/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /*************************************************************************** Name: NdbOperationExec.C Include: Link: Author: UABRONM Mikael Ronström UAB/M/MT Jonas Kamf UAB/M/MT Date: 2001-10-16 Version: 1.2 Description: Documentation: ***************************************************************************/ #include #include #include "NdbApiSignal.hpp" #include #include #include "NdbUtil.hpp" #include "Interpreter.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "API.hpp" #include void NdbOperation::setLastFlag(NdbApiSignal* signal, Uint32 lastFlag) { TcKeyReq * const req = CAST_PTR(TcKeyReq, signal->getDataPtrSend()); TcKeyReq::setExecuteFlag(req->requestInfo, lastFlag); } /****************************************************************************** int doSend() Return Value: Return >0 : send was succesful, returns number of signals sent Return -1: In all other case. Parameters: aProcessorId: Receiving processor node Remark: Sends the TCKEYREQ signal and optional KEYINFO and ATTRINFO signals. ******************************************************************************/ int NdbOperation::doSend(int aNodeId, Uint32 lastFlag) { int tReturnCode; int tSignalCount = 0; assert(theTCREQ != NULL); setLastFlag(theTCREQ, lastFlag); TransporterFacade *tp = TransporterFacade::instance(); tReturnCode = tp->sendSignal(theTCREQ, aNodeId); tSignalCount++; if (tReturnCode == -1) { return -1; } NdbApiSignal *tSignal = theFirstKEYINFO; while (tSignal != NULL) { NdbApiSignal* tnextSignal = tSignal->next(); tReturnCode = tp->sendSignal(tSignal, aNodeId); tSignal = tnextSignal; if (tReturnCode == -1) { return -1; } tSignalCount++; }//while tSignal = theFirstATTRINFO; while (tSignal != NULL) { NdbApiSignal* tnextSignal = tSignal->next(); tReturnCode = tp->sendSignal(tSignal, aNodeId); tSignal = tnextSignal; if (tReturnCode == -1) { return -1; } tSignalCount++; }//while theNdbCon->OpSent(); return tSignalCount; }//NdbOperation::doSend() /*************************************************************************** int prepareSend(Uint32 aTC_ConnectPtr, Uint64 aTransactionId) Return Value: Return 0 : preparation of send was succesful. Return -1: In all other case. Parameters: aTC_ConnectPtr: the Connect pointer to TC. aTransactionId: the Transaction identity of the transaction. Remark: Puts the the data into TCKEYREQ signal and optional KEYINFO and ATTRINFO signals. ***************************************************************************/ int NdbOperation::prepareSend(Uint32 aTC_ConnectPtr, Uint64 aTransId) { Uint32 tTransId1, tTransId2; Uint32 tReqInfo; Uint32 tInterpretInd = theInterpretIndicator; theErrorLine = 0; if (tInterpretInd != 1) { OperationType tOpType = theOperationType; OperationStatus tStatus = theStatus; if ((tOpType == UpdateRequest) || (tOpType == InsertRequest) || (tOpType == WriteRequest)) { if (tStatus != SetValue) { setErrorCodeAbort(4116); return -1; }//if } else if ((tOpType == ReadRequest) || (tOpType == ReadExclusive) || (tOpType == DeleteRequest)) { if (tStatus != GetValue) { setErrorCodeAbort(4116); return -1; }//if } else { setErrorCodeAbort(4005); return -1; }//if } else { if (prepareSendInterpreted() == -1) { return -1; }//if }//if //------------------------------------------------------------- // We start by filling in the first 9 unconditional words of the // TCKEYREQ signal. //------------------------------------------------------------- TcKeyReq * const tcKeyReq = CAST_PTR(TcKeyReq, theTCREQ->getDataPtrSend()); Uint32 tTotalCurrAI_Len = theTotalCurrAI_Len; Uint32 tTableId = m_currentTable->m_tableId; Uint32 tSchemaVersion = m_currentTable->m_version; tcKeyReq->apiConnectPtr = aTC_ConnectPtr; tcKeyReq->apiOperationPtr = ptr2int(); // Check if too much attrinfo have been defined if (tTotalCurrAI_Len > TcKeyReq::MaxTotalAttrInfo){ setErrorCodeAbort(4257); return -1; } Uint32 TattrLen = 0; tcKeyReq->setAttrinfoLen(TattrLen, tTotalCurrAI_Len); tcKeyReq->setAPIVersion(TattrLen, NDB_VERSION); tcKeyReq->attrLen = TattrLen; tcKeyReq->tableId = tTableId; tcKeyReq->tableSchemaVersion = tSchemaVersion; tTransId1 = (Uint32) aTransId; tTransId2 = (Uint32) (aTransId >> 32); //------------------------------------------------------------- // Simple is simple if simple or both start and commit is set. //------------------------------------------------------------- // Temporarily disable simple stuff Uint8 tSimpleIndicator = 0; // Uint8 tSimpleIndicator = theSimpleIndicator; Uint8 tCommitIndicator = theCommitIndicator; Uint8 tStartIndicator = theStartIndicator; // if ((theNdbCon->theLastOpInList == this) && (theCommitIndicator == 0)) // abort(); // Temporarily disable simple stuff Uint8 tSimpleAlt = 0; // Uint8 tSimpleAlt = tStartIndicator & tCommitIndicator; tSimpleIndicator = tSimpleIndicator | tSimpleAlt; //------------------------------------------------------------- // Simple state is set if start and commit is set and it is // a read request. Otherwise it is set to zero. //------------------------------------------------------------- Uint8 tReadInd = (theOperationType == ReadRequest); Uint8 tSimpleState = tReadInd & tSimpleAlt; theNdbCon->theSimpleState = tSimpleState; tcKeyReq->transId1 = tTransId1; tcKeyReq->transId2 = tTransId2; tReqInfo = 0; if (tTotalCurrAI_Len <= TcKeyReq::MaxAttrInfo) { tcKeyReq->setAIInTcKeyReq(tReqInfo, tTotalCurrAI_Len); } else { tcKeyReq->setAIInTcKeyReq(tReqInfo, TcKeyReq::MaxAttrInfo); }//if tcKeyReq->setSimpleFlag(tReqInfo, tSimpleIndicator); tcKeyReq->setCommitFlag(tReqInfo, tCommitIndicator); tcKeyReq->setStartFlag(tReqInfo, tStartIndicator); const Uint8 tInterpretIndicator = theInterpretIndicator; tcKeyReq->setInterpretedFlag(tReqInfo, tInterpretIndicator); Uint8 tDirtyIndicator = theDirtyIndicator; OperationType tOperationType = theOperationType; Uint32 tTupKeyLen = theTupKeyLen; Uint8 abortOption = theNdbCon->m_abortOption; tcKeyReq->setDirtyFlag(tReqInfo, tDirtyIndicator); tcKeyReq->setOperationType(tReqInfo, tOperationType); tcKeyReq->setKeyLength(tReqInfo, tTupKeyLen); tcKeyReq->setAbortOption(tReqInfo, abortOption); Uint8 tDistrKeyIndicator = theDistrKeyIndicator; Uint8 tDistrGroupIndicator = theDistrGroupIndicator; Uint8 tDistrGroupType = theDistrGroupType; Uint8 tScanIndicator = theScanInfo & 1; tcKeyReq->setDistributionGroupFlag(tReqInfo, tDistrGroupIndicator); tcKeyReq->setDistributionGroupTypeFlag(tReqInfo, tDistrGroupType); tcKeyReq->setDistributionKeyFlag(tReqInfo, tDistrKeyIndicator); tcKeyReq->setScanIndFlag(tReqInfo, tScanIndicator); tcKeyReq->requestInfo = tReqInfo; //------------------------------------------------------------- // The next step is to fill in the upto three conditional words. //------------------------------------------------------------- Uint32* tOptionalDataPtr = &tcKeyReq->scanInfo; Uint32 tDistrGHIndex = tScanIndicator; Uint32 tDistrKeyIndex = tDistrGHIndex + tDistrGroupIndicator; Uint32 tScanInfo = theScanInfo; Uint32 tDistributionGroup = theDistributionGroup; Uint32 tDistrKeySize = theDistrKeySize; tOptionalDataPtr[0] = tScanInfo; tOptionalDataPtr[tDistrGHIndex] = tDistributionGroup; tOptionalDataPtr[tDistrKeyIndex] = tDistrKeySize; //------------------------------------------------------------- // The next is step is to compress the key data part of the // TCKEYREQ signal. //------------------------------------------------------------- Uint32 tKeyIndex = tDistrKeyIndex + tDistrKeyIndicator; Uint32* tKeyDataPtr = &tOptionalDataPtr[tKeyIndex]; Uint32 Tdata1 = tcKeyReq->keyInfo[0]; Uint32 Tdata2 = tcKeyReq->keyInfo[1]; Uint32 Tdata3 = tcKeyReq->keyInfo[2]; Uint32 Tdata4 = tcKeyReq->keyInfo[3]; Uint32 Tdata5; tKeyDataPtr[0] = Tdata1; tKeyDataPtr[1] = Tdata2; tKeyDataPtr[2] = Tdata3; tKeyDataPtr[3] = Tdata4; if (tTupKeyLen > 4) { Tdata1 = tcKeyReq->keyInfo[4]; Tdata2 = tcKeyReq->keyInfo[5]; Tdata3 = tcKeyReq->keyInfo[6]; Tdata4 = tcKeyReq->keyInfo[7]; tKeyDataPtr[4] = Tdata1; tKeyDataPtr[5] = Tdata2; tKeyDataPtr[6] = Tdata3; tKeyDataPtr[7] = Tdata4; }//if //------------------------------------------------------------- // Finally we also compress the ATTRINFO part of the signal. // We optimise by using the if-statement for sending KEYINFO // signals to calculating the new Attrinfo Index. //------------------------------------------------------------- Uint32 tAttrInfoIndex; if (tTupKeyLen > TcKeyReq::MaxKeyInfo) { /** * Set transid, TC connect ptr and length in the KEYINFO signals */ NdbApiSignal* tSignal = theFirstKEYINFO; Uint32 remainingKey = tTupKeyLen - TcKeyReq::MaxKeyInfo; do { Uint32* tSigDataPtr = tSignal->getDataPtrSend(); NdbApiSignal* tnextSignal = tSignal->next(); tSigDataPtr[0] = aTC_ConnectPtr; tSigDataPtr[1] = tTransId1; tSigDataPtr[2] = tTransId2; if (remainingKey > KeyInfo::DataLength) { // The signal is full tSignal->setLength(KeyInfo::MaxSignalLength); remainingKey -= KeyInfo::DataLength; } else { // Last signal tSignal->setLength(KeyInfo::HeaderLength + remainingKey); remainingKey = 0; } tSignal = tnextSignal; } while (tSignal != NULL); tAttrInfoIndex = tKeyIndex + TcKeyReq::MaxKeyInfo; } else { tAttrInfoIndex = tKeyIndex + tTupKeyLen; }//if //------------------------------------------------------------- // Perform the Attrinfo packing in the TCKEYREQ signal started // above. //------------------------------------------------------------- Uint32* tAIDataPtr = &tOptionalDataPtr[tAttrInfoIndex]; Tdata1 = tcKeyReq->attrInfo[0]; Tdata2 = tcKeyReq->attrInfo[1]; Tdata3 = tcKeyReq->attrInfo[2]; Tdata4 = tcKeyReq->attrInfo[3]; Tdata5 = tcKeyReq->attrInfo[4]; theTCREQ->setLength(tcKeyReq->getAIInTcKeyReq(tReqInfo) + tAttrInfoIndex + TcKeyReq::StaticLength); tAIDataPtr[0] = Tdata1; tAIDataPtr[1] = Tdata2; tAIDataPtr[2] = Tdata3; tAIDataPtr[3] = Tdata4; tAIDataPtr[4] = Tdata5; /*************************************************** * Send the ATTRINFO signals. ***************************************************/ if (tTotalCurrAI_Len > 5) { // Set the last signal's length. NdbApiSignal* tSignal = theFirstATTRINFO; theCurrentATTRINFO->setLength(theAI_LenInCurrAI); do { Uint32* tSigDataPtr = tSignal->getDataPtrSend(); NdbApiSignal* tnextSignal = tSignal->next(); tSigDataPtr[0] = aTC_ConnectPtr; tSigDataPtr[1] = tTransId1; tSigDataPtr[2] = tTransId2; tSignal = tnextSignal; } while (tSignal != NULL); }//if theStatus = WaitResponse; theReceiver.prepareSend(); return 0; }//NdbOperation::prepareSend() /*************************************************************************** int prepareSendInterpreted() Make preparations to send an interpreted operation. Return Value: Return 0 : succesful. Return -1: In all other case. ***************************************************************************/ int NdbOperation::prepareSendInterpreted() { Uint32 tTotalCurrAI_Len = theTotalCurrAI_Len; Uint32 tInitReadSize = theInitialReadSize; if (theStatus == ExecInterpretedValue) { if (insertATTRINFO(Interpreter::EXIT_OK_LAST) != -1) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Since we read the total length before inserting the last entry in the // signals we need to add one to the total length. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- theInterpretedSize = (tTotalCurrAI_Len + 1) - (tInitReadSize + 5); } else { return -1; }//if } else if (theStatus == FinalGetValue) { theFinalReadSize = tTotalCurrAI_Len - (tInitReadSize + theInterpretedSize + theFinalUpdateSize + 5); } else if (theStatus == SetValueInterpreted) { theFinalUpdateSize = tTotalCurrAI_Len - (tInitReadSize + theInterpretedSize + 5); } else if (theStatus == SubroutineEnd) { theSubroutineSize = tTotalCurrAI_Len - (tInitReadSize + theInterpretedSize + theFinalUpdateSize + theFinalReadSize + 5); } else if (theStatus == GetValue) { theInitialReadSize = tTotalCurrAI_Len - 5; } else { setErrorCodeAbort(4116); return -1; } while (theFirstBranch != NULL) { Uint32 tRelAddress; Uint32 tLabelAddress = 0; int tAddress = -1; NdbBranch* tNdbBranch = theFirstBranch; Uint32 tBranchLabel = tNdbBranch->theBranchLabel; NdbLabel* tNdbLabel = theFirstLabel; if (tBranchLabel >= theNoOfLabels) { setErrorCodeAbort(4221); return -1; }//if // Find the label address while (tNdbLabel != NULL) { for(tLabelAddress = 0; tLabelAddress<16; tLabelAddress++){ const Uint32 labelNo = tNdbLabel->theLabelNo[tLabelAddress]; if(tBranchLabel == labelNo){ tAddress = tNdbLabel->theLabelAddress[tLabelAddress]; break; } } if(tAddress != -1) break; tNdbLabel = tNdbLabel->theNext; }//while if (tAddress == -1) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // We were unable to find any label which the branch refers to. This means // that the application have not programmed the interpreter program correctly. //------------------------------------------------------------------------- setErrorCodeAbort(4222); return -1; }//if if (tNdbLabel->theSubroutine[tLabelAddress] != tNdbBranch->theSubroutine) { setErrorCodeAbort(4224); return -1; }//if // Now it is time to update the signal data with the relative branch jump. if (tAddress < int(tNdbBranch->theBranchAddress)) { tRelAddress = (tNdbBranch->theBranchAddress - tAddress) << 16; // Indicate backward jump direction tRelAddress = tRelAddress + (1 << 31); } else if (tAddress > int(tNdbBranch->theBranchAddress)) { tRelAddress = (tAddress - tNdbBranch->theBranchAddress) << 16; } else { setErrorCodeAbort(4223); return -1; }//if NdbApiSignal* tSignal = tNdbBranch->theSignal; Uint32 tReadData = tSignal->readData(tNdbBranch->theSignalAddress); tSignal->setData((tRelAddress + tReadData), tNdbBranch->theSignalAddress); theFirstBranch = theFirstBranch->theNext; theNdb->releaseNdbBranch(tNdbBranch); }//while while (theFirstCall != NULL) { Uint32 tSubroutineCount = 0; int tAddress = -1; NdbSubroutine* tNdbSubroutine; NdbCall* tNdbCall = theFirstCall; if (tNdbCall->theSubroutine >= theNoOfSubroutines) { setErrorCodeAbort(4221); return -1; }//if // Find the subroutine address tNdbSubroutine = theFirstSubroutine; while (tNdbSubroutine != NULL) { tSubroutineCount += 16; if (tNdbCall->theSubroutine < tSubroutineCount) { // Subroutine Found Uint32 tSubroutineAddress = tNdbCall->theSubroutine - (tSubroutineCount - 16); tAddress = tNdbSubroutine->theSubroutineAddress[tSubroutineAddress]; break; }//if tNdbSubroutine = tNdbSubroutine->theNext; }//while if (tAddress == -1) { setErrorCodeAbort(4222); return -1; }//if // Now it is time to update the signal data with the relative branch jump. NdbApiSignal* tSignal = tNdbCall->theSignal; Uint32 tReadData = tSignal->readData(tNdbCall->theSignalAddress); tSignal->setData(((tAddress << 16) + tReadData), tNdbCall->theSignalAddress); theFirstCall = theFirstCall->theNext; theNdb->releaseNdbCall(tNdbCall); }//while Uint32 tInitialReadSize = theInitialReadSize; Uint32 tInterpretedSize = theInterpretedSize; Uint32 tFinalUpdateSize = theFinalUpdateSize; Uint32 tFinalReadSize = theFinalReadSize; Uint32 tSubroutineSize = theSubroutineSize; if (theOperationType != OpenScanRequest && theOperationType != OpenRangeScanRequest) { TcKeyReq * const tcKeyReq = CAST_PTR(TcKeyReq, theTCREQ->getDataPtrSend()); tcKeyReq->attrInfo[0] = tInitialReadSize; tcKeyReq->attrInfo[1] = tInterpretedSize; tcKeyReq->attrInfo[2] = tFinalUpdateSize; tcKeyReq->attrInfo[3] = tFinalReadSize; tcKeyReq->attrInfo[4] = tSubroutineSize; } else { // If a scan is defined we use the first ATTRINFO instead of TCKEYREQ. theFirstATTRINFO->setData(tInitialReadSize, 4); theFirstATTRINFO->setData(tInterpretedSize, 5); theFirstATTRINFO->setData(tFinalUpdateSize, 6); theFirstATTRINFO->setData(tFinalReadSize, 7); theFirstATTRINFO->setData(tSubroutineSize, 8); }//if theReceiver.prepareSend(); return 0; }//NdbOperation::prepareSendInterpreted() int NdbOperation::checkState_TransId(NdbApiSignal* aSignal) { Uint64 tRecTransId, tCurrTransId; Uint32 tTmp1, tTmp2; if (theStatus != WaitResponse) { #ifdef NDB_NO_DROPPED_SIGNAL abort(); #endif return -1; }//if tTmp1 = aSignal->readData(2); tTmp2 = aSignal->readData(3); tRecTransId = (Uint64)tTmp1 + ((Uint64)tTmp2 << 32); tCurrTransId = theNdbCon->getTransactionId(); if (tCurrTransId != tRecTransId) { #ifdef NDB_NO_DROPPED_SIGNAL abort(); #endif return -1; }//if return 0; }//NdbOperation::checkState_TransId() /*************************************************************************** int receiveTCKEYREF( NdbApiSignal* aSignal) Return Value: Return 0 : send was succesful. Return -1: In all other case. Parameters: aSignal: the signal object that contains the TCKEYREF signal from TC. Remark: Handles the reception of the TCKEYREF signal. ***************************************************************************/ int NdbOperation::receiveTCKEYREF( NdbApiSignal* aSignal) { if (checkState_TransId(aSignal) == -1) { return -1; }//if theStatus = Finished; theNdbCon->theReturnStatus = NdbConnection::ReturnFailure; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// // If the transaction this operation belongs to consists only of simple reads // we set the error code on the transaction object. // If the transaction consists of other types of operations we set // the error code only on the operation since the simple read is not really // part of this transaction and we can not decide the status of the whole // transaction based on this operation. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------// if (theNdbCon->theSimpleState == 0) { theError.code = aSignal->readData(4); theNdbCon->setOperationErrorCodeAbort(aSignal->readData(4)); return theNdbCon->OpCompleteFailure(); } else { theError.code = aSignal->readData(4); return theNdbCon->OpCompleteSuccess(); } }//NdbOperation::receiveTCKEYREF() void NdbOperation::handleFailedAI_ElemLen() { NdbRecAttr* tRecAttr = theReceiver.theFirstRecAttr; while (tRecAttr != NULL) { tRecAttr->setNULL(); tRecAttr = tRecAttr->next(); }//while }//NdbOperation::handleFailedAI_ElemLen()