/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* *************************************************** FLEXTIMEDASYNCH Perform benchmark of insert, update and delete transactions. Arguments: -t Number of threads to start, i.e., number of parallel loops, default 1 -p Number of transactions in a batch, default 32 -o Number of batches per loop, default 200 -i Time between batch starts, default 0 -l Number of loops to run, default 1, 0=infinite -a Number of attributes, default 25 -c Number of operations per transaction -s Size of each attribute in 32 bit word, default 1 (Primary Key is always of size 1, independent of this value) -simple Use simple read to read from database -dirty Use dirty read to read from database -write Use writeTuple in insert and update -n Use standard table names -no_table_create Don't create tables in db -temp Use temporary tables, no writing to disk. Returns: 0 - Test passed -1 - Test failed 1 - Invalid arguments * *************************************************** */ #include "NdbApi.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define MAXSTRLEN 16 #define MAXATTR 64 #define MAXTABLES 64 #define MAXTHREADS 256 #define MAXATTRSIZE 1000 #define PKSIZE 1 enum StartType { stIdle, stInsert, stRead, stUpdate, stDelete, stStop } ; ErrorData * flexTimedAsynchErrorData; struct ThreadNdb { int NoOfOps; int ThreadNo; unsigned int threadBase; unsigned int transactionCompleted; }; extern "C" void* threadLoop(void*); void setAttrNames(void); void setTableNames(void); void readArguments(int argc, const char** argv); void createAttributeSpace(); void createTables(Ndb*); void defineOperation(NdbConnection* aTransObject, StartType aType, unsigned int key, int *); void execute(StartType aType); void executeThread(StartType aType, Ndb* aNdbObject, ThreadNdb* threadInfo); void executeCallback(int result, NdbConnection* NdbObject, void* aObject); /* epaulsa > *************************************************************/ bool error_handler(const NdbError &) ; //replaces 'goto' things static int failed = 0 ; // lame global variable that keeps track of failed transactions // incremented in executeCallback() and reset in main() /************************************************************* < epaulsa */ static NdbThread* threadLife[MAXTHREADS]; static int tNodeId; static int ThreadReady[MAXTHREADS]; static StartType ThreadStart[MAXTHREADS]; static char tableName[MAXTABLES][MAXSTRLEN+1]; static char attrName[MAXATTR][MAXSTRLEN+1]; static int *getAttrValueTable; // Program Parameters static int tNoOfLoops = 1; static int tAttributeSize = 1; static unsigned int tNoOfThreads = 1; static unsigned int tNoOfTransInBatch = 32; static unsigned int tNoOfAttributes = 25; static unsigned int tNoOfBatchesInLoop = 200; static unsigned int tNoOfOpsPerTrans = 1; static unsigned int tTimeBetweenBatches = 0; //Program Flags static int theTestFlag = 0; static int theTempFlag = 1; static int theSimpleFlag = 0; static int theDirtyFlag = 0; static int theWriteFlag = 0; static int theStdTableNameFlag = 0; static int theTableCreateFlag = 0; #define START_REAL_TIME NdbTimer timer; timer.doStart(); #define STOP_REAL_TIME timer.doStop(); #define START_TIMER { NdbTimer timer; timer.doStart(); #define STOP_TIMER timer.doStop(); #define PRINT_TIMER(text, trans, opertrans) timer.printTransactionStatistics(text, trans, opertrans); }; void resetThreads(){ for (int i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++) { ThreadReady[i] = 0; ThreadStart[i] = stIdle; } } void waitForThreads(void) { int cont; do { cont = 0; NdbSleep_MilliSleep(20); for (int i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++) { if (ThreadReady[i] == 0) { cont = 1; } } } while (cont == 1); } void tellThreads(StartType what) { for (int i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++) ThreadStart[i] = what; } void createAttributeSpace(){ getAttrValueTable = new int[tAttributeSize* tNoOfThreads * tNoOfAttributes ]; } void deleteAttributeSpace(){ delete [] getAttrValueTable; } NDB_COMMAND(flexTimedAsynch, "flexTimedAsynch", "flexTimedAsynch [-tpoilcas]", "flexTimedAsynch", 65535) { ndb_init(); ThreadNdb tabThread[MAXTHREADS]; int tLoops=0; int returnValue; //NdbOut flexTimedAsynchNdbOut; flexTimedAsynchErrorData = new ErrorData; flexTimedAsynchErrorData->resetErrorCounters(); Ndb* pNdb; pNdb = new Ndb( "TEST_DB" ); pNdb->init(); readArguments(argc, argv); createAttributeSpace(); ndbout << endl << "FLEXTIMEDASYNCH - Starting normal mode" << endl; ndbout << "Perform benchmark of insert, update and delete transactions" << endl << endl; if(theTempFlag == 0) ndbout << " " << "Using temporary tables. " << endl; // -t, tNoOfThreads ndbout << " " << tNoOfThreads << " number of concurrent threads " << endl; // -c, tNoOfOpsPerTrans ndbout << " " << tNoOfOpsPerTrans << " operations per transaction " << endl; // -p, tNoOfTransInBatch ndbout << " " << tNoOfTransInBatch << " number of transactions in a batch per thread " << endl; // -o, tNoOfBatchesInLoop ndbout << " " << tNoOfBatchesInLoop << " number of batches per loop " << endl; // -i, tTimeBetweenBatches ndbout << " " << tTimeBetweenBatches << " milli seconds at least between batch starts " << endl; // -l, tNoOfLoops ndbout << " " << tNoOfLoops << " loops " << endl; // -a, tNoOfAttributes ndbout << " " << tNoOfAttributes << " attributes per table " << endl; // -s, tAttributeSize ndbout << " " << tAttributeSize << " is the number of 32 bit words per attribute " << endl << endl; NdbThread_SetConcurrencyLevel(2 + tNoOfThreads); /* print Setting */ flexTimedAsynchErrorData->printSettings(ndbout); setAttrNames(); setTableNames(); ndbout << "Waiting for ndb to become ready..." <waitUntilReady() == 0) { tNodeId = pNdb->getNodeId(); ndbout << " NdbAPI node with id = " << tNodeId << endl; createTables(pNdb); /**************************************************************** * Create NDB objects. * ****************************************************************/ resetThreads(); for (int i = 0; i < tNoOfThreads ; i++) { tabThread[i].ThreadNo = i; threadLife[i] = NdbThread_Create(threadLoop, (void**)&tabThread[i], 32768, "flexTimedAsynchThread", NDB_THREAD_PRIO_LOW); } ndbout << endl << "All NDB objects and table created" << endl << endl; int noOfTransacts = tNoOfTransInBatch*tNoOfBatchesInLoop*tNoOfThreads; /**************************************************************** * Execute program. * ****************************************************************/ for(;;) { int loopCount = tLoops + 1 ; ndbout << endl << "Loop # " << loopCount << endl << endl ; /**************************************************************** * Perform inserts. * ****************************************************************/ failed = 0 ; START_TIMER; execute(stInsert); STOP_TIMER; PRINT_TIMER("insert", noOfTransacts, tNoOfOpsPerTrans); if (0 < failed) { ndbout << failed << " of the transactions returned errors!, moving on now..."<printErrorCounters(ndbout); return NDBT_ProgramExit(returnValue); }//main() //////////////////////////////////////// void execute(StartType aType) { resetThreads(); tellThreads(aType); waitForThreads(); } void* threadLoop(void* ThreadData) { // Do work until signaled to stop. Ndb* localNdb; StartType tType; ThreadNdb* threadInfo = (ThreadNdb*)ThreadData; int threadNo = threadInfo->ThreadNo; localNdb = new Ndb("TEST_DB"); localNdb->init(512); localNdb->waitUntilReady(); threadInfo->threadBase = (threadNo * 2000000) + (tNodeId * 260000000); for (;;) { while (ThreadStart[threadNo] == stIdle) { NdbSleep_MilliSleep(10); } // Check if signal to exit is received if (ThreadStart[threadNo] == stStop) { break; } tType = ThreadStart[threadNo]; ThreadStart[threadNo] = stIdle; executeThread(tType, localNdb, threadInfo); ThreadReady[threadNo] = 1; } delete localNdb; ThreadReady[threadNo] = 1; return NULL; // thread exits } void executeThread(StartType aType, Ndb* aNdbObject, ThreadNdb* threadInfo) { // Do all batch job in loop with start specified delay int i, j, k; NdbConnection* tConArray[1024]; unsigned int tBase; unsigned int tBase2; int threadId = threadInfo->ThreadNo; int *getValueRowAddress = NULL; NdbTimer timer; timer.doStart(); for (i = 0; i < tNoOfBatchesInLoop; i++) { //tBase = threadBase + (i * tNoOfTransInBatch * tNoOfOpsPerTrans); tBase = threadInfo->threadBase + (i * tNoOfTransInBatch * tNoOfOpsPerTrans); //tCompleted = 0; threadInfo->transactionCompleted = 0; for (j = 0; j < tNoOfTransInBatch; j++) { tBase2 = tBase + (j * tNoOfOpsPerTrans); tConArray[j] = aNdbObject->startTransaction(); if ( tConArray[j] == NULL && !error_handler(aNdbObject->getNdbError())) { ndbout << endl << "Unable to recover! Quiting now" << endl ; exit (-1) ; return ; } for (k = 0; k < tNoOfOpsPerTrans; k++) { //------------------------------------------------------- // Define the operation, but do not execute it yet. //------------------------------------------------------- if(aType == stRead){ getValueRowAddress = getAttrValueTable + threadId * tNoOfAttributes * tAttributeSize; } defineOperation(tConArray[j], aType, (tBase2 + k), getValueRowAddress); } tConArray[j]->executeAsynchPrepare(Commit, &executeCallback, threadInfo); } //------------------------------------------------------- // Now we have defined a set of transactions (= batch), it is now time // to execute all of them. //------------------------------------------------------- aNdbObject->sendPollNdb(3000, 0, 0); //while (tCompleted < tNoOfTransInBatch) { while (threadInfo->transactionCompleted < tNoOfTransInBatch) { aNdbObject->pollNdb(3000, 0); ndbout << "threadInfo->transactionCompleted = " << threadInfo->transactionCompleted << endl; } for (j = 0 ; j < tNoOfTransInBatch ; j++) { aNdbObject->closeTransaction(tConArray[j]); } // Control the elapsed time since the last batch start. // Wait at least tTimeBetweenBatches milli seconds. timer.doStop(); while(timer.elapsedTime() < tTimeBetweenBatches){ NdbSleep_MilliSleep(1); timer.doStop(); } // Ready to start new batch timer.doStart(); } return; } void executeCallback(int result, NdbConnection* NdbObject, void* aObject) { //tCompleted++; ThreadNdb *threadInfo = (ThreadNdb *)aObject; threadInfo->transactionCompleted++; if (result == -1) { // Add complete error handling here int retCode = flexTimedAsynchErrorData->handleErrorCommon(NdbObject->getNdbError()); if (retCode == 1) { if (NdbObject->getNdbError().code != 626 && NdbObject->getNdbError().code != 630){ ndbout_c("execute: %s", NdbObject->getNdbError().message); ndbout_c("Error code = %d", NdbObject->getNdbError().code);} } else if (retCode == 2) { ndbout << "4115 should not happen in flexAsynch" << endl; } else if (retCode == 3) { /* What can we do here? */ ndbout_c("execute: %s", NdbObject->getNdbError().message); }//if(retCode == 3) // ndbout << "Error occured in poll:" << NdbObject->getNdbError() << // " ErrorCode = " << NdbObject->getNdbError() << endl; ndbout << "executeCallback threadInfo->transactionCompleted = " << threadInfo->transactionCompleted << endl; failed++ ; return; } return; } void defineOperation(NdbConnection* localNdbConnection, StartType aType, unsigned int threadBase, int *pRow ) { NdbOperation* localNdbOperation; unsigned int loopCountAttributes = tNoOfAttributes; unsigned int countAttributes; int attrValue[MAXATTRSIZE]; //------------------------------------------------------- // Set-up the attribute values for this operation. //------------------------------------------------------- for (int k = 0; k < loopCountAttributes; k++) { *(int *)&attrValue[k] = (int)threadBase; } localNdbOperation = localNdbConnection->getNdbOperation(tableName[0]); if (localNdbOperation == NULL) { error_handler(localNdbOperation->getNdbError()) ; } switch (aType) { case stInsert: { // Insert case if (theWriteFlag == 1 && theDirtyFlag == 1) { localNdbOperation->dirtyWrite(); } else if (theWriteFlag == 1) { localNdbOperation->writeTuple(); } else { localNdbOperation->insertTuple(); } break; } case stRead: { // Read Case if (theSimpleFlag == 1) { localNdbOperation->simpleRead(); } else if (theDirtyFlag == 1) { localNdbOperation->dirtyRead(); } else { localNdbOperation->readTuple(); } break; } case stUpdate: { // Update Case if (theWriteFlag == 1 && theDirtyFlag == 1) { localNdbOperation->dirtyWrite(); } else if (theWriteFlag == 1) { localNdbOperation->writeTuple(); } else if (theDirtyFlag == 1) { localNdbOperation->dirtyUpdate(); } else { localNdbOperation->updateTuple(); } break; } case stDelete: { // Delete Case localNdbOperation->deleteTuple(); break; } default: { error_handler(localNdbOperation->getNdbError()); } } localNdbOperation->equal((char*)attrName[0],(char*)&attrValue[0]); switch (aType) { case stInsert: // Insert case case stUpdate: // Update Case { for (countAttributes = 1; countAttributes < loopCountAttributes; countAttributes++) { localNdbOperation->setValue( (char*)attrName[countAttributes],(char*)&attrValue[0]); } break; } case stRead: { // Read Case for (countAttributes = 1; countAttributes < loopCountAttributes; countAttributes++) { //localNdbOperation->getValue((char*)attrName[countAttributes],(char*)&attrValue[0]); localNdbOperation->getValue((char*)attrName[countAttributes], (char *) (pRow + countAttributes*tAttributeSize)); } break; } case stDelete: { // Delete Case break; } default: { error_handler(localNdbOperation->getNdbError()); } } return; } void readArguments(int argc, const char** argv) { int i = 1; while (argc > 1) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-t") == 0) { tNoOfThreads = atoi(argv[i+1]); // if ((tNoOfThreads < 1) || (tNoOfThreads > MAXTHREADS)) if ((tNoOfThreads < 1) || (tNoOfThreads > MAXTHREADS)) exit(-1); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-i") == 0) { tTimeBetweenBatches = atoi(argv[i+1]); if (tTimeBetweenBatches < 0) exit(-1); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-p") == 0) { tNoOfTransInBatch = atoi(argv[i+1]); //if ((tNoOfTransInBatch < 1) || (tNoOfTransInBatch > MAXTHREADS)) if ((tNoOfTransInBatch < 1) || (tNoOfTransInBatch > 10000)) exit(-1); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0) { tNoOfOpsPerTrans = atoi(argv[i+1]); if (tNoOfOpsPerTrans < 1) exit(-1); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-o") == 0) { tNoOfBatchesInLoop = atoi(argv[i+1]); if (tNoOfBatchesInLoop < 1) exit(-1); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-a") == 0) { tNoOfAttributes = atoi(argv[i+1]); if ((tNoOfAttributes < 2) || (tNoOfAttributes > MAXATTR)) exit(-1); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-n") == 0) { theStdTableNameFlag = 1; argc++; i--; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-l") == 0) { tNoOfLoops = atoi(argv[i+1]); if ((tNoOfLoops < 0) || (tNoOfLoops > 100000)) exit(-1); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0) { tAttributeSize = atoi(argv[i+1]); if ((tAttributeSize < 1) || (tAttributeSize > MAXATTRSIZE)) exit(-1); } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-simple") == 0) { theSimpleFlag = 1; argc++; i--; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-write") == 0) { theWriteFlag = 1; argc++; i--; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-dirty") == 0) { theDirtyFlag = 1; argc++; i--; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-test") == 0) { theTestFlag = 1; argc++; i--; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-temp") == 0) { theTempFlag = 0; // 0 if temporary tables. argc++; i--; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-no_table_create") == 0) { theTableCreateFlag = 1; argc++; i--; } else { ndbout << "Arguments: " << endl; ndbout << "-t Number of threads to start, i.e., number of parallel loops, default 1 " << endl; ndbout << "-p Number of transactions in a batch, default 32 " << endl; ndbout << "-o Number of batches per loop, default 200 " << endl; ndbout << "-i Minimum time between batch starts in milli seconds, default 0 " << endl; ndbout << "-l Number of loops to run, default 1, 0=infinite " << endl; ndbout << "-a Number of attributes, default 25 " << endl; ndbout << "-c Number of operations per transaction, default 1 " << endl; ndbout << "-s Size of each attribute in 32 bit word, default 1" "(Primary Key is always of size 1, independent of this value) " << endl; ndbout << "-simple Use simple read to read from database " << endl; ndbout << "-dirty Use dirty read to read from database " << endl; ndbout << "-write Use writeTuple in insert and update " << endl; ndbout << "-n Use standard table names " << endl; ndbout << "-no_table_create Don't create tables in db " << endl; ndbout << "-temp Use temporary tables, no writing to disk. " << endl; exit(-1); } argc -= 2; i = i + 2; } } void setAttrNames() { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAXATTR ; i++) { sprintf(attrName[i], "COL%d", i); } } void setTableNames() { // Note! Uses only uppercase letters in table name's // so that we can look at the tables with SQL int i; for (i = 0; i < MAXTABLES ; i++) { if (theStdTableNameFlag==1) { sprintf(tableName[i], "TAB%d_%d", tNoOfAttributes, NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond()/1000); } else { sprintf(tableName[i], "TAB%d_%d", tNoOfAttributes, tAttributeSize*4); } } } void createTables(Ndb* pMyNdb) { NdbSchemaCon *MySchemaTransaction; NdbSchemaOp *MySchemaOp; int check; if (theTableCreateFlag == 0) { for(int i=0; i < 1 ;i++) { ndbout << "Creating " << tableName[i] << "..." << endl; MySchemaTransaction = pMyNdb->startSchemaTransaction(); if( MySchemaTransaction == NULL && (!error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbError()))) exit(-1) ;/*goto error_handler; getNdbSchemaOp(); if( MySchemaOp == NULL && (!error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbError()))) exit(-1) ; check = MySchemaOp->createTable( tableName[i], 8, // Table Size TupleKey, // Key Type 40, // Nr of Pages All, // FragmentType 6, 78, 80, 1, // MemoryType theTempFlag // 0 if temporary tables else 1 ); if ( check == -1 && (!error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbError()))) exit(-1) ; /* epaulsa > goto error_handler; < epaulsa */ check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( (char*)attrName[0], TupleKey, 32, PKSIZE, UnSigned, MMBased, NotNullAttribute ); if ( check == -1 &&(!error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbError()))) exit(-1) ; /* epaulsa > goto error_handler; < epaulsa */ for (int j = 1; j < tNoOfAttributes ; j++) { check = MySchemaOp->createAttribute( (char*)attrName[j], NoKey, 32, tAttributeSize, UnSigned, MMBased, NotNullAttribute ); if ( check == -1 && (!error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbError()))) exit(-1) ; /* epaulsa > goto error_handler; < epaulsa */ } if ( MySchemaTransaction->execute() == -1 &&(!error_handler(MySchemaTransaction->getNdbError()))) exit(-1) ; /* epaulsa > goto error_handler; < epaulsa */ pMyNdb->closeSchemaTransaction(MySchemaTransaction); } } return; } bool error_handler(const NdbError & err) { ndbout << err << endl ; if ( 4008==err.code || 721==err.code || 266==err.code ){ ndbout << endl << "Attempting to recover and continue now..." << endl ; return true ; // return true to retry } return false ; // return false to abort } //*******************************************************************************************