/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include int HugoOperations::startTransaction(Ndb* pNdb){ if (pTrans != NULL){ ndbout << "HugoOperations::startTransaction, pTrans != NULL" << endl; return NDBT_FAILED; } pTrans = pNdb->startTransaction(); if (pTrans == NULL) { const NdbError err = pNdb->getNdbError(); ERR(err); return NDBT_FAILED; } return NDBT_OK; } int HugoOperations::closeTransaction(Ndb* pNdb){ if (pTrans != NULL){ pNdb->closeTransaction(pTrans); pTrans = NULL; } pTrans = NULL; m_result_sets.clear(); m_executed_result_sets.clear(); return NDBT_OK; } NdbConnection* HugoOperations::getTransaction(){ return pTrans; } int HugoOperations::pkReadRecord(Ndb* pNdb, int recordNo, int numRecords, NdbOperation::LockMode lm){ int a; allocRows(numRecords); int check; for(int r=0; r < numRecords; r++){ NdbOperation* pOp = pTrans->getNdbOperation(tab.getName()); if (pOp == NULL) { ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } rand_lock_mode: switch(lm){ case NdbOperation::LM_Read: check = pOp->readTuple(); break; case NdbOperation::LM_Exclusive: check = pOp->readTupleExclusive(); break; case NdbOperation::LM_CommittedRead: check = pOp->dirtyRead(); break; default: lm = (NdbOperation::LockMode)((rand() >> 16) & 3); goto rand_lock_mode; } if( check == -1 ) { ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } // Define primary keys for(a = 0; agetPrimaryKey() == true){ if(equalForAttr(pOp, a, r+recordNo) != 0){ ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } } } // Define attributes to read for(a = 0; aattributeStore(a) = pOp->getValue(tab.getColumn(a)->getName())) == 0) { ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } } } return NDBT_OK; } int HugoOperations::pkUpdateRecord(Ndb* pNdb, int recordNo, int numRecords, int updatesValue){ int a; allocRows(numRecords); int check; for(int r=0; r < numRecords; r++){ NdbOperation* pOp = pTrans->getNdbOperation(tab.getName()); if (pOp == NULL) { ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } check = pOp->updateTuple(); if( check == -1 ) { ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } // Define primary keys for(a = 0; agetPrimaryKey() == true){ if(equalForAttr(pOp, a, r+recordNo) != 0){ ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } } } // Define attributes to update for(a = 0; agetPrimaryKey() == false){ if(setValueForAttr(pOp, a, recordNo+r, updatesValue ) != 0){ ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } } } } return NDBT_OK; } int HugoOperations::pkInsertRecord(Ndb* pNdb, int recordNo, int numRecords, int updatesValue){ int a, check; for(int r=0; r < numRecords; r++){ NdbOperation* pOp = pTrans->getNdbOperation(tab.getName()); if (pOp == NULL) { ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } check = pOp->insertTuple(); if( check == -1 ) { ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } // Define primary keys for(a = 0; agetPrimaryKey() == true){ if(equalForAttr(pOp, a, r+recordNo) != 0){ ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } } } // Define attributes to update for(a = 0; agetPrimaryKey() == false){ if(setValueForAttr(pOp, a, recordNo+r, updatesValue ) != 0){ ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } } } } return NDBT_OK; } int HugoOperations::pkDeleteRecord(Ndb* pNdb, int recordNo, int numRecords){ int a, check; for(int r=0; r < numRecords; r++){ NdbOperation* pOp = pTrans->getNdbOperation(tab.getName()); if (pOp == NULL) { ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } check = pOp->deleteTuple(); if( check == -1 ) { ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } // Define primary keys for(a = 0; agetPrimaryKey() == true){ if(equalForAttr(pOp, a, r+recordNo) != 0){ ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } } } } return NDBT_OK; } #if 0 NdbResultSet* HugoOperations::scanReadRecords(Ndb* pNdb, ScanLock lock){ NDBT_ResultRow * m_tmpRow = new NDBT_ResultRow(tab); NdbScanOperation* pOp = pTrans->getNdbScanOperation(tab.getName()); if (pOp == NULL) { ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return 0; } int check = 0; NdbResultSet * rs = 0; switch(lock){ case SL_ReadHold: rs = pOp->readTuples(NdbScanOperation::LM_Read, 1, 1); break; case SL_Exclusive: rs = pOp->readTuples(NdbScanOperation::LM_Exclusive, 1, 1); break; case SL_Read: default: rs = pOp->readTuples(NdbScanOperation::LM_Dirty, 1, 1); } if( rs == 0) { ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return 0; } check = pOp->interpret_exit_ok(); if( check == -1 ) { ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return 0; } // Define attributes to read for(int a = 0; aattributeStore(a) = pOp->getValue(tab.getColumn(a)->getName())) == 0) { ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return 0; } } return rs; } int HugoOperations::readTuples(NdbResultSet* rs){ int res = 0; while((res = rs->nextResult()) == 0){ } if(res != 1) return NDBT_FAILED; return NDBT_OK; } #endif int HugoOperations::execute_Commit(Ndb* pNdb, AbortOption eao){ int check = 0; check = pTrans->execute(Commit, eao); if( check == -1 ) { const NdbError err = pTrans->getNdbError(); ERR(err); NdbOperation* pOp = pTrans->getNdbErrorOperation(); if (pOp != NULL){ const NdbError err2 = pOp->getNdbError(); ERR(err2); } if (err.code == 0) return NDBT_FAILED; return err.code; } for(int i = 0; inextResult(); switch(res){ case 1: return 626; case -1: const NdbError err = pTrans->getNdbError(); ERR(err); return (err.code > 0 ? err.code : NDBT_FAILED); } // A row found switch(rows){ case 0: return 4000; default: m_result_sets[i].records--; break; } } m_result_sets.clear(); return NDBT_OK; } int HugoOperations::execute_NoCommit(Ndb* pNdb, AbortOption eao){ int check; check = pTrans->execute(NoCommit, eao); if( check == -1 ) { const NdbError err = pTrans->getNdbError(); ERR(err); NdbOperation* pOp; while ((pOp = pTrans->getNdbErrorOperation()) != NULL){ const NdbError err2 = pOp->getNdbError(); ERR(err2); } if (err.code == 0) return NDBT_FAILED; return err.code; } for(int i = 0; inextResult(); switch(res){ case 1: return 626; case -1: const NdbError err = pTrans->getNdbError(); ERR(err); return (err.code > 0 ? err.code : NDBT_FAILED); } // A row found switch(rows){ case 0: return 4000; default: case 1: break; } } m_result_sets.clear(); return NDBT_OK; } int HugoOperations::execute_Rollback(Ndb* pNdb){ int check; check = pTrans->execute(Rollback); if( check == -1 ) { const NdbError err = pTrans->getNdbError(); ERR(err); return NDBT_FAILED; } return NDBT_OK; } HugoOperations::HugoOperations(const NdbDictionary::Table& _tab): UtilTransactions(_tab), calc(_tab), pTrans(NULL){ } HugoOperations::~HugoOperations(){ deallocRows(); } int HugoOperations::equalForAttr(NdbOperation* pOp, int attrId, int rowId){ int check = 0; const NdbDictionary::Column* attr = tab.getColumn(attrId); if (attr->getPrimaryKey() == false){ g_info << "Can't call equalForAttr on non PK attribute" << endl; return NDBT_FAILED; } switch (attr->getType()){ case NdbDictionary::Column::Char: case NdbDictionary::Column::Varchar: case NdbDictionary::Column::Binary: case NdbDictionary::Column::Varbinary:{ char buf[8000]; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); check = pOp->equal( attr->getName(), calc.calcValue(rowId, attrId, 0, buf)); break; } case NdbDictionary::Column::Int: check = pOp->equal( attr->getName(), (Int32)calc.calcValue(rowId, attrId, 0)); break; case NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned: check = pOp->equal( attr->getName(), (Uint32)calc.calcValue(rowId, attrId, 0)); break; case NdbDictionary::Column::Bigint: check = pOp->equal( attr->getName(), (Int64)calc.calcValue(rowId, attrId, 0)); break; case NdbDictionary::Column::Bigunsigned: check = pOp->equal( attr->getName(), (Uint64)calc.calcValue(rowId, attrId, 0)); break; case NdbDictionary::Column::Float: g_info << "Float not allowed as PK value" << endl; check = -1; break; default: g_info << "default" << endl; check = -1; break; } return check; } int HugoOperations::setValueForAttr(NdbOperation* pOp, int attrId, int rowId, int updateId){ int check = 0; const NdbDictionary::Column* attr = tab.getColumn(attrId); switch (attr->getType()){ case NdbDictionary::Column::Char: case NdbDictionary::Column::Varchar: case NdbDictionary::Column::Binary: case NdbDictionary::Column::Varbinary:{ char buf[8000]; check = pOp->setValue( attr->getName(), calc.calcValue(rowId, attrId, updateId, buf)); break; } case NdbDictionary::Column::Int:{ Int32 val = calc.calcValue(rowId, attrId, updateId); check = pOp->setValue( attr->getName(), val); } break; case NdbDictionary::Column::Bigint:{ Int64 val = calc.calcValue(rowId, attrId, updateId); check = pOp->setValue( attr->getName(), val); } break; case NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned:{ Uint32 val = calc.calcValue(rowId, attrId, updateId); check = pOp->setValue( attr->getName(), val); } break; case NdbDictionary::Column::Bigunsigned:{ Uint64 val = calc.calcValue(rowId, attrId, updateId); check = pOp->setValue( attr->getName(), val); } break; case NdbDictionary::Column::Float: check = pOp->setValue( attr->getName(), (float)calc.calcValue(rowId, attrId, updateId)); break; default: check = -1; break; } return check; } int HugoOperations::verifyUpdatesValue(int updatesValue, int _numRows){ _numRows = (_numRows == 0 ? rows.size() : _numRows); int result = NDBT_OK; for(int i = 0; i<_numRows; i++){ if(calc.verifyRowValues(rows[i]) != NDBT_OK){ g_err << "Inconsistent row" << endl << "\t" << rows[i]->c_str().c_str() << endl; result = NDBT_FAILED; continue; } if(calc.getUpdatesValue(rows[i]) != updatesValue){ result = NDBT_FAILED; g_err << "Invalid updates value for row " << i << endl << " updatesValue: " << updatesValue << endl << " calc.getUpdatesValue: " << calc.getUpdatesValue(rows[i]) << endl << rows[i]->c_str().c_str() << endl; continue; } } if(_numRows == 0){ g_err << "No rows -> Invalid updates value" << endl; return NDBT_FAILED; } return result; } void HugoOperations::allocRows(int _numRows){ deallocRows(); if(_numRows <= 0){ g_info << "Illegal value for num rows : " << _numRows << endl; abort(); } for(int b=0; b<_numRows; b++){ rows.push_back(new NDBT_ResultRow(tab)); } } void HugoOperations::deallocRows(){ while(rows.size() > 0){ delete rows.back(); rows.erase(rows.size() - 1); } } int HugoOperations::saveCopyOfRecord(int numRecords ){ if (numRecords > (int)rows.size()) return NDBT_FAILED; for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; i++){ savedRecords.push_back(rows[i]->c_str()); } return NDBT_OK; } BaseString HugoOperations::getRecordStr(int recordNum){ if (recordNum > (int)rows.size()) return NULL; return rows[recordNum]->c_str(); } int HugoOperations::getRecordGci(int recordNum){ return pTrans->getGCI(); } int HugoOperations::compareRecordToCopy(int numRecords ){ if (numRecords > (int)rows.size()) return NDBT_FAILED; if ((unsigned)numRecords > savedRecords.size()) return NDBT_FAILED; int result = NDBT_OK; for (int i = 0; i < numRecords; i++){ BaseString str = rows[i]->c_str(); ndbout << "row["<refresh(); } int HugoOperations::indexReadRecords(Ndb*, const char * idxName, int recordNo, bool exclusive, int numRecords){ int a; allocRows(numRecords); int check; for(int r=0; r < numRecords; r++){ NdbOperation* pOp = pTrans->getNdbIndexOperation(idxName, tab.getName()); if (pOp == NULL) { ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } if (exclusive == true) check = pOp->readTupleExclusive(); else check = pOp->readTuple(); if( check == -1 ) { ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } // Define primary keys for(a = 0; agetPrimaryKey() == true){ if(equalForAttr(pOp, a, r+recordNo) != 0){ ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } } } // Define attributes to read for(a = 0; aattributeStore(a) = pOp->getValue(tab.getColumn(a)->getName())) == 0) { ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } } } return NDBT_OK; } int HugoOperations::indexUpdateRecord(Ndb*, const char * idxName, int recordNo, int numRecords, int updatesValue){ int a; allocRows(numRecords); int check; for(int r=0; r < numRecords; r++){ NdbOperation* pOp = pTrans->getNdbIndexOperation(idxName, tab.getName()); if (pOp == NULL) { ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } check = pOp->updateTuple(); if( check == -1 ) { ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } // Define primary keys for(a = 0; agetPrimaryKey() == true){ if(equalForAttr(pOp, a, r+recordNo) != 0){ ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } } } // Define attributes to update for(a = 0; agetPrimaryKey() == false){ if(setValueForAttr(pOp, a, recordNo+r, updatesValue ) != 0){ ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } } } } return NDBT_OK; } int HugoOperations::scanReadRecords(Ndb* pNdb, NdbScanOperation::LockMode lm, int records){ allocRows(records); NdbScanOperation * pOp = pTrans->getNdbScanOperation(tab.getName()); if(!pOp) return -1; NdbResultSet * rs = pOp->readTuples(lm, 1, 1); if(!rs){ return -1; } for(int a = 0; aattributeStore(a) = pOp->getValue(tab.getColumn(a)->getName())) == 0) { ERR(pTrans->getNdbError()); return NDBT_FAILED; } } RsPair p = {rs, records}; m_result_sets.push_back(p); return 0; } template class Vector;