/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef NdbDictionaryImpl_H #define NdbDictionaryImpl_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "NdbWaiter.hpp" #include "DictCache.hpp" class NdbDictObjectImpl { public: Uint32 m_version; NdbDictionary::Object::Status m_status; bool change(); protected: NdbDictObjectImpl() : m_status(NdbDictionary::Object::New) { } }; /** * Column */ class NdbColumnImpl : public NdbDictionary::Column { public: NdbColumnImpl(); NdbColumnImpl(NdbDictionary::Column &); // This is not a copy constructor ~NdbColumnImpl(); NdbColumnImpl& operator=(const NdbColumnImpl&); void init(Type t = Unsigned); int m_attrId; BaseString m_name; NdbDictionary::Column::Type m_type; int m_precision; int m_scale; int m_length; CHARSET_INFO * m_cs; // not const in MySQL bool m_pk; bool m_distributionKey; bool m_nullable; bool m_autoIncrement; Uint64 m_autoIncrementInitialValue; BaseString m_defaultValue; NdbTableImpl * m_blobTable; /** * Internal types and sizes, and aggregates */ Uint32 m_attrSize; // element size (size when arraySize==1) Uint32 m_arraySize; // length or length+2 for Var* types Uint32 m_keyInfoPos; // TODO: use bits in attr desc 2 bool getInterpretableType() const ; bool getCharType() const; bool getStringType() const; bool getBlobType() const; /** * Equality/assign */ bool equal(const NdbColumnImpl&) const; static NdbColumnImpl & getImpl(NdbDictionary::Column & t); static const NdbColumnImpl & getImpl(const NdbDictionary::Column & t); NdbDictionary::Column * m_facade; static NdbDictionary::Column * create_psuedo(const char *); // Get total length in bytes, used by NdbOperation // backported from 5.1 bool get_var_length(const void* value, Uint32& len) const; }; class NdbTableImpl : public NdbDictionary::Table, public NdbDictObjectImpl { public: NdbTableImpl(); NdbTableImpl(NdbDictionary::Table &); ~NdbTableImpl(); void init(); void setName(const char * name); const char * getName() const; Uint32 m_changeMask; Uint32 m_tableId; BaseString m_internalName; BaseString m_externalName; BaseString m_newExternalName; // Used for alter table UtilBuffer m_frm; NdbDictionary::Object::FragmentType m_fragmentType; /** * */ Uint32 m_columnHashMask; Vector m_columnHash; Vector m_columns; void buildColumnHash(); /** * Fragment info */ Uint32 m_hashValueMask; Uint32 m_hashpointerValue; Vector m_fragments; Uint64 m_max_rows; Uint64 m_min_rows; bool m_logging; int m_kvalue; int m_minLoadFactor; int m_maxLoadFactor; Uint16 m_keyLenInWords; Uint16 m_fragmentCount; NdbDictionaryImpl * m_dictionary; NdbIndexImpl * m_index; NdbColumnImpl * getColumn(unsigned attrId); NdbColumnImpl * getColumn(const char * name); const NdbColumnImpl * getColumn(unsigned attrId) const; const NdbColumnImpl * getColumn(const char * name) const; /** * Index only stuff */ BaseString m_primaryTable; NdbDictionary::Index::Type m_indexType; /** * Aggregates */ Uint8 m_noOfKeys; Uint8 m_noOfDistributionKeys; Uint8 m_noOfBlobs; Uint8 m_replicaCount; /** * Equality/assign */ bool equal(const NdbTableImpl&) const; void assign(const NdbTableImpl&); static NdbTableImpl & getImpl(NdbDictionary::Table & t); static NdbTableImpl & getImpl(const NdbDictionary::Table & t); NdbDictionary::Table * m_facade; /** * Return count */ Uint32 get_nodes(Uint32 hashValue, const Uint16** nodes) const ; }; class NdbIndexImpl : public NdbDictionary::Index, public NdbDictObjectImpl { public: NdbIndexImpl(); NdbIndexImpl(NdbDictionary::Index &); ~NdbIndexImpl(); void init(); void setName(const char * name); const char * getName() const; void setTable(const char * table); const char * getTable() const; const NdbTableImpl * getIndexTable() const; Uint32 m_indexId; BaseString m_internalName; BaseString m_externalName; BaseString m_tableName; Vector m_columns; Vector m_key_ids; NdbDictionary::Index::Type m_type; bool m_logging; NdbTableImpl * m_table; static NdbIndexImpl & getImpl(NdbDictionary::Index & t); static NdbIndexImpl & getImpl(const NdbDictionary::Index & t); NdbDictionary::Index * m_facade; }; class NdbDictInterface { public: NdbDictInterface(NdbError& err) : m_error(err) { m_reference = 0; m_masterNodeId = 0; m_transporter= NULL; } ~NdbDictInterface(); bool setTransporter(class Ndb * ndb, class TransporterFacade * tf); bool setTransporter(class TransporterFacade * tf); // To abstract the stuff thats made in all create/drop/lists below int dictSignal(NdbApiSignal* signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3], int noLPTR, const int useMasterNodeId, const Uint32 RETRIES, const WaitSignalType wst, const int theWait, const int *errcodes, const int noerrcodes, const int temporaryMask = 0); int createOrAlterTable(class Ndb & ndb, NdbTableImpl &, bool alter); int createTable(class Ndb & ndb, NdbTableImpl &); int createTable(NdbApiSignal* signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]); int alterTable(class Ndb & ndb, NdbTableImpl &); int alterTable(NdbApiSignal* signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]); int createIndex(class Ndb & ndb, NdbIndexImpl &, const NdbTableImpl &); int createIndex(NdbApiSignal* signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]); int dropTable(const NdbTableImpl &); int dropTable(NdbApiSignal* signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]); int dropIndex(const NdbIndexImpl &, const NdbTableImpl &); int dropIndex(NdbApiSignal* signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]); int listObjects(NdbDictionary::Dictionary::List& list, Uint32 requestData, bool fullyQualifiedNames); int listObjects(NdbApiSignal* signal); /* NdbTableImpl * getTable(int tableId, bool fullyQualifiedNames); */ NdbTableImpl * getTable(const BaseString& name, bool fullyQualifiedNames); NdbTableImpl * getTable(class NdbApiSignal * signal, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3], Uint32 noOfSections, bool fullyQualifiedNames); static int parseTableInfo(NdbTableImpl ** dst, const Uint32 * data, Uint32 len, bool fullyQualifiedNames); static int create_index_obj_from_table(NdbIndexImpl ** dst, NdbTableImpl* index_table, const NdbTableImpl* primary_table); NdbError & m_error; private: Uint32 m_reference; Uint32 m_masterNodeId; NdbWaiter m_waiter; class TransporterFacade * m_transporter; friend class Ndb; static void execSignal(void* dictImpl, class NdbApiSignal* signal, struct LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]); static void execNodeStatus(void* dictImpl, Uint32, bool alive, bool nfCompleted); void execGET_TABINFO_REF(NdbApiSignal *, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]); void execGET_TABINFO_CONF(NdbApiSignal *, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]); void execCREATE_TABLE_REF(NdbApiSignal *, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]); void execCREATE_TABLE_CONF(NdbApiSignal *, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]); void execALTER_TABLE_REF(NdbApiSignal *, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]); void execALTER_TABLE_CONF(NdbApiSignal *, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]); void execCREATE_INDX_REF(NdbApiSignal *, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]); void execCREATE_INDX_CONF(NdbApiSignal *, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]); void execDROP_INDX_REF(NdbApiSignal *, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]); void execDROP_INDX_CONF(NdbApiSignal *, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]); void execDROP_TABLE_REF(NdbApiSignal *, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]); void execDROP_TABLE_CONF(NdbApiSignal *, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]); void execLIST_TABLES_CONF(NdbApiSignal *, LinearSectionPtr ptr[3]); Uint32 m_fragmentId; UtilBuffer m_buffer; }; class NdbDictionaryImpl : public NdbDictionary::Dictionary { public: NdbDictionaryImpl(Ndb &ndb); NdbDictionaryImpl(Ndb &ndb, NdbDictionary::Dictionary & f); ~NdbDictionaryImpl(); bool setTransporter(class Ndb * ndb, class TransporterFacade * tf); bool setTransporter(class TransporterFacade * tf); int createTable(NdbTableImpl &t); int createBlobTables(NdbTableImpl &); int addBlobTables(NdbTableImpl &); int alterTable(NdbTableImpl &t); int dropTable(const char * name); int dropTable(NdbTableImpl &); int dropBlobTables(NdbTableImpl &); int invalidateObject(NdbTableImpl &); int removeCachedObject(NdbTableImpl &); int createIndex(NdbIndexImpl &ix); int dropIndex(const char * indexName, const char * tableName); int dropIndex(NdbIndexImpl &); NdbTableImpl * getIndexTable(NdbIndexImpl * index, NdbTableImpl * table); int listObjects(List& list, NdbDictionary::Object::Type type); int listIndexes(List& list, Uint32 indexId); NdbTableImpl * getTable(const char * tableName, void **data= 0); Ndb_local_table_info* get_local_table_info( const BaseString& internalTableName, bool do_add_blob_tables); NdbIndexImpl * getIndex(const char * indexName, const char * tableName); NdbIndexImpl * getIndex(const char * indexName, NdbTableImpl * table); const NdbError & getNdbError() const; NdbError m_error; Uint32 m_local_table_data_size; LocalDictCache m_localHash; GlobalDictCache * m_globalHash; static NdbDictionaryImpl & getImpl(NdbDictionary::Dictionary & t); static const NdbDictionaryImpl & getImpl(const NdbDictionary::Dictionary &t); NdbDictionary::Dictionary * m_facade; NdbDictInterface m_receiver; Ndb & m_ndb; private: NdbIndexImpl * getIndexImpl(const char * name, const BaseString& internalName); Ndb_local_table_info * fetchGlobalTableImpl(const BaseString& internalName); }; inline NdbColumnImpl & NdbColumnImpl::getImpl(NdbDictionary::Column & t){ return t.m_impl; } inline const NdbColumnImpl & NdbColumnImpl::getImpl(const NdbDictionary::Column & t){ return t.m_impl; } inline bool NdbColumnImpl::getInterpretableType() const { return (m_type == NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned || m_type == NdbDictionary::Column::Bigunsigned); } inline bool NdbColumnImpl::getCharType() const { return (m_type == NdbDictionary::Column::Char || m_type == NdbDictionary::Column::Varchar || m_type == NdbDictionary::Column::Text || m_type == NdbDictionary::Column::Longvarchar); } inline bool NdbColumnImpl::getStringType() const { return (m_type == NdbDictionary::Column::Char || m_type == NdbDictionary::Column::Varchar || m_type == NdbDictionary::Column::Longvarchar || m_type == NdbDictionary::Column::Binary || m_type == NdbDictionary::Column::Varbinary || m_type == NdbDictionary::Column::Longvarbinary); } inline bool NdbColumnImpl::getBlobType() const { return (m_type == NdbDictionary::Column::Blob || m_type == NdbDictionary::Column::Text); } inline bool NdbColumnImpl::get_var_length(const void* value, Uint32& len) const { Uint32 max_len = m_attrSize * m_arraySize; switch (m_type) { case NdbDictionary::Column::Varchar: case NdbDictionary::Column::Varbinary: len = 1 + *((Uint8*)value); break; case NdbDictionary::Column::Longvarchar: case NdbDictionary::Column::Longvarbinary: len = 2 + uint2korr((char*)value); break; default: len = max_len; return true; } return (len <= max_len); } inline NdbTableImpl & NdbTableImpl::getImpl(NdbDictionary::Table & t){ return t.m_impl; } inline NdbTableImpl & NdbTableImpl::getImpl(const NdbDictionary::Table & t){ return t.m_impl; } inline NdbColumnImpl * NdbTableImpl::getColumn(unsigned attrId){ if(m_columns.size() > attrId){ return m_columns[attrId]; } return 0; } inline Uint32 Hash( const char* str ){ Uint32 h = 0; Uint32 len = strlen(str); while(len >= 4){ h = (h << 5) + h + str[0]; h = (h << 5) + h + str[1]; h = (h << 5) + h + str[2]; h = (h << 5) + h + str[3]; len -= 4; str += 4; } switch(len){ case 3: h = (h << 5) + h + *str++; case 2: h = (h << 5) + h + *str++; case 1: h = (h << 5) + h + *str++; } return h + h; } inline NdbColumnImpl * NdbTableImpl::getColumn(const char * name){ Uint32 sz = m_columns.size(); NdbColumnImpl** cols = m_columns.getBase(); const Uint32 * hashtable = m_columnHash.getBase(); if(sz > 5 && false){ Uint32 hashValue = Hash(name) & 0xFFFE; Uint32 bucket = hashValue & m_columnHashMask; bucket = (bucket < sz ? bucket : bucket - sz); hashtable += bucket; Uint32 tmp = * hashtable; if((tmp & 1) == 1 ){ // No chaining sz = 1; } else { sz = (tmp >> 16); hashtable += (tmp & 0xFFFE) >> 1; tmp = * hashtable; } do { if(hashValue == (tmp & 0xFFFE)){ NdbColumnImpl* col = cols[tmp >> 16]; if(strncmp(name, col->m_name.c_str(), col->m_name.length()) == 0){ return col; } } hashtable++; tmp = * hashtable; } while(--sz > 0); #if 0 Uint32 dir = m_columnHash[bucket]; Uint32 pos = bucket + ((dir & 0xFFFE) >> 1); Uint32 cnt = dir >> 16; ndbout_c("col: %s hv: %x bucket: %d dir: %x pos: %d cnt: %d tmp: %d -> 0", name, hashValue, bucket, dir, pos, cnt, tmp); #endif return 0; } else { for(Uint32 i = 0; im_name.c_str()) == 0) return col; } } return 0; } inline const NdbColumnImpl * NdbTableImpl::getColumn(unsigned attrId) const { if(m_columns.size() > attrId){ return m_columns[attrId]; } return 0; } inline const NdbColumnImpl * NdbTableImpl::getColumn(const char * name) const { Uint32 sz = m_columns.size(); NdbColumnImpl* const * cols = m_columns.getBase(); for(Uint32 i = 0; im_name.c_str()) == 0) return col; } return 0; } inline NdbIndexImpl & NdbIndexImpl::getImpl(NdbDictionary::Index & t){ return t.m_impl; } inline NdbIndexImpl & NdbIndexImpl::getImpl(const NdbDictionary::Index & t){ return t.m_impl; } inline NdbDictionaryImpl & NdbDictionaryImpl::getImpl(NdbDictionary::Dictionary & t){ return t.m_impl; } inline const NdbDictionaryImpl & NdbDictionaryImpl::getImpl(const NdbDictionary::Dictionary & t){ return t.m_impl; } /***************************************************************** * Inline:d getters */ inline NdbTableImpl * NdbDictionaryImpl::getTable(const char * table_name, void **data) { const BaseString internal_tabname(m_ndb.internalize_table_name(table_name)); Ndb_local_table_info *info= get_local_table_info(internal_tabname, true); if (info == 0) return 0; if (data) *data= info->m_local_data; return info->m_table_impl; } inline Ndb_local_table_info * NdbDictionaryImpl::get_local_table_info(const BaseString& internalTableName, bool do_add_blob_tables) { Ndb_local_table_info *info= m_localHash.get(internalTableName.c_str()); if (info == 0) { info= fetchGlobalTableImpl(internalTableName); if (info == 0) { return 0; } } if (do_add_blob_tables && info->m_table_impl->m_noOfBlobs) addBlobTables(*(info->m_table_impl)); return info; // autoincrement already initialized } inline NdbIndexImpl * NdbDictionaryImpl::getIndex(const char * index_name, const char * table_name) { return getIndex(index_name, (table_name) ? getTable(table_name) : NULL); } inline NdbIndexImpl * NdbDictionaryImpl::getIndex(const char * index_name, NdbTableImpl * table) { if (table || m_ndb.usingFullyQualifiedNames()) { const BaseString internal_indexname( (table) ? m_ndb.internalize_index_name(table, index_name) : m_ndb.internalize_table_name(index_name)); // Index is also a table if (internal_indexname.length()) { Ndb_local_table_info * info= get_local_table_info(internal_indexname, false); if (info) { NdbTableImpl * tab= info->m_table_impl; if (tab->m_index == 0) tab->m_index= getIndexImpl(index_name, internal_indexname); if (tab->m_index != 0) tab->m_index->m_table= tab; return tab->m_index; } } } m_error.code= 4243; return 0; } #endif