/-- These tests for Unicode property support test PCRE's API and show some of the compiled code. They are not Perl-compatible. --/ /[\p{L}]/DZ /[\p{^L}]/DZ /[\P{L}]/DZ /[\P{^L}]/DZ /[abc\p{L}\x{0660}]/8DZ /[\p{Nd}]/8DZ 1234 /[\p{Nd}+-]+/8DZ 1234 12-34 12+\x{661}-34 ** Failers abcd /[\x{105}-\x{109}]/8iDZ \x{104} \x{105} \x{109} ** Failers \x{100} \x{10a} /[z-\x{100}]/8iDZ Z z \x{39c} \x{178} | \x{80} \x{ff} \x{100} \x{101} ** Failers \x{102} Y y /[z-\x{100}]/8DZi /(?:[\PPa*]*){8,}/ /[\P{Any}]/BZ /[\P{Any}\E]/BZ /(\P{Yi}+\277)/ /(\P{Yi}+\277)?/ /(?<=\P{Yi}{3}A)X/ /\p{Yi}+(\P{Yi}+)(?1)/ /(\P{Yi}{2}\277)?/ /[\P{Yi}A]/ /[\P{Yi}\P{Yi}\P{Yi}A]/ /[^\P{Yi}A]/ /[^\P{Yi}\P{Yi}\P{Yi}A]/ /(\P{Yi}*\277)*/ /(\P{Yi}*?\277)*/ /(\p{Yi}*+\277)*/ /(\P{Yi}?\277)*/ /(\P{Yi}??\277)*/ /(\p{Yi}?+\277)*/ /(\P{Yi}{0,3}\277)*/ /(\P{Yi}{0,3}?\277)*/ /(\p{Yi}{0,3}+\277)*/ /\p{Zl}{2,3}+/8BZ 

 \x{2028}\x{2028}\x{2028} /\p{Zl}/8BZ /\p{Lu}{3}+/8BZ /\pL{2}+/8BZ /\p{Cc}{2}+/8BZ /^\p{Cs}/8 \?\x{dfff} ** Failers \x{09f} /^\p{Sc}+/8 $\x{a2}\x{a3}\x{a4}\x{a5}\x{a6} \x{9f2} ** Failers X \x{2c2} /^\p{Zs}/8 \ \ \x{a0} \x{1680} \x{180e} \x{2000} \x{2001} ** Failers \x{2028} \x{200d} /-- These four are here rather than in test 6 because Perl has problems with the negative versions of the properties. --/ /\p{^Lu}/8i 1234 ** Failers ABC /\P{Lu}/8i 1234 ** Failers ABC /\p{Ll}/8i a Az ** Failers ABC /\p{Lu}/8i A a\x{10a0}B ** Failers a \x{1d00} /[\x{c0}\x{391}]/8i \x{c0} \x{e0} /-- The next two are special cases where the lengths of the different cases of the same character differ. The first went wrong with heap frame storage; the second was broken in all cases. --/ /^\x{023a}+?(\x{0130}+)/8i \x{023a}\x{2c65}\x{0130} /^\x{023a}+([^X])/8i \x{023a}\x{2c65}X /\x{c0}+\x{116}+/8i \x{c0}\x{e0}\x{116}\x{117} /[\x{c0}\x{116}]+/8i \x{c0}\x{e0}\x{116}\x{117} /(\x{de})\1/8i \x{de}\x{de} \x{de}\x{fe} \x{fe}\x{fe} \x{fe}\x{de} /^\x{c0}$/8i \x{c0} \x{e0} /^\x{e0}$/8i \x{c0} \x{e0} /-- The next two should be Perl-compatible, but it fails to match \x{e0}. PCRE will match it only with UCP support, because without that it has no notion of case for anything other than the ASCII letters. --/ /((?i)[\x{c0}])/8 \x{c0} \x{e0} /(?i:[\x{c0}])/8 \x{c0} \x{e0} /-- These are PCRE's extra properties to help with Unicodizing \d etc. --/ /^\p{Xan}/8 ABCD 1234 \x{6ca} \x{a6c} \x{10a7} ** Failers _ABC /^\p{Xan}+/8 ABCD1234\x{6ca}\x{a6c}\x{10a7}_ ** Failers _ABC /^\p{Xan}+?/8 \x{6ca}\x{a6c}\x{10a7}_ /^\p{Xan}*/8 ABCD1234\x{6ca}\x{a6c}\x{10a7}_ /^\p{Xan}{2,9}/8 ABCD1234\x{6ca}\x{a6c}\x{10a7}_ /^\p{Xan}{2,9}?/8 \x{6ca}\x{a6c}\x{10a7}_ /^[\p{Xan}]/8 ABCD1234_ 1234abcd_ \x{6ca} \x{a6c} \x{10a7} ** Failers _ABC /^[\p{Xan}]+/8 ABCD1234\x{6ca}\x{a6c}\x{10a7}_ ** Failers _ABC /^>\p{Xsp}/8 >\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{0b} >\x{a0} ** Failers \x{0b} /^>\p{Xsp}+/8 > \x{09}\x{0a}\x{0c}\x{0d}\x{a0}\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{0b} /^>\p{Xsp}+?/8 >\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{0b} /^>\p{Xsp}*/8 > \x{09}\x{0a}\x{0c}\x{0d}\x{a0}\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{0b} /^>\p{Xsp}{2,9}/8 > \x{09}\x{0a}\x{0c}\x{0d}\x{a0}\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{0b} /^>\p{Xsp}{2,9}?/8 > \x{09}\x{0a}\x{0c}\x{0d}\x{a0}\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{0b} /^>[\p{Xsp}]/8 >\x{2028}\x{0b} /^>[\p{Xsp}]+/8 > \x{09}\x{0a}\x{0c}\x{0d}\x{a0}\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{0b} /^>\p{Xps}/8 >\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{0b} >\x{a0} ** Failers \x{0b} /^>\p{Xps}+/8 > \x{09}\x{0a}\x{0c}\x{0d}\x{a0}\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{0b} /^>\p{Xps}+?/8 >\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{0b} /^>\p{Xps}*/8 > \x{09}\x{0a}\x{0c}\x{0d}\x{a0}\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{0b} /^>\p{Xps}{2,9}/8 > \x{09}\x{0a}\x{0c}\x{0d}\x{a0}\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{0b} /^>\p{Xps}{2,9}?/8 > \x{09}\x{0a}\x{0c}\x{0d}\x{a0}\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{0b} /^>[\p{Xps}]/8 >\x{2028}\x{0b} /^>[\p{Xps}]+/8 > \x{09}\x{0a}\x{0c}\x{0d}\x{a0}\x{1680}\x{2028}\x{0b} /^\p{Xwd}/8 ABCD 1234 \x{6ca} \x{a6c} \x{10a7} _ABC ** Failers [] /^\p{Xwd}+/8 ABCD1234\x{6ca}\x{a6c}\x{10a7}_ /^\p{Xwd}+?/8 \x{6ca}\x{a6c}\x{10a7}_ /^\p{Xwd}*/8 ABCD1234\x{6ca}\x{a6c}\x{10a7}_ /^\p{Xwd}{2,9}/8 A_B12\x{6ca}\x{a6c}\x{10a7} /^\p{Xwd}{2,9}?/8 \x{6ca}\x{a6c}\x{10a7}_ /^[\p{Xwd}]/8 ABCD1234_ 1234abcd_ \x{6ca} \x{a6c} \x{10a7} _ABC ** Failers [] /^[\p{Xwd}]+/8 ABCD1234\x{6ca}\x{a6c}\x{10a7}_ /-- A check not in UTF-8 mode --/ /^[\p{Xwd}]+/ ABCD1234_ /-- Some negative checks --/ /^[\P{Xwd}]+/8 !.+\x{019}\x{35a}AB /^[\p{^Xwd}]+/8 !.+\x{019}\x{35a}AB /[\D]/WBZ8 1\x{3c8}2 /[\d]/WBZ8 >\x{6f4}< /[\S]/WBZ8 \x{1680}\x{6f4}\x{1680} /[\s]/WBZ8 >\x{1680}< /[\W]/WBZ8 A\x{1712}B /[\w]/WBZ8 >\x{1723}< /\D/WBZ8 1\x{3c8}2 /\d/WBZ8 >\x{6f4}< /\S/WBZ8 \x{1680}\x{6f4}\x{1680} /\s/WBZ8 >\x{1680}> /\W/WBZ8 A\x{1712}B /\w/WBZ8 >\x{1723}< /[[:alpha:]]/WBZ /[[:lower:]]/WBZ /[[:upper:]]/WBZ /[[:alnum:]]/WBZ /[[:ascii:]]/WBZ /[[:cntrl:]]/WBZ /[[:digit:]]/WBZ /[[:graph:]]/WBZ /[[:print:]]/WBZ /[[:punct:]]/WBZ /[[:space:]]/WBZ /[[:word:]]/WBZ /[[:xdigit:]]/WBZ /-- Unicode properties for \b abd \B --/ /\b...\B/8W abc_ \x{37e}abc\x{376} \x{37e}\x{376}\x{371}\x{393}\x{394} !\x{c0}++\x{c1}\x{c2} !\x{c0}+++++ /-- Without PCRE_UCP, non-ASCII always fail, even if < 256 --/ /\b...\B/8 abc_ ** Failers \x{37e}abc\x{376} \x{37e}\x{376}\x{371}\x{393}\x{394} !\x{c0}++\x{c1}\x{c2} !\x{c0}+++++ /-- With PCRE_UCP, non-UTF8 chars that are < 256 still check properties --/ /\b...\B/W abc_ !\x{c0}++\x{c1}\x{c2} !\x{c0}+++++ /-- Some of these are silly, but they check various combinations --/ /[[:^alpha:][:^cntrl:]]+/8WBZ 123 abc /[[:^cntrl:][:^alpha:]]+/8WBZ 123 abc /[[:alpha:]]+/8WBZ abc /[[:^alpha:]\S]+/8WBZ 123 abc /[^\d]+/8WBZ abc123 abc\x{123} \x{660}abc /\p{Lu}+9\p{Lu}+B\p{Lu}+b/BZ /\p{^Lu}+9\p{^Lu}+B\p{^Lu}+b/BZ /\P{Lu}+9\P{Lu}+B\P{Lu}+b/BZ /\p{Han}+X\p{Greek}+\x{370}/BZ8 /\p{Xan}+!\p{Xan}+A/BZ /\p{Xsp}+!\p{Xsp}\t/BZ /\p{Xps}+!\p{Xps}\t/BZ /\p{Xwd}+!\p{Xwd}_/BZ /A+\p{N}A+\dB+\p{N}*B+\d*/WBZ /-- These behaved oddly in Perl, so they are kept in this test --/ /(\x{23a}\x{23a}\x{23a})?\1/8i \x{23a}\x{23a}\x{23a}\x{2c65}\x{2c65} /(ȺȺȺ)?\1/8i ȺȺȺⱥⱥ /(\x{23a}\x{23a}\x{23a})?\1/8i \x{23a}\x{23a}\x{23a}\x{2c65}\x{2c65}\x{2c65} /(ȺȺȺ)?\1/8i ȺȺȺⱥⱥⱥ /(\x{23a}\x{23a}\x{23a})\1/8i \x{23a}\x{23a}\x{23a}\x{2c65}\x{2c65} /(ȺȺȺ)\1/8i ȺȺȺⱥⱥ /(\x{23a}\x{23a}\x{23a})\1/8i \x{23a}\x{23a}\x{23a}\x{2c65}\x{2c65}\x{2c65} /(ȺȺȺ)\1/8i ȺȺȺⱥⱥⱥ /(\x{2c65}\x{2c65})\1/8i \x{2c65}\x{2c65}\x{23a}\x{23a} /(ⱥⱥ)\1/8i ⱥⱥȺȺ /(\x{23a}\x{23a}\x{23a})\1Y/8i X\x{23a}\x{23a}\x{23a}\x{2c65}\x{2c65}\x{2c65}YZ /(\x{2c65}\x{2c65})\1Y/8i X\x{2c65}\x{2c65}\x{23a}\x{23a}YZ /-- --/ /-- These scripts weren't yet in Perl when I added Unicode 6.0.0 to PCRE --/ /^[\p{Batak}]/8 \x{1bc0} \x{1bff} ** Failers \x{1bf4} /^[\p{Brahmi}]/8 \x{11000} \x{1106f} ** Failers \x{1104e} /^[\p{Mandaic}]/8 \x{840} \x{85e} ** Failers \x{85c} \x{85d} /-- --/ /(\X*)(.)/s8 A\x{300} /^S(\X*)e(\X*)$/8 Stéréo /^\X/8 ́réo /^a\X41z/ aX41z *** Failers aAz /(?<=ab\Cde)X/8 /\X/ a\P a\P\P /\Xa/ aa\P aa\P\P /\X{2}/ aa\P aa\P\P /\X+a/ a\P aa\P aa\P\P /\X+?a/ a\P ab\P aa\P aa\P\P aba\P /-- These Unicode 6.1.0 scripts are not known to Perl. --/ /\p{Chakma}\d/8W \x{11100}\x{1113c} /\p{Takri}\d/8W \x{11680}\x{116c0} /^\X/8 A\P A\P\P A\x{300}\x{301}\P A\x{300}\x{301}\P\P A\x{301}\P A\x{301}\P\P /^\X{2,3}/8 A\P A\P\P AA\P AA\P\P A\x{300}\x{301}\P A\x{300}\x{301}\P\P A\x{300}\x{301}A\x{300}\x{301}\P A\x{300}\x{301}A\x{300}\x{301}\P\P /^\X{2}/8 AA\P AA\P\P A\x{300}\x{301}A\x{300}\x{301}\P A\x{300}\x{301}A\x{300}\x{301}\P\P /^\X+/8 AA\P AA\P\P /^\X+?Z/8 AA\P AA\P\P /A\x{3a3}B/8iDZ /\x{3a3}B/8iDZ /[\x{3a3}]/8iBZ /[^\x{3a3}]/8iBZ /[\x{3a3}]+/8iBZ /[^\x{3a3}]+/8iBZ /a*\x{3a3}/8iBZ /\x{3a3}+a/8iBZ /\x{3a3}*\x{3c2}/8iBZ /\x{3a3}{3}/8i+ \x{3a3}\x{3c3}\x{3c2}\x{3a3}\x{3c3}\x{3c2} /\x{3a3}{2,4}/8i+ \x{3a3}\x{3c3}\x{3c2}\x{3a3}\x{3c3}\x{3c2} /\x{3a3}{2,4}?/8i+ \x{3a3}\x{3c3}\x{3c2}\x{3a3}\x{3c3}\x{3c2} /\x{3a3}+./8i+ \x{3a3}\x{3c3}\x{3c2}\x{3a3}\x{3c3}\x{3c2} /\x{3a3}++./8i+ ** Failers \x{3a3}\x{3c3}\x{3c2}\x{3a3}\x{3c3}\x{3c2} /\x{3a3}*\x{3c2}/8iBZ /[^\x{3a3}]*\x{3c2}/8iBZ /[^a]*\x{3c2}/8iBZ /ist/8iBZ ikt /is+t/8i iSs\x{17f}t ikt /is+?t/8i ikt /is?t/8i ikt /is{2}t/8i iskt /-- This property is a PCRE special --/ /^\p{Xuc}/8 $abc @abc `abc \x{1234}abc ** Failers abc /^\p{Xuc}+/8 $@`\x{a0}\x{1234}\x{e000}** ** Failers \x{9f} /^\p{Xuc}+?/8 $@`\x{a0}\x{1234}\x{e000}** ** Failers \x{9f} /^\p{Xuc}+?\*/8 $@`\x{a0}\x{1234}\x{e000}** ** Failers \x{9f} /^\p{Xuc}++/8 $@`\x{a0}\x{1234}\x{e000}** ** Failers \x{9f} /^\p{Xuc}{3,5}/8 $@`\x{a0}\x{1234}\x{e000}** ** Failers \x{9f} /^\p{Xuc}{3,5}?/8 $@`\x{a0}\x{1234}\x{e000}** ** Failers \x{9f} /^[\p{Xuc}]/8 $@`\x{a0}\x{1234}\x{e000}** ** Failers \x{9f} /^[\p{Xuc}]+/8 $@`\x{a0}\x{1234}\x{e000}** ** Failers \x{9f} /^\P{Xuc}/8 abc ** Failers $abc @abc `abc \x{1234}abc /^[\P{Xuc}]/8 abc ** Failers $abc @abc `abc \x{1234}abc /-- End of testinput7 --/