# Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
# Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston,
# MA 02111-1307, USA
# this is the base file every test is using ....
# this is made for not changing every file if we want to
# add an option or just want to change something in
# code what is the same in every file ...

# The exported values are:

# $opt_...	Various options
# $date		Current date in ISO format
# $server	Object for current server
# $limits	Hash reference to limits for benchmark

use Getopt::Long;

require "$pwd/server-cfg" || die "Can't read Configuration file: $!\n";

$|=1;				# Output data immediately

$opt_server="mysql"; $opt_dir="output";
$opt_machine=""; $opt_suffix="";

$opt_time_limit=10*60;		# Don't wait more than 10 min for some tests

$log_prog_args=join(" ", skip_arguments(\@ARGV,"comments","cmp","server",
					"user", "host", "database", "password",
					"machine", "dir", "suffix", "log"));
GetOptions("skip-test=s","comments=s","cmp=s","server=s","user=s","host=s","database=s","password=s","loop-count=i","row-count=i","skip-create","skip-delete","verbose","fast-insert","lock-tables","debug","fast","force","field-count=i","regions=i","groups=i","time-limit=i","log","use-old-results","machine=s","dir=s","suffix=s","help","odbc","small-test","small-tables","small-key-tables","stage=i","old-headers","die-on-errors","create-options","hires") || usage();

usage() if ($opt_help);
@estimated=(0.0,0.0,0.0);		# For estimated time support

if ($opt_hires)
  eval "use Time::HiRes;";

  my $tmp= $opt_server;
  $tmp =~ s/_odbc$//;
  if (length($opt_cmp) && index($opt_cmp,$tmp) < 0)

# set opt_lock_tables if one uses --fast and drivers supports it

if (($opt_lock_tables || $opt_fast) && $server->{'limits'}->{'lock_tables'})
if ($opt_fast)
  $opt_suffix="_fast" if (!length($opt_suffix));

if ($opt_odbc)
   $opt_suffix="_odbc" if (!length($opt_suffix));

if (!$opt_silent)
  print "Testing server '" . $server->version() . "' at $date\n\n";

if ($opt_debug)
  print "\nCurrent limits: \n";
  foreach $key (sort keys %$limits)
    print $key . " " x (30-length($key)) . $limits->{$key} . "\n";
  print "\n";

# Some help functions

sub skip_arguments

  foreach $arg (@$argv)
    if ($arg =~ /^\-+([^=]*)/)
      foreach $skip (@skip_args)
	if (index($skip,$name) == 0)
	  $name="";		# Don't use this parameters
      push (@res,$arg) if (length($name));
  return @res;

sub merge_limits
  my ($server,$cmp)= @_;
  my ($name,$tmp_server,$limits,$res_limits,$limit,$tmp_limits);

  if ($cmp)
    foreach $name (split(",",$cmp))
      $tmp_server= get_server($name,$opt_host, $opt_database,
			      $opt_odbc) || die "Unknown SQL server: $name\n";
      foreach $limit (keys(%$limits))
	if (defined($res_limits->{$limit}) && defined($limits->{$limit}))
  return $res_limits;

sub date
  my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime(time());
  sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %2d:%02d:%02d",

sub min
  for ($i=1 ; $i <= $#_; $i++)
    $min=$_[$i] if ($min > $_[$i]);
  return $min;

sub max
  for ($i=1 ; $i <= $#_; $i++)
    $max=$_[$i] if ($max < $_[$i]);
  return $max;

# Execute many statements in a row

sub do_many
  my ($dbh,@statements)=@_;
  my ($statement,$sth);

  foreach $statement (@statements)
    if (!($sth=$dbh->do($statement)))
      die "Can't execute command '$statement'\nError: $DBI::errstr\n";

sub safe_do_many
  my ($dbh,@statements)=@_;
  my ($statement,$sth);

  foreach $statement (@statements)
    if (!($sth=$dbh->do($statement)))
      print STDERR "Can't execute command '$statement'\nError: $DBI::errstr\n";
      return 1;
  return 0;

# Do a query and fetch all rows from a statement and return the number of rows

sub fetch_all_rows
  my ($dbh,$query,$must_get_result)=@_;
  my ($count,$sth);

  print "$query: " if ($opt_debug);
  if (!($sth= $dbh->prepare($query)))
    print "\n" if ($opt_debug);
    die "Error occured with prepare($query)\n -> $DBI::errstr\n";
    return undef;
  if (!$sth->execute)
    print "\n" if ($opt_debug);
    die "Error occured with execute($query)\n -> $DBI::errstr\n";
    return undef;
  while ($sth->fetchrow_arrayref)
  print "$count\n" if ($opt_debug);
  if (defined($must_get_result) && $must_get_result && !$count)
    die "Error: Query $query didn't return any rows\n";
  return $count;

sub do_query
  print "$query\n" if ($opt_debug);
  $dbh->do($query) or
    die "\nError executing '$query':\n$DBI::errstr\n";

# Handle estimated time of the server is too slow
# Returns 0 if one should continue as normal

sub predict_query_time
  my ($loop_time,$end_time,$count_ref,$loop,$loop_count)= @_;
  my ($k,$tmp);

  if (($end_time->[0] - $loop_time->[0]) > $opt_time_limit)
    # We can't wait until the SUN dies.  Try to predict the end time
    if ($loop != $loop_count)
      $tmp=($end_time->[0] - $loop_time->[0]);
      print "Note: Query took longer then time-limit: $opt_time_limit\nEstimating end time based on:\n";
      print "$$count_ref queries in $loop loops of $loop_count loops took $tmp seconds\n";
      for ($k=0; $k < 3; $k++)
      $$count_ref= int($$count_ref/$loop*$loop_count);
      return 1;
  return 0;

# standard end of benchmark

sub end_benchmark
  my ($start_time)=@_;

  $end_time=new Benchmark;
  if ($estimated[0])
    print "Estimated total time: ";
    print "Total time: "
  print timestr(timediff($end_time, $start_time),"all") . "\n";
  exit 0;

# Create a filename part for the machine that can be used for log file.

sub machine_part
  my ($name);
  return $opt_machine if (length($opt_machine)); # Specified by user
  $name="win9$1" if ($name =~ /win.*9(\d)/i);
  $name="NT_$1" if ($name =~ /Windows NT.*(\d+\.\d+)/i);
  $name =~ s/\s+/_/g;		# Make the filenames easier to parse
  $name =~ s/-/_/g;
  $name =~ s/\//_/g;
  return $name;

sub machine
  $name= `uname -s -r -m`;
  if ($?)
    $name= `uname -s -m`;
  if ($?)
    $name= `uname -s`;
  if ($?)
    $name= `uname`;
  if ($?)
  chomp($name); $name =~ s/[\n\r]//g;
  return $name;

# Usage

sub usage
    print <<EOF;
The MySQL benchmarks Ver $benchmark_version

All benchmarks takes the following options:

  Add a comment to the benchmark output.  Comments should contain
  extra information that 'uname -a' doesn\'t give and if the database was
  stared with some specific, non default, options.

  Run the test with limits from the given servers.  If you run all servers
  with the same --cmp, you will get a test that is comparable between
  the different sql servers.

--database (Default $opt_database)
  In which database the test tables are created.

  This is a test specific option that is only used when debugging a test.
  Print out debugging information.

--dir (Default $opt_dir)
  Option to 'run-all-tests' to where the test results should be stored.

  Allow the database to use non standard ANSI SQL commands to make the
  test go faster.

  Use "insert into table_name values(...)" instead of
  "insert into table_name (....) values(...)"
  If the database supports it, some tests uses multiple value lists.

  This is a test specific option that is only used when debugging a test.
  This usually means how many fields there should be in the test table.

  This is a test specific option that is only used when debugging a test.
  Continue the test even if there is some error.
  Delete tables before creating new ones.

--groups (Default $opt_groups)
  This is a test specific option that is only used when debugging a test.
  This usually means how many different groups there should be in the test.

  Allow the database to use table locking to get more speed.

  Option to 'run-all-tests' to save the result to the '--dir' directory.

--loop-count (Default $opt_loop_count)
  This is a test specific option that is only used when debugging a test.
  This usually means how many times times each test loop is executed.

  Shows this help

--host='host name' (Default $opt_host)
  Host name where the database server is located.

--machine="machine or os_name"
  The machine/os name that is added to the benchmark output filename.
  The default is the OS name + version.

  Use the ODBC DBI driver to connect to the database.

  Password for the current user.

  This is a test specific option that is only used when debugging a test.
  This usually means how AND levels should be tested.

  Get the old benchmark headers from the old RUN- file.

--server='server name'  (Default $opt_server)
  Run the test on the given SQL server.
  Known servers names are: Access, Adabas, AdabasD, Empress, Oracle,
  Informix, DB2, mSQL, MS-SQL, MySQL, Pg, Solid and Sybase

  This is a test specific option that is only used when debugging a test.
  This will keep the test tables after the test is run.

  For run-all-programs;  Don\'t execute the named tests

  This runs some tests with smaller limits to get a faster test.
  Can be used if you just want to verify that the database works, but
  don't have time to run a full test.

  This runs some tests that generate big tables with fewer rows.
  This can be used with databases that can\'t handle that many rows
  because of pre-sized partitions.

--suffix (Default $opt_suffix)
  The suffix that is added to the database name in the benchmark output
  filename.  This can be used to run the benchmark multiple times with
  different server options without overwritten old files.
  When using --fast the suffix is automaticly set to '_fast'.

--time-limit (Default $opt_time_limit)
  How long a test loop is allowed to take, in seconds, before the end result
  is 'estimated'.

  Option to 'run-all-tests' to use the old results from the  '--dir' directory
  instead of running the tests.

  User name to log into the SQL server.

  This is a test specific option that is only used when debugging a test.
  Print more information about what is going on.

#### The end of the base file ...