/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* *************************************************** INDEX TEST 1 Test index functionality of NDB Arguments: -T create table -L include a long attribute in key or index -2 define primary key with two attributes -c create index -p make index unique (include primary key attribute) -r read using index -u update using index -d delete using index -n do n operations (for -I -r -u -d -R -U -D) -o (for -I -r -u -d -R -U -D) -m Returns: 0 - Test passed -1 - Test failed 1 - Invalid arguments * *************************************************** */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef MIN #define MIN(x,y) (((x)<(y))?(x):(y)) #endif #define MAX_NO_PARALLEL_OPERATIONS 100 bool testPassed = true; static void error_handler(const char* errorText) { // Test failed ndbout << endl << "ErrorMessage: " << errorText << endl; testPassed = false; } static void error_handler4(int line, int status, int classif, int errNo, const char* errorText) { ndbout << endl << "Line " << line << endl; // Test failed ndbout << "Status " << status << ", Classification " << classif<< ", Error code " << errNo << "\n" << errorText << endl; testPassed = false; } static char *longName, *sixtysix, *ninetynine, *hundred; static void createTable(Ndb &myNdb, bool storeInACC, bool twoKey, bool longKey) { NdbDictionary::Dictionary* dict = myNdb.getDictionary(); NdbDictionary::Table table("THE_TABLE"); NdbDictionary::Column column; int res; column.setName("X"); column.setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned); column.setLength(1); column.setPrimaryKey(true); column.setNullable(false); table.addColumn(column); column.setName("Y"); column.setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned); column.setLength(1); column.setPrimaryKey(false); column.setNullable(false); table.addColumn(column); if ((res = dict->createTable(table)) == -1) { error_handler(dict->getNdbError().message); } else ndbout << "Created table" << ((longKey)?" with long key":"") <createIndex(index)) == -1) { error_handler(dict->getNdbError().message); } after = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); ndbout << "Created index " << indexName << ", " << after - before << " msec"<< endl; } } static void insertTable(Ndb &myNdb, unsigned int noOfTuples, unsigned int noOfOperations, bool oneTrans, bool twoKey, bool longKey) { Uint64 tbefore, tafter, before, after; NdbConnection *myTrans; NdbOperation *myOp; tbefore = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (oneTrans) myTrans = myNdb.startTransaction(); for (unsigned int i = 0; igetNdbOperation("THE_TABLE"); if (myOp == NULL) error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myOp->insertTuple(); if (myOp->equal("X", i) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } if (myOp->setValue("Y", i+1) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } } before = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (myTrans->execute( (oneTrans) ? NoCommit : Commit ) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } after = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (noOfOperations == 1) printf("Inserted 1 tuple, %u msec\n", (Uint32) after - before); else printf("Inserted %u tuples, %u msec\n", noOfOperations, (Uint32) after - before); if (!oneTrans) myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); } if (oneTrans) { if (myTrans->execute( Commit ) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); } myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); } tafter = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); ndbout << "Inserted "<< noOfTuples << " tuples in " << ((oneTrans) ? 1 : noOfTuples) << " transaction(s), " << tafter - tbefore << " msec" << endl; } static void updateTable(Ndb &myNdb, unsigned int noOfTuples, unsigned int noOfOperations, bool oneTrans, bool twoKey, bool longKey) { Uint64 tbefore, tafter, before, after; NdbConnection *myTrans; NdbOperation *myOp; tbefore = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (oneTrans) myTrans = myNdb.startTransaction(); for (unsigned int i = 0; igetNdbOperation("THE_TABLE"); if (myOp == NULL) error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myOp->updateTuple(); if (myOp->equal("X", i) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } if (myOp->setValue("Y", i+2) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } } before = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (myTrans->execute( (oneTrans) ? NoCommit : Commit ) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } after = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (noOfOperations == 1) printf("Updated 1 tuple, %u msec\n", (Uint32) after - before); else printf("Update %u tuples, %u msec\n", noOfOperations, (Uint32) after - before); if (!oneTrans) myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); } if (oneTrans) { if (myTrans->execute( Commit ) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); } myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); } tafter = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); ndbout << "Updated "<< noOfTuples << " tuples in " << ((oneTrans) ? 1 : noOfTuples) << " transaction(s), " << tafter - tbefore << " msec" << endl; } static void deleteTable(Ndb &myNdb, unsigned int noOfTuples, unsigned int noOfOperations, bool oneTrans, bool twoKey, bool longKey) { Uint64 tbefore, tafter, before, after; NdbConnection *myTrans; NdbOperation *myOp; tbefore = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (oneTrans) myTrans = myNdb.startTransaction(); for (unsigned int i = 0; igetNdbOperation("THE_TABLE"); if (myOp == NULL) error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myOp->deleteTuple(); if (myOp->equal("X", i) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } before = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (myTrans->execute( (oneTrans) ? NoCommit : Commit ) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } } after = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (noOfOperations == 1) printf("Deleted 1 tuple, %u msec\n", (Uint32) after - before); else printf("Deleted %u tuples, %u msec\n", noOfOperations, (Uint32) after - before); if (!oneTrans) myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); } if (oneTrans) { if (myTrans->execute( Commit ) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); } myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); } tafter = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); ndbout << "Deleted "<< noOfTuples << " tuples in " << ((oneTrans) ? 1 : noOfTuples) << " transaction(s), " << tafter - tbefore << " msec" << endl; } static void readTable(Ndb &myNdb, unsigned int noOfTuples, unsigned int noOfOperations, bool oneTrans, bool twoKey, bool longKey) { Uint64 tbefore, tafter, before, after; NdbConnection *myTrans; NdbOperation *myOp; NdbRecAttr* myRecAttrArr[MAX_NO_PARALLEL_OPERATIONS]; tbefore = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (oneTrans) myTrans = myNdb.startTransaction(); for (unsigned int i = 0; igetNdbOperation("THE_TABLE"); if (myOp == NULL) error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myOp->readTuple(); if (myOp->equal("X", i) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } myRecAttrArr[j-1] = myOp->getValue("Y", NULL); } before = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (myTrans->execute( (oneTrans) ? NoCommit : Commit ) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } after = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (noOfOperations == 1) printf("Read 1 tuple, %u msec\n", (Uint32) after - before); else printf("Read %u tuples, %u msec\n", noOfOperations, (Uint32) after - before); for(unsigned int j = 0; ju_32_value()); if (!oneTrans) myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); } if (oneTrans) { if (myTrans->execute( Commit ) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); } myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); } tafter = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); ndbout << "Read "<< noOfTuples << " tuples in " << ((oneTrans) ? 1 : noOfTuples) << " transaction(s), " << tafter - tbefore << " msec" << endl; } static void readIndex(Ndb &myNdb, unsigned int noOfTuples, unsigned int noOfOperations, bool includePrimary, bool oneTrans, bool longKey) { Uint64 tbefore, tafter, before, after; NdbConnection *myTrans; NdbIndexOperation *myOp; char indexName[] = "INDEX0000"; NdbRecAttr* myRecAttrArr[MAX_NO_PARALLEL_OPERATIONS]; tbefore = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (oneTrans) myTrans = myNdb.startTransaction(); for (unsigned int i = 0; igetNdbIndexOperation(indexName, "THE_TABLE"); if (myOp == NULL) error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myOp->readTuple(); if (includePrimary) { if (myOp->equal("X", i) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } } if (myOp->equal("Y", i+1) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } myRecAttrArr[j-1] = myOp->getValue("Y", NULL); } before = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (myTrans->execute( (oneTrans) ? NoCommit : Commit ) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } after = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (noOfOperations == 1) printf("Read 1 tuple, %u msec\n", (Uint32) after - before); else printf("Read %u tuples, %u msec\n", noOfOperations, (Uint32) after - before); for(unsigned int j = 0; ju_32_value()); if (!oneTrans) myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); } if (oneTrans) { if (myTrans->execute( Commit ) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); } myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); } tafter = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); ndbout << "Read "<< noOfTuples << " tuples in " << ((oneTrans) ? 1 : noOfTuples) << " transaction(s), " << tafter - tbefore << " msec" << endl; } static void updateIndex(Ndb &myNdb, unsigned int noOfTuples, unsigned int noOfOperations, bool includePrimary, bool oneTrans, bool longKey) { Uint64 tbefore, tafter, before, after; NdbConnection *myTrans; NdbIndexOperation *myOp; char indexName[] = "INDEX0000"; tbefore = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (oneTrans) myTrans = myNdb.startTransaction(); for (unsigned int i = 0; igetNdbIndexOperation(indexName, "THE_TABLE"); if (myOp == NULL) error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myOp->updateTuple(); if (includePrimary) { if (myOp->equal("X", i) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } } if (myOp->equal("Y", i+1) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } // Update index itself, should be possible if (myOp->setValue("Y", i+2) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } } before = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (myTrans->execute( (oneTrans) ? NoCommit : Commit ) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } after = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (noOfOperations == 1) printf("Updated 1 tuple, %u msec\n", (Uint32) after - before); else printf("Updated %u tuples, %u msec\n", noOfOperations, (Uint32) after - before); if (!oneTrans) myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); } if (oneTrans) { if (myTrans->execute( Commit ) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); } myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); } tafter = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); ndbout << "Updated "<< noOfTuples << " tuples in " << ((oneTrans) ? 1 : noOfTuples) << " transaction(s), " << tafter - tbefore << " msec" << endl; } static void deleteIndex(Ndb &myNdb, unsigned int noOfTuples, unsigned int noOfOperations, bool includePrimary, bool oneTrans, bool longKey) { Uint64 tbefore, tafter, before, after; NdbConnection *myTrans; NdbIndexOperation *myOp; char indexName[] = "INDEX0000"; tbefore = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (oneTrans) myTrans = myNdb.startTransaction(); for (unsigned int i = 0; igetNdbIndexOperation(indexName, "THE_TABLE"); if (myOp == NULL) error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myOp->deleteTuple(); if (includePrimary) { if (myOp->equal("X", i) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } } if (myOp->equal("Y", i+1) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } } before = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (myTrans->execute( (oneTrans) ? NoCommit : Commit ) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); break; } after = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if (noOfOperations == 1) printf("Deleted 1 tuple, %u msec\n", (Uint32) after - before); else printf("Deleted %u tuples, %u msec\n", noOfOperations, (Uint32) after - before); if (!oneTrans) myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); } if (oneTrans) { if (myTrans->execute( Commit ) == -1) { error_handler4(__LINE__, myTrans->getNdbError().status, myTrans->getNdbError().classification, myTrans->getNdbError().code, myTrans->getNdbError().message); } myNdb.closeTransaction(myTrans); } tafter = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); ndbout << "Deleted "<< noOfTuples << " tuples in " << ((oneTrans) ? 1 : noOfTuples) << " transaction(s), " << tafter - tbefore << " msec" << endl; } static void dropIndex(Ndb &myNdb, unsigned int noOfIndexes) { for(unsigned int indexNum = 0; indexNum < noOfIndexes; indexNum++) { char indexName[255]; sprintf(indexName, "INDEX%.4u", indexNum); const Uint64 before = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); const int retVal = myNdb.getDictionary()->dropIndex(indexName,"THE_TABLE"); const Uint64 after = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); if(retVal == 0){ ndbout << "Dropped index " << indexName << ", " << after - before << " msec" << endl; } else { ndbout << "Failed to drop index " << indexName << endl; ndbout << myNdb.getDictionary()->getNdbError() << endl; } } } NDB_COMMAND(indexTest, "indexTest", "indexTest", "indexTest", 65535) { ndb_init(); bool createTableOp, createIndexOp, dropIndexOp, insertOp, updateOp, deleteOp, readOp, readIndexOp, updateIndexOp, deleteIndexOp, twoKey, longKey; unsigned int noOfTuples = 1; unsigned int noOfOperations = 1; unsigned int noOfIndexes = 1; int i = 1; Ndb myNdb( "TEST_DB" ); int check; bool storeInACC = false; bool includePrimary = false; bool oneTransaction = false; createTableOp = createIndexOp = dropIndexOp = insertOp = updateOp = deleteOp = readOp = readIndexOp = updateIndexOp = deleteIndexOp = twoKey = longKey = false; // Read arguments if (argc > 1) while (argc > 1) { if (strcmp(argv[i], "-T") == 0) { createTableOp = true; argc -= 1; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0) { createIndexOp = true; argc -= 1; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-X") == 0) { dropIndexOp = true; argc -= 1; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-I") == 0) { insertOp = true; argc -= 1; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-D") == 0) { deleteOp = true; argc -= 1; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-U") == 0) { updateOp = true; argc -= 1; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-R") == 0) { readOp = true; argc -= 1; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-r") == 0) { readIndexOp = true; argc -= 1; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-u") == 0) { updateIndexOp = true; argc -= 1; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-d") == 0) { deleteIndexOp = true; argc -= 1; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-s") == 0) { storeInACC = true; argc -= 1; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-p") == 0) { includePrimary = true; argc -= 1; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-L") == 0) { longKey = true; argc -= 1; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-1") == 0) { oneTransaction = true; argc -= 1; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-2") == 0) { twoKey = true; argc -= 1; i++; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "-n") != 0) { noOfTuples = atoi(argv[i]+2); argc -= 1; i++; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "-o") != 0) { noOfOperations = MIN(MAX_NO_PARALLEL_OPERATIONS, atoi(argv[i]+2)); argc -= 1; i++; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "-m") != 0) { noOfIndexes = atoi(argv[i]+2); argc -= 1; i++; } else if (strstr(argv[i], "-h") != 0) { printf("Synopsis: \ index\ -T create table\ -L include a long attribute in key or index\ -2 define primary key with two attributes\ -c create index\ -p make index unique (include primary key attribute)\ -r read using index\ -u update using index\ -d delete using index\ -n do n operations (for -I -r -u -d -R -U -D)\ -o (for -I -r -u -d -R -U -D)\ -m\n"); argc -= 1; i++; } else { char errStr[256]; sprintf(errStr, "Illegal argument: %s", argv[i]); error_handler(errStr); exit(-1); } } else { createTableOp = createIndexOp = dropIndexOp = insertOp = updateOp = deleteOp = true; } if (longKey) { longName = (char *) malloc(1024); for (int i = 0; i < 1023; i++) longName[i] = 'x'; longName[1023] = '\0'; } sixtysix = (char *) malloc(256); for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) sixtysix[i] = ' '; sixtysix[255] = '\0'; strncpy(sixtysix, "sixtysix", strlen("sixtysix")); ninetynine = (char *) malloc(256); for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) ninetynine[i] = ' '; ninetynine[255] = '\0'; strncpy(ninetynine, "ninetynine", strlen("ninetynine")); hundred = (char *) malloc(256); for (int i = 0; i < 255; i++) hundred[i] = ' '; hundred[255] = '\0'; strncpy(hundred, "hundred", strlen("hundred")); myNdb.init(); // Wait for Ndb to become ready if (myNdb.waitUntilReady(30) == 0) { if (createTableOp) createTable(myNdb, storeInACC, twoKey, longKey); if (createIndexOp) createIndex(myNdb, includePrimary, noOfIndexes); if (insertOp) insertTable(myNdb, noOfTuples, noOfOperations, oneTransaction, twoKey, longKey); if (updateOp) updateTable(myNdb, noOfTuples, noOfOperations, oneTransaction, twoKey, longKey); if (deleteOp) deleteTable(myNdb, noOfTuples, noOfOperations, oneTransaction, twoKey, longKey); if (readOp) readTable(myNdb, noOfTuples, noOfOperations, oneTransaction, twoKey, longKey); if (readIndexOp) readIndex(myNdb, noOfTuples, noOfOperations, includePrimary, oneTransaction, longKey); if (updateIndexOp) updateIndex(myNdb, noOfTuples, noOfOperations, includePrimary, oneTransaction, longKey); if (deleteIndexOp) deleteIndex(myNdb, noOfTuples, noOfOperations, includePrimary, oneTransaction, longKey); if (dropIndexOp) dropIndex(myNdb, noOfIndexes); } if (testPassed) { // Test passed ndbout << "OK - Test passed" << endl; } else { // Test failed ndbout << "FAIL - Test failed" << endl; exit(-1); } return NULL; }