/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /********************************************************************* Name: NdbSchemaCon.cpp Include: Link: Author: UABMNST Mona Natterkvist UAB/B/SD EMIKRON Mikael Ronstrom Date: 020826 Version: 3.0 Description: Old Interface between application and NDB Documentation: Adjust: 980126 UABMNST First version. 020826 EMIKRON New version adapted to new DICT version 040524 Magnus Svensson - Adapted to not be included in public NdbApi unless the user wants to use it. NOTE: This file is only used as a compatibility layer for old test programs, New programs should use NdbDictionary.hpp *********************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include /********************************************************************* NdbSchemaCon(Ndb* aNdb); Parameters: aNdb: Pointers to the Ndb object Remark: Creates a schemacon object. ************************************************************************************************/ NdbSchemaCon::NdbSchemaCon( Ndb* aNdb ) : theNdb(aNdb), theFirstSchemaOpInList(NULL), theMagicNumber(0x75318642) { theError.code = 0; }//NdbSchemaCon::NdbSchemaCon() /********************************************************************* ~NdbSchemaCon(); Remark: Deletes the connection object. ************************************************************************************************/ NdbSchemaCon::~NdbSchemaCon() { }//NdbSchemaCon::~NdbSchemaCon() /********************************************************************* NdbSchemaOp* getNdbSchemaOp(); Return Value Return a pointer to a NdbSchemaOp object if getNdbSchemaOp was sussesful. Return NULL: In all other case. Parameters: tableId : Id of the database table beeing deleted. ************************************************************************************************/ NdbSchemaOp* NdbSchemaCon::getNdbSchemaOp() { NdbSchemaOp* tSchemaOp; if (theFirstSchemaOpInList != NULL) { theError.code = 4401; // Only support one add table per transaction return NULL; }//if tSchemaOp = new NdbSchemaOp(theNdb); if ( tSchemaOp == NULL ) { theError.code = 4000; // Could not allocate schema operation return NULL; }//if theFirstSchemaOpInList = tSchemaOp; int retValue = tSchemaOp->init(this); if (retValue == -1) { release(); theError.code = 4000; // Could not allocate buffer in schema operation return NULL; }//if return tSchemaOp; }//NdbSchemaCon::getNdbSchemaOp() /********************************************************************* int execute(); Return Value: Return 0 : execute was successful. Return -1: In all other case. Parameters : aTypeOfExec: Type of execute. Remark: Initialise connection object for new transaction. ************************************************************************************************/ int NdbSchemaCon::execute() { if(theError.code != 0) { return -1; }//if NdbSchemaOp* tSchemaOp; tSchemaOp = theFirstSchemaOpInList; if (tSchemaOp == NULL) { theError.code = 4402; return -1; }//if if ((tSchemaOp->sendRec() == -1) || (theError.code != 0)) { // Error Code already set in other place return -1; }//if return 0; }//NdbSchemaCon::execute() /********************************************************************* void release(); Remark: Release all schemaop. ************************************************************************************************/ void NdbSchemaCon::release() { NdbSchemaOp* tSchemaOp; tSchemaOp = theFirstSchemaOpInList; if (tSchemaOp != NULL) { tSchemaOp->release(); delete tSchemaOp; }//if theFirstSchemaOpInList = NULL; return; }//NdbSchemaCon::release() #include static void update(const NdbError & _err){ NdbError & error = (NdbError &) _err; ndberror_struct ndberror = (ndberror_struct)error; ndberror_update(&ndberror); error = NdbError(ndberror); } const NdbError & NdbSchemaCon::getNdbError() const { update(theError); return theError; }