/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include "MgmtSrvr.hpp" #include "SignalQueue.hpp" #include #include #include void MgmtSrvr::handle_MGM_LOCK_CONFIG_REQ(NdbApiSignal *signal) { NodeId sender = refToNode(signal->theSendersBlockRef); const MgmLockConfigReq * const req = CAST_CONSTPTR(MgmLockConfigReq, signal->getDataPtr()); NdbApiSignal *reply = getSignal(); if(signal == NULL) return; /** @todo handle allocation failure */ reply->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, MGMSRV, GSN_MGM_LOCK_CONFIG_REP, MgmLockConfigRep::SignalLength); MgmLockConfigRep *lockRep = CAST_PTR(MgmLockConfigRep, reply->getDataPtrSend()); lockRep->errorCode = MgmLockConfigRep::UNKNOWN_ERROR; if(req->newConfigGeneration < m_nextConfigGenerationNumber) { lockRep->errorCode = MgmLockConfigRep::GENERATION_MISMATCH; goto done; } NdbMutex_Lock(m_configMutex); m_nextConfigGenerationNumber = req->newConfigGeneration+1; lockRep->errorCode = MgmLockConfigRep::OK; done: sendSignal(sender, NO_WAIT, reply, true); NdbMutex_Unlock(m_configMutex); return; } void MgmtSrvr::handle_MGM_UNLOCK_CONFIG_REQ(NdbApiSignal *signal) { NodeId sender = refToNode(signal->theSendersBlockRef); const MgmUnlockConfigReq * const req = CAST_CONSTPTR(MgmUnlockConfigReq, signal->getDataPtr()); MgmUnlockConfigRep *unlockRep; NdbApiSignal *reply = getSignal(); if(signal == NULL) goto error; /** @todo handle allocation failure */ reply->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, MGMSRV, GSN_MGM_UNLOCK_CONFIG_REP, MgmUnlockConfigRep::SignalLength); unlockRep = CAST_PTR(MgmUnlockConfigRep, reply->getDataPtrSend()); unlockRep->errorCode = MgmUnlockConfigRep::UNKNOWN_ERROR; NdbMutex_Lock(m_configMutex); if(req->commitConfig == 1) { m_newConfig = fetchConfig(); commitConfig(); } else rollbackConfig(); unlockRep->errorCode = MgmUnlockConfigRep::OK; sendSignal(sender, NO_WAIT, reply, true); error: NdbMutex_Unlock(m_configMutex); return; } /** * Prepare all MGM nodes for configuration changes * * @returns 0 on success, or -1 on failure */ int MgmtSrvr::lockConf() { int result = -1; MgmLockConfigReq* lockReq; NodeId node = 0; /* Check if this is the master node */ if(getPrimaryNode() != _ownNodeId) goto done; if(NdbMutex_Trylock(m_configMutex) != 0) return -1; m_newConfig = new Config(*_config); /* copy the existing config */ _config = m_newConfig; m_newConfig = new Config(*_config); m_nextConfigGenerationNumber++; /* Make sure the new configuration _always_ is at least one step older */ if(m_nextConfigGenerationNumber < m_newConfig->getGenerationNumber()+1) m_nextConfigGenerationNumber = _config->getGenerationNumber()+1; m_newConfig->setGenerationNumber(m_nextConfigGenerationNumber); node = 0; while(getNextNodeId(&node, NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_MGM)) { if(node != _ownNodeId) { NdbApiSignal* signal = getSignal(); if (signal == NULL) { result = COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; goto done; } lockReq = CAST_PTR(MgmLockConfigReq, signal->getDataPtrSend()); signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, MGMSRV, GSN_MGM_LOCK_CONFIG_REQ, MgmLockConfigReq::SignalLength); lockReq->newConfigGeneration = m_nextConfigGenerationNumber; result = sendSignal(node, NO_WAIT, signal, true); NdbApiSignal *reply = m_signalRecvQueue.waitFor(GSN_MGM_LOCK_CONFIG_REP, 0); if(reply == NULL) { /** @todo handle timeout/error */ ndbout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl; result = -1; goto done; } } } done: NdbMutex_Unlock(m_configMutex); return result; } /** * Unlocks configuration * * @returns 0 on success, ! 0 on error */ int MgmtSrvr::unlockConf(bool commit) { int result = -1; MgmUnlockConfigReq* unlockReq; NodeId node = 0; /* Check if this is the master node */ if(getPrimaryNode() != _ownNodeId) goto done; errno = 0; if(NdbMutex_Lock(m_configMutex) != 0) return -1; if(commit) commitConfig(); else rollbackConfig(); node = 0; while(getNextNodeId(&node, NDB_MGM_NODE_TYPE_MGM)) { if(node != _ownNodeId) { NdbApiSignal* signal = getSignal(); if (signal == NULL) { result = COULD_NOT_ALLOCATE_MEMORY; goto done; } unlockReq = CAST_PTR(MgmUnlockConfigReq, signal->getDataPtrSend()); signal->set(TestOrd::TraceAPI, MGMSRV, GSN_MGM_UNLOCK_CONFIG_REQ, MgmUnlockConfigReq::SignalLength); unlockReq->commitConfig = commit; result = sendSignal(node, NO_WAIT, signal, true); NdbApiSignal *reply = m_signalRecvQueue.waitFor(GSN_MGM_UNLOCK_CONFIG_REP, 0); if(reply == NULL) { /** @todo handle timeout/error */ result = -1; goto done; } } } done: NdbMutex_Unlock(m_configMutex); return result; } /** * Commit the new configuration */ int MgmtSrvr::commitConfig() { int ret = saveConfig(m_newConfig); delete _config; _config = m_newConfig; m_newConfig = NULL; ndbout << "commit " << ret << endl; return ret; } /** * Rollback to the old configuration */ int MgmtSrvr::rollbackConfig() { delete m_newConfig; m_newConfig = NULL; ndbout << "rollback" << endl; return saveConfig(_config); } /** * Save a configuration to the running configuration file */ int MgmtSrvr::saveConfig(const Config *conf) { BaseString newfile; newfile.appfmt("%s.new", m_configFilename.c_str()); /* Open and write to the new config file */ FILE *f = fopen(newfile.c_str(), "w"); if(f == NULL) { /** @todo Send something apropriate to the log */ return -1; } FileOutputStream stream(f); conf->printConfigFile(stream); fclose(f); /* Rename file to real name */ rename(newfile.c_str(), m_configFilename.c_str()); return 0; } Config * MgmtSrvr::readConfig() { Config *conf = NULL; if(m_configFilename.length() != 0) { /* Use config file */ InitConfigFileParser parser(m_configFilename.c_str()); if(!parser.readConfigFile()) { /* Try to get configuration from other MGM server */ ConfigRetriever cr; cr.setLocalConfigFileName(m_localNdbConfigFilename.c_str()); conf = new Config(*cr.getConfig("MGM", NDB_VERSION)); } else { conf = new Config(*parser.getConfig()); } if(conf == NULL) return NULL; } return conf; } Config * MgmtSrvr::fetchConfig() { Config *conf = NULL; ConfigRetriever cr; cr.setLocalConfigFileName(m_localNdbConfigFilename.c_str()); conf = new Config(*cr.getConfig("MGM", NDB_VERSION)); return conf; } bool MgmtSrvr::changeConfig(const BaseString §ion, const BaseString ¶m, const BaseString &value) { if(m_newConfig == NULL) return false; return m_newConfig->change(section, param, value); }