/* Copyright (C) 2004 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "parse_output.h" #include #include #include #include #include "parse.h" #include "portability.h" /************************************************************************** Private module implementation. **************************************************************************/ namespace { /* no-indent */ /*************************************************************************/ void trim_space(const char **text, uint *word_len) { const char *start= *text; while (*start != 0 && *start == ' ') start++; *text= start; int len= strlen(start); const char *end= start + len - 1; while (end > start && my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1, *end)) end--; *word_len= (end - start)+1; } /*************************************************************************/ /** @brief A facade to the internal workings of optaining the output from an executed system process. */ class Mysqld_output_parser { public: Mysqld_output_parser() { } virtual ~Mysqld_output_parser() { } public: bool parse(const char *command, const char *option_name_str, uint option_name_length, char *option_value_buf, size_t option_value_buf_size, enum_option_type option_type); protected: /** @brief Run a process and attach stdout- and stdin-pipes to it. @param command The path to the process to be executed @return Error status. @retval TRUE An error occurred @retval FALSE Operation was a success */ virtual bool run_command(const char *command)= 0; /** @brief Read a sequence of bytes from the executed process' stdout pipe. The sequence is terminated by either '\0', LF or CRLF tokens. The terminating token is excluded from the result. @param line_buffer A pointer to a character buffer @param line_buffer_size The size of the buffer in bytes @return Error status. @retval TRUE An error occured @retval FALSE Operation was a success */ virtual bool read_line(char *line_buffer, uint line_buffer_size)= 0; /** @brief Release any resources needed after a execution and parsing. */ virtual bool cleanup()= 0; }; /*************************************************************************/ bool Mysqld_output_parser::parse(const char *command, const char *option_name_str, uint option_name_length, char *option_value_buf, size_t option_value_buf_size, enum_option_type option_type) { /* should be enough to store the string from the output */ const int LINE_BUFFER_SIZE= 512; char line_buffer[LINE_BUFFER_SIZE]; if (run_command(command)) return TRUE; while (true) { if (read_line(line_buffer, LINE_BUFFER_SIZE)) { cleanup(); return TRUE; } uint found_word_len= 0; char *linep= line_buffer; line_buffer[sizeof(line_buffer) - 1]= '\0'; /* safety */ /* Find the word(s) we are looking for in the line. */ linep= strstr(linep, option_name_str); if (!linep) continue; linep+= option_name_length; switch (option_type) { case GET_VALUE: trim_space((const char**) &linep, &found_word_len); if (option_value_buf_size <= found_word_len) { cleanup(); return TRUE; } strmake(option_value_buf, linep, found_word_len); break; case GET_LINE: strmake(option_value_buf, linep, option_value_buf_size - 1); break; } cleanup(); return FALSE; } } /************************************************************************** Platform-specific implementation: UNIX. **************************************************************************/ #ifndef __WIN__ class Mysqld_output_parser_unix : public Mysqld_output_parser { public: Mysqld_output_parser_unix() : m_stdout(NULL) { } protected: virtual bool run_command(const char *command); virtual bool read_line(char *line_buffer, uint line_buffer_size); virtual bool cleanup(); private: FILE *m_stdout; }; bool Mysqld_output_parser_unix::run_command(const char *command) { if (!(m_stdout= popen(command, "r"))) return TRUE; /* We want fully buffered stream. We also want system to allocate appropriate buffer. */ setvbuf(m_stdout, NULL, _IOFBF, 0); return FALSE; } bool Mysqld_output_parser_unix::read_line(char *line_buffer, uint line_buffer_size) { char *retbuff = fgets(line_buffer, line_buffer_size, m_stdout); /* Remove any tailing new line charaters */ if (line_buffer[line_buffer_size-1] == LF) line_buffer[line_buffer_size-1]= '\0'; return (retbuff == NULL); } bool Mysqld_output_parser_unix::cleanup() { if (m_stdout) pclose(m_stdout); return FALSE; } #else /* Windows */ /************************************************************************** Platform-specific implementation: Windows. **************************************************************************/ class Mysqld_output_parser_win : public Mysqld_output_parser { public: Mysqld_output_parser_win() : m_internal_buffer(NULL), m_internal_buffer_offset(0), m_internal_buffer_size(0) { } protected: virtual bool run_command(const char *command); virtual bool read_line(char *line_buffer, uint line_buffer_size); virtual bool cleanup(); private: HANDLE m_h_child_stdout_wr; HANDLE m_h_child_stdout_rd; uint m_internal_buffer_offset; uint m_internal_buffer_size; char *m_internal_buffer; }; bool Mysqld_output_parser_win::run_command(const char *command) { BOOL op_status; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa_attr; sa_attr.nLength= sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa_attr.bInheritHandle= TRUE; sa_attr.lpSecurityDescriptor= NULL; op_status= CreatePipe(&m_h_child_stdout_rd, &m_h_child_stdout_wr, &sa_attr, 0 /* Use system-default buffer size. */); if (!op_status) return TRUE; SetHandleInformation(m_h_child_stdout_rd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0); STARTUPINFO si_start_info; ZeroMemory(&si_start_info, sizeof(STARTUPINFO)); si_start_info.cb= sizeof(STARTUPINFO); si_start_info.hStdError= m_h_child_stdout_wr; si_start_info.hStdOutput= m_h_child_stdout_wr; si_start_info.dwFlags|= STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi_proc_info; op_status= CreateProcess(NULL, /* Application name. */ (char*)command, /* Command line. */ NULL, /* Process security attributes. */ NULL, /* Primary thread security attr.*/ TRUE, /* Handles are inherited. */ 0, /* Creation flags. */ NULL, /* Use parent's environment. */ NULL, /* Use parent's curr. directory. */ &si_start_info, /* STARTUPINFO pointer. */ &pi_proc_info); /* Rec. PROCESS_INFORMATION. */ if (!retval) { CloseHandle(m_h_child_stdout_rd); CloseHandle(m_h_child_stdout_wr); return TRUE; } /* Close unnessary handles. */ CloseHandle(pi_proc_info.hProcess); CloseHandle(pi_proc_info.hThread); return FALSE; } bool Mysqld_output_parser_win::read_line(char *line_buffer, uint line_buffer_size) { DWORD dw_read_count= m_internal_buffer_size; bzero(line_buffer,line_buffer_size); char *buff_ptr= line_buffer; char ch; while (buff_ptr - line_buffer < line_buffer_size) { do { ReadFile(m_h_child_stdout_rd, &ch, 1, &dw_read_count, NULL); } while ((ch == CR || ch == LF) && buff_ptr == line_buffer); if (dw_read_count == 0) return TRUE; if (ch == CR || ch == LF) break; *buff_ptr++ = ch; } return FALSE; } bool Mysqld_output_parser_win::cleanup() { /* Close all handles. */ CloseHandle(m_h_child_stdout_wr); CloseHandle(m_h_child_stdout_rd); return FALSE; } #endif /*************************************************************************/ } /* End of private module implementation. */ /*************************************************************************/ /** @brief Parse output of the given command @param command The command to execute. @param option_name_str Option name. @param option_name_length Length of the option name. @param[out] option_value_buf The buffer to store option value. @param option_value_buf_size Size of the option value buffer. @param option_type Type of the option: - GET_LINE if we want to get all the line after the option name; - GET_VALUE otherwise. Execute the process by running "command". Find the "option name" and return the next word if "option_type" is GET_VALUE. Return the rest of the parsed string otherwise. @note This function has a separate windows implementation. @return The error status. @retval FALSE Ok, the option name has been found. @retval TRUE Error occured or the option name is not found. */ bool parse_output_and_get_value(const char *command, const char *option_name_str, uint option_name_length, char *option_value_buf, size_t option_value_buf_size, enum_option_type option_type) { #ifndef __WIN__ Mysqld_output_parser_unix parser; #else /* __WIN__ */ Mysqld_output_parser_win parser; #endif return parser.parse(command, option_name_str, option_name_length, option_value_buf, option_value_buf_size, option_type); }