#### #### Hello ... this is a heavily hacked script by Luuk #### instead of printing the result it makes a nice gif #### when you want to look at the code ... beware of the #### ugliest code ever seen .... but it works ... #### and that's sometimes the only thing you want ... isn't it ... #### as the original script ... Hope you like it #### #### Greetz..... Luuk de Boer 1997. #### ## if you want the seconds behind the bar printed or not ... ## or only the one where the bar is too big for the graph ... ## look at line 535 of this program and below ... ## look in sub calculate for allmost all hard/soft settings :-) # a little program to generate a table of results # just read all the RUN-*.log files and format them nicely # Made by Luuk de Boer # Patched by Monty use Getopt::Long; use GD; $opt_server="mysql"; $opt_cmp="mysql,pg,solid"; $opt_cmp="msql,mysql,pg,solid"; $opt_cmp="empress,mysql,pg,solid"; $opt_dir="output"; $opt_machine=""; $opt_relative=$opt_same_server=$opt_help=$opt_Information=$opt_skip_count=0; GetOptions("Information","help","server=s","cmp=s","machine=s","relative","same-server","dir=s","skip-count") || usage(); usage() if ($opt_help || $opt_Information); if ($opt_same_server) { $files="$opt_dir/RUN-$opt_server-*$opt_machine"; } else { $files="$opt_dir/RUN-*$opt_machine"; } $files.= "-cmp-$opt_cmp" if (length($opt_cmp)); $automatic_files=0; if ($#ARGV == -1) { @ARGV=glob($files); $automatic_files=1; } # # Go trough all RUN files and gather statistics. # foreach (@ARGV) { $filename = $_; next if (defined($found{$_})); # remove duplicates $found{$_}=1; /RUN-(.*)$/; $prog = $1; push(@key_order,$prog); $next = 0; open(TMP, "<$filename") || die "Can't open $filename: $!\n"; while () { chomp; if ($next == 0) { if (/Server version:\s+(\S+.*)/i) { $tot{$prog}{'server'} = $1; } elsif (/Arguments:\s+(.+)/i) { $tot{$prog}{'arguments'} = $1; # Remove some standard, not informative arguments $tot{$prog}{'arguments'} =~ s/--log|--use-old-results|--server=\S+|--cmp=\S+|--user=\S+|--pass=\S+|--machine=\S+//g; $tot{$prog}{'arguments'} =~ s/\s+/ /g; } elsif (/Comments:\s+(.+)/i) { $tot{$prog}{'comments'} = $1; } elsif (/^(\S+):\s*(estimated\s|)total\stime:\s+(\d+)\s+secs/i) { $tmp = $1; $tmp =~ s/://; $tot{$prog}{$tmp} = [ $3, (length($2) ? "+" : "")]; $op1{$tmp} = $tmp; } elsif (/Totals per operation:/i) { $next = 1; next; } } elsif ($next == 1) { if (/^(\S+)\s+([\d.]+)\s+([\d.]+)\s+([\d.]+)\s+([\d.]+)\s+([\d.]+)\s*([+|?])*/) { $tot1{$prog}{$1} = [$2,$6,$7]; $op{$1} = $1; #print "TEST - $_ \n * $prog - $1 - $2 - $6 - $7 ****\n"; # $prog - filename # $1 - operation # $2 - time in secs # $6 - number of loops # $7 - nothing / + / ? / * => estimated time ... # get the highest value .... $highest = ($2/$6) if (($highest < ($2/$6)) && ($1 !~/TOTALS/i)); $gifcount++; $giftotal += ($2/$6); } } } } if (!%op) { print "Didn't find any files matching: '$files'\n"; print "Use the --cmp=server,server option to compare benchmarks\n"; exit 1; } # everything is loaded ... # now we have to create a fancy output :-) # I prefer to redirect scripts instead to force it to file ; Monty # # open(RES, ">$resultfile") || die "Can't write to $resultfile: $!\n"; # select(RES) # #print < # #EOF if ($opt_relative) { # print "Column 1 is in seconds. All other columns are presented relative\n"; # print "to this. 1.00 is the same, bigger numbers indicates slower\n\n"; } #print "The result logs which where found and the options:\n"; if ($automatic_files) { if ($key_order[$i] =~ /^$opt_server/) { if ($key_order[$i] =~ /^$opt_server/) { unshift(@key_order,$key_order[$i]); splice(@key_order,$i+1,1); } } } # extra for mysql and mysql_pgcc #$number1 = shift(@key_order); #$number2 = shift(@key_order); #unshift(@key_order,$number1); #unshift(@key_order,$number2); # Print header $column_count=0; foreach $key (@key_order) { $column_count++; # printf "%2d %-40.40s: %s %s\n", $column_count, $key, # $tot{$key}{'server'}, $tot{$key}{'arguments'}; # print "Comments: $tot{$key}{'comments'}\n" # if ($tot{$key}{'comments'} =~ /\w+/); } #print "\n"; $namewidth=$opt_skip_count ? 20 :25; $colwidth= $opt_relative ? 9 : 6; print_sep("="); #printf "%-$namewidth.${namewidth}s|", "Operation"; $count = 1; foreach $key (@key_order) { # printf "%${colwidth}d|", $count; $count++; } #print "\n"; #print_sep("-"); #print_string("Results per test:"); #print_sep("-"); foreach $key (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %op1) { # printf "%-$namewidth.${namewidth}s|", $key; $first=undef(); foreach $server (@key_order) { print_value($first,$tot{$server}{$key}->[0],$tot{$server}{$key}->[1]); $first=$tot{$server}{$key}->[0] if (!defined($first)); } # print "\n"; } print_sep("-"); print_string("The results per operation:"); print_sep("-"); $luukcounter = 1; foreach $key (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %op) { next if ($key =~ /TOTALS/i); $tmp=$key; $tmp.= " (" . $tot1{$key_order[0]}{$key}->[1] . ")" if (!$skip_count); # printf "%-$namewidth.${namewidth}s|", $tmp; $first=undef(); foreach $server (@key_order) { print_value($first,$tot1{$server}{$key}->[0],$tot1{$server}{$key}->[2]); $first=$tot1{$server}{$key}->[0] if (!defined($first)); } # print "\n"; $luukcounter++; } #print_sep("-"); $key="TOTALS"; #printf "%-$namewidth.${namewidth}s|", $key; $first=undef(); foreach $server (@key_order) { # print_value($first,$tot1{$server}{$key}->[0],$tot1{$server}{$key}->[2]); $first=$tot1{$server}{$key}->[0] if (!defined($first)); } #print "\n"; #print_sep("="); &make_gif; exit 0; # # some format functions; # sub print_sep { my ($sep)=@_; # print $sep x ($namewidth + (($colwidth+1) * $column_count)+1),"\n"; } sub print_value { my ($first,$value,$flags)=@_; my ($tmp); if (defined($value)) { if (!defined($first) || !$opt_relative) { $tmp=sprintf("%d",$value); } else { $first=1 if (!$first); # Assume that it took one second instead of 0 $tmp= sprintf("%.2f",$value/$first); } if (defined($flags)) { $tmp="+".$tmp if ($flags =~ /\+/); $tmp="?".$tmp if ($flags =~ /\?/); } } else { $tmp=""; } $tmp= " " x ($colwidth-length($tmp)) . $tmp if (length($tmp) < $colwidth); # print $tmp . "|"; } sub print_string { my ($str)=@_; my ($width); $width=$namewidth + ($colwidth+1)*$column_count; $str=substr($str,1,$width) if (length($str) > $width); # print($str," " x ($width - length($str)),"|\n"); } sub usage { exit(0); } ########################################### ########################################### ########################################### # making here a gif of the results ... (lets try it :-)) # luuk .... 1997 ########################################### ## take care that $highest / $giftotal / $gifcount / $luukcounter ## are getting there value above ... so don't forget them while ## copying the code to some other program .... sub make_gif { &gd; # some base things .... &legend; # make the nice legend &lines; # yep sometimes you have to print some lines &gif("gif/benchmark2-".$opt_cmp); # and finally we can print all to a gif file ... } ##### mmm we are finished now ... # first we have to calculate some limits and some other stuff sub calculate { # here is the list which I have to know to make everything ..... # the small border width ... $sm_border = # the border default $border = # the step default ... if it must be calculated then no value $step = # the highest number $highest = # the max length of the text of the x borders $max_len_lb= # the max length of a legend entry $max_len_le= # number of entries in the legend $num_legen = # the length of the color blocks for the legend $legend_block= # the width of the gif ...if it must be calculated - no value $width = # the height of the gif .. if it must be calculated - no value $height = # the width of the grey field ' ' ' ' $width_grey= # the height of the grey field ' ' ' ' $height_grey= # number of dashed lines $lines= # if bars must overlap how much they must be overlapped $overlap= # titlebar title of graph in two colors big $titlebar= # titlebar1 sub title of graph in small font in black $titlebar1= # xlabel $xlabel= # ylabel $ylabel= # the name of the gif ... $name= # then the following things must be knows ..... # xlabel below or on the left side ? # legend yes/no? # where must the legend be placed? # must the xlabel be printed horizontal or vertical? # must the ylabel be printed horizontal or vertical? # must the graph be a line or a bar graph? # is a xlabel several different entries or some sub entries of one? # so xlabel 1 => test1=10, test2=15, test3=7 etc # or xlabel 1 => test1a=12, test1b=10, test1c=7 etc # must the bars overlap (only with the second example I think) # must the number be printed above or next to the bar? # when must the number be printed .... only when it extends the graph ...??? # the space between the bars .... are that the same width of the bars ... # or is it a separate space ... defined ??? # must the date printed below or some where else .... #calculate all space for text and other things .... $sm_border = 8; # the grey border around ... $border = 40; #default ... $left_border = 2.75 * $border; #default ... $right_border = $border; #default ... $up_border = $border; #default ... $down_border = $border; # default ... $step = ($height - $up_border - $down_border)/ ($luukcounter + (($#key_order + 1) * $luukcounter)); # can set $step to get nice graphs ... and change the format ... $step = 8; # set hard the step value $gifavg = ($giftotal/$gifcount); $highest = 2 * $gifavg; $highest = 1; # set hard the highest value ... $xhigh = int($highest + .5 * $highest); # here to get the max lenght of the test entries ... # so we can calculate the with of the left border foreach $oper (sort keys (%op)) { $max_len_lb = length($oper) if (length($oper) > $max_len_lb); # print "oper = $oper - $max_len_lb\n"; } $max_len_lb = $max_len_lb * gdSmallFont->width; $left_border = (3*$sm_border) + $max_len_lb; $down_border = (4*$sm_border) + (gdSmallFont->width*(length($xhigh)+3)) + (gdSmallFont->height *2); $right_border = (3*$sm_border) + 3 + (gdSmallFont->width*(length($highest)+5)); # calculate the space for the legend ..... foreach $key (@key_order) { $tmp = $key; $tmp =~ s/-cmp-$opt_cmp//i; $giflegend = sprintf "%-24.24s: %-40.40s",$tmp,$tot{$key}{'server'}; $max_len_le = length($giflegend) if (length($giflegend) > $max_len_le); } $max_len_le = $max_len_le * gdSmallFont->width; $legend_block = 10; # the length of the block in the legend $max_high_le = (($#key_order + 1)*(gdSmallFont->height+2)) + (2*$legend_block); $down_border += $max_high_le; $up_border = (5 * $sm_border) + gdSmallFont->height + gdLargeFont->height; print "Here some things we already know ....\n"; # print "luukcounter = $luukcounter (number of tests)\n"; # print "gifcount = $gifcount (number of total entries)\n"; # print "giftotal = $giftotal (total secs)\n"; # print "gifavg = $gifavg\n"; # print "highest = $highest\n"; # print "xhigh = $xhigh\n"; # print "step = $step -- $#key_order\n"; # print "max_len_lb = $max_len_lb\n"; # printf "Small- width %d - height %s\n",gdSmallFont->width,gdSmallFont->height; # printf "Tiny- width %d - height %s\n",gdTinyFont->width,gdTinyFont->height; } sub gd { &calculate; $width = 600; # the width .... $height = 500; # the height ... $width_greyfield = 430; # when $step is set ... count the height ....???? $width = $width_greyfield + $left_border + $right_border; $height = ($step * ($luukcounter + ($luukcounter * ($#key_order + 1)))) + $down_border + $up_border; $b_width = $width - ($left_border + $right_border); # width within the grey field $overlap = 0; # how far each colum can fall over each other ...nice :-) # make the gif image .... $im = new GD::Image($width,$height); # allocate the colors to use ... $white = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,255); $black = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,0); $paper_white = $im->colorAllocate(220, 220, 220); $grey1 = $im->colorAllocate(240, 240, 240); $grey4 = $im->colorAllocate(229, 229, 229); $grey2 = $im->colorAllocate(102, 102, 102); $grey3 = $im->colorAllocate(153, 153, 153); $red = $im->colorAllocate(205,0,0); # msql $lred = $im->colorAllocate(255,0,0); $blue = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,205); # mysql $lblue = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,255); # mysql_pgcc $green = $im->colorAllocate(0, 205, 0); # postgres $lgreen = $im->colorAllocate(0, 255, 0); # pg_fast $orange = $im->colorAllocate(205,133, 0); # solid $lorange = $im->colorAllocate(255, 165, 0); # Adabas $yellow = $im->colorAllocate(205,205,0); # empress $lyellow = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,0); $magenta = $im->colorAllocate(255,0,255); # oracle $lmagenta = $im->colorAllocate(255,200,255); $cyan = $im->colorAllocate(0,205,205); # sybase $lcyan = $im->colorAllocate(0,255,255); $sienna = $im->colorAllocate(139,71,38); # db2 $lsienna = $im->colorAllocate(160,82,45); $coral = $im->colorAllocate(205,91,69); # Informix $lcoral = $im->colorAllocate(255,114,86); $peach = $im->colorAllocate(205,175,149); $lpeach = $im->colorAllocate(255,218,185); @colors = ($red, $blue, $green, $orange, $yellow, $magenta, $cyan, $sienna, $coral, $peach); @lcolors = ($lred, $lblue, $lgreen, $lorange, $lyellow, $lmagenta, $lcyan, $lsienna, $lcoral, $lpeach); # set a color per server so in every result it has the same color .... foreach $key (@key_order) { if ($tot{$key}{'server'} =~ /mysql/i) { if ($key =~ /mysql_pgcc/i || $key =~ /mysql_odbc/i) { $tot{$key}{'color'} = $lblue; } else { $tot{$key}{'color'} = $blue; } } elsif ($tot{$key}{'server'} =~ /msql/i) { $tot{$key}{'color'} = $lred; } elsif ($tot{$key}{'server'} =~ /postgres/i) { if ($key =~ /pg_fast/i) { $tot{$key}{'color'} = $lgreen; } else { $tot{$key}{'color'} = $green; } } elsif ($tot{$key}{'server'} =~ /solid/i) { $tot{$key}{'color'} = $lorange; } elsif ($tot{$key}{'server'} =~ /empress/i) { $tot{$key}{'color'} = $lyellow; } elsif ($tot{$key}{'server'} =~ /oracle/i) { $tot{$key}{'color'} = $magenta; } elsif ($tot{$key}{'server'} =~ /sybase/i) { $tot{$key}{'color'} = $cyan; } elsif ($tot{$key}{'server'} =~ /db2/i) { $tot{$key}{'color'} = $sienna; } elsif ($tot{$key}{'server'} =~ /informix/i) { $tot{$key}{'color'} = $coral; } elsif ($tot{$key}{'server'} =~ /microsoft/i) { $tot{$key}{'color'} = $peach; } elsif ($tot{$key}{'server'} =~ /access/i) { $tot{$key}{'color'} = $lpeach; } elsif ($tot{$key}{'server'} =~ /adabas/i) { $tot{$key}{'color'} = $lorange; } } # make the nice little borders # left bar $poly0 = new GD::Polygon; $poly0->addPt(0,0); $poly0->addPt($sm_border,$sm_border); $poly0->addPt($sm_border,($height - $sm_border)); $poly0->addPt(0,$height); $im->filledPolygon($poly0,$grey1); $im->polygon($poly0, $grey4); # upper bar $poly3 = new GD::Polygon; $poly3->addPt(0,0); $poly3->addPt($sm_border,$sm_border); $poly3->addPt(($width - $sm_border),$sm_border); $poly3->addPt($width,0); $im->polygon($poly3, $grey4); $tmptime = localtime(time); $im->string(gdSmallFont,($width - $sm_border - (gdSmallFont->width * length($tmptime))),($height - ($sm_border) - gdSmallFont->height), $tmptime, $grey3); # right bar $poly1 = new GD::Polygon; $poly1->addPt($width,0); $poly1->addPt(($width - $sm_border),$sm_border); $poly1->addPt(($width - $sm_border),($height - $sm_border)); $poly1->addPt($width,$height); $im->filledPolygon($poly1, $grey3); $im->stringUp(gdSmallFont,($width - 10),($height - (2 * $sm_border)), "Made by Luuk de Boer - 1997 (c)", $blue); #below bar $poly2 = new GD::Polygon; $poly2->addPt(0,$height); $poly2->addPt($sm_border,($height - $sm_border)); $poly2->addPt(($width - $sm_border),($height - $sm_border)); $poly2->addPt($width,$height); $im->filledPolygon($poly2, $grey2); # do the black line around where in you will print ... (must be done at last # but is hard to develop with ... but the filled grey must be done first :-) $im->filledRectangle($left_border,$up_border,($width - ($right_border)),($height-$down_border),$grey4); # print the nice title ... $titlebar = "MySQL Benchmark results"; # head title ... $titlebar1 = "Compare $opt_cmp "; # sub title $header2 = "seconds/test"; # header value $center = ($width / 2) - ((gdLargeFont->width * length($titlebar)) / 2); $center1 = ($width / 2) - ((gdSmallFont->width * length($titlebar1)) / 2); $center2 = ($width_greyfield/2) - ((gdSmallFont->width*length($header2))/2); $bovenkant = $sm_border * 3; $bovenkant1 = $bovenkant + gdLargeFont->height + (.5*$sm_border); $bovenkant2 = $height - $down_border + (1*$sm_border) + (gdSmallFont->width*(length($xhigh)+3)); $im->string(gdLargeFont,($center),($bovenkant + 1), $titlebar, $grey3); $im->string(gdLargeFont,($center),($bovenkant), $titlebar, $red); $im->string(gdSmallFont,($center1),($bovenkant1), $titlebar1, $black); $im->string(gdSmallFont,($left_border + $center2),($bovenkant2), $header2, $black); $xlength = $width - $left_border - $right_border; $lines = 10; # hard coded number of dashed lines $xverh = $xlength / $xhigh; # print " de verhouding ===> $xverh --- $xlength -- $xhigh \n"; $xstep = ($xhigh / $lines) * $xverh; $teller = 0; # make the nice dashed lines and print the values ... for ($i = 0; $i <= $lines; $i++) { $st2 = ($left_border) + ($i * $xstep); $im->dashedLine($st2,($height-$down_border),$st2,($up_border), $grey3); if (($i != 0) && ($teller == 2)) { $st3 = sprintf("%.2f", $i*($xhigh/$lines)); $im->stringUp(gdTinyFont,($st2 - (gdSmallFont->height/2)),($height - $down_border +(.5*$sm_border) + (gdSmallFont->width*(length($xhigh)+3))), $st3, $black); $teller = 0; } $teller++; } $im->rectangle($left_border,$up_border,($width - ($right_border)),($height-$down_border),$black); } sub legend { # make the legend ... $legxbegin = $left_border; $legybegin = $height - $down_border + (2*$sm_border) + (gdSmallFont->width * (length($xhigh) + 3)) + gdSmallFont->height; $legxend = $legxbegin + $max_len_le + (4*$legend_block); $legxend = $legxbegin + $width_greyfield; $legyend = $legybegin + $max_high_le; $im->filledRectangle($legxbegin,$legybegin,$legxend,$legyend,$grey4); $im->rectangle($legxbegin,$legybegin,$legxend,$legyend,$black); # calculate the space for the legend ..... $c = 0; $i = 1; $legybegin += $legend_block; foreach $key (@key_order) { $xtmp = $legxbegin + $legend_block; $ytmp = $legybegin + ($c * (gdSmallFont->height +2)); $xtmp1 = $xtmp + $legend_block; $ytmp1 = $ytmp + gdSmallFont->height; $im->filledRectangle($xtmp,$ytmp,$xtmp1,$ytmp1,$tot{$key}{'color'}); $im->rectangle($xtmp,$ytmp,$xtmp1,$ytmp1,$black); $tmp = $key; $tmp =~ s/-cmp-$opt_cmp//i; $giflegend = sprintf "%-24.24s: %-40.40s",$tmp,$tot{$key}{'server'}; $xtmp2 = $xtmp1 + $legend_block; $im->string(gdSmallFont,$xtmp2,$ytmp,"$giflegend",$black); $c++; $i++; # print "$c $i -> $giflegend\n"; } } sub lines { $g = 0; $i = 0; $ybegin = $up_border + ((($#key_order + 2)/2)*$step); $xbegin = $left_border; foreach $key (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %op) { next if ($key =~ /TOTALS/i); $c = 0; # print "key - $key\n"; foreach $server (@key_order) { $tot1{$server}{$key}->[1] = 1 if ($tot1{$server}{$key}->[1] == 0); $entry = $tot1{$server}{$key}->[0]/$tot1{$server}{$key}->[1]; $ytmp = $ybegin + ($i * $step) ; $xtmp = $xbegin + ($entry * $xverh) ; $ytmp1 = $ytmp + $step; # print "$server -- $entry --x $xtmp -- y $ytmp - $c\n"; $entry1 = sprintf("%.2f", $entry); if ($entry < $xhigh) { $im->filledRectangle($xbegin, $ytmp, $xtmp, $ytmp1, $tot{$server}{'color'}); $im->rectangle($xbegin, $ytmp, $xtmp, $ytmp1, $black); # print the seconds behind the bar (look below for another entry) # this entry is for the bars that are not greater then the max width # of the grey field ... # $im->string(gdTinyFont,(($xtmp+3),($ytmp),"$entry1",$black)); # if you want the seconds in the color of the bar just uncomment it (below) # $im->string(gdTinyFont,(($xtmp+3),($ytmp),"$entry1",$tot{$server}{'color'})); } else { $im->filledRectangle($xbegin, $ytmp, ($xbegin + ($xhigh*$xverh)), $ytmp1, $tot{$server}{'color'}); $im->rectangle($xbegin, $ytmp, ($xbegin + ($xhigh*$xverh)), $ytmp1, $black); # print the seconds behind the bar (look below for another entry) # here is the seconds printed behind the bar is the bar is too big for # the graph ... (seconds is greater then xhigh ...) $im->string(gdTinyFont, ($xbegin + ($xhigh*$xverh)+3),($ytmp),"$entry1",$black); # if you want the seconds in the color of the bar just uncomment it (below) # $im->string(gdTinyFont, ($xbegin + ($xhigh*$xverh)+3),($ytmp),"$entry1",$colors[$c]); } $c++; $i++; } # see if we can center the text between the bars ... $ytmp2 = $ytmp1 - (((($c)*$step) + gdSmallFont->height)/2); $im->string(gdSmallFont,($sm_border*2),$ytmp2,$key, $black); $i++; } } sub gif { my ($name) = @_; $name_gif = $name . ".gif"; print "name --> $name_gif\n"; open (GIF, "> $name_gif") || die "Can't open $name_gif: $!\n"; print GIF $im->gif; close (GIF); }