/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef NDB_IMPL_HPP #define NDB_IMPL_HPP #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ndb_cluster_connection_impl.hpp" #include "NdbDictionaryImpl.hpp" #include "ObjectMap.hpp" template struct Ndb_free_list_t { Ndb_free_list_t(); ~Ndb_free_list_t(); void fill(Ndb*, Uint32 cnt); T* seize(Ndb*); void release(T*); void clear(); Uint32 get_sizeof() const { return sizeof(T); } T * m_free_list; Uint32 m_alloc_cnt, m_free_cnt; }; /** * Private parts of the Ndb object (corresponding to Ndb.hpp in public API) */ class NdbImpl { public: NdbImpl(Ndb_cluster_connection *, Ndb&); ~NdbImpl(); Ndb_cluster_connection_impl &m_ndb_cluster_connection; NdbDictionaryImpl m_dictionary; // Ensure good distribution of connects Uint32 theCurrentConnectIndex; Ndb_cluster_connection_node_iter m_node_iter; NdbObjectIdMap theNdbObjectIdMap; Uint32 theNoOfDBnodes; // The number of DB nodes Uint8 theDBnodes[MAX_NDB_NODES]; // The node number of the DB nodes // 1 indicates to release all connections to node Uint32 the_release_ind[MAX_NDB_NODES]; NdbWaiter theWaiter; int m_optimized_node_selection; BaseString m_dbname; // Database name BaseString m_schemaname; // Schema name BaseString m_prefix; // Buffer for preformatted internal name // void update_prefix() { m_prefix.assfmt("%s%c%s%c", m_dbname.c_str(), table_name_separator, m_schemaname.c_str(), table_name_separator); } /** * NOTE free lists must be _after_ theNdbObjectIdMap take * assure that destructors are run in correct order */ Ndb_free_list_t theConIdleList; Ndb_free_list_t theOpIdleList; Ndb_free_list_t theScanOpIdleList; Ndb_free_list_t theIndexOpIdleList; Ndb_free_list_t theRecAttrIdleList; Ndb_free_list_t theSignalIdleList; Ndb_free_list_t theLabelList; Ndb_free_list_t theBranchList; Ndb_free_list_t theSubroutineList; Ndb_free_list_t theCallList; Ndb_free_list_t theNdbBlobIdleList; Ndb_free_list_t theScanList; }; #ifdef VM_TRACE #define TRACE_DEBUG(x) ndbout << x << endl; #else #define TRACE_DEBUG(x) #endif #define CHECK_STATUS_MACRO \ {if (checkInitState() == -1) { theError.code = 4100; return -1;}} #define CHECK_STATUS_MACRO_VOID \ {if (checkInitState() == -1) { theError.code = 4100; return;}} #define CHECK_STATUS_MACRO_ZERO \ {if (checkInitState() == -1) { theError.code = 4100; return 0;}} #define CHECK_STATUS_MACRO_NULL \ {if (checkInitState() == -1) { theError.code = 4100; return NULL;}} inline void * Ndb::int2void(Uint32 val){ return theImpl->theNdbObjectIdMap.getObject(val); } inline NdbReceiver * Ndb::void2rec(void* val){ return (NdbReceiver*)val; } inline NdbTransaction * Ndb::void2con(void* val){ return (NdbTransaction*)val; } inline NdbOperation* Ndb::void2rec_op(void* val){ return (NdbOperation*)(void2rec(val)->getOwner()); } inline NdbIndexOperation* Ndb::void2rec_iop(void* val){ return (NdbIndexOperation*)(void2rec(val)->getOwner()); } inline NdbTransaction * NdbReceiver::getTransaction(){ return ((NdbOperation*)m_owner)->theNdbCon; } inline int Ndb::checkInitState() { theError.code = 0; if (theInitState != Initialised) return -1; return 0; } Uint32 convertEndian(Uint32 Data); enum LockMode { Read, Update, Insert, Delete }; template inline Ndb_free_list_t::Ndb_free_list_t() { m_free_list= 0; m_alloc_cnt= m_free_cnt= 0; } template inline Ndb_free_list_t::~Ndb_free_list_t() { clear(); } template inline void Ndb_free_list_t::fill(Ndb* ndb, Uint32 cnt) { if (m_free_list == 0) { m_free_cnt++; m_alloc_cnt++; m_free_list = new T(ndb); } while(m_alloc_cnt < cnt) { T* obj= new T(ndb); if(obj == 0) return; obj->next(m_free_list); m_free_cnt++; m_alloc_cnt++; m_free_list = obj; } } template inline T* Ndb_free_list_t::seize(Ndb* ndb) { T* tmp = m_free_list; if (tmp) { m_free_list = (T*)tmp->next(); tmp->next(NULL); m_free_cnt--; return tmp; } if((tmp = new T(ndb))) { m_alloc_cnt++; } return tmp; } template inline void Ndb_free_list_t::release(T* obj) { obj->next(m_free_list); m_free_list = obj; m_free_cnt++; } template inline void Ndb_free_list_t::clear() { T* obj = m_free_list; while(obj) { T* curr = obj; obj = (T*)obj->next(); delete curr; m_alloc_cnt--; } } #endif