alive(processId) == 0) { return NO_CONTACT_WITH_PROCESS; } else { return 0; } } /***************************************************************************** * Starting and stopping database nodes ****************************************************************************/ int MgmtSrvr::start(int processId) { int result; result = okToSendTo(processId, true); if (result != 0) { return result; } NdbApiSignal* signal = getSignal(); if (signal == NULL) { return COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; } StartOrd* const startOrd = CAST_PTR(StartOrd, signal->getDataPtrSend()); signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, CMVMI, GSN_START_ORD, StartOrd::SignalLength); startOrd->restartInfo = 0; result = sendSignal(processId, NO_WAIT, signal, true); if (result == -1) { return SEND_OR_RECEIVE_FAILED; } return 0; } /** * Restart one database node */ int MgmtSrvr::restartNode(int processId, bool nostart, bool initalStart, bool abort, StopCallback callback, void * anyData) { int result; if(m_stopRec.singleUserMode) return 5060; if(m_stopRec.inUse){ return 5029; } result = okToSendTo(processId, true); if (result != 0) { return result; } NdbApiSignal* signal = getSignal(); if (signal == NULL) { return COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; } StopReq* const stopReq = CAST_PTR(StopReq, signal->getDataPtrSend()); signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, NDBCNTR, GSN_STOP_REQ, StopReq::SignalLength); stopReq->requestInfo = 0; StopReq::setSystemStop(stopReq->requestInfo, false); StopReq::setPerformRestart(stopReq->requestInfo, true); StopReq::setNoStart(stopReq->requestInfo, nostart); StopReq::setInitialStart(stopReq->requestInfo, initalStart); StopReq::setStopAbort(stopReq->requestInfo, abort); stopReq->singleuser = 0; stopReq->apiTimeout = 5000; stopReq->transactionTimeout = 1000; stopReq->readOperationTimeout = 1000; stopReq->operationTimeout = 1000; stopReq->senderData = 12; stopReq->senderRef = _ownReference; m_stopRec.singleUserMode = false; m_stopRec.sentCount = 1; m_stopRec.reply = 0; m_stopRec.nodeId = processId; m_stopRec.anyData = anyData; m_stopRec.callback = callback; m_stopRec.inUse = true; if(callback == NULL){ Uint32 timeOut = 0; timeOut += stopReq->apiTimeout; timeOut += stopReq->transactionTimeout; timeOut += stopReq->readOperationTimeout; timeOut += stopReq->operationTimeout; timeOut *= 3; result = sendRecSignal(processId, WAIT_STOP, signal, true, timeOut); } else { result = sendSignal(processId, NO_WAIT, signal, true); } if (result == -1) { m_stopRec.inUse = false; return SEND_OR_RECEIVE_FAILED; } if(callback == 0){ m_stopRec.inUse = false; return m_stopRec.reply; } else { return 0; } } /** * Restart all database nodes */ int MgmtSrvr::restart(bool nostart, bool initalStart, bool abort, int * stopCount, StopCallback callback, void * anyData) { if(m_stopRec.singleUserMode) return 5060; if(m_stopRec.inUse){ return 5029; } m_stopRec.singleUserMode = false; m_stopRec.sentCount = 0; m_stopRec.reply = 0; m_stopRec.nodeId = 0; m_stopRec.anyData = anyData; m_stopRec.callback = callback; m_stopRec.inUse = true; /** * Restart all database nodes into idle ("no-started") state */ Uint32 timeOut = 0; NodeId nodeId = 0; NodeBitmask nodes; while(getNextNodeId(&nodeId, NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_NDB)){ if(okToSendTo(nodeId, true) == 0){ NdbApiSignal* signal = getSignal(); if (signal == NULL) { return COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; } StopReq* const stopReq = CAST_PTR(StopReq, signal->getDataPtrSend()); signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, NDBCNTR, GSN_STOP_REQ, StopReq::SignalLength); stopReq->requestInfo = 0; stopReq->singleuser = 0; StopReq::setSystemStop(stopReq->requestInfo, true); StopReq::setPerformRestart(stopReq->requestInfo, true); if (callback == 0) { // Start node in idle ("no-started") state StopReq::setNoStart(stopReq->requestInfo, 1); } else { StopReq::setNoStart(stopReq->requestInfo, nostart); } StopReq::setInitialStart(stopReq->requestInfo, initalStart); StopReq::setStopAbort(stopReq->requestInfo, abort); stopReq->apiTimeout = 5000; stopReq->transactionTimeout = 1000; stopReq->readOperationTimeout = 1000; stopReq->operationTimeout = 1000; stopReq->senderData = 12; stopReq->senderRef = _ownReference; timeOut += stopReq->apiTimeout; timeOut += stopReq->transactionTimeout; timeOut += stopReq->readOperationTimeout; timeOut += stopReq->operationTimeout; timeOut *= 3; m_stopRec.sentCount++; int res; if(callback == 0){ res = sendSignal(nodeId, WAIT_STOP, signal, true); } else { res = sendSignal(nodeId, NO_WAIT, signal, true); } if(res != -1){ nodes.set(nodeId); } } } if(stopCount != 0){ * stopCount = m_stopRec.sentCount; } if(m_stopRec.sentCount == 0){ m_stopRec.inUse = false; return 0; } if(callback != 0){ return 0; } theFacade->lock_mutex(); int waitTime = timeOut/m_stopRec.sentCount; if (receiveOptimisedResponse(waitTime) != 0) { m_stopRec.inUse = false; return -1; } /** * Here all nodes were correctly stopped, * so we wait for all nodes to be contactable */ nodeId = 0; NDB_TICKS maxTime = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond() + waitTime; while(getNextNodeId(&nodeId, NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_NDB) && nodes.get(nodeId)) { enum ndb_mgm_node_status s; s = NDB_MGM_NODE_STATUS_NO_CONTACT; while (s == NDB_MGM_NODE_STATUS_NO_CONTACT && waitTime > 0) { Uint32 startPhase = 0, version = 0, dynamicId = 0, nodeGroup = 0; Uint32 connectCount = 0; bool system; status(nodeId, &s, &version, &startPhase, &system, &dynamicId, &nodeGroup, &connectCount); NdbSleep_MilliSleep(100); waitTime = (maxTime - NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond()); } } if(nostart){ m_stopRec.inUse = false; return 0; } /** * Now we start all database nodes (i.e. we make them non-idle) * We ignore the result we get from the start command. */ nodeId = 0; while(getNextNodeId(&nodeId, NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_NDB) && nodes.get(nodeId)) { int result; result = start(nodeId); DEBUG("Starting node " << nodeId << " with result " << result); /** * Errors from this call are deliberately ignored. * Maybe the user only wanted to restart a subset of the nodes. * It is also easy for the user to check which nodes have * started and which nodes have not. * * if (result != 0) { * m_stopRec.inUse = false; * return result; * } */ } m_stopRec.inUse = false; return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * Version handling *****************************************************************************/ int MgmtSrvr::versionNode(int processId, bool abort, VersionCallback callback, void * anyData) { if(m_versionRec.inUse) return OPERATION_IN_PROGRESS; m_versionRec.callback = callback; m_versionRec.inUse = true ; ClusterMgr::Node node; int version; if (getNodeType(processId) == NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_MGM) { if(m_versionRec.callback != 0) m_versionRec.callback(processId, NDB_VERSION, this,0); } if (getNodeType(processId) == NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_NDB) { node = theFacade->theClusterMgr->getNodeInfo(processId); version = node.m_info.m_version; if(theFacade->theClusterMgr->getNodeInfo(processId).connected) if(m_versionRec.callback != 0) m_versionRec.callback(processId, version, this,0); else if(m_versionRec.callback != 0) m_versionRec.callback(processId, 0, this,0); } if (getNodeType(processId) == NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_API) { return sendVersionReq(processId); } m_versionRec.inUse = false ; return 0; } int MgmtSrvr::sendVersionReq(int processId) { Uint32 ndbnode=0; int result; for(Uint32 i = 0; igetDataPtrSend()); req->senderRef = _ownReference; req->nodeId = processId; signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, QMGR, GSN_API_VERSION_REQ, ApiVersionReq::SignalLength); // if(m_versionRec.callback == 0){ Uint32 timeOut = 0; timeOut = 10000; result = sendRecSignal(ndbnode, WAIT_VERSION, signal, true, timeOut); //} else { //result = sendSignal(processId, NO_WAIT, signal, true); // } if (result == -1) { m_versionRec.inUse = false; if(m_versionRec.callback != 0) m_versionRec.callback(processId, 0, this,0); m_versionRec.version[processId] = 0; return SEND_OR_RECEIVE_FAILED; } m_versionRec.inUse = false; return 0; } int MgmtSrvr::version(int * stopCount, bool abort, VersionCallback callback, void * anyData) { ClusterMgr::Node node; int version; if(m_versionRec.inUse) return 1; m_versionRec.callback = callback; m_versionRec.inUse = true ; Uint32 i; for(i = 0; itheClusterMgr->getNodeInfo(i); version = node.m_info.m_version; if(theFacade->theClusterMgr->getNodeInfo(i).connected) m_versionRec.callback(i, version, this,0); else m_versionRec.callback(i, 0, this,0); } } for(i = 0; igetDataPtrSend()); signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, NDBCNTR, GSN_STOP_REQ, StopReq::SignalLength); stopReq->requestInfo = 0; stopReq->singleuser = 0; StopReq::setPerformRestart(stopReq->requestInfo, false); StopReq::setSystemStop(stopReq->requestInfo, false); StopReq::setStopAbort(stopReq->requestInfo, abort); stopReq->apiTimeout = 5000; stopReq->transactionTimeout = 1000; stopReq->readOperationTimeout = 1000; stopReq->operationTimeout = 1000; stopReq->senderData = 12; stopReq->senderRef = _ownReference; m_stopRec.sentCount = 1; m_stopRec.reply = 0; m_stopRec.nodeId = processId; m_stopRec.anyData = anyData; m_stopRec.callback = callback; m_stopRec.inUse = true; if(callback == NULL){ Uint32 timeOut = 0; timeOut += stopReq->apiTimeout; timeOut += stopReq->transactionTimeout; timeOut += stopReq->readOperationTimeout; timeOut += stopReq->operationTimeout; timeOut *= 3; result = sendRecSignal(processId, WAIT_STOP, signal, true, timeOut); } else { result = sendSignal(processId, NO_WAIT, signal, true); } if (result == -1) { m_stopRec.inUse = false; return SEND_OR_RECEIVE_FAILED; } if(callback == 0){ m_stopRec.inUse = false; return m_stopRec.reply; } else { return 0; } } int MgmtSrvr::stop(int * stopCount, bool abort, StopCallback callback, void * anyData) { if(m_stopRec.singleUserMode) return 5060; if(m_stopRec.inUse){ return 5029; } m_stopRec.singleUserMode = false; m_stopRec.sentCount = 0; m_stopRec.reply = 0; m_stopRec.nodeId = 0; m_stopRec.anyData = anyData; m_stopRec.callback = callback; m_stopRec.inUse = true; NodeId nodeId = 0; Uint32 timeOut = 0; while(getNextNodeId(&nodeId, NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_NDB)){ if(okToSendTo(nodeId, true) == 0){ NdbApiSignal* signal = getSignal(); if (signal == NULL) { return COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; } StopReq* const stopReq = CAST_PTR(StopReq, signal->getDataPtrSend()); signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, NDBCNTR, GSN_STOP_REQ, StopReq::SignalLength); stopReq->requestInfo = 0; stopReq->singleuser = 0; StopReq::setSystemStop(stopReq->requestInfo, true); StopReq::setPerformRestart(stopReq->requestInfo, false); StopReq::setStopAbort(stopReq->requestInfo, abort); stopReq->apiTimeout = 5000; stopReq->transactionTimeout = 1000; stopReq->readOperationTimeout = 1000; stopReq->operationTimeout = 1000; stopReq->senderData = 12; stopReq->senderRef = _ownReference; timeOut += stopReq->apiTimeout; timeOut += stopReq->transactionTimeout; timeOut += stopReq->readOperationTimeout; timeOut += stopReq->operationTimeout; timeOut *= 3; m_stopRec.sentCount++; if(callback == 0) sendSignal(nodeId, WAIT_STOP, signal, true); else sendSignal(nodeId, NO_WAIT, signal, true); } } if(stopCount != 0) * stopCount = m_stopRec.sentCount; if(m_stopRec.sentCount > 0){ if(callback == 0){ theFacade->lock_mutex(); receiveOptimisedResponse(timeOut / m_stopRec.sentCount); } else { return 0; } } m_stopRec.inUse = false; return m_stopRec.reply; } /***************************************************************************** * Single user mode ****************************************************************************/ int MgmtSrvr::enterSingleUser(int * stopCount, Uint32 singleUserNodeId, EnterSingleCallback callback, void * anyData) { if(m_stopRec.singleUserMode) { return 5060; } if (getNodeType(singleUserNodeId) != NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_API) { return 5062; } ClusterMgr::Node node; for(Uint32 i = 0; itheClusterMgr->getNodeInfo(i); if((node.m_state.startLevel != NodeState::SL_STARTED) && (node.m_state.startLevel != NodeState::SL_NOTHING)) { return 5063; } } } if(m_stopRec.inUse){ return 5029; } if(singleUserNodeId == 0) return 1; m_stopRec.singleUserMode = true; m_stopRec.sentCount = 0; m_stopRec.reply = 0; m_stopRec.nodeId = 0; m_stopRec.anyData = anyData; m_stopRec.callback = callback; m_stopRec.inUse = true; NodeId nodeId = 0; Uint32 timeOut = 0; while(getNextNodeId(&nodeId, NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_NDB)){ if(okToSendTo(nodeId, true) == 0){ NdbApiSignal* signal = getSignal(); if (signal == NULL) { return COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; } StopReq* const stopReq = CAST_PTR(StopReq, signal->getDataPtrSend()); signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, NDBCNTR, GSN_STOP_REQ, StopReq::SignalLength); stopReq->requestInfo = 0; stopReq->singleuser = 1; stopReq->singleUserApi = singleUserNodeId; StopReq::setSystemStop(stopReq->requestInfo, false); StopReq::setPerformRestart(stopReq->requestInfo, false); StopReq::setStopAbort(stopReq->requestInfo, false); stopReq->apiTimeout = 5000; stopReq->transactionTimeout = 1000; stopReq->readOperationTimeout = 1000; stopReq->operationTimeout = 1000; stopReq->senderData = 12; stopReq->senderRef = _ownReference; timeOut += stopReq->apiTimeout; timeOut += stopReq->transactionTimeout; timeOut += stopReq->readOperationTimeout; timeOut += stopReq->operationTimeout; timeOut *= 3; m_stopRec.sentCount++; if(callback == 0) sendSignal(nodeId, WAIT_STOP, signal, true); else sendSignal(nodeId, NO_WAIT, signal, true); } } if(stopCount != 0) * stopCount = m_stopRec.sentCount; if(callback == 0){ m_stopRec.inUse = false; return 0; // return m_stopRec.reply; } else { return 0; } m_stopRec.inUse = false; return m_stopRec.reply; } int MgmtSrvr::exitSingleUser(int * stopCount, bool abort, ExitSingleCallback callback, void * anyData) { m_stopRec.sentCount = 0; m_stopRec.reply = 0; m_stopRec.nodeId = 0; m_stopRec.anyData = anyData; m_stopRec.callback = callback; m_stopRec.inUse = true; NodeId nodeId = 0; while(getNextNodeId(&nodeId, NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_NDB)){ if(okToSendTo(nodeId, true) == 0){ NdbApiSignal* signal = getSignal(); if (signal == NULL) { return COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; } ResumeReq* const resumeReq = CAST_PTR(ResumeReq, signal->getDataPtrSend()); signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, NDBCNTR, GSN_RESUME_REQ, StopReq::SignalLength); resumeReq->senderData = 12; resumeReq->senderRef = _ownReference; m_stopRec.sentCount++; if(callback == 0) sendSignal(nodeId, WAIT_STOP, signal, true); else sendSignal(nodeId, NO_WAIT, signal, true); } } m_stopRec.singleUserMode = false; if(stopCount != 0) * stopCount = m_stopRec.sentCount; if(callback == 0){ m_stopRec.inUse = false; return m_stopRec.reply; } else { return 0; } m_stopRec.inUse = false; return m_stopRec.reply; } /***************************************************************************** * Status ****************************************************************************/ #include int MgmtSrvr::status(int processId, ndb_mgm_node_status * _status, Uint32 * version, Uint32 * _phase, bool * _system, Uint32 * dynamic, Uint32 * nodegroup, Uint32 * connectCount) { if (getNodeType(processId) == NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_API) { if(versionNode(processId, false,0,0) ==0) * version = m_versionRec.version[processId]; else * version = 0; } if (getNodeType(processId) == NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_MGM) { * version = NDB_VERSION; } const ClusterMgr::Node node = theFacade->theClusterMgr->getNodeInfo(processId); if(!node.connected){ * _status = NDB_MGM_NODE_STATUS_NO_CONTACT; return 0; } if (getNodeType(processId) == NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_NDB) { * version = node.m_info.m_version; } * dynamic = node.m_state.dynamicId; * nodegroup = node.m_state.nodeGroup; * connectCount = node.m_info.m_connectCount; switch(node.m_state.startLevel){ case NodeState::SL_CMVMI: * _status = NDB_MGM_NODE_STATUS_NOT_STARTED; * _phase = 0; return 0; break; case NodeState::SL_STARTING: * _status = NDB_MGM_NODE_STATUS_STARTING; * _phase = node.m_state.starting.startPhase; return 0; break; case NodeState::SL_STARTED: * _status = NDB_MGM_NODE_STATUS_STARTED; * _phase = 0; return 0; break; case NodeState::SL_STOPPING_1: * _status = NDB_MGM_NODE_STATUS_SHUTTING_DOWN; * _phase = 1; * _system = node.m_state.stopping.systemShutdown != 0; return 0; break; case NodeState::SL_STOPPING_2: * _status = NDB_MGM_NODE_STATUS_SHUTTING_DOWN; * _phase = 2; * _system = node.m_state.stopping.systemShutdown != 0; return 0; break; case NodeState::SL_STOPPING_3: * _status = NDB_MGM_NODE_STATUS_SHUTTING_DOWN; * _phase = 3; * _system = node.m_state.stopping.systemShutdown != 0; return 0; break; case NodeState::SL_STOPPING_4: * _status = NDB_MGM_NODE_STATUS_SHUTTING_DOWN; * _phase = 4; * _system = node.m_state.stopping.systemShutdown != 0; return 0; break; case NodeState::SL_SINGLEUSER: * _status = NDB_MGM_NODE_STATUS_SINGLEUSER; * _phase = 0; return 0; break; default: * _status = NDB_MGM_NODE_STATUS_UNKNOWN; * _phase = 0; return 0; } return -1; } //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** int MgmtSrvr::startStatisticEventReporting(int level) { SetLogLevelOrd ll; NodeId nodeId = 0; ll.clear(); ll.setLogLevel(LogLevel::llStatistic, level); if (level > 0) { _isStatPortActive = true; } else { _isStatPortActive = false; if (_isClusterLogStatActive) { return 0; } } while (getNextNodeId(&nodeId, NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_NDB)) { setEventReportingLevelImpl(nodeId, ll); } return 0; } int MgmtSrvr::setEventReportingLevel(int processId, const SetLogLevelOrd & ll, bool isResend) { for (Uint32 i = 0; i < ll.noOfEntries; i++) { if (ll.theCategories[i] == LogLevel::llStatistic) { if (ll.theLevels[i] > 0) { _isClusterLogStatActive = true; break; } else { _isClusterLogStatActive = false; if (_isStatPortActive) { return 0; } break; } } // if (ll.theCategories } // for (int i = 0 return setEventReportingLevelImpl(processId, ll, isResend); } int MgmtSrvr::setEventReportingLevelImpl(int processId, const SetLogLevelOrd & ll, bool isResend) { Uint32 i; for(i = 0; inext()) != NULL) { if (n->getNodeId() == processId && n->getCategory() == ll.theCategories[i]) { n->setLevel(ll.theLevels[i]); found = true; } } if (!found) { _clusterLogLevelList->add(new NodeLogLevel(processId, ll)); } } } int result = okToSendTo(processId, true); if (result != 0) { return result; } NdbApiSignal* signal = getSignal(); if (signal == NULL) { return COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; } EventSubscribeReq * dst = CAST_PTR(EventSubscribeReq, signal->getDataPtrSend()); for(i = 0; itheCategories[i] = ll.theCategories[i]; dst->theLevels[i] = ll.theLevels[i]; } dst->noOfEntries = ll.noOfEntries; dst->blockRef = _ownReference; signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, CMVMI, GSN_EVENT_SUBSCRIBE_REQ, EventSubscribeReq::SignalLength); result = sendSignal(processId, WAIT_SUBSCRIBE_CONF, signal, true); if (result == -1) { return SEND_OR_RECEIVE_FAILED; } else { // Increment the conf counter theConfCount++; } return 0; } //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** int MgmtSrvr::setNodeLogLevel(int processId, const SetLogLevelOrd & ll, bool isResend) { Uint32 i; for(i = 0; inext()) != NULL) { if (n->getNodeId() == processId && n->getCategory() == ll.theCategories[i]) { n->setLevel(ll.theLevels[i]); found = true; } } if (!found) { _clusterLogLevelList->add(new NodeLogLevel(processId, ll)); } } } int result = okToSendTo(processId, true); if (result != 0) { return result; } NdbApiSignal* signal = getSignal(); if (signal == NULL) { return COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; } SetLogLevelOrd * dst = CAST_PTR(SetLogLevelOrd, signal->getDataPtrSend()); for(i = 0; itheCategories[i] = ll.theCategories[i]; dst->theLevels[i] = ll.theLevels[i]; } dst->noOfEntries = ll.noOfEntries; signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, CMVMI, GSN_SET_LOGLEVELORD, SetLogLevelOrd::SignalLength); result = sendSignal(processId, NO_WAIT, signal, true); if (result == -1) { return SEND_OR_RECEIVE_FAILED; } return 0; } //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** int MgmtSrvr::insertError(int processId, int errorNo) { if (errorNo < 0) { return INVALID_ERROR_NUMBER; } int result; result = okToSendTo(processId, true); if (result != 0) { return result; } NdbApiSignal* signal = getSignal(); if (signal == NULL) { return COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; } TamperOrd* const tamperOrd = CAST_PTR(TamperOrd, signal->getDataPtrSend()); tamperOrd->errorNo = errorNo; signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, CMVMI, GSN_TAMPER_ORD, TamperOrd::SignalLength); result = sendSignal(processId, NO_WAIT, signal, true); if (result == -1) { return SEND_OR_RECEIVE_FAILED; } return 0; } //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** int MgmtSrvr::setTraceNo(int processId, int traceNo) { if (traceNo < 0) { return INVALID_TRACE_NUMBER; } int result; result = okToSendTo(processId, true); if (result != 0) { return result; } NdbApiSignal* signal = getSignal(); if (signal == NULL) { return COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; } TestOrd* const testOrd = CAST_PTR(TestOrd, signal->getDataPtrSend()); testOrd->clear(); // Assume TRACE command causes toggling. Not really defined... ? TODO testOrd->setTraceCommand(TestOrd::Toggle, (TestOrd::TraceSpecification)traceNo); signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, CMVMI, GSN_TEST_ORD, TestOrd::SignalLength); result = sendSignal(processId, NO_WAIT, signal, true); if (result == -1) { return SEND_OR_RECEIVE_FAILED; } return 0; } //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** int MgmtSrvr::getBlockNumber(const BaseString &blockName) { short bno = getBlockNo(blockName.c_str()); if(bno != 0) return bno; return -1; } //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** int MgmtSrvr::setSignalLoggingMode(int processId, LogMode mode, const Vector& blocks) { int result; result = okToSendTo(processId, true); if (result != 0) { return result; } // Convert from MgmtSrvr format... TestOrd::Command command; if (mode == Off) { command = TestOrd::Off; } else { command = TestOrd::On; } TestOrd::SignalLoggerSpecification logSpec; switch (mode) { case In: logSpec = TestOrd::InputSignals; break; case Out: logSpec = TestOrd::OutputSignals; break; case InOut: logSpec = TestOrd::InputOutputSignals; break; case Off: // In MgmtSrvr interface it's just possible to switch off all logging, both // "in" and "out" (this should probably be changed). logSpec = TestOrd::InputOutputSignals; break; default: assert("Unexpected value, MgmtSrvr::setSignalLoggingMode" == 0); } NdbApiSignal* signal = getSignal(); if (signal == NULL) { return COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; } TestOrd* const testOrd = CAST_PTR(TestOrd, signal->getDataPtrSend()); testOrd->clear(); if (blocks.size() == 0 || blocks[0] == "ALL") { // Logg command for all blocks testOrd->addSignalLoggerCommand(command, logSpec); } else { for(unsigned i = 0; i < blocks.size(); i++){ int blockNumber = getBlockNumber(blocks[i]); if (blockNumber == -1) { releaseSignal(signal); return INVALID_BLOCK_NAME; } testOrd->addSignalLoggerCommand(blockNumber, command, logSpec); } // for } // else signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, CMVMI, GSN_TEST_ORD, TestOrd::SignalLength); result = sendSignal(processId, NO_WAIT, signal, true); if (result == -1) { return SEND_OR_RECEIVE_FAILED; } return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * Signal tracing *****************************************************************************/ int MgmtSrvr::startSignalTracing(int processId) { int result; result = okToSendTo(processId, true); if (result != 0) { return result; } NdbApiSignal* signal = getSignal(); if (signal == NULL) { return COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; } TestOrd* const testOrd = CAST_PTR(TestOrd, signal->getDataPtrSend()); testOrd->clear(); testOrd->setTestCommand(TestOrd::On); signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, CMVMI, GSN_TEST_ORD, TestOrd::SignalLength); result = sendSignal(processId, NO_WAIT, signal, true); if (result == -1) { return SEND_OR_RECEIVE_FAILED; } return 0; } int MgmtSrvr::stopSignalTracing(int processId) { int result; result = okToSendTo(processId, true); if (result != 0) { return result; } NdbApiSignal* signal = getSignal(); if (signal == NULL) { return COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; } TestOrd* const testOrd = CAST_PTR(TestOrd, signal->getDataPtrSend()); testOrd->clear(); testOrd->setTestCommand(TestOrd::Off); signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, CMVMI, GSN_TEST_ORD, TestOrd::SignalLength); result = sendSignal(processId, NO_WAIT, signal, true); if (result == -1) { return SEND_OR_RECEIVE_FAILED; } return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * Dump state *****************************************************************************/ int MgmtSrvr::dumpState(int processId, const char* args) { // Convert the space separeted args // string to an int array Uint32 args_array[25]; Uint32 numArgs = 0; char buf[10]; int b = 0; memset(buf, 0, 10); for (size_t i = 0; i <= strlen(args); i++){ if (args[i] == ' ' || args[i] == 0){ args_array[numArgs] = atoi(buf); numArgs++; memset(buf, 0, 10); b = 0; } else { buf[b] = args[i]; b++; } } return dumpState(processId, args_array, numArgs); } int MgmtSrvr::dumpState(int processId, const Uint32 args[], Uint32 no) { int result; result = okToSendTo(processId, true); if (result != 0) { return result; } NdbApiSignal* signal = getSignal(); if (signal == NULL) { return COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; } const Uint32 len = no > 25 ? 25 : no; DumpStateOrd * const dumpOrd = CAST_PTR(DumpStateOrd, signal->getDataPtrSend()); signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, CMVMI, GSN_DUMP_STATE_ORD, len); for(Uint32 i = 0; i<25; i++){ if (i < len) dumpOrd->args[i] = args[i]; else dumpOrd->args[i] = 0; } result = sendSignal(processId, NO_WAIT, signal, true); if (result == -1) { return SEND_OR_RECEIVE_FAILED; } return 0; } //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** const char* MgmtSrvr::getErrorText(int errorCode) { static char text[255]; for (int i = 0; i < noOfErrorCodes; ++i) { if (errorCode == errorTable[i]._errorCode) { return errorTable[i]._errorText.c_str(); } } snprintf(text, 255, "Unknown management server error code %d", errorCode); return text; } /***************************************************************************** * Handle reception of various signals *****************************************************************************/ int MgmtSrvr::handleSTATISTICS_CONF(NdbApiSignal* signal) { //ndbout << "MgmtSrvr::handleSTATISTICS_CONF" << endl; int x = signal->readData(1); //ndbout << "MgmtSrvr::handleSTATISTICS_CONF, x: " << x << endl; _statistics._test1 = x; return 0; } void MgmtSrvr::handleReceivedSignal(NdbApiSignal* signal) { // The way of handling a received signal is taken from the Ndb class. int returnCode; int gsn = signal->readSignalNumber(); switch (gsn) { case GSN_API_VERSION_CONF: { if (theWaitState == WAIT_VERSION) { const ApiVersionConf * const conf = CAST_CONSTPTR(ApiVersionConf, signal->getDataPtr()); if(m_versionRec.callback != 0) m_versionRec.callback(conf->nodeId, conf->version, this, 0); else { m_versionRec.version[conf->nodeId]=conf->version; } } else return; theWaitState = NO_WAIT; } break; case GSN_STATISTICS_CONF: if (theWaitState != WAIT_STATISTICS) { g_EventLogger.warning("MgmtSrvr::handleReceivedSignal, unexpected " "signal received, gsn %d, theWaitState = %d", gsn, theWaitState); return; } returnCode = handleSTATISTICS_CONF(signal); if (returnCode != -1) { theWaitState = NO_WAIT; } break; case GSN_SET_VAR_CONF: if (theWaitState != WAIT_SET_VAR) { g_EventLogger.warning("MgmtSrvr::handleReceivedSignal, unexpected " "signal received, gsn %d, theWaitState = %d", gsn, theWaitState); return; } theWaitState = NO_WAIT; _setVarReqResult = 0; break; case GSN_SET_VAR_REF: if (theWaitState != WAIT_SET_VAR) { g_EventLogger.warning("MgmtSrvr::handleReceivedSignal, unexpected " "signal received, gsn %d, theWaitState = %d", gsn, theWaitState); return; } theWaitState = NO_WAIT; _setVarReqResult = -1; break; case GSN_EVENT_SUBSCRIBE_CONF: theConfCount--; // OK, we've received a conf message if (theConfCount < 0) { g_EventLogger.warning("MgmtSrvr::handleReceivedSignal, unexpected " "signal received, gsn %d, theWaitState = %d", gsn, theWaitState); theConfCount = 0; } break; case GSN_EVENT_REP: eventReport(refToNode(signal->theSendersBlockRef), signal->getDataPtr()); break; case GSN_STOP_REF:{ const StopRef * const ref = CAST_CONSTPTR(StopRef, signal->getDataPtr()); const NodeId nodeId = refToNode(signal->theSendersBlockRef); handleStopReply(nodeId, ref->errorCode); return; } break; case GSN_BACKUP_CONF:{ const BackupConf * const conf = CAST_CONSTPTR(BackupConf, signal->getDataPtr()); BackupEvent event; event.Event = BackupEvent::BackupStarted; event.Started.BackupId = conf->backupId; event.Nodes = conf->nodes; #ifdef VM_TRACE ndbout_c("Backup master is %d", refToNode(signal->theSendersBlockRef)); #endif backupCallback(event); } break; case GSN_BACKUP_REF:{ const BackupRef * const ref = CAST_CONSTPTR(BackupRef, signal->getDataPtr()); Uint32 errCode = ref->errorCode; if(ref->errorCode == BackupRef::IAmNotMaster){ const Uint32 aNodeId = refToNode(ref->masterRef); #ifdef VM_TRACE ndbout_c("I'm not master resending to %d", aNodeId); #endif NdbApiSignal aSignal(_ownReference); BackupReq* req = CAST_PTR(BackupReq, aSignal.getDataPtrSend()); aSignal.set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, BACKUP, GSN_BACKUP_REQ, BackupReq::SignalLength); req->senderData = 19; req->backupDataLen = 0; int i = theFacade->sendSignalUnCond(&aSignal, aNodeId); if(i == 0){ return; } errCode = 5030; } BackupEvent event; event.Event = BackupEvent::BackupFailedToStart; event.FailedToStart.ErrorCode = errCode; backupCallback(event); break; } case GSN_BACKUP_ABORT_REP:{ const BackupAbortRep * const rep = CAST_CONSTPTR(BackupAbortRep, signal->getDataPtr()); BackupEvent event; event.Event = BackupEvent::BackupAborted; event.Aborted.Reason = rep->reason; event.Aborted.BackupId = rep->backupId; backupCallback(event); } break; case GSN_BACKUP_COMPLETE_REP:{ const BackupCompleteRep * const rep = CAST_CONSTPTR(BackupCompleteRep, signal->getDataPtr()); BackupEvent event; event.Event = BackupEvent::BackupCompleted; event.Completed.BackupId = rep->backupId; event.Completed.NoOfBytes = rep->noOfBytes; event.Completed.NoOfLogBytes = rep->noOfLogBytes; event.Completed.NoOfRecords = rep->noOfRecords; event.Completed.NoOfLogRecords = rep->noOfLogRecords; event.Completed.stopGCP = rep->stopGCP; event.Completed.startGCP = rep->startGCP; event.Nodes = rep->nodes; backupCallback(event); } break; case GSN_MGM_LOCK_CONFIG_REP: case GSN_MGM_LOCK_CONFIG_REQ: case GSN_MGM_UNLOCK_CONFIG_REP: case GSN_MGM_UNLOCK_CONFIG_REQ: { m_signalRecvQueue.receive(new NdbApiSignal(*signal)); break; } default: g_EventLogger.error("Unknown signal received. SignalNumber: " "%i from (%d, %x)", gsn, refToNode(signal->theSendersBlockRef), refToBlock(signal->theSendersBlockRef)); } if (theWaitState == NO_WAIT) { NdbCondition_Signal(theMgmtWaitForResponseCondPtr); } } /** * A database node was either stopped or there was some error */ void MgmtSrvr::handleStopReply(NodeId nodeId, Uint32 errCode) { /** * If we are in single user mode and get a stop reply from a * DB node, then we have had a node crash. * If all DB nodes are gone, and we are still in single user mode, * the set m_stopRec.singleUserMode = false; */ if(m_stopRec.singleUserMode) { ClusterMgr::Node node; bool failure = true; for(Uint32 i = 0; itheClusterMgr->getNodeInfo(i); if((node.m_state.startLevel == NodeState::SL_NOTHING)) failure = true; else failure = false; } } if(failure) { m_stopRec.singleUserMode = false; } } if(m_stopRec.inUse == false) return; if(!(m_stopRec.nodeId == 0 || m_stopRec.nodeId == nodeId)) goto error; if(m_stopRec.sentCount <= 0) goto error; if(!(theWaitState == WAIT_STOP || m_stopRec.callback != 0)) goto error; if(errCode != 0) m_stopRec.reply = translateStopRef(errCode); m_stopRec.sentCount --; if(m_stopRec.sentCount == 0){ if(theWaitState == WAIT_STOP){ theWaitState = NO_WAIT; NdbCondition_Signal(theMgmtWaitForResponseCondPtr); return; } if(m_stopRec.callback != 0){ m_stopRec.inUse = false; StopCallback callback = m_stopRec.callback; m_stopRec.callback = NULL; (* callback)(m_stopRec.nodeId, m_stopRec.anyData, m_stopRec.reply); return; } } return; error: if(errCode != 0){ g_EventLogger.error("Unexpected signal received. SignalNumber: %i from %d", GSN_STOP_REF, nodeId); } } void MgmtSrvr::handleStatus(NodeId nodeId, bool alive) { if (alive) { _startedNodeId = nodeId; // Used by logLevelThreadRun() Uint32 theData[25]; theData[0] = EventReport::Connected; theData[1] = nodeId; } else { handleStopReply(nodeId, 0); theConfCount++; // Increment the event subscr conf count because Uint32 theData[25]; theData[0] = EventReport::Disconnected; theData[1] = nodeId; eventReport(_ownNodeId, theData); g_EventLogger.info("Lost connection to node %d", nodeId); } } //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** void MgmtSrvr::signalReceivedNotification(void* mgmtSrvr, NdbApiSignal* signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]) { ((MgmtSrvr*)mgmtSrvr)->handleReceivedSignal(signal); } //**************************************************************************** //**************************************************************************** void MgmtSrvr::nodeStatusNotification(void* mgmSrv, NodeId nodeId, bool alive, bool nfComplete) { if(!(!alive && nfComplete)) ((MgmtSrvr*)mgmSrv)->handleStatus(nodeId, alive); } enum ndb_mgm_node_type MgmtSrvr::getNodeType(NodeId nodeId) const { if(nodeId >= MAX_NODES) return (enum ndb_mgm_node_type)-1; return nodeTypes[nodeId]; } #ifdef NDB_WIN32 static NdbMutex & f_node_id_mutex = * NdbMutex_Create(); #else static NdbMutex f_node_id_mutex = NDB_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; #endif bool MgmtSrvr::alloc_node_id(NodeId * nodeId, enum ndb_mgm_node_type type, struct sockaddr *client_addr, SOCKET_SIZE_TYPE *client_addr_len) { Guard g(&f_node_id_mutex); #if 0 ndbout << "MgmtSrvr::getFreeNodeId type=" << type << " *nodeid=" << *nodeId << endl; #endif NodeBitmask connected_nodes(m_reserved_nodes); if (theFacade && theFacade->theClusterMgr) { for(Uint32 i = 0; i < MAX_NODES; i++) if (getNodeType(i) == NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_NDB) { const ClusterMgr::Node &node= theFacade->theClusterMgr->getNodeInfo(i); if (node.connected) connected_nodes.bitOR(node.m_state.m_connected_nodes); } } ndb_mgm_configuration_iterator iter(*(ndb_mgm_configuration *)_config->m_configValues, CFG_SECTION_NODE); for(iter.first(); iter.valid(); iter.next()) { unsigned tmp= 0; if(iter.get(CFG_NODE_ID, &tmp)) abort(); if (connected_nodes.get(tmp)) continue; if (*nodeId && *nodeId != tmp) continue; unsigned type_c; if(iter.get(CFG_TYPE_OF_SECTION, &type_c)) abort(); if(type_c != type) continue; const char *config_hostname = 0; if(iter.get(CFG_NODE_HOST, &config_hostname)) abort(); if (config_hostname && config_hostname[0] != 0 && client_addr) { // check hostname compatability struct in_addr config_addr; const void *tmp= &(((sockaddr_in*)client_addr)->sin_addr); if(Ndb_getInAddr(&config_addr, config_hostname) != 0 || memcmp(&config_addr, tmp, sizeof(config_addr)) != 0) { struct in_addr tmp_addr; if(Ndb_getInAddr(&tmp_addr, "localhost") != 0 || memcmp(&tmp_addr, tmp, sizeof(config_addr)) != 0) { // not localhost #if 0 ndbout << "MgmtSrvr::getFreeNodeId compare failed for \"" << config_hostname << "\" id=" << tmp << endl; #endif continue; } // connecting through localhost // check if config_hostname match hostname char my_hostname[256]; if (gethostname(my_hostname, sizeof(my_hostname)) != 0) continue; if(Ndb_getInAddr(&tmp_addr, my_hostname) != 0 || memcmp(&tmp_addr, &config_addr, sizeof(config_addr)) != 0) { // no match continue; } } } *nodeId= tmp; m_reserved_nodes.set(tmp); #if 0 ndbout << "MgmtSrvr::getFreeNodeId found type=" << type << " *nodeid=" << *nodeId << endl; #endif return true; } return false; } bool MgmtSrvr::getNextNodeId(NodeId * nodeId, enum ndb_mgm_node_type type) const { NodeId tmp = * nodeId; tmp++; while(nodeTypes[tmp] != type && tmp < MAX_NODES) tmp++; if(tmp == MAX_NODES){ return false; } * nodeId = tmp; return true; } void MgmtSrvr::eventReport(NodeId nodeId, const Uint32 * theData) { const EventReport * const eventReport = (EventReport *)&theData[0]; EventReport::EventType type = eventReport->getEventType(); if (type == EventReport::TransReportCounters || type == EventReport::OperationReportCounters) { if (_isClusterLogStatActive) { g_EventLogger.log(type, theData, nodeId); } if (_isStatPortActive) { char theTime[128]; struct tm* tm_now; time_t now; now = time((time_t*)NULL); #ifdef NDB_WIN32 tm_now = localtime(&now); #else tm_now = gmtime(&now); #endif snprintf(theTime, sizeof(theTime), STATISTIC_DATE, tm_now->tm_year + 1900, tm_now->tm_mon, tm_now->tm_mday, tm_now->tm_hour, tm_now->tm_min, tm_now->tm_sec); char str[255]; if (type == EventReport::TransReportCounters) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), STATISTIC_LINE, theTime, (int)now, nodeId, theData[1], theData[2], theData[3], // theData[4], simple reads theData[5], theData[6], theData[7], theData[8]); } else if (type == EventReport::OperationReportCounters) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), OP_STATISTIC_LINE, theTime, (int)now, nodeId, theData[1]); } if(m_statisticsListner != 0){ m_statisticsListner->println_statistics(str); } } return; } // if (type == // Log event g_EventLogger.log(type, theData, nodeId); } /*************************************************************************** * Backup ***************************************************************************/ MgmtSrvr::BackupCallback MgmtSrvr::setCallback(BackupCallback aCall) { BackupCallback ret = m_backupCallback; m_backupCallback = aCall; return ret; } int MgmtSrvr::startBackup(Uint32& backupId, bool waitCompleted) { bool next; NodeId nodeId = 0; while((next = getNextNodeId(&nodeId, NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_NDB)) == true && theFacade->get_node_alive(nodeId) == false); if(!next) return NO_CONTACT_WITH_DB_NODES; NdbApiSignal* signal = getSignal(); if (signal == NULL) { return COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; } BackupReq* req = CAST_PTR(BackupReq, signal->getDataPtrSend()); signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, BACKUP, GSN_BACKUP_REQ, BackupReq::SignalLength); req->senderData = 19; req->backupDataLen = 0; int result; if (waitCompleted) { result = sendRecSignal(nodeId, WAIT_BACKUP_COMPLETED, signal, true); } else { result = sendRecSignal(nodeId, WAIT_BACKUP_STARTED, signal, true); } if (result == -1) { return SEND_OR_RECEIVE_FAILED; } if (waitCompleted){ switch(m_lastBackupEvent.Event){ case BackupEvent::BackupCompleted: backupId = m_lastBackupEvent.Completed.BackupId; break; case BackupEvent::BackupStarted: backupId = m_lastBackupEvent.Started.BackupId; break; case BackupEvent::BackupFailedToStart: return m_lastBackupEvent.FailedToStart.ErrorCode; case BackupEvent::BackupAborted: return m_lastBackupEvent.Aborted.ErrorCode; default: return -1; break; } } else { switch(m_lastBackupEvent.Event){ case BackupEvent::BackupCompleted: backupId = m_lastBackupEvent.Completed.BackupId; break; case BackupEvent::BackupStarted: backupId = m_lastBackupEvent.Started.BackupId; break; case BackupEvent::BackupFailedToStart: return m_lastBackupEvent.FailedToStart.ErrorCode; case BackupEvent::BackupAborted: return m_lastBackupEvent.Aborted.ErrorCode; default: return -1; break; } } return 0; } int MgmtSrvr::abortBackup(Uint32 backupId) { bool next; NodeId nodeId = 0; while((next = getNextNodeId(&nodeId, NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_NDB)) == true && theFacade->get_node_alive(nodeId) == false); if(!next){ return NO_CONTACT_WITH_DB_NODES; } NdbApiSignal* signal = getSignal(); if (signal == NULL) { return COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; } AbortBackupOrd* ord = CAST_PTR(AbortBackupOrd, signal->getDataPtrSend()); signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, BACKUP, GSN_ABORT_BACKUP_ORD, AbortBackupOrd::SignalLength); ord->requestType = AbortBackupOrd::ClientAbort; ord->senderData = 19; ord->backupId = backupId; int result = sendSignal(nodeId, NO_WAIT, signal, true); if (result == -1) { return SEND_OR_RECEIVE_FAILED; } return 0; } void MgmtSrvr::backupCallback(BackupEvent & event) { char str[255]; bool ok = false; switch(event.Event){ case BackupEvent::BackupStarted: ok = true; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Backup %d started", event.Started.BackupId); break; case BackupEvent::BackupFailedToStart: ok = true; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Backup failed to start (Backup error %d)", event.FailedToStart.ErrorCode); break; case BackupEvent::BackupCompleted: ok = true; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Backup %d completed", event.Completed.BackupId); g_EventLogger.info(str); snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " StartGCP: %d StopGCP: %d", event.Completed.startGCP, event.Completed.stopGCP); g_EventLogger.info(str); snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " #Records: %d #LogRecords: %d", event.Completed.NoOfRecords, event.Completed.NoOfLogRecords); g_EventLogger.info(str); snprintf(str, sizeof(str), " Data: %d bytes Log: %d bytes", event.Completed.NoOfBytes, event.Completed.NoOfLogBytes); break; case BackupEvent::BackupAborted: ok = true; snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Backup %d has been aborted reason %d", event.Aborted.BackupId, event.Aborted.Reason); break; } if(!ok){ snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Unknown backup event: %d", event.Event); } g_EventLogger.info(str); switch (theWaitState){ case WAIT_BACKUP_STARTED: switch(event.Event){ case BackupEvent::BackupStarted: case BackupEvent::BackupFailedToStart: m_lastBackupEvent = event; theWaitState = NO_WAIT; break; default: snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Received event %d in unexpected state WAIT_BACKUP_STARTED", event.Event); g_EventLogger.info(str); return; } break; case WAIT_BACKUP_COMPLETED: switch(event.Event){ case BackupEvent::BackupCompleted: case BackupEvent::BackupAborted: case BackupEvent::BackupFailedToStart: m_lastBackupEvent = event; theWaitState = NO_WAIT; break; default: snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Received event %d in unexpected state WAIT_BACKUP_COMPLETED", event.Event); g_EventLogger.info(str); return; } break; default: snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "Received event %d in unexpected state = %d", event.Event, theWaitState); g_EventLogger.info(str); return; } if(m_backupCallback != 0){ (* m_backupCallback)(event); } } /***************************************************************************** * Global Replication *****************************************************************************/ int MgmtSrvr::repCommand(Uint32* repReqId, Uint32 request, bool waitCompleted) { bool next; NodeId nodeId = 0; while((next = getNextNodeId(&nodeId, NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_NDB)) == true && theFacade->get_node_alive(nodeId) == false); if(!next){ return NO_CONTACT_WITH_DB_NODES; } NdbApiSignal* signal = getSignal(); if (signal == NULL) { return COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; } GrepReq* req = CAST_PTR(GrepReq, signal->getDataPtrSend()); signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, GREP, GSN_GREP_REQ, GrepReq::SignalLength); req->senderRef = _ownReference; req->request = request; int result; if (waitCompleted) result = sendRecSignal(nodeId, NO_WAIT, signal, true); else result = sendRecSignal(nodeId, NO_WAIT, signal, true); if (result == -1) { return SEND_OR_RECEIVE_FAILED; } /** * @todo * Maybe add that we should receive a confirmation that the * request was received ok. * Then we should give the user the correct repReqId. */ *repReqId = 4711; return 0; } /***************************************************************************** * Area 51 ??? *****************************************************************************/ MgmtSrvr::Area51 MgmtSrvr::getStuff() { Area51 ret; ret.theFacade = theFacade; ret.theRegistry = theFacade->theTransporterRegistry; return ret; } NodeId MgmtSrvr::getPrimaryNode() const { #if 0 Uint32 tmp; const Properties *prop = NULL; getConfig()->get("SYSTEM", &prop); if(prop == NULL) return 0; prop->get("PrimaryMGMNode", &tmp); return tmp; #else return 0; #endif } MgmtSrvr::Allocated_resources::Allocated_resources(MgmtSrvr &m) : m_mgmsrv(m) { } MgmtSrvr::Allocated_resources::~Allocated_resources() { Guard g(&f_node_id_mutex); m_mgmsrv.m_reserved_nodes.bitANDC(m_reserved_nodes); } void MgmtSrvr::Allocated_resources::reserve_node(NodeId id) { m_reserved_nodes.set(id); } int MgmtSrvr::setDbParameter(int node, int param, const char * value, BaseString& msg){ /** * Check parameter */ ndb_mgm_configuration_iterator iter(* _config->m_configValues, CFG_SECTION_NODE); if(iter.first() != 0){ msg.assign("Unable to find node section (iter.first())"); return -1; } Uint32 type = NODE_TYPE_DB + 1; if(node != 0){ if(iter.find(CFG_NODE_ID, node) != 0){ msg.assign("Unable to find node (iter.find())"); return -1; } if(iter.get(CFG_TYPE_OF_SECTION, &type) != 0){ msg.assign("Unable to get node type(iter.get(CFG_TYPE_OF_SECTION))"); return -1; } } else { do { if(iter.get(CFG_TYPE_OF_SECTION, &type) != 0){ msg.assign("Unable to get node type(iter.get(CFG_TYPE_OF_SECTION))"); return -1; } if(type == NODE_TYPE_DB) break; } while(iter.next() == 0); } if(type != NODE_TYPE_DB){ msg.assfmt("Invalid node type or no such node (%d %d)", type, NODE_TYPE_DB); return -1; } int p_type; unsigned val_32; unsigned long long val_64; const char * val_char; do { p_type = 0; if(iter.get(param, &val_32) == 0){ val_32 = atoi(value); break; } p_type++; if(iter.get(param, &val_64) == 0){ val_64 = strtoll(value, 0, 10); break; } p_type++; if(iter.get(param, &val_char) == 0){ val_char = value; break; } msg.assign("Could not get parameter"); return -1; } while(0); bool res = false; do { int ret = iter.get(CFG_TYPE_OF_SECTION, &type); assert(ret == 0); if(type != NODE_TYPE_DB) continue; Uint32 node; ret = iter.get(CFG_NODE_ID, &node); assert(ret == 0); ConfigValues::Iterator i2(_config->m_configValues->m_config, iter.m_config); switch(p_type){ case 0: res = i2.set(param, val_32); ndbout_c("Updateing node %d param: %d to %d", node, param, val_32); break; case 1: res = i2.set(param, val_64); ndbout_c("Updateing node %d param: %d to %Ld", node, param, val_32); break; case 2: res = i2.set(param, val_char); ndbout_c("Updateing node %d param: %d to %s", node, param, val_char); break; default: abort(); } assert(res); } while(node == 0 && iter.next() == 0); msg.assign("Success"); return 0; } template class Vector; #if __SUNPRO_CC != 0x560 template bool SignalQueue::waitFor(Vector&, SigMatch*&, NdbApiSignal*&, unsigned); #endif