#!@PERL@ # # Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB # For a more info consult the file COPYRIGHT distributed with this file. # # This script generates the SQL statements required by mysql_install_db to # fill up the tables for the server-side online function help, which can be # invoked with "help " from the MySQL client. # # Usage: # fill_help_tables OPTIONS < manual.texi > fill_help_tables.sql # # --help display this helpscreen and exit # --verbose print information about help completeness to STDERR # --lexems=path path to file with lexems. it is used with verbose option. # default value is ../sql/lex.h # Examples: # ./fill_help_tables --help # ./fill_help_tables --verbose < manual.texi > fill_help_tables.sql # ./fill_help_tables < manual.texi > fill_help_tables.sql # # Please note, that you first need to update Docs/manual.texi with the # manual file from the separate "mysqldoc" BitKeeper-Tree! The manual.texi # included in the source tree is just an empty stub file - the full manual # is now maintained in a separate tree. # # extra tags in manual.texi: # # @c help_category [@] # # @c description_for_help_topic # .... # @c end_description_for_help_topic # # @c example_for_help_topic # @example # .... # @end example # # # Original version by Victor Vagin # use strict; use Getopt::Long; my $insert_portion_size= 15; my $error_prefix= "---- help parsing errors :"; my $path_to_lex_file= "../sql/lex.h"; my $verbose_option= 0; my $help_option= 0; my $cur_line= 0; my $count_errors= 0; GetOptions( "help",\$help_option, "verbose",\$verbose_option, "lexems=s",\$path_to_lex_file ); if ($help_option ne 0) { print <<_HELP; This script generates the SQL statements required by mysql_install_db to fill up the tables for the server-side online function help, which can be invoked with "help " from the MySQL client. Usage: fill_help_tables OPTIONS < manual.texi > fill_help_tables.sql --help display this helpscreen and exit --verbose print information about help completeness to STDERR --lexems=path path to file with lexems. it is used with verbose option. default value is ../sql/lex.h Examples: ./fill_help_tables --help ./fill_help_tables --verbose < manual.texi > fill_help_tables.sql ./fill_help_tables < manual.texi > fill_help_tables.sql _HELP exit; } my $current_category= ""; my $current_parent_category= ""; my $next_example_for_topic= ""; my %topics; my %categories; my %keywords; $categories{Contents}->{__parent_category__}= ""; sub print_error { my ($text)= @_; if ($count_errors==0) { print STDERR "$error_prefix\n"; } print STDERR "line $cur_line : $text"; $count_errors++; } sub add_topic_to_category { my ($topic_name)= @_; $categories{$current_category}->{$topic_name}= $topics{$topic_name}; my $category= $categories{$current_category}; $category->{__name__}= $current_category; if (exists($category->{__parent_category__})) { my $old_parent= $category->{__parent_category__}; if ($old_parent ne $current_parent_category) { print_error "wrong parent for $current_category\n"; } } if ($current_parent_category ne "") { $category->{__parent_category__}= $current_parent_category; } if (exists($topics{$topic_name}->{category})) { my $old_category= $topics{$topic_name}->{category}; if ($old_category ne $category) { print_error "wrong category for $topic_name (first one's \"$old_category->{__name__}\" second one's \"$current_category\")\n"; } } $topics{$topic_name}->{category}= $category; } sub add_example { my ($topic_name,$example)= @_; $topic_name=~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; if (exists($topics{$topic_name}->{example})) { print_error "double example for $topic_name\n"; } $topics{$topic_name}->{example}= $example; add_topic_to_category($topic_name); } sub add_description { my ($topic_name,$description)= @_; $topic_name=~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; if (exists($topics{$topic_name}->{description})) { print_error "double description for $topic_name\n"; } $topics{$topic_name}->{description}= $description; add_topic_to_category($topic_name); } sub add_keyword { my ($topic_name,$keyword)= @_; $topic_name=~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; $keyword=~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; push(@{$topics{$topic_name}->{keywords}},$keyword); if (exists($keywords{$keyword}->{$topic_name})) { print_error "double keyword $keyword for $topic_name\n"; } $keywords{$keyword}->{$topic_name}= $topics{$topic_name}; } sub prepare_name { my ($a)= @_; $a =~ s/(\@itemize \@bullet)/ /g; $a =~ s/(\@end itemize)/ /g; $a =~ s/(\@end multitable)/ /g; $a =~ s/(\@end table)/ /g; $a =~ s/(\@cindex(.*?)\n)/ /g; $a =~ s/(\@multitable \@columnfractions(.*?)\n)/ /g; $a =~ s/(\@node(.*?)\n)/ /g; $a =~ s/(\@tab)/\t/g; $a =~ s/\@item/ /g; $a =~ s/\@minus\{\}/-/g; $a =~ s/\@dots\{\}/.../g; $a =~ s/\@var\{((.|\n)+?)\}/$1/go; $a =~ s/\@command\{((.|\n)+?)\}/$1/go; $a =~ s/\@code\{((.|\n)+?)\}/$1/go; $a =~ s/\@strong\{(.+?)\}/$1/go; $a =~ s/\@samp\{(.+?)\}/'$1'/go; $a =~ s/\@emph\{((.|\n)+?)\}/\/$1\//go; $a =~ s/\@xref\{((.|\n)+?)\}/See also : [$1]/go; $a =~ s/\@ref\{((.|\n)+?)\}/[$1]/go; $a =~ s/\'/\'\'/g; $a =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $a =~ s/\`/\`\`/g; $a =~ s/\@table \@code/ /g; $a =~ s/\(\)//g; $a =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; $a =~ s/((\w|\s)+)\(([\+-=><\/%*!<>\s]+)\)/$3/gxs; $a =~ s/([\+-=><\/%*!<>\s]+)\(((\w|\s)+)\)/$1/gxs; $a =~ s/((\w|\s)+)\((.+)\)/$1/gxs; $a =~ s/((\s)+)$//g; return $a; } sub prepare_description { my ($a)= @_; $a =~ s/(\@itemize \@bullet\n)//g; $a =~ s/(\@c help_keyword (.*?)\n)//g; $a =~ s/(\@end itemize\n)//g; $a =~ s/(\@end example\n)//g; $a =~ s/(\@example\n)//g; $a =~ s/(\@{)/{/g; $a =~ s/(\@})/}/g; $a =~ s/(\@end multitable)/ /g; $a =~ s/(\@end table)/ /g; $a =~ s/(\@cindex(.*?)\n)//g; $a =~ s/(\@findex(.*?)\n)//g; $a =~ s/(\@table(.*?)\n)//g; $a =~ s/(\@multitable \@columnfractions(.*?)\n)/ /g; $a =~ s/(\@node(.*?)\n)/ /g; $a =~ s/(\@tab)/\t/g; $a =~ s/\@itemx/ /g; $a =~ s/(\@item\n(\s*?))(\S)/ --- $3/g; $a =~ s/(\@item)/ /g; $a =~ s/(\@tindex\s(.*?)\n)//g; $a =~ s/(\@c\s(.*?)\n)//g; $a =~ s/\@minus\{\}/-/g; $a =~ s/\@dots\{\}/.../g; $a =~ s/\@var\{((.|\n)+?)\}/$1/go; $a =~ s/\@command\{((.|\n)+?)\}/$1/go; $a =~ s/\@code\{((.|\n)+?)\}/$1/go; $a =~ s/\@strong\{(.+?)\}/$1/go; $a =~ s/\@samp\{(.+?)\}/'$1'/go; $a =~ s/\@emph\{((.|\n)+?)\}/\/$1\//go; $a =~ s/\@xref\{((.|\n)+?)\}/See also : [$1]/go; $a =~ s/\@ref\{((.|\n)+?)\}/[$1]/go; $a =~ s/\@w\{((.|\n)+?)\}/$1/go; $a =~ s/\@strong\{((.|\n)+?)\}/\n!!!!\n$1\n!!!!\n/go; $a =~ s/\@file\{((.|\n)+?)\}/\*$1/go; $a =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $a =~ s/\n\n$/\n/g; $a =~ s/\n\n$/\n/g; $a =~ s/\n\n$/\n/g; $a =~ s/\n\n$/\n/g; $a =~ s/\n\n$/\n/g; $a =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $a =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; $a =~ s/\@table \@code/ /g; return $a; } sub prepare_example { my ($a)= @_; $a =~ s/(^\@c for_help_topic(.*?)\n)//g; $a =~ s/\@var\{((.|\n)+?)\}/$1/go; $a =~ s/\@dots\{\}/.../g; $a =~ s/\\/\\\\/g; $a =~ s/(\@{)/{/g; $a =~ s/(\@})/}/g; $a =~ s/(\@\@)/\@/g; $a =~ s/(\n*?)$//g; $a =~ s/\n/\\n/g; $a =~ s/\"/\\\"/g; return $a; } sub parse_example { return if (!($_=~/\@example/)); return if ($next_example_for_topic eq ""); my $topic_name= $next_example_for_topic; $next_example_for_topic= ""; my $text= ""; while (<>) { $cur_line++; last if ($_=~/\@end example/); $text .= $_; } $text= prepare_example($text); $topic_name= prepare_name($topic_name); add_example($topic_name,$text) if ($topic_name ne ""); } sub parse_example_for_topic { my ($for_topic)= m|\@c example_for_help_topic (.+?)$|; return if ($for_topic eq ""); $next_example_for_topic= $for_topic; } sub parse_description { my ($topic_description)= m|\@c description_for_help_topic (.+?)$|; return if ($topic_description eq ""); my ($topic_name,$topic_keywords)= split(/ /,$topic_description); if ($topic_name eq "" || $topic_keywords eq "") { $topic_name= $topic_description; } else { my $keyword; foreach $keyword (split(/ /,$topic_keywords)) { add_keyword($topic_name,$keyword) if ($keyword ne ""); } } my $text= ""; while (<>) { $cur_line++; last if ($_=~/\@c end_description_for_help_topic/); $text .= $_; } $text= prepare_description($text); $topic_name= prepare_name($topic_name); add_description($topic_name,$text); } sub parse_category { my ($c_name,$pc_name)= m|\@c help_category (.+?)\@(.+?)$|; if ($pc_name ne "") { $current_category= prepare_name($c_name); $current_parent_category= prepare_name($pc_name); } else { my ($c_name)=m|\@c help_category (.+?)$|; return if ($c_name eq ""); $current_category= prepare_name($c_name); $current_parent_category= "Contents" } } # parse manual: while (<>) { parse_example_for_topic (); parse_example (); parse_description (); parse_category (); $cur_line++; } # test results of parsing: sub print_bad_names { my($names,$prompt)= @_; if (scalar(@{$names})) { print STDERR "\n-------------- $prompt : \n\n"; my $name; foreach $name (@{$names}) { print STDERR "$name\n"; } print STDERR "\n"; } } sub print_verbose_errors { my($name_of_log_file)= @_; my @without_help; my @description_with_at; my @example_with_at; my @without_description; my @without_example; print STDERR "\n-------------- parameters of help completeness : \n\n"; my $count_lex= 0; if (!open (TLEX,"<$path_to_lex_file")) { print STDERR "Error opening lex file \"$path_to_lex_file\" $!\n"; } else { for () { my ($a,$lex,$b)=m|(.+?)\"(.+?)\"(.+?)$|; next if ($lex eq ""); $count_lex++; next if (exists($topics{$lex}) || exists($keywords{$lex})); push(@without_help,$lex); } close(TLEX); print STDERR "number of lexems in \"$path_to_lex_file\" - $count_lex\n"; } my $name; my @topic_names= keys(%topics); foreach $name (@topic_names) { my $topic= $topics{$name}; push(@description_with_at,$name) if ($topic->{description}=~/\@/); push(@example_with_at,$name) if ($topic->{example}=~/\@/); push(@without_description,$name) if (!exists($topic->{description})); push(@without_example,$name) if (!exists($topic->{example})); } my $count_categories= scalar(keys(%categories)); print STDERR "number of help categories - ",$count_categories,"\n"; my $count_topics= scalar(@topic_names); print STDERR "number of help topics - ",$count_topics,"\n"; my $count_keywords= scalar(keys(%keywords)); print STDERR "number of help keywords - ",$count_keywords,"\n"; my $count_without_help= scalar(@without_help); my $percent_without_help= $count_lex ? int (($count_without_help/$count_lex)*100) : "100"; print_bad_names(\@without_help,"lexems without help (". $count_without_help." ~ ". $percent_without_help."%)"); print_bad_names(\@description_with_at, " topics below have symbol \'@\' in their descriptions.\n". "it's probably the litter from 'texi' tags (script needs fixing)"); print_bad_names(\@example_with_at, " topics below have symbol \'@\' in their examples.\n". "it's probably the litter from 'texi' tags (script needs fixing)"); print_bad_names(\@without_description,"topics without description"); my $count_without_example= scalar(@without_example); my $percent_without_example= $count_topics ? int (($count_without_example/$count_topics)*100) : "100"; print_bad_names(\@without_example,"topics without example (". $count_without_example." ~ ". $percent_without_example."%)"); } print_verbose_errors if ($verbose_option ne 0); # output result sub print_insert_header { my($count,$header)= @_; if ($count % $insert_portion_size ne 0) { print ","; } else { print ";\n" if ($count ne 0); print "$header"; } } print <{__id__}= $count; $count++; } my $header= "insert into help_category ". "(help_category_id,name,parent_category_id) values "; $count= 0; foreach $cat_name (@category_names) { print_insert_header($count,$header); my $parent_cat_name= $categories{$cat_name}->{__parent_category__}; my $parent_cat_id= $parent_cat_name eq "" ? "-1" : $categories{$parent_cat_name}->{__id__}; print "($count,\"$cat_name\",$parent_cat_id)"; $count++; } printf ";\n\n"; } my @topic_names= keys(%topics); if (scalar(@topic_names)) { my $header= "insert into help_topic ". "(help_topic_id,help_category_id,name,description,example) values "; my $topic_name; my $count= 0; foreach $topic_name (@topic_names) { print_insert_header($count,$header); my $topic= $topics{$topic_name}; print "($count,"; print "$topic->{category}->{__id__},"; print "\"$topic_name\","; print "\"$topic->{description}\","; print "\"$topic->{example}\")"; $topics{$topic_name}->{__id__}= $count; $count++; } printf ";\n\n"; } my @keywords_names= keys(%keywords); if (scalar(@keywords_names)) { my $header= "insert into help_keyword (help_keyword_id,name) values "; my $keyword_name; my $count= 0; foreach $keyword_name (@keywords_names) { print_insert_header($count,$header); print "($count,\"$keyword_name\")"; $count++; } printf ";\n\n"; $header= "insert into help_relation ". "(help_topic_id,help_keyword_id) values "; $count= 0; my $count_keyword= 0; foreach $keyword_name (@keywords_names) { my $topic_name; foreach $topic_name (keys(%{$keywords{$keyword_name}})) { print_insert_header($count,$header); print "($topics{$topic_name}->{__id__},$count_keyword)"; $count++; } $count_keyword++; } printf ";\n\n"; } if ($count_errors) { print STDERR "$count_errors errors !!!\n"; exit 1; }