Testing server 'MySQL 3.22.20' at 1999-03-19 13:28:05 Testing the speed of connecting to the server and sending of data All tests are done 10000 times Testing connection/disconnect Time to connect (10000): 292 secs (88.91 usr 68.44 sys + 0.00 cusr 0.00 csys = 157.35 cpu) Test connect/simple select/disconnect Time for select_simple (10000): 314 secs (88.59 usr 81.30 sys + 0.00 cusr 0.00 csys = 169.89 cpu) Test simple select Time for select_simple (10000): 48 secs ( 7.03 usr 11.44 sys + 0.00 cusr 0.00 csys = 18.47 cpu) Testing connect/select 1 row from table/disconnect Time to connect+select (10000): 363 secs (104.08 usr 83.81 sys + 0.00 cusr 0.00 csys = 187.89 cpu) Testing select 1 row from table Time to select (10000): 57 secs ( 8.47 usr 14.74 sys + 0.00 cusr 0.00 csys = 23.21 cpu) Testing select 2 rows from table Time to select (10000): 54 secs ( 7.46 usr 13.80 sys + 0.00 cusr 0.00 csys = 21.26 cpu) Testing retrieval of big records (65000 bytes) Time to select_big (10000): 385 secs (122.16 usr 58.29 sys + 0.00 cusr 0.00 csys = 180.45 cpu) Total time: 1514 secs (426.83 usr 331.83 sys + 0.00 cusr 0.00 csys = 758.66 cpu)